one system towards system thinking is called Sys-
tems Engineering. As NASA (2007) elegantly puts
it: “Systems engineering is a holistic, integrative
discipline, wherein the contributions of structural
engineers, electrical engineers, mechanism design-
ers, power engineers, human factors engineers, and
many more disciplines are evaluated and balanced,
one against an-other, to produce a coherent whole
that is not dominated by the perspective of a single
Systems Engineering and Models
Many of the engineering activities performed inside
these domains are already well supported by com-
puter-based models. Mechanical design models built
with tools such as CATIA V5, mechanical analysis
models built with tools such as PATRAN, and ther-
mal analysis models built with tools such as
ESATAN-TMS are well established in the space
engineering community today. Furthermore, re-
quirements models based on DOORS, software
design models specified in the Ecore language using
the Eclipse Modeling Framework, as well as mission
design models specified in SysML (OMG, 2015)
play important roles. Furthermore, “traditional” tools
such as Excel or Visio are used on a regular basis for
specifying models. These tools and the models they
produce differ significantly from each other (Kogal-
ovsky & Kalinichenko, 2009). They are provided by
different vendors, rely on different implementation
technologies and are based on different formats.
Each model and the associated design methodology
follow their own principles and paradigms and de-
fine their very own semantics. As a result of this
heterogeneity, these models and tools are not well
integrated and interconnected with each other and
with the multi-domain systems engineering process
(INCOSE, 2014). For a truly multidisciplinary rep-
resentation of a system, relevant aspects from all
involved domains and their models need to be com-
bined on the model level (Eisenmann, 2012).
Describing System-Wide Models
A computer-based model consists of two basic parts.
The layer directly visible to the user is the instance
model or user model, where the user enters his data
and works with it. In order to specify what bits of
information can be described in the user model, a
data model or meta-model is required that specifies
the concepts of the user model (Hong & Maryanski,
1990). It is worthy to note that meta-model is a rela-
tive term. It describes concepts one abstraction level
above the model that is currently the focus of inter-
The System Model
For such models in engineering the “working level”
is represented by the so-called system model or user
model. In this model the system of interest is de-
scribed. This includes domain-specific aspects of the
system and the data relevant to systems engineering
activities. The system model may contain data such
as all the requirements that are specified for the
system and their means of verification, the system’s
product structure, its mechanical, electrical, or in-
formational interfaces, the functions it performs, the
system’s behavior, or its key design parameters
(ESA, 2011).
The Conceptual Data Model
In order to be able to specify the system model, the
concepts that define it have to be described some-
how. This is achieved by using the conceptual data
model (CDM), forming the meta-model of the user
model. The CDM describes the entities, conceptual
structures, and characteristic relationships of the
Universe of Discourse (UoD) (Kogalovsky & Kali-
nichenko, 2009), (Halpin & Morgan, 2008), forming
the backbone of MBSE (Eisenmann, 2012).
It is worthy to note that the currently predomi-
nant approach in most engineering domains is to
exchange knowledge between all discipline-specific
models in a document-based fashion. This means
that the knowledge stored in a computer model of a
specific domain is written in a document which is
then handed to another domain. Engineers from the
other domain then extract their required bits of in-
formation from the document and employ it accord-
ingly. It is evident that this document-based ex-
change of information is a tedious process prone to
errors and inconsistencies, resulting in a significant
amount of unnecessary overhead. Consequently, a
strong tendency to support such engineering pro-
cesses with models, making the information accessi-
ble in an automated way, can be observed. It is ex-
pected that model-based information exchange sig-
nificantly reduces the effort and consequently the
costs involved in inter-disciplinary and inter-domain
information exchange. Moreover, engineering pro-
cesses relying on MBSE are expected to benefit
from improved quality, increased productivity, and
reduced risk (Friedenthal, et al., 2009).