with 15 processing elements. The training patterns
with the desired output vectors were used to train the
back propagation neural network. “Delta-Rule” and
“Sigmoid” function were used as the learning rule and
the activation function. “Bipolar Inputs” was
deselected and Epoch was selected as 16. After about
5,000,000 iterations, the training set converged and
the network was tested with the patterns that the
network had not seen before (these patterns were not
used for training the network). The 15 outputs from
the network were exactly the same as the desired
output vectors as shown in Figure 14 (c).
From the obtained patterns it can be concluded that
the back-propagation neural network used for pattern
classification and pressure measurement proved to
work satisfactorily especially for noisy inputs.
Pressure fluctuations in the boundary layer were
extremely small in the order of ±5.0 x 10
psi. When
dealing with small pressures, calibration (gathering
the training and testing data) proved to be a problem
due to very small random fluctuations in the
atmospheric pressure in the laboratory due to external
causes (wind blowing, opening or closing doors in
neighboring rooms). Calibration and data gathering
must be done with static pressures applied to the
pressure sensor with no pressure fluctuations present
in the surrounding air.
Successful operation of the pressure classification
and pattern recognition to a large extend depends on
the quality of the fringe patterns and the signals
generated by the electro-optical system, in particular,
the pressure sensor. Great care must be taken in the
selection and fabrication of the membrane material.
The computer code used for the pattern
recognition of the 15 x 15 array consists of
approximately 6000 lines of C programming.
Operating systems such as Windows or DOS and C
compilers running on these platforms are not
adequate, or, can handle this job very slowly. It is
recommended to operate the image processing system
and the neural networks on work stations with UNIX
operating system.
Determination of fringe pattern frequencies in real
time has a variety of interesting applications in the
future as viewed from the recent developments
(Sciammarella and Kim, 2005). Neural networks
proved to be a powerful tool which can be utilized for
this purpose.
The research work presented in this paper was done
in collaboration with Dr. Cesar A. Sciammarella,
Professor of the Department of Mechanical,
Materials, and Aerospace Engineering, Illinois
Institute of Technology, USA, and Dr. Thomas
Corke, Clark Chair Professor of the Department of
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Notre Dame
University, USA. To them goes my deep appreciation
and recognition for their innumerable contributions to
the project.
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