Knowing What You Don’t Know
Novelty Detection for Action Recognition in Personal Robots
Thomas Moerland, Aswin Chandarr, Maja Rudinac and Pieter Jonker
Vision-based Robotics, Technical University Delft, Mekelweg 2, Delft, The Netherlands
Action Recognition, Novelty Detection, Anomaly Detection, Computer Vision, Personal Robots.
Novelty detection is essential for personal robots to continuously learn and adapt in open environments. This
paper specifically studies novelty detection in the context of action recognition. To detect unknown (novel)
human action sequences we propose a new method called background models, which is applicable to any
generative classifier. Our closed-set action recognition system consists of a new skeleton-based feature com-
bined with a Hidden Markov Model (HMM)-based generative classifier, which has shown good earlier results
in action recognition. Subsequently, novelty detection is approached from both a posterior likelihood and
hypothesis testing view, which is unified as background models. We investigate a diverse set of background
models: sum over competing models, filler models, flat models, anti-models, and some reweighted combi-
nations. Our standard recognition system has an inter-subject recognition accuracy of 96% on the Microsoft
Research Action 3D dataset. Moreover, the novelty detection module combining anti-models with flat mod-
els has 78% accuracy in novelty detection, while maintaining 78% standard recognition accuracy as well.
Our methodology can increase robustness of any current HMM-based action recognition system against open
environments, and is a first step towards an incrementally learning system.
Recognizing human actions is a very important aspect
of robot perception. This becomes even more relevant
for personal robots working together with humans in
the near future. It is difficult for the robot to learn
all different human actions together and have robust
recognition performance. Additionally, the subset of
actions each robot will need to recognize differs based
on the operating environment. Hence an adaptively
learning system is necessary, where the robot contin-
uously extends its knowledge about various actions.
This process is essential for long term autonomy of
personal robots.
In many ways, an action recognition system can
be paralleled with speech recognition, with key poses
and its sequence similar to alphabets and words.
Hence, we borrow motivation from the development
of linguistic knowledge in children and translate cer-
tain concepts from speech processing into action
recognition. It has been studied in psycholinguis-
tics that bootstrapping allows for expansion of cog-
nitive development starting around three years into
child growth (Pinker, 1984). Indeed, one of the main
components of human intelligence is our adaptivity:
we can not only detect what we know, but also iden-
tify what we do not know. Moreover, humans use this
new input to extend their knowledge, by closing the
learning loop (figure 1). In this context, bootstrapping
involves equipping the robot with a basis structure
and some starting knowledge, from which the robot
can detect novel classes and subsequently learn them.
Following (Masud et al., 2013), this entire learning
process can be modularized into three steps (figure
(i) Anomaly detection (separation): separating
videos belonging to known classes from those
belonging to unknown classes.
(ii) Cohesion detection: identifying overlapping
patterns among buffered anomalous videos
identified in (i).
(iii) Retraining: efficiently retraining the ordinary
classifier with the new action class, using the de-
tected example videos from (ii).
In this paper, we focus on the first step and inves-
tigate new methods for detecting unknown (anoma-
lous) sequences for action recognition systems.
The recent advent of stable 3D imaging tech-
nology has strongly increased data quality in action
recognition. A landmark paper for 3D action recog-
nition is by (Li et al., 2010) introducing the Microsoft
Moerland, T., Chandarr, A., Rudinac, M. and Jonker, P.
Knowing What You Don’t Know - Novelty Detection for Action Recognition in Personal Robots.
DOI: 10.5220/0005677903170327
In Proceedings of the 11th Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2016) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages 317-327
ISBN: 978-989-758-175-5
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Overall system structure. Proposed novelty detection is shown in blue, all standard action recognition components
are shown in black and green. Starting from the training set, we first construct a new compact frame-wise feature based on a
Torso-PCA (T-PCA) framework (section 2.1). Then, we train a set of Hidden Markov Models (HMM) with shared keypostures
(section 2.2). Each incoming test video is decoded under all class HMM’s and assigned according to the maximum-a-posteriori
(MAP) rule. We extend this system with a novelty detection module (blue). First, we learn background models from the
training set (section 3.1-3.4). These background models are combined with the normal HMM’s to obtain a test statistic (the
background corrected likelihood). In the anomaly detection part we determine a single optimal threshold τ on this test statistic
(section 3.3 & 4). When the threshold is exceeded we proceed with standard classification (see figure 3). Else, we identify the
video as ‘novel/unknown’ and buffer it. A cohesion detection module can identify overlap among the buffer videos. When a
human supervisor labels the unknown class, we can extend the training set with the new action and close the adaptive learning
loop. This paper focusses on the first step of novelty detection: anomaly detection through background models (blue dotted
Research Action 3D dataset (MSRA 3D). The au-
thors sample a frame-wise feature from the depth map
and use a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) as back-end
classifier. Their method has good average recognition
accuracy on an inter-subject recognition task (92.9%),
but is strongly view-dependent and computationally
More recently, Shotton et al. introduced the sta-
ble extraction of human skeletons from single depth
images (Shotton et al., 2013). While the labeling of
body parts had been an active research field for many
years (Weinland et al., 2011), the direct availability of
skeletons raised much interest in the research commu-
nity. Several papers studied view-invariant skeleton
features (Aggarwal and Xia, 2014). Some examples
are pairwise joint distances and joint motions (Yang
and Tian, 2014) or joint angles and joint angle ve-
locities (Nowozin and Shotton, 2012). An interesting
approach combining skeleton and depth map informa-
tion is called Space-Time Occupancy Patterns (STOP)
(Vieira et al., 2012). The authors use the wireframe
skeleton to reorientate the depth map to make the sub-
ject camera-facing. The feature is constructed from
the depth-map occupation over a regular space-time
grid, while the back-end classifier is based on a HMM
again. Their method still holds the state-of-the-art re-
sult on the MSRA 3D inter-subject recognition task
Although the mentioned approaches have made
important advancements, they exclusively study
their methodology on a closed-set recognition task.
Thereby, the system’s performance is evaluated on
action classes which were also available in the train-
ing set. None of the methods consider the occurrence
of unknown action classes. This specific problem is
studied in the machine learning field of novelty detec-
tion, which is for example reviewed in (Markou and
Singh, 2003). While a standard classifier assigns each
new instance to the best-fitting class (which is by defi-
nition wrong if the video truly belongs to an unknown
class), a novelty detection module first tries to identify
such novel instances (i.e. anomaly detection).
Anomaly detection has been studied for human
activity data before, specifically in the context of ab-
normal event detection in surveillance video’s (as for
example reviewed in (Popoola and Wang, 2012)).
However, these methods only study the one-class-
classification problem between normal and abnormal,
for example identifying bikers, skaters or cars on a
pedestrian walkway. However, they usually do not try
to identify the particular action, i.e. the correct class
within the known/normal videos. Thereby they do not
VISAPP 2016 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
need a specific action recognition model, nor could
their knowledge system be extended through novelty
detection. The current work combines anomaly de-
tection and standard action recognition in one system.
In particular, we propose background models as an
anomaly detection extension to any existing genera-
tive classifier like a Hidden Markov Model (HMM)-
based recognizer.
Our proposed system structure is shown in fig-
ure 1. In the next section we introduce the stan-
dard action recognition system based on a compact
and view-invariant representation of the human pose
from the Kinect’s skeletal joint information (2.1) and
a HMM-based back-end classifier (2.2) (green box in
figure 1).Then, we introduce two dominant views on
anomaly detection from speech recognition: posterior
probability (3.1) and hypothesis-testing (3.2). These
approaches are subsequently unified as background
models (3.3). Since this topic has not been stud-
ied before for action recognition, we investigate sev-
eral background models: sum over competing mod-
els, filler models, flat models, anti-models and some
reweighted combinations of them (3.4). Section 3
thereby covers the blue box in figure 1. The remaining
sections of this work present the experimental setup
and dataset (section 4), our results including both
standard recognition accuracies and various novelty
detection results (section 5) and a discussion of our
results (section 6).
In order to investigate novelty detection, we first need
a functioning standard recognition system. This con-
sists of two modules; a feature vector which encodes
the pose of a given frame into a compact represen-
tation, and a generative classifier which uses the en-
coded features to obtain the probabilities over the
trained classes. Our proposed model uses a novel and
compact feature vector based on the skeleton infor-
mation (2.1). The back-end classifier is based on a set
of Hidden Markov Models with shared keypostures
2.1 Representation: Torso-PCA
A good feature is ideally both compact and
information-rich. Compact features are especially im-
portant for HMM-based back-end classifiers, since it
is difficult for these generative probabilistic models
to separate signal from possible feature noise. Earlier
work on human perception of biological motion has
shown that humans can recognize actions by look-
ing only at movements of lights attached to the ma-
jor joints (Johansson, 1973), implying that tracking
of human skeletal poses can provide sufficient infor-
mation for action recognition.
The availability of real-time skeletal tracking from
depth images introduced by (Shotton et al., 2013) has
advanced research in action recognition based on this
information. The raw skeleton sequence contains the
3D locations of 20 joints at each frame. Many ap-
proaches in literature (Yu et al., 2014), (Wang et al.,
2014) obtain a feature vector using all pairwise joint
distances, velocities and angles. For example, all pair-
wise joint distances result in a large feature vector
(P=190), which not only contains redundant informa-
tion, but also make the training process difficult due
to the dimensionality. Many approaches in literature
(Yang and Tian, 2014), (Vieira et al., 2012) employ
some dimension reduction technique (usually PCA)
to reduce the feature vector length. However, PCA
techniques might harm novelty detection, so we con-
struct a novel and compact frame-wise feature based
on earlier work by (Raptis et al., 2011).
The raw skeleton sequence contains the 3D loca-
tions of 20 joints for each frame (P=60). We construct
a more compact frame-wise feature vector (P=30) as
illustrated in figure 2. First, we translate the full skele-
ton to have its origin at the mean of the seven torso
joints. Subsequently, we apply PCA on the seven
torso joint locations (which form a 7 × 3 matrix) to
estimate a local coordinate frame with respect to the
subject (the three principal axis correspond to the ver-
tical, horizontal and frontal body axis, respectively).
The final feature vector is constructed from the 3D
locations of the head, elbows, wrists, knees and ankles
augmented with the three rotation angles (yaw, pitch,
roll) related to the torso coordinate system. This is
based on the assumption that body pose information
relevant to actions is majorly encoded in the extrem-
ities (ignoring the noisy hand extraction), while the
almost rigid body torso can be fully represented by its
orientation in 3D space.
Reorientating the full skeleton to make the subject
camera-facing has also been implemented. However,
this reorientated feature slightly decreased our model
performance. This can be explained from the large
proportion of camera-facing subjects in our dataset.
We therefore choose to use the unrotated feature vec-
tors. Finally, we will report results on the full length
feature (P=30) and a PCA-reduced variant (P=10),
comparing both when applicable.
Knowing What You Don’t Know - Novelty Detection for Action Recognition in Personal Robots
Figure 2: Skeleton-based features. Wireframe skeleton of
20 joints (in blue) is extracted from the Kinect camera fol-
lowing a predescendant method of (Shotton et al., 2013).
Full skeleton is translated to have origin at the mean of the
seven torso joints (marked by the red lines). Subsequently, a
PCA on the torso joint coordinates generates a local coordi-
nate system with respect to the subject’s body. The feature
vector consists of the 3D coordinates of 9 extremity joints
(elbows, wrists, knees, ankles, head; marked by green cir-
cles) and the three rotation angles (yaw, pitch, roll) of the
torso (as derived from the local coordinate system w.r.t. the
world coordinate system).
2.2 Classification: HMM with Shared
Key Postures
We use the sequences of compact feature vectors ob-
tained from the skeletal data to perform action recog-
nition using a generative model. Hidden Markov
Models have shown their major success in speech
recognition applications (Gales and Young, 2008),
and are now also frequently used as classifiers in ac-
tion recognition (Weinland et al., 2011). These state-
space models naturally handle variation in the speed
of performed action. Furthermore, their probabilis-
tic nature allows for novelty detection in low density
area’s, which will be further pursued in the next sec-
We adopt a Hidden Markov Model system with
shared key postures between action classes, earlier in-
troduced as an Action Graph (Li et al., 2008). The
pooled estimation of the emission model (associated
with each key posture) increases model robustness,
and furthermore ties the class models together.
The formal definition is as follows: We observe
a set of videos X
, r = 1, 2,..N, with associated class
label s
Q = {q
}, for m different ac-
tion classes. Each X
, of length T
, has at time-
point t an observation vector x
of length P. Let
W = {w
} denote a set of key postures. In
the HMM we assume each feature vector x
has an
associated hidden state variable z
W , and the tran-
sitions between subsequent hidden states follows a
first-order Markov property. Thereby, the transitions
between states can be represented as a K × K transi-
tion matrix, where each entry denotes the transition
probability between states at subsequent timesteps,
i.e. A
i j
= P(x
= w
= w
). We assume K=50
for this work, which is close to the number reported
for this dataset elsewhere (Vieira et al., 2012). Fur-
thermore, the relation between the hidden nodes and
observation vectors (P(X|Z = w
)), i.e. the emission
model, is modeled as a Gaussian with mean vector µ
and diagonal covariance matrix Σ
For each action class s we estimate a separate
HMM. However, it is reasonable to assume the key
postures and associated emission models are similar
between actions. We therefore jointly estimate these
parts of the HMM’s over the different classes, effec-
tively pooling their contributions. The action classes
are discriminated by the class-specific transition ma-
trix A
. The full set of HMM’s is thereby defined by
the tuple Λ = {µ, Σ, A}, where A = {A
Under these model assumptions we can write the
full data log-likelihood as:
L (X, Z, S|Λ) =
where ` denotes a log-probability, and X, S and
Z denote the video, class and hidden state random
variables, respectively. Since the hidden states Z are
unobserved, the model is estimated through the well-
known Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm.
For comparison, we also include a clustered esti-
mation approach. Here, we pool all frame-wise ob-
servations vectors in the training set and subsequently
cluster these through k-means. Then, we consider
each cluster as a key posture, estimating the observa-
tion model and transition matrices from their assigned
feature vectors. Effectively, we now employ a ‘hard’
hidden node assignment, compared to the ‘soft’ hid-
den node assignment estimated in the EM algorithm.
To perform inference on an incoming video of the
test set, we use the maximum-a-posterior (MAP) de-
cision rule:
ˆs = argmax
VISAPP 2016 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Ordinary speech recognition systems usually as-
sume P(S) is uniform (i.e. no prior on the action
class) and ignore P(X), since it does not depend on
S. Thereby, classification effectively boils down to
selecting the class with the highest raw probabilities,
P(X|S). These raw likelihoods are obtained through
Viterbi decoding.
The introduced HMM system can only estimate the
probability of the input video over the trained classes
(Q). In this section we introduce novelty detection
methodology that has been used in speech recognition
and explain our proposed method for novel action de-
Novelty detection for HMM’s has been previously
studied in speech recognition under the name of Con-
fidence Measures (CM [0, 1]) (Jiang, 2005). Confi-
dence measures were introduced to post-evaluate the
reliability of a recognition decision (as in Equation
2). Since a misrecognition might well be due to a cur-
rently unknown class, the goals of CM research and
novelty detection are highly overlapping.
We will first introduce the two dominant streams
in CM research: posterior probabilities (3.1) and hy-
pothesis testing (3.2). Then we unify both approaches
as background models (3.3). Since we are the first
to investigate novelty detection for action recognition,
we will investigate a diverse set of background model
types (3.4).
3.1 Posterior Probability
A simple and direct way to detect novel classes is
to threshold the raw probability P(X|S), as used for
assignment in the MAP rule (Equation 2). But this
method does not provide a good measure of novelty
as P(X|S) is only a relative measure of fit. We do
know which class is most likely, but we do not know
how good the match really is. In contrary, an abso-
lute and very intuitive measure of fit is the posterior
probability of the class given the video: P(S|X ). In
accordance to Equation 2, we need the marginal prob-
ability of the video (P(X)) as a normalizing constant.
This marginal video probability can be expressed as:
P(X) =
P(X|G)P(G) (3)
where G denotes the full model space, including
the models for all unknown classes. For example,
the marginal probability could separate a novel class
(high P(X)) from a noisy extraction (low P(X)).
However, the distribution in the unseen model space
is not known, and we will need methodology to ap-
proximate it. This will be elaborated shortly.
3.2 Hypothesis Testing
Another approach to confidence measures for HMM’s
was developed independently at AT&T Bell Labs
(Sukkar et al., 1996) (Rahim et al., 1997) (Rose et al.,
1995). Their work on utterance verification casts the
problem as a statistical hypothesis test:
: X
is known and correctly recognized
: X
is novel and/or incorrectly recognized
A well-known choice, based on the Neyman-
Pearson lemma, is to use the likelihood ratio test
(LRT) statistic for testing:
τ (4)
As noted by (Jiang, 2005), the major difficulty lies
in modelling H
, which is a very composite event with
unknown data distribution.
3.3 Background Models
We propose both posterior probability and hypothe-
sis testing approaches can be cast in the same frame-
work as background models. Both P(X) and P(X|H
can be understood as the likelihood of the video under
the (partially unobserved) background of the model
space. On the log-scale, both methods technically re-
duce to subtracting the raw likelihood, P(X|S), by a
correction factor:
(X|S) = `(X|S) `(X)
= `(X|H
) `(X|H
) (5)
As a confirmation of this similarity, both posterior
probability and hypothesis testing approaches have
independently developed ’filler’ models, by (Kamp-
pari and Hazen, 2000) and (Rahim et al., 1997) re-
The corrected posterior log-likelihood will be
used as the test statistic for anomaly detection. We
will identify the video as ’novel’ when the statistic is
below a critical threshold τ, i.e. when:
`(X|S) `(X|M) τ (6)
where M denotes the background model type. If
this statistic is higher than τ, we continue with stan-
dard class assignment through the MAP decision rule
(equation 2). The full test flow is depicted in figure
Knowing What You Don’t Know - Novelty Detection for Action Recognition in Personal Robots
3. In the next section we introduce different types of
background models. Estimation of τ is discussed in
section 4.
3.4 Background Model Types
Since we are the first to study anomaly detection
methods in the context of a standard action recog-
nition system, we will investigate a diverse set of
background models: sum of competing classes, filler
models, flat models and anti-models. Filler and flat
models are very generic, modelling the distant back-
ground of the model space. On the other hand,
anti-models approach the closer surroundings of each
class. Therefore we also investigate a reweighted
combination of them, to combine their advantages.
Background models are themselves Hidden
Markov Models, estimated on the same training set
as the standard models. However, key postures and
emission models obtained in the standard model esti-
mation remain fixed now. All background models ex-
cept the sum over competing hypothesis model’ es-
timate a (class-specific) transition matrix: λ
. All
background models are estimated through EM.
We will denote the video’s probability under the
background model as P(X|M
). The proposed
background models are:
(i) Sum over competing hypothesis: This approach
is related to the N-best list approaches in speech
recognition, like for example in (Kemp and
Schaaf, 1997). However, the number of action
classes in action recognition is usually smaller,
so we can sum over all known competing mod-
) = log
(ii) Filler models: Filler models estimate one gen-
eral transition matrix on all data, which is
intended to approximate all humanly possi-
ble movements and possible background noise.
Speech recognition variants can be found in
(Kamppari and Hazen, 2000) and (Rahim et al.,
f iller
) = log
f iller
(iii) Flat models: Filler models are very generic
models for the background, but they are still
data dependent. We also include a uniformly
initialized transition matrix with each entry
equal to
f lat
) = log
f lat
(iv) Anti-models: As opposed to the previous back-
ground models, anti-models are class-specific.
They are estimated on all videos not belong-
ing to the specific class s (Rahim et al., 1997).
Thereby, they are intended to approximate the
surroundings of the class’ true density area:
) = log
(v) Reweighted combinations: To combine the dif-
ferent strengths of the previous approaches, we
also include a reweighted mean of filler/flat
models with anti-models:
) = log
0.5 · P(X|λ
f iller
+0.5 · P(X|λ
) = log
0.5 · P(X|λ
f lat
+0.5 · P(X|λ
We use the estimated background likelihoods
`(X|M) with the novelty detection statistic in Equa-
tion 6 to detect previously unknown action sequences
as shown in the pipeline of Figure 3.
We evaluate our proposed method over the publicly
available ‘Microsoft Research Action (MSRA) 3D’
dataset. It contains segmented videos of 20 dynamic
actions performed by 10 subjects for ideally 3 repe-
titions (N=557). Most literature follows the dataset’s
original paper (Li et al., 2010), where tests are per-
formed in subsets of 8 actions. Since we want to in-
vestigate novelty detection, we decide to pool 15 ac-
tion classes together. These are: horizontal arm wave,
hammer, high throw, draw circle, hand clap, two hand
wave, side-boxing, bend, forward kick, side kick, jog-
ging, tennis swing, tennis serve, golf swing, pickup &
throw. We only retained videos with three repetitions
per subject and action, and also removed some very
noisy videos (N=366). For evaluation purposes we
use 2/3 of the dataset for training (i.e two of the three
videos per subject per action), which corresponds to
‘Test 2’ of the original paper. Standard recognition re-
sults are obtained over three epochs of a 3-fold cross-
VISAPP 2016 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 3: Flow diagram of background model correction and anomaly detection (i.e. expansion of the blue box in figure 1).
All probabilities denote their log-scale equivalents. A test video is decoded under standard class models and all background
models (possibly class specific). Then, the latter is subtracted from the former to give the background corrected posterior
likelihood. The class with the highest posterior likelihood is considered for assignment. When the background corrected
posterior likelihood exceeds a threshold τ, we proceed to standard classification through the MAP assignment rule (Equation
2). Else, we refrain from classifying and store the video in a buffer for future processing. Optimization of τ is illustrated in
figure 4.
Figure 4: Novelty detection setup. For each run, 3 videos
are randomly split off as ‘novel’. Then, in a nested 3-
fold cross-validation, HMM’s and background models are
trained on known videos (Train 1) and optimal threshold τ
is determined on Train 1 and Train 2. Finally, novelty and
recognition accuracy are evaluated on Test. N = number of
videos in a set, A = number of action classes.
To evaluate novelty performance we will need a
double dataset split, as depicted in figure 4. Nov-
elty results are obtained over two full epochs, which
each consist of a 5-fold novelty split with nested 3-
fold cross-validation (figure 4).
With the introduction of novelty detection, we can
also make errors at two levels. Apart from mistakes
in the binary novelty module, we can also correctly
identify a video as known, but still assign it to the
wrong class. The latter is called a putative error.
However, we are primarily interested in 1) recogni-
tion accuracy (percentage of known videos identified
to the correct class, i.e. sensitivity) and 2) novelty
accuracy (percentage of novel videos correctly iden-
tified as novel, i.e. specificity). Therefore, optimal τ
will be determined from the largest sum of both accu-
racies, thereby ignoring the underlying error types.
Table 1: Standard recognition accuracy (no novelty detec-
tion) for clustered and EM estimated models.
Estimation method Recognition Accuracy
Clustered 94%
EM 96%
Figure 5: Learning rate: recognition accuracy as a function
of the training set size for two estimation methods (EM and
clustered). Expectation Maximization is able to learn from
the data more quickly. Note that the test results at 2/3 train-
ing set size are slightly lower compared to table 1. The setup
for this plot is however not solely inter-subject, but makes a
random split over the data. Although performance slightly
decreases, these results also indicate our method generalizes
well for larger training set sizes.
Recognition accuracy for the standard classification
task in shown in table 1. Our novel compact feature
(P=10) has accuracy close to the state-of-the-art re-
sults on this dataset, although we did use a slightly
Knowing What You Don’t Know - Novelty Detection for Action Recognition in Personal Robots
Table 2: Overview of recognition accuracy (sensitivity) and novelty accuracy (specificity) for two estimation methods (clus-
tered versus EM) and various background models. Each cell reports accuracy for the PCA-reduced feature vector (P=10) and
between brackets the same result for the full-length feature vector (P=30). Optimal performance is obtained for the combined
background model (flat + anti-model), with both accuracies at 78%.
Clustered EM
Background model Sensitivity Specificity Sensitivity Specificity
Raw (none) 0.72 (0.73) 0.60 (0.61) 0.71 (0.70) 0.57 (0.63)
Sum 0.64 (0.54) 0.77 (0.77) 0.66 (0.59) 0.74 (0.73)
Filler 0.73 (0.73) 0.66 (0.67) 0.73 (0.75) 0.58 (0.52)
Flat 0.68 (0.66) 0.77 (0.78) 0.71 (0.73) 0.74 (0.69)
Anti-model 0.77 (0.73) 0.77 (0.70) 0.73 (0.75) 0.69 (0.62)
Combination 1 (filler + anti) 0.76 (0.72) 0.75 (0.71) 0.73 (0.77) 0.68 (0.62)
Combination 2 (flat + anti) 0.78 (0.75) 0.78 (0.75) 0.73 (0.77) 0.73 (0.65)
Figure 6: Consistency of τ. Boxplots show the distribution
of τ over multiple splits for the seven background models
(A-G) as reported in the rows of table 2, respectively. Re-
sults are obtained over 2 full epochs (30 runs, see figure 4)
on the clustered model with P=10. On each run, we deter-
mine a single value of τ. Clearly, the raw likelihood (model
A) has trouble generalizing over different data splits. How-
ever, all background models (B-G) improve generalization,
since the variance in τ decreases.
different test set-up (see section 4). The ability of our
estimation methods to learn from smaller amounts of
data is shown in figure 5. The graph indicates EM es-
timation is able to learn from the data more quickly,
although both methods eventually approach the same
recognition accuracy.
Novelty detection results are reported in table
2. Results do not differ between the PCA-reduced
(P=10) and full-length (P=30) feature vectors. The
raw posterior likelihood is able to identify around
72% of the known videos in the correct class, while
also detecting 60% of the novel videos. Obviously,
recognition accuracy has decreased compared to table
1, since we augmented the problem by adding a set of
videos from classes unavailable during training.
Table 3: Optimal novelty detection results for the clustered
standard model with flat & anti-model background (bold re-
sult in table 2). The results illustrate that we hardly make
any putative errors (i.e. known videos assigned to the wrong
class). The decrease in recognition accuracy from about
95% (table 1) to 78% can be almost fully attributed to mis-
recognized novel videos.
True label
Assigned label Known Novel
Known (correct) 78% 22%
Known (wrong) 1% -
Novel 21% 78%
The different background models all improve per-
formance, but in different ways. Optimal perfor-
mance is achieved for the combined background of
flat and anti-model, which reaches novelty and recog-
nition accuracy of both 78%. Interestingly, the clus-
tered estimation seems to outperform EM for novelty
detection in general.
Table 3 shows the underlying errors of our opti-
mal novelty detection result. Although we optimized
τ to maximize the sum of recognition accuracy and
novelty accuracy, we can observe a clear difference in
the type of errors our system makes. Putative errors,
i.e. known videos assigned to the wrong class, occur
only for 1% of the known videos. Thereby, the recog-
nition accuracy considering only the known classes
(i.e. a closed-set recognition problem) has actually in-
creased compared to table 1. We could have expected
this result, since our inspiration (confidence measures
in speech recognition) was actually developed to iden-
tify misrecognitions.
A closer inspection of the scaling of τ is provided
in figure 7. The ROC-curve (top) shows both accura-
cies for different values of τ. The bottom plot shows
the distribution of the background corrected likeli-
hood for known and new classes. As expected, the
distribution under the known class has a higher mean
posterior likelihood. We see an overlapping area, cor-
VISAPP 2016 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 7: Scaling of τ. Top: ROC-curve showing recogni-
tion and novelty accuracy for various levels of τ. Model is
cluster estimated with combined (flat + anti-model) back-
ground correction. Optimal joint performance is marked
with an asterix (the associated value of τ is visible in the
bottom plot). Bottom: Distribution of background corrected
likelihood for known (blue dashed line) and novel (red solid
line) videos. Optimal τ is indicated by the vertical dashed
responding to the 22% errors on both sides.
Finally, we investigate the ability of τ to gener-
alize over different novelty settings. Figure 6 shows
the distribution of the optimal τ for all background
models over various dataset splits (according to fig-
ure 4). We see the raw likelihood without background
correction (model A) has difficulty generalizing over
different splits, i.e. the variance of the optimal τ is
large. On the other hand, all background methods
clearly improve the consistency of τ, indicating the
background models do systematically correct the dif-
ferent scalings of the raw likelihood.
To our knowledge, our work is the first to report on
novelty detection in the context of a standard ac-
tion recognition system. Our methodology can as-
sign 78% of the known videos to the correct class,
while also identifying 78% of the unknown videos as
novel. Furthermore, our background model method-
ology shows consistent results over various dataset
splits, indicating the method should generalize well to
different settings. Background models can be easily
implemented on any HMM-based action recognition
system, providing it with robustness against open-set
An interesting aspect of our results is the relatively
good performance of the flat background model. This
model was the only data-independent background ap-
proach. Most literature on novelty detection tries to
re-use the dataset in some smart way. The good re-
sults of the flat model touch upon a fundamental chal-
lenge in novelty detection: ‘you can not model the
unknown (new classes) from the known (data)’.
We think the results in table 3 could give a motiva-
tion to use our methodology even for closed-set envi-
ronments. As we mentioned before, the background
model system can also be used as a confidence mea-
sure to identify misrecognitions. Considering only the
closed-set problem (i.e. first column of table 3), we
would refuse to classify 21% of the videos, but for
the assigned videos we can be very certain that the
class is correct.
The decrease in recognition accuracy from 96%
for closed-set recognition to 78% for open-set recog-
nition nicely illustrates the inevitable trade-off in nov-
elty detection. As table 3 clearly shows, the bot-
tleneck of this decrease is in the novelty detection
module. By including a set of unknown videos, we
strongly increased the difficulty of the classification
task. However, real-life is by definition an open-
set, and any system (like a personal robot) ignoring
this problem will see their good closed-set recogni-
tion performance strongly decrease in practical appli-
The test setup (figure 4) could be further im-
proved. Ideally, one would not use unknown videos
from the same class for optimizing τ and evaluating
performance. However, the size of our dataset (15 ac-
tion classes) did not allow such a ’triple split’, since
anomaly detection will by definition need a substan-
tial amount of known classes (i.e. the basic knowl-
Knowing What You Don’t Know - Novelty Detection for Action Recognition in Personal Robots
edge, being 12 classes in this experiment). We used
this dataset (MSRA 3D) since it allowed us to com-
pare our closed-set method with the state-of-the-art in
the field. However, we do not expect overfitting was a
problem for the scaling of τ. In particular, the consis-
tency of τ over various dataset splits (figure 6) would
be highly unexpected if overfitting was a serious prob-
In conclusion, we identify three purposes for our
anomaly detection methodology based on background
models: 1) increased accuracy in closed-set recogni-
tion tasks by acting as a confidence measure, 2) in-
creased robustness against open-set problems by fil-
tering of unknown videos and 3) as a first step to-
wards adaptive learning by closing the learning loop
of figure 1. Due to the large resemblance of human
intelligence, novelty detection can significantly ex-
tend both robotic functionality and human-robot in-
teraction. We intend to implement the novelty de-
tection methodology on our personal robot (Chandarr
et al., 2013) and tackle the challenges posed by un-
constrained motions and environments.
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Knowing What You Don’t Know - Novelty Detection for Action Recognition in Personal Robots