Combining Contextual and Modal Action Information into a Weighted
Multikernel SVM for Human Action Recognition
Jordi Bautista-Ballester
, Jaume Verg´es-Llah´ı
and Domenec Puig
ATEKNEA Solutions,V´ıctor Pradera, 45, 08940, Cornell`a de Llobregat, Spain
Department of Computer Engineering and Mathematics, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, 43007, Tarragona, Spain
Multimodal Learning, Action Recognition, Bag of Visual Words, Multikernel Support Vector Machines.
Understanding human activities is one of the most challenging modern topics for robots. Either for imitation
or anticipation, robots must recognize which action is performed by humans when they operate in a human
environment. Action classification using a Bag of Words (BoW) representation has shown computational sim-
plicity and good performance, but the increasing number of categories, including actions with high confusion,
and the addition, especially in human robot interactions, of significant contextual and multimodal information
has led most authors to focus their efforts on the combination of image descriptors. In this field, we propose
the Contextual and Modal MultiKernel Learning Support Vector Machine (CMMKL-SVM). We introduce
contextual information -objects directly related to the performed action by calculating the codebook from a
set of points belonging to objects- and multimodal information -features from depth and 3D images resulting
in a set of two extra modalities of information in addition to RGB images-. We code the action videos using
a BoW representation with both contextual and modal information and introduce them to the optimal SVM
kernel as a linear combination of single kernels weighted by learning. Experiments have been carried out on
two action databases, CAD-120 and HMDB. The upturn achieved with our approach attained the same results
for high constrained databases with respect to other similar approaches of the state of the art and it is much
better as much realistic is the database, reaching a performance improvement of 14.27% for HMDB.
Analyzing video content has become critical in hu-
man robot interactions, where a robot must make a
decision considering the information extracted from
sensors such as cameras or lasers. In this context,
our research focuses on the recognition of action in
videos containing multimodal and contextual infor-
mation about the means by which an action is car-
ried out. Some public databases are conformed by a
set of RGB videos where scenes and parameters such
as illumination, focus, distance, and viewpoints are
mostly controlled,and few informationexits about the
tools and objects that were involved in the action. In
robotic contexts, it is usual to have multimodal infor-
mation, provided by distance laser sensors or by 3D
cameras such as Kinect.
CAD120 database (Koppula et al., 2013) is
recorded with a high controlled environment, which
is ideal for human-robot interactions, although it in-
cludes both contextual and multimodal information.
This database contains 10 high level actions per-
formed by 4 different subjects which in total corre-
sponds to 124 manually annotated videos. However,
in order to go beyond the current state of the art in
action recognition topic for real videos, more realistic
databases have been increasingly employed, includ-
ing videos that stage more realistic actions.
HMDB (Kuehne et al., 2011), is one of the largest
action video database to-date with 51 action cate-
gories, which in total contains 6849 manually anno-
tated clips extracted from a variety of sources rang-
ing from digitized movies to YouTube videos. This
database has been created to evaluate the performance
of computer vision systems for action recognition and
explore the robustness of these methods under various
conditions such as cluttered backgrounds, fast irregu-
lar motions, occlusions and camera motion. In this
database, actions with contextually connected objects
can be found, although no multimodal recording is
Specifically, we select from the HMDB database
a subset of actions that are performed employing a
tool or object. This contextual information allows the
computer to discriminate apparently similar actions
Bautista-Ballester, J., Vergés-Llahí, J. and Puig, D.
Combining Contextual and Modal Action Information into a Weighted Multikernel SVM for Human Action Recognition.
DOI: 10.5220/0005669002990307
In Proceedings of the 11th Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2016) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages 299-307
ISBN: 978-989-758-175-5
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Multimodal database CAD120 with RGB (top
left), Depth map (top right), 3D map (bottom left), object
context (bottom right).
such as the case of shooting a gun or a bow. The
biggest difference among these similar actions lies in
the tool employed to carry out the action.
In this paper, we detail how these different sources
of information -depth, objects- can be combined in
a richer description of human actions that permits
higher recognition rates. In order to increase the ro-
bustness of the recognition of actions in more chal-
lenging situations, we propose to weight different
sources of information relevant to discriminate ac-
tions, namely, the spatio-temporal features that de-
scribe motion by RGB and depth modes, and the con-
textual information that explains how an action is car-
ried out by object features. The Fig.1 shows sample
images from CAD120 databes, representing the same
frame of a video as four different sources of informa-
tion: RGB, depth and precomputed 3D images and
the objects detected in this frame.
The main contribution of this paper is the fusion
and discrimination of new information sources for
performed actions with a recognition structure that
weights the addition of new information using a mul-
tichannel SVM. The use of the multichannel SVM has
previously proven very successful in action recogni-
tion (Wang et al., 2013; Bilinski and Corvee, 2013).
Thus, we take advantage of this structure in two ways:
firstly, by adding data that is strictly nota descriptorof
motion but modal or contextual information obtained
by segmenting the region where the action takes place
in three space dimensions and describing the tool em-
ployed in the action, which is a new way of using
multichannel SVM. Secondly, by weighting the chan-
nels with a multikernel learning approach, determin-
ing which channel has more non-redundant informa-
The paper is organized as follows. First, a review
of the previous work is done in Section 2. In Section 3
our proposedapproachCMMKL-SVM forcombining
multimodal and contextual information is detailed.
The experimental setup includingboth databases used
to evaluate our method is explained in Section 4.
In Section 5 our experimental results over the two
databases and comparisons with the state of the art
are presented. Finally, in Section 6 the advantages of
the proposed methodology is discussed and the paper
concludes with future directions of the work.
Local space-time features (Laptev, 2005) have been
shown to be successful for general action recognition
because they avoid non-trivial pre-processing steps,
such as tracking and segmentation, and provide de-
scriptors invariant to illumination and camera motion.
In particular, HOG3D (Kl¨aser et al., 2008) has proven
to outperform most of the descriptors of the same
Experimenting in robotic environments, contex-
tual and multimodal information have been consid-
ered in action recognition frameworks. Works in
(Pieropan et al., 2014; Tsai et al., 2013) fuse infor-
mation into two different stages with respect to the
training, that is, before and after it respectively. In
(Snoek et al., 2005) the authors studied the different
methods of descriptor fusion and classified them into
early fusion and late fusion approaches. The former
consists of a fusion before the training step, while the
latter is a fusion afterwards. In this context, (Ikizler-
Cinbis and Sclaroff, 2010) combines six different vi-
sual descriptors for three different contextual infor-
mation types, namely, people (HOF and HOG3D),
objects (HOF and HOG), and scene (GIST and color
histograms) by using a multiple MIL approach,which
is a concatenation of bag representations and classi-
fied with an L2-Regularized Linear SVM. In (Bilinski
and Corvee, 2013), a multichannel χ
kernel SVM is
used for the combination of a set of descriptors. Sim-
ilarly, the work in (Wang et al., 2013) computes dense
trajectories and their descriptors to finally combine
them using an averaged multichannel SVM.
Considering multikernel learning (MKL) as an
early fusion approach, it was first proposed in (Lanck-
riet et al., 2004). MKL approaches focus their ef-
forts on how to improve the classification accuracy
by exploiting different formulations and how to im-
prove learning efficiency by exploiting different op-
timization techniques. The authors in (Bucak et al.,
2014) showed that conflicting statements exist which
are largely due to the variations in the experimental
conditions. In this work it is also stated that while
VISAPP 2016 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
some studies reported that averaging kernels (same
weight for each kernel)is outperformedby MKL (Bu-
cak et al., 2010), others conclude the opposite (Gehler
and Nowozin, 2009). Linear combinations do not
have to deal with non-convex optimization problems
which would lead them to poor computational effi-
ciency and suboptimal performance. That is the rea-
son why most of the authors prefer them instead of
non linear combinations.
Traditional kernel combination learning ap-
proaches based on the MKL wrapper SimpleMKL
(Rakotomamonjy et al., 2008) are mainly focused on
the usage of the same training data, making use of lin-
ear, polynomial or RBF kernels. This fact is in con-
trast to recently published works on the multichannel
approach in (Wang et al., 2011; Wang and Schmid,
2013), which combine different training data by ker-
nel average.
In our work, unlike the aforementioned state-of-
the-art methods, we consider depth, 3D information,
and image descriptors of the objects used in the ac-
tions by means of a BoW-based action recognition
approach. To this end, we first detect the set of
points belongingto the objectas in (Bautista-Ballester
et al., 2014). Then, we compute codebooks for each
video mode and context descriptors. Finally, we com-
bine the three sources of information, motion, depth
and objects, by weighting a multikernel SVM using
CMMKL-SVM. Experimental results show that this
procedure improves the recognition rate of actions.
Our main goal in this work is to autonomously fuse
and select the best information related to the action
performed by means of a BoW-based representation
of the action. In Section 3.1 which multimodal infor-
mation we make use of in order to improve the action
recognition performance is explained. In Section 3.2
how we utilize contextual information, i.e. objects,
is described, firstly labeling its bounding boxes and,
then, filtering the points used to construct codebooks.
In Section 3.3 how we fuse and discriminate all the
informational channels is explained.
3.1 RGB, Depth and 3D Multimodal
RGB images are usually provided by a single camera
mounted in the body of the robot or in a fixed place in
the space. Thatimposes the limitation of a single view
of the performed action. Databases exist which con-
sider the possibility of a multiple viewpoint, introduc-
ing more variability to the information captured. That
would be the case if different robots were analyzing
the same action simultaneously in different positions,
but we consider human-robot interactions that involve
just one robot. Hence, we test our algorithm over a
database which provides depth maps, i.e. CAD120.
We make use of depth information in two ways:
first, extracting descriptors as done with the RGB
video sequences. We have, then, a set of descrip-
tors such as trajectories, HOG, HOF, MBH for RGB
and Depth. Depth sequences allow to differentiate
elements in the scene like background and objects
over planes different from the one in which the action
takes place. Second, generatinga RGB-D sequence in
which we can extract 3D spatial descriptors, such as
FPFH. 3D sequences provide 3D spatial information
combined in one descriptor. In the end, RGB, Depth
and 3D descriptors generate independent codebooks.
3.2 Object Detection and Tracking
In order to detect and track the objects in video se-
quences, we follow the work of (Bautista-Ballester
et al., 2014). This method has been demonstrated to
be successful in the addition of contextual informa-
tion concerning objects related to the action. Consid-
ering that each video contains one action, we detect
the objects that are employed in the performance of
this action. We make use of the matching procedure
based on the epipolar geometry, that computes the
Fundamental Matrix between two consecutive frames
and extracts the bounding boxes for each object in
each frame. The result of this procedure is a set of
bounding boxes that enclose the objects used in each
action for each frame in the video ensuring high accu-
racy around the area that limits the objects. We also
limit the computational burden by keeping a maxi-
mum of 100k points belonging to objects applying
bounding box labels when creating the codebook like
in (Bautista-Ballester et al., 2014).
Visual features extracted from a RGB video can rep-
resent a wide variety of information, such as scene
(e.g., GIST), motion (e.g., HOF, MBH) or even just
color (color histograms). In our approach we include
extra features, such as depth and 3D scene informa-
tion (e.g. FPFH (Rusu, 2009)), and object related in-
formation (e.g. (Bautista-Ballester et al., 2014)). To
classify actions using all these features, the informa-
tion must be fused in an appropriate way. Accord-
ing to the moment of the combination, (Snoek et al.,
2005) proposed a classification of the fusion schemes
in early or late fusion. Multikernel approaches use
Combining Contextual and Modal Action Information into a Weighted Multikernel SVM for Human Action Recognition
early fusion since the combination is done before the
The works of (Wang et al., 2013)(Bautista-
Ballester et al., 2014) use a linear combination of
different kernels, calculated from a set of codebooks
generated with different descriptors. A SVM with a
kernel for classification is used,
, h
) =
(k) h
(k) + h
ensuring that the kernel matrices are strictly posi-
tive definite. They fuse different descriptors by sum-
ming up the corresponding kernel matrices, normal-
ized by the average distance A
of χ
distances be-
tween the training samples for the c-th channel. No
kernel weighting is done, so no kernel is more dis-
criminative than the others.
In our approach, given the base kernels
, h
) = exp(
, h
)) (2)
the optimal kernel of a certain descriptor is ap-
proximated as
where d
is the kernel weight for c-th channel.
Each K
represents the precoded c-th information re-
ferred to the action.
The optimization is carried out within a SVM
framework that achieves the best classification on the
training set subject to a regularization scheme. In this
formulation, the objective function is near identical to
the standard L
C-SVM objective function. The reg-
ularization prevents the weights from becoming too
large, although this could be achieved by requiring
that the weights sum up to the unit but also restricting
the search space.
ξ+ σ
subject to y
+ b) 1 ξ
ξ 0, d 0, Ad p
The constraints are also similar to the standard
SVM formulation, with the addition of two con-
straints. First, d 0, which ensures that the weights
can be interpreted and also leads to a much more ef-
ficient optimization problem. Second, Ad p, with
some restrictions, that allow us to encodeprior knowl-
edge about the problem.
In order to tackle large scale problems involving
hundreds of kernels, we adopt the minimax optimiza-
tion strategy and solve the problem by using projected
gradient descent, taking care to ensure that the con-
straints dn+1 0 and Adn+1 p are satisfied. This
algorithm proceeds in two stages. In the first one,
weights d
are maximized and support vectors (SV)
obtained. In the second stage, objective function is
minimised by projected gradient descent. The two
stages are repeated until convergence or a maximum
of the number of iterations is reached, at which point
the weights d and SV
s are obtained.
In this section, modal selection and object detection
and tracking are considered in detail. Afterwards, we
introduce the encoding framework based on BoW. Fi-
nally, the databases and their experimental setups are
4.1 Extracting Contextual Information:
The points used to identify and track the objects are
a mixture of RGB points obtained using Harris cor-
ner detector and features computed applying SURF.
We use a threshold between 0,04 and 0,1 for Harris
detector and a maximum number of 1000 points for
SURF. This ensures enough quantity of points with
enough quality belonging to the object, even in the
case that the object appearing in the video sequence
is relatively small, like a ball or a sword. For the
matching, we select the strongest 1% of matches,
which is restrictivebut ensures better point correspon-
dences. These considerations refer mainly to HMDB
database, which is more realistic than CAD120. Ob-
ject detection and tracking for CAD120 are more ac-
curate due to their highly controlled conditions.
4.2 Extracting Multimodal
Information: RGB, Depth and 3D
We select three informational modes taking advan-
tage of the RGB-D videos, forming the set with RGB,
depth and 3D videos.
First, for each point in RGB and Depth videos we
compute different descriptors, HOG3D, trajectories,
HOG, HOF, MBH. In the case of HOG3D descriptors,
we set the parameters optimized for KTH database as
described in (Kl¨aser et al., 2008), which have demon-
strated a good performance not only for the KTH set,
resulting in 1008 dimensions in total. In the case of
trajectories, HOG, HOF, and MBH, we follow the
work of (Wang et al., 2013) and set the parameters
VISAPP 2016 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
likewise. The dimensions of these descriptors are,
respectively, 30 (trajectories), 96 (HOG), 108 (HOF)
and 192 (MBH), which are significantly smaller than
these of HOG3D. We set same parameter values for
both, RGB and Depth videos.
Second, we consider the FPFH descriptor (Rusu,
2009) of the 3D Point Cloud Library. We configure
the descriptor length to FPFHSignature33, that cre-
ates a 33 dimension descriptor. We set the FPFH ra-
dius search to 100 in order to ensure enough valid de-
4.3 Encoding using BoW
We use the BoW approach to encode frames. First,
we make use of STIP points following the work in
(Laptev, 2005). We compute different descriptors
for each point in RGB videos, Depth videos and 3D
videos. We train a codebook for each descriptor type
using a maximum of 100k randomly sampled fea-
tures. For the object kernel, we ensure the object point
selection using the method described in (Bautista-
Ballester et al., 2014).
Afterwards, we group the points employing the k-
Means clustering algorithm with a maximum of 5 it-
erations which ensures enough convergence. In or-
der to compare results with (Bautista-Ballester et al.,
2014), the size of the codebook is set to 500 words,
avoiding over-learning, despite the fact that the larger
the number of clusters employed, the better the per-
formance is. Finally, a SVM with an exponential χ
kernel is used for classification, using a 10 fold cross-
validation method with the one-against-all approach.
For all the experiments we employ the default param-
eter values in the LibSVM library (Chang and Lin,
4.4 Multikernel Selection
We perform a CMMKL-SVM for classification that
uses the default parameters in (Vedaldi et al., 2009).
We precalculate each kernel based on image coders
(objects, 3D, Depth, RGB descriptors) and perform
a train in order to obtain the best combination of
In the comparison step, we also perform a uni-
formly weighted combination by summing their ker-
nel matrices and normalizingthe result by the average
distance as in (Bautista-Ballester et al., 2014).
4.5 Databases
We test ourmodelwith two different databases, CAD-
120 (Koppula et al., 2013) and HMDB (Kuehne et al.,
2011). CAD-120 contains objects that involve actions
in a highly controlled environment and multimodal
information such as RGB and depth videos. HMDB
is a more challenging and realistic one, where objects
used in actions are present. Although no 3D infor-
mation exists, we use this dataset to test our approach
and compare the results to the state-of-the-art results.
Sample frames for each database are shown in Fig. 2,
in which three actions from the whole collection are
represented for both databases.
4.5.1 CAD-120 Database (Koppula et al., 2013)
The CAD-120 database contains 124 RGB-D videos
of 4 different subjects performing 10 high-level ac-
tions. Each action is performed three times with dif-
ferent objects. It contains a total of 61585 3D video
frames. The actions have a long sequence of subac-
tivities which might be considered in future work.
The 10 high-level actions performed are arrang-
ing objects, cleaning objects, having meal, making
cereal, microwaving food, picking objects, stacking
objects, taking food, taking medicine and unstaking
4.5.2 HMDB Database (Kuehne et al., 2011)
The HMDB database consists of 51 actions from a to-
tal of 6,849 videos collected from a variety of sources
ranging from digitized movies to YouTube videos.
The action categories are grouped in five types: gen-
eral facial actions, facial actions with object manip-
ulation, general body movements, body movements
with object interaction, and body movements for hu-
man interaction.
In order to obtain comparable results and consid-
ering that we need actions where an object is used, we
do not follow the original splits proposed by (Kuehne
(a) Microwave (b) Pick objects (c) Unstak objects
(d) Shoot gun (e) Draw sword (f) Kick ball
Figure 2: Example frames from the CAD120 database
showing three out of ten actions, (a) microwaving food, (b)
picking objects, (c) unstacking objects, and example frames
from three actions from the subset selected of the 51 ac-
tions in HMDB which include objects, (d) shoot gun, (e)
draw sword, (f) kick ball.
Combining Contextual and Modal Action Information into a Weighted Multikernel SVM for Human Action Recognition
Table 1: Comparison of different descriptors on the
Databases CAD120 HMDB
(%) (%)
RGB trajectories 32.30 38.13
RGB HOG 70.17 54.29
RGB HOF 49.02 41.6
RGB MBH 46.97 38.30
RGB HOG3D 83.94 71.98
Depth trajectories 56.34 n/a
Depth HOG 55.99 n/a
Depth HOF 56.47 n/a
Depth MBH 55.18 n/a
FPFH 60.51 n/a
et al., 2011). Instead, we use the split in (Bautista-
Ballester et al., 2014), which ensures the presence of
as many variation as possible by following a propor-
tion of clips similar to that in the complete database.
These variations include what part of the body is
shown, the number of people involved in the action,
the camera motion and viewpoint, and the quality of
the video.
The split consists of 6 different actions with 20
videos per action, resulting in 120 videos in total.
These actions are ride bike, shoot gun, shoot bow,
draw sword, swing baseball and kick ball. The pur-
pose of this selection is dual: first, ensuring that an
object always appears in the action, and second, en-
suring the presence of as many variations as possible.
Similar actions like draw sword and swing baseball
are also taken into account, a fact that makes the set
more challenging.
In Section 5.1 we evaluate our CMMKL-SVM ap-
proach on CAD120 and HMDB datasets. We first
evaluate single descriptors in order to find the most
significative ones. Later, we evaluate the combina-
tion of different kernels and obtain the weights that
informs us of the relevance of each kernel. In sec-
tion 5.2we compare our results foreach databasewith
those of the state of the art.
5.1 Evaluating CMMKL-SVM
The use of CMMKL-SVM allows to add different
descriptors into the standard BoW approach for ac-
tion recognition. This approach permits the inclusion
of several image descriptors into this scheme as ex-
plained in (Bautista-Ballester et al., 2014), and re-
Table 2: Context and modal influence on the databases
using two approaches: ours (CMMKL) and uniformly
weighted (UW) (Bautista-Ballester et al., 2014).
CAD120 Database UW CMMKL Kernel
(%) (%) Weights
Object info. combined with RGB descriptor
obj+RGB traj. 36.34 56.57 0.5/0.7
obj+RGB HOG 75.21 86.32 0.2/0.8
obj+RGB HOF 54.78 74.94 0.4/0.8
obj+RGB MBH 54.50 68.32 0.4/0.6
Depth info. combined with RGB descriptor
Depth+RGB traj. 72.61 83.19 0.7/0.3
Depth+RGB HOG 81.63 89.59 0.9/0.9
Depth+RGB HOF 75.08 86.53 0.4/0.8
Depth+RGB MBH 79.03 87.96 0.1/0.4
3D info. combined with RGB descriptor
FPFH+RGB traj. 62.03 87.98 0.6/0.4
FPFH+RGB HOG 69.98 90.67 0.2/0.5
FPFH+RGB HOF 67.65 89.28 0.7/0.7
FPFH+RGB MBH 69.27 90.18 0.8/0.7
HMDB Databases UW CMMKL Kernel
(%) (%) Weights
Object info. combined with RGB descriptor
obj+RGB traj. 39.81 55.43 0.1/0.2
obj+RGB HOG 64.76 86.72 0.5/0.7
obj+RGB HOF 44.78 65.37 0.3/0.3
obj+RGB MBH 47.10 61.61 0.8/0.5
duces the effect of information redundancy weighting
a multikernel SVM. This approach improves the per-
formance with respect to any singular descriptor or an
averaged combination of them.
In our first experiment we calculate the average
accuracy for each of the following descriptors: tra-
jectories, HOG, HOF, MBH, HOG3D, Depth tra-
jectories, Depth HOG, Depth HOF, Depth MBH,
Depth HOG3D and FPFH. As we can see in Table
1, HOG3D descriptor gives the best action recog-
nition performance. HOG3D avoid non-trivial pre-
processing steps, such as tracking and segmentation,
fuses 2D space and time information, and provides
descriptors invariant to illumination and camera mo-
tion. This aspect shows that using a unique optimal
descriptor can be better than a combination of sev-
eral descriptors that perform worse individually. This
is apparent in the fact that HOG3D obtains a 71.98%
for HMDB and 83.94% for CAD120.
An extra objective of our approach is to overpass
this performance by using CMMKL-SVM with the
best weighted combination of descriptors using RGB
videos, Depth videos, 3D points and objects. That
would considerablyreduce the time of the overall pro-
cedure, taking into account that HOG3D is quite com-
VISAPP 2016 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
putationally expensive. Additionally, Depth descrip-
tors give similar results, (55%), for each single de-
scriptor -trajectories, HOG, HOF and MBH- mean-
ing that these descriptors lose their singular charac-
teristics when used for depth videos. On the other
hand, HOG and FPFH are the best choices when used
as single descriptors, obtaining a recognition rate of
70.17% and 60.51% respectively in CAD120. This
is due to the fact that they give spatial information of
the action, a fact that has been verified in works like
(Wang et al., 2013)(Bautista-Ballester et al., 2014).
In the second experiment, our purpose is to ob-
serve the influence of the context (objects) and mode
(Depth, 3D) when employing single descriptors (tra-
jectories, HOG, HOF, MBH) on RGB videos. The
results are shown in Table 2. We perform the ex-
periments with our approach CMMKL-SVM and the
uniformly weighted approach in (Bautista-Ballester
et al., 2014). We show that the fusion of context and
mode information in a MKL framework is better than
averaging kernels. Having a look at the results in
Table 2 we can observe that the addition of context,
gives an important improvement of 20% on the aver-
age recognition rate for every trial in HMDB when
using our approach. For CAD120, this improvement
is much lower than for HMDB, 10% on average, due
to the quality of the videos and the lack of exten-
sive variability in conditions such as illumination and
viewpoint. In Table 2 we show how context, depth or
3D information always outperforms the recognition
accuracy reached using a single descriptor.
The third experiment wants to find the best com-
bination between all of the descriptors. The experi-
ment has been performed choosing a first descriptor
and progressively adding new ones in order to see the
effect of the inclusion of this new information into
the CMMKL-SVM. To see the best improvements,we
have chosen the descriptor that contributes the least,
i.e., trajectories. These results can be seen in Table
3. Any addition improve the results, but the question
is which one provides the best results since adding
new channels results in higher computational costs.
Therefore, we want the least number of channels that
provides the best results. We can conclude from these
results that the addition of descriptors which provides
redundant information leads to a lack of improve-
ment. For example, the addition of HOF, object or
FPFH to the combination trajectories + HOG leads
to no significant improvement. We must observe that
HOF provides temporalinformation in a similar sense
as trajectories.
(a) CAL120 UW (b) CAL120 CMMKL
(c) HMDB UW (Bautista-
Ballester et al., 2014)
Figure 3: Confusion matrices for: (a) CAD120 database
using objects, FPFH, Depth HOG, trajectories, HOG using
UW approach (Bautista-Ballester et al., 2014) with average
performance for 500 codewords: 79.73%, (d) CAD120 with
our approach using the same configuration as (a), with av-
erage performance for 500 codewords: 90.83% (c) HMDB
database using objects, trajectories, HOG, HOF, MBH de-
scriptors as it is done in (Bautista-Ballester et al., 2014)
with average performance for 500 codewords: 72.97%, (d)
HMDB with our approach using the same configuration as
(a), with average performance for 500 codewords: 85.41%.
5.2 Discussion
Comparing to the state-of-the-art, on one hand, (Kop-
pula et al., 2013) obtained a 93,5% in CAD120
database using a CRF-based approach. We ob-
tain a similar recognition accuracy of 92.83% us-
ing CMMKL-SVM. On the other hand, we sig-
nificantly improve the results for HMDB, where
(Bautista-Ballester et al., 2014) used a fusion of ob-
jects and RGB descriptors by averaging a multiker-
nel SVM reaching 71,57%, much lower than our re-
sult of 85.41%. Table 4 shows this comparison for
CAD120 and Table 5 for HMDB. The more realis-
tic the database is the more relevant the acquisition
and weights of contextual and multimodal informa-
tion are.
Referring to Table 3, we can see the importance
of weighting channels. Using a kernel averaging
scheme (Bautista-Ballester et al., 2014) always ob-
tained a lower performance than our approach, which
takes into account the redundancy of information in-
troduced by similar descriptors. This can be seen in
Combining Contextual and Modal Action Information into a Weighted Multikernel SVM for Human Action Recognition
Table 3: Using different descriptors combinations on the databases with our approach.
Database CAD120
UW(%) CMMKL(%) Kernel Weights
trajectories + HOG 71.04 83.24 0.2/0.6
trajectories + HOF 49.94 71.1 1.0/0.7
trajectories + DepthHOG 73.28 79.15 0.10/0.81
trajectories + HOG + HOF 75.10 85.94 0.5/0.5/0.1
trajectories + HOG + obj 71.40 83.60 0.8/0.9/0.4
trajectories + HOG + FPFH 71.90 90.33 0.8/0.4/0.6
trajectories + HOG + HOF + MBH 77.71 87.60 0.1/0.2/0.3/0.4
trajectories + HOG + HOF + obj 75.30 84.66 0.9/0.5/0.5/0.7
trajectories + HOG + HOF + DepthHOG 84.78 90.70 0.9/0.7/0.4/0.9
trajectories + HOG + HOF + FPFH 76.04 89.75 0.8/0.6/0.4/0.2
trajectories + HOG + HOF + MBH + obj 77.92 85.21 0.3/1.0/0.5/0.8/0.1
trajectories + HOG + obj + FPFH + DepthHOG 79.73 92.83 0.0/0.6/1.0/0.8/0.5
Database HMDB
UW(%) CMMKL(%) Kernel Weights
trajectories + HOG 57.83 82.24 0.3/0.4
trajectories + HOF 48.64 65.28 0.3/0.3
trajectories + HOG + HOF 64.67 85.82 0.1/0.8/0.3
trajectories + HOG + obj 71.57 85.84 0.3/0.7/0.1
trajectories + HOG + HOF + MBH 70.04 80.69 0.7/0.8/0.1/0.5
trajectories + HOG + HOF + obj 69.39 85.36 0.2/0.9/0.7/0.6
trajectories + HOG + HOF + MBH + obj 72.97 85.41 0.6/0.1/0.4/0.0/0.2
the combination trajectories + HOG + HOF, where
trajectories almost loses its importance (0.1) because
of other descriptors such as HOF (0.3), which pro-
vides temporal information like trajectories. How-
ever, HOG still remains the most significant descrip-
tor (0.8). This reinforces the hypothesis made in
(Bautista-Ballester et al., 2014) that the strongest de-
scriptors are those that provide spatial information.
Finally, regarding the confusion of the actions,
CMMKL-SVM reduces confusion between actions,
even for similar actions, as can be seen in Fig. 3. For
example, Unstacking objects for CAD120 is easily
confused with Stacking objects, a relation that averag-
ing kernels cannot break (1%) but our approach does
(32%). The same happens when kicking a ball, where
averaging kernels performs a 24% and CMMKL a
44%. In general, all actions in both databases have
their confusion index reduced. Therefore, the over-
all performance of our action recognition approach is
higher than other state-of-the-art approaches.
Table 4: Comparison to the state of the art on CAD120
Work Approach Avg. acc.
(Koppula et al., 2013) CRF-based 93.50%
Ours CMMKL-SVM 92.83%
In this paper we have proposed a methodology to
combine different descriptors within a standard ac-
tion recognitionscheme based on BoW. Our approach
adds information related to the objects, depth maps
and 3D points, and shows an increment of the over-
all action recognition performance. The addition of
the extra image descriptors, either from RGB context
or sensor modality, leads to an increment of the com-
putational cost. As a consequence, it is important to
discriminate, or even discard, the less important de-
scriptors. Our approach complements space and time
informationextracted with video descriptors, andpro-
poses a procedure to incorporate and weight any con-
textual and modal information that can be further gen-
eralized to include other data provided by new con-
text descriptors and/or new devices. Additionally, the
present approach also shows that the best results are
Table 5: Comparison to the state of the art on HMDB
Work Approach Avg. acc.
et al., 2014)
71.57 %
Ours CMMKL-SVM 85.84%
VISAPP 2016 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
obtained when kernels from spatial, temporal, con-
text, 3D points and depth are combined within the
CMMKL-SVM approach. In this respect, the highest
recognition rates (92.83%) have been obtained when
a combination of trajectories, HOG, FPFH, Depth and
object is used. Due to the relevant importance to in-
telligent robots, our future work will focus on the im-
provement of multimodal fusion and the reduction of
the computationalburden by exploiting differentopti-
mization techniques for MKL, allowing a quicker re-
sponse of the robot to interact with humans by either
imitating or anticipating actions.
This research has been partially supported by the
Industrial Doctorate program of the Government of
Catalonia, and by the European Community through
the FP7 framework program by funding the Vinbot
project (N 605630) conducted by Ateknea Solutions
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Combining Contextual and Modal Action Information into a Weighted Multikernel SVM for Human Action Recognition