Are Large Scale Training Images or Discriminative Features Important
for Codebook Construction?
Veerapathirapillai Vinoharan
and Amirthalingam Ramanan
Computer Centre, University of Jaffna, Jaffna, Sri Lanka
Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science, University of Jaffna, Jaffna, Sri Lanka
Bag-of-Features, Object Recognition, Incremental Learning, Discriminative Features, Visual Codebook.
Advances in machine learning and image feature representations have led to great progress in pattern recog-
nition approaches in recognising up to 1000 visual object categories. However, the human brain solves this
problem effortlessly as it can recognise about 10000 to 100000 objects with a small number of examples. In
recent years bag-of-features approach has proved to yield state-of-the-art performance in large scale evalua-
tions. In such systems a visual codebook plays a crucial role. For constructing a codebook researchers cover
a large-scale of training image set. But this brings up the issue of scalability. A large volume of training data
becomes difficult to process whereas the high dimensional image representation could make many machine
learning algorithms become inefficient or even a breakdown. In this work we investigate whether the dominant
bag-of-features approach used in object recognition will continue significantly to improve with large training
image set or not. We have validated a one-pass clustering algorithm to construct visual codebooks for object
classification tasks on the PASCAL VOC Challenge image set. Our testing results show that adding more
training images do not contribute significantly to increase the performance of classification but it increases
the overall model complexity in terms of increased storage requirement and greater computational time. This
study further suggests an alternative view to the community working with the patch-based object recognition
to enforce retaining more discriminative descriptors rather than the reminiscent of the BIG data hypothesis.
The bag-of-features approach (Csurka et al., 2004),
(Karmakar et al., 2015) is a popular technique for
representing image content. In such a system a vi-
sual codebook plays a crucial role. An important is-
sue with the visual codebook representation is its dis-
criminative power and dimensionality. Most of the
visual codebooks that are used in larger evaluations
consist of 10,000 codewords. This higher dimension-
ality curses the subsequent classifier training proce-
dure. Thus, most of the object recognition systems ex-
pect the histogram representation of a bag-of-feature
approach to be more compact while maintaining the
discriminative power.
The long-term goal of computer vision in object
recognition is to achieve near human levels of recog-
nition. Changes in pose, lighting, occlusion, clutter,
intra-class differences, inner-class variances, defor-
mations, background that varies relative to the viewer,
large number of images and several object categories
make the problem of recognition highly challenging.
Humans develop the invariance of an object so as to
easily recognise different sized objects, orientation,
illumination, and perspective objects. Whenever an
object is seen, the human brain extracts the features
without considering the size, orientation, illumina-
tion, perspective, and the object is remembered by
its shape and inherent features (Kim, 2011). More-
over, an incremental learning method is adapted by
the human visual processing system. When a new in-
stance of an existing object category is seen the pre-
vious knowledge base is updated using new invari-
ants. It has been proposed by (Ullman et al., 2002),
the human visual system encoded features of inter-
mediate complexity that are class-specific is selected
for encoding images within a class of related images.
The popular approach in artificial visual object recog-
nition is to use local information extracted at sev-
eral points or patches in the image. In such a sys-
tem the construction of a visual codebook is often
performed from thousands of images and each im-
age averagely contains hundreds or even one thousand
patch-based interest points described in a higher di-
mensional space of at least one thousand codewords,
in order to capture sufficient information for efficient
Vinoharan, V. and Ramanan, A.
Are Large Scale Training Images or Discriminative Features Important for Codebook Construction?.
DOI: 10.5220/0005676201930198
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2016), pages 193-198
ISBN: 978-989-758-173-1
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
classification. A major bottleneck lies in handling
such massive scale of datasets.
The PASCAL VOC challenge imageset (Evering-
ham et al., 2010) has become a benchmark dataset in
many computer vision tasks. In such challenges, par-
ticipants normally request to increase the number of
training images to train their model in a better way
in order to achieve higher recognition rate. It can be
observed that there is a steady increase in the train-
ing set of this image set over the years 2007 to 2012
consisting nearly 2000 to 6000 images amidst the fact
that the number of object categories remains the same
as 20. This is an important issue that we are focusing
on this paper whether such object recognition system
will continue to improve with increasing large num-
ber of training images for achieving slightly increased
classification rate or is it worth to focus on the selec-
tion of discriminative features and the development of
better object models.
We optimise the process of constructing code-
books with less memory requirement and speeding
up the approach while maintaining compactness and
discriminative power in recognition. Our technique
constructs a codebook by acquiring information about
objects in a sequential way. The strategy that we use
to design discriminant codebook is by updating an ini-
tially constructed codebook over sequentially arriving
training images, and the output classifier accounts for
the class-specific discriminant features. At the arrival
of each of the training images belonging to an interest
or non-interest object category, only the novel infor-
mation in the codebook will be absorbed as additional
entries. The construction of a codebook in this con-
text is achieved by extending the resource allocating
codebook (RAC) technique proposed by (Ramanan
and Niranjan, 2010). The proposed approach in this
paper constructs a codebook for a large-scale object
recognition task without the favour of machines that
have become fast enough in constructing a codebook
on relatively large-scale descriptors.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows.
Section 2 briefly describes the background needed
for our work. Section 3 briefly describes the objec-
tives of our research. Section 4 summarises differ-
ent methods used to construct a codebook with com-
pactness and discriminative power that have been car-
ried out in recent years. Section 5 explains the pro-
posed methodology in achieving incremental learning
method and constructing codebook with compactness
and discriminative power. Section 6 describes the ex-
perimental setup and testing results which support our
claim. Finally, section 7 concludes this paper.
2.1 Bag-of-Feature Approach
The bag-of-features (BoF) approach is widely used
in image scene classification and object recognition
tasks in computer vision (Ramanan and Niranjan,
2011). The pseudocode of bag-of-features approach
is given in Algorithm 1
Algorithm 1: BoF representation for images.
for all image do
interestPts detectPts(image)
descriptors describePts(interestPts)
end for
codebook quantizePts(descriptors(trainingImages))
for all image do
BOF computeHist(codebook, descriptors(image))
end for
In such approach, visual codebooks are created
as follows. After extracting a large number of lo-
cal patch descriptors (e.g., SIFT descriptors (Lowe,
2004) from a set of training images, a clustering
method (e.g., K-means) is often used to group these
descriptors into K clusters, where K is a predefined
parameter. The center of each cluster is called the
“visual word” or “codeword”, and a set of codewords
forms a codebook. Each image descriptor is then la-
beled with the most similar codeword according to the
Euclidean distance, and the image is characterised by
a K-dimensional histogram of the number of occur-
rences of each codeword. In fact, the size and ef-
fectiveness of the codebook has a critical impact on
recognition performance.
2.2 Resource-Allocating Codebook
The Resource-Allocating Codebook (RAC) (Ra-
manan and Niranjan, 2010) is a simple and ex-
tremely fast way to construct a codebook by using a
one-pass process, which simultaneously achieves in-
creased discrimination and a drastic reduction in the
computational needs.
RAC starts by arbitrarily assigning the first data
item as an entry in the codebook. When a subse-
quent data item is processed, its minimum distance
to all entries in the current codebook is computed us-
ing an appropriate distance metric. If this distance
is smaller than the predefined threshold r (radius of
the hypersphere), the current codebook is retained and
no action is taken with respect to the processed data
item. If the smallest distance to codewords exceeds
the threshold, including the current data item as the
ICPRAM 2016 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
additional entry, creates a new entry in the codebook.
This process is continued until all data items are seen
only once.
2.3 Support Vector Machine (SVM)
SVM is a well-known statistical learning method
(Cortes and Vapnik, 1995). In particular, it is effective
when the training data consists of a small number of
samples in high-dimensional spaces. The objective of
SVM learning is to find a hyperplane that maximises
the inter-class margin of the training samples. Feature
vectors are projected into a high-dimensional space
by the kernel function.
Discriminative power and compactness of a codebook
are important to control the model complexity. In this
regard we formulate the following:
Not all training images contribute to the discrimi-
native power of a codebook. That is, a unique or
different image of the same class will contribute
to the construction of a codebook.
The incremental construction of a codebook using
the training images is more appropriate to retain
discriminative features similar to the human visual
perceptual system than processing all the required
There is an extensive body of literature in the area of
visual object recognition systems. (Zhu et al., 2012)
have investigated the question of whether existing fea-
ture detectors will continue to improve as data grows
or the development of better object detection models
is needed. The authors have found that additional data
does help, but only with correct regularisations and
treatment of noisy examples in the training data and
compositional mixtures (implemented via composed
part) that give a much better performance in recog-
nition. However, a straightforward but effective ap-
proach lies in the use of a codebook model. A com-
pact codebook can also be achieved by carefully se-
lecting the codewords from an initially constructed
large codebook (Kirishanthy and Ramanan, 2015).
(Yang et al., 2008) have proposed a unified code-
book generation that is integrated with classifier train-
ing. Unlike clustering approaches that associate each
image feature with a single codeword in their ap-
proach, images are represented by means of visual
bits associated with different categories, i.e., an im-
age which can contain objects from multiple cate-
gories is represented using aggregates of visual bits
for each category that constitutes the semantic vo-
cabulary. These visual bits are augmented iteratively
to refine visual words based on the learning perfor-
mance of the classifier. The iterative process is carried
out until a desired performance is achieved. Harris
Laplace corner detectors are used in detecting inter-
est points and are described by SIFT descriptors. The
proposed framework is mainly evaluated on the PAS-
CAL VOC Challenge 2006 dataset which contains 10
visual challenges. Their training set consists of 100
randomly-selected images. Their framework outper-
forms the baseline K-means and SVM on every cate-
gory and demonstrates significant improvements over
extremely-random classification forest algorithm on 8
out of 10 classes.
(Li et al., 2008) have proposed an approach for
learning optimal compact codebook by selecting a
subset of discriminative codeword from a large code-
book. An initial codebook was constructed using K-
means clustering algorithm. Each codeword in this
codebook is then modeled by a spherical Gaussian
function through which an intermediate representa-
tion for each training image is obtained. A Gaussian
model for every object category is learned based on
this intermediate representation. Following this step,
an optimal codebook is constructed by selecting dis-
criminant codewords according to the learned Gaus-
sian model. The discriminative capability is mea-
sured either by likelihood ratio or by Fisher score.
Interest points in their experiments were detected by
the DoG detector and are described by SIFT descrip-
tors. Classification is performed using SVM classi-
fiers with RBF kernel. The proposed framework is
mainly evaluated on the Caltech-4 dataset consisting
four object categories. In their experiment 100 images
were randomly choosen for training and the rest was
used for testing. They report superior performance
of object categorisation compared with traditional K-
means method with same size of codebooks.
(Winn et al., 2005) have proposed to optimise
codebooks by hierarchically merging visual words in
a pair-wise manner using the information bottleneck
principle from an initially constructed large code-
book. The final visual words were represented by the
Gaussian Mixture Models of pixel appearance. Train-
ing images are convolved with different filter-banks
made of Gaussians and Gabor kernels to generate a set
of filter responses. The resulting filter responses are
clustered by K-means method with a large value of
Are Large Scale Training Images or Discriminative Features Important for Codebook Construction?
Figure 1: The overall framework of the proposed technique to sequentially constructing visual codebook for an object-specific
category (e.g. horse).
K in the order of thousands. The learned cluster cen-
tre and their associated covariance define a universal
visual codebook. Following the construction of this
large codebook, a histogram is constructed over the
initial codebook which is processed by each region of
training images. A mapping between corresponding
histogram and pair-wise merging operation is used to
produce a much more compact visual codebook. The
proposed framework is mainly evaluated on the in-
house database with faces from Caltech dataset. Class
models are learned from a set of 240 manually seg-
mented and annotated images belonging to the nine
object categories. In order to measure the classifica-
tion accuracy the image set is split into 50% training
and 50% test sets. Their framework yields an accu-
racy of 93%.
The proposed sequential learning method to con-
structing codebook is extremely fast and efficient
when compared to the approaches. The proposed
technique shows a better way to construct a compact
codebook while maintaining its discriminative power.
The following steps describe the process of sequen-
tially constructing a codebook:
Step 1: A randomly chosen image from a training
set is processed to extract the features and then
cluster those features using RAC technique
in a one-pass manner to construct an initial
codebook. Based on this codebook, images
are then represented as histograms for all
training and testing image sets. Thereafter, the
classification rate is computed using a standard
Step 2: The subsequent image in the training set is
processed to extract features. If the smallest
distance to a codeword in the codebook ob-
tained in step 1 exceeds the radius of RAC,
the current feature is recorded as an additional
informative codeword that creates a new entry
in the codebook by updating the obtained
codebook in the step 1; otherwise no action
is taken with respect to the processed feature.
Based on the updated codebook images of
training and testing sets are represented as
histograms. The classification rate is computed
using the same standard classifier. This process
will be continued until all images have been
Figure 1 shows the overall framework of the
proposed technique to sequentially construct a vi-
sual codebook for an object-specific category and the
pseudocode of this approach is given in Algorithm 2.
The stopping criteria for Algorithm 2 can be imple-
mented either by processing sequentially all the im-
ages in the training set or when achieving a desired
classification rate.
ICPRAM 2016 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Algorithm 2: Sequentially constructing codebook.
Input: Training images (trImgs), Testing images
Output: Visual codebook (CB), Classification accu-
racy (rate)
for all img
{trImgs, teImgs} do
interestPts detectPts(img
descrips describePts(interestPts)
end for
r predefined value
// Initialise the codebook CB
D descrips(img
) //where img
i 1
for all img
trImgs do
D descrips(img
j 1
while (j size(D)) do
if mink D
CB k
> r
Create a new hypersphere of r such that,
end if
j j + 1
end while
trainHist computeHist(CB, descrips(trImgs))
testHist computeHist(CB, descrips(teImgs))
classify(trainHist, testHist)
i i + 1
end for
We test our approach on PASCAL VOC 2007 Chal-
lenge dataset. It consists of 9963 images from 20
categories. For constructing visual codebooks, SIFT
features were clustered independently using K-means
with K = 250 (2K = 500) and RAC with r = 0.89. Ex-
periments in this work were mainly carried out to val-
idate our objectives. Table 1 shows the performance
comparison of BoF approach with K-means and RAC
whereas Table 2 details the classification rate of RAC
with the proposed sequential learning technique.
Based on the statistical t-tests performed on the
results of Table 1 and 2, we conclude that RAC and
K-means are of near performance, whereas the pro-
posed sequential learning technique outperforms the
RAC method, at the level of significance 0.05. More-
over, on average about 13-22% of the training images
provided in PASCAL VOC 2007 is only needed to
construct a discriminative codebook for each binary
classification tasks listed in Table 2. This proves that
not all images are required for constructing a discrim-
inative codebook in a similar way as the human visual
Table 1: Comparison of two codebook generation meth-
ods tested on a selected binary classification tasks from the
PASCAL VOC 2007 dataset. K-means (KM) with K = 250
(2K = 500) and RAC codebook sizes nearly equal to 500.
The r of RAC was 0.89.
Aeroplane vs Bird 0.84 0.83
Aeroplane vs Boat 0.77 0.80
Aeroplane vs Horse 0.88 0.87
Aeroplane vs Sofa 0.88 0.87
Bicycle vs Motorbike 0.69 0.67
Bird vs Cat 0.77 0.73
Boat vs Bus 0.86 0.82
Boat vs TVmonitor 0.91 0.88
Bottle vs Pottedplant 0.68 0.64
Bus vs Train 0.71 0.70
Cat vs Dog 0.64 0.65
Chair vs Dog 0.83 0.81
Cow vs Sheep 0.66 0.63
Diningtable vs Pottedplant 0.58 0.61
Pottedplant vs TVmonitor 0.68 0.68
Train vs TVmonitor 0.89 0.85
Table 2: Classification rate with codebook (CB) size and
number of training images for the proposed sequential
learning method with r = 0.89.
#imgs #imgs CB
avail used size
Aeroplane vs Bird 568 34 279 0.87
Aeroplane vs Boat 419 22 236 0.80
Aeroplane vs Horse 525 58 341 0.90
Aeroplane vs Sofa 467 90 356 0.88
Bicycle vs Motorbike 488 22 274 0.68
Bird vs Cat 667 72 315 0.75
Boat vs Bus 367 46 303 0.84
Boat vs TVmonitor 437 14 165 0.89
Bottle vs Pottedplant 489 110 348 0.65
Bus vs Train 447 86 392 0.71
Cat vs Dog 758 30 247 0.65
Chair vs Dog 866 32 255 0.81
Cow vs Sheep 237 42 233 0.65
Diningtable vs Pottedplant 445 34 263 0.64
Pottedplant vs TVmonitor 501 132 373 0.70
Train vs TVmonitor 517 46 293 0.86
processing system. Furthermore, the proposed tech-
nique constructs a compact codebook which is around
60% size of the codebooks constructed either by K-
means or RAC method.
Limited experimentation with reordering of the
images was carried out to check the evolution of code-
book size and the classification rates during the exe-
Are Large Scale Training Images or Discriminative Features Important for Codebook Construction?
cution. We report the mean classification rates of ten
independent runs where each run is carried out by fix-
ing the same total number of images considered in
Table 2 and by randomly shuffling the order of pres-
ence of the images in the process of constructing a
codebook. In the Aeroplane vs Horse example the
average size of codebook was 338±17 with a classifi-
cation rate of 0.88±0.01, whereas for the Diningtable
vs Pottedplant example the size of the codebook and
classification rate were 259±25 and 0.61±0.02, re-
spectively. While we have included the standard de-
viation for completeness, we noted that these are the
estimates of uncertainty for a very few trials. The
construction of a codebook using K-means algorithm
was performed in an average time of 16536 seconds,
while the proposed method required an average time
of 42 seconds only on a desktop computer with an In-
tel Core i5 running at 3.2GHz and 8GB of RAM.
This paper addresses the problem of object classifi-
cation of images together with a sequential learning
technique. Our system starts to progress in extracting
features from the training images using SIFT algo-
rithm. These features are converted into a codebook
using an extended RAC method. The codewords then
serve to construct a histogram for representing an im-
age. These histograms are then fed into a binary SVM
classifier to classify the objects. We construct the
codebook by sequentially processing images to retain
only the discriminative or rare features by allocating
new codewords using the extended RAC technique.
Our test results show that it is worth to select discrim-
inative features, instead of increasing the number of
training images, to yield better classification rate by
means of a compact codebook.
In the literature of BoF approach, the codeword
size is manually selected by the user and is com-
monly defined up to tens of thousands for ensuring
enough information encoding. However, such a huge
size of codewords causes an enormous computational
cost. To create a discriminative BoF representation,
we present a technique that well approximates the dis-
tribution of visual words in an image and the out-
put classifier accounting for class-specific discrimi-
nant features. Thus, this paper suggests an alterna-
tive view to the research community working with the
patch-based object recognition to emphasize the re-
taining of more discriminative descriptors rather than
the reminiscent of the BIG data hypothesis.
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ICPRAM 2016 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods