edge, being 12 classes in this experiment). We used
this dataset (MSRA 3D) since it allowed us to com-
pare our closed-set method with the state-of-the-art in
the field. However, we do not expect overfitting was a
problem for the scaling of τ. In particular, the consis-
tency of τ over various dataset splits (figure 6) would
be highly unexpected if overfitting was a serious prob-
In conclusion, we identify three purposes for our
anomaly detection methodology based on background
models: 1) increased accuracy in closed-set recogni-
tion tasks by acting as a confidence measure, 2) in-
creased robustness against open-set problems by fil-
tering of unknown videos and 3) as a first step to-
wards adaptive learning by closing the learning loop
of figure 1. Due to the large resemblance of human
intelligence, novelty detection can significantly ex-
tend both robotic functionality and human-robot in-
teraction. We intend to implement the novelty de-
tection methodology on our personal robot (Chandarr
et al., 2013) and tackle the challenges posed by un-
constrained motions and environments.
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