Silver nanoparticles can be formed on the surface
of PTR glasses by the thermal treatment in the
reducing atmosphere or by the laser ablation of the
surface of PTR glass. In the last case silver
nanoparticles are covered by the SiO
shell 3-5 nm
thick. Figure 13 shows the spectral position of the
plasmon resonance peaks for the silver nanoparticles
with (a) and without (b) dielectric shell on a PTR
glass surface in air and in water. In the first case the
plasmon resonance spectral shift is 6 nm, in the
second case – 13 nm. It is enough for the application
in the sensors for the environment refraction index
We have demonstrated some examples of design and
fabrication of optical, photonic and plasmonic
devices based on new fluorine, chlorine and bromine
PTR glasses: holographic volume Bragg gratings for
diode lasers, optical amplifier, optical and plasmonic
waveguides, hollow structures, thermo- and
biosensors, phosphors for LEDs and down-converters
for solar cells.
This work has been supported by the Ministry of
Education and Science of Russian Federation (Project
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