A number of studies of infectious disease have
reported on the importance of various centrality
measures to determine the most important nodes in
the network with regards to the disease in question
(Christley et al., 2005). With a temporal graph
model in place we can now readily calculate various
centrality measures of interest and then act
accordingly (Holme and Saramäki, 2012).
Recent studies have shown the importance of
using temporal network models for the SIR and
similar compartmental models (Holme and Masuda,
Traditional SIR models across networks link
pairs of individuals if there is a direct link during a
sampling period. When looking at the same data
through a temporal network it becomes obvious that
many paths in the model do not actually exist. The
end result can be completely different to the
traditional static aggregated model and can
potentially result in errors such as having a
reproductive number greater than 1 when in fact the
disease is actually dying out (Holme and Masuda,
Here with the framework we present we are able
to extract the required temporal data rapidly and
calculate various statistics as required.
Temporal graphs provide an important source of
statistical data. Several studies have suggested that
this data may provide information that may be
important for clinical use such as providing clues
about infection transmission (Holme and Saramäki,
2012); (Walker et al., 2012). However the extraction
of this data from hospital records has traditionally
been complicated and has required specialist tools
and knowledge to extract.
We have developed a simple way of using a
standard off the shelf graph database, connecting
this database to our local relational Infection
research database (IORD) and converting our data to
a temporal graph model which can then be used for
calculating various temporal graph statistics of
This work is important as it offers a way to
implement an important network algorithm which
can be used for infection control purposes that
would otherwise be hard to do and require specialist
tools and extensive custom programming.
We are currently using this model as the backend
for two research projects investigating various
aspects of infectious disease transmission within a
hospital setting.
In the future we hope to integrate further
algorithms into our work and potentially integrate
this into a live system.
The research was supported by the National Institute
for Health Research (NIHR) Oxford Biomedical
Research Centre based at Oxford University
Hospitals NHS Trust and University of Oxford.
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