Person Re-identification based on Human Query on Soft Biometrics
using SVM Regression
Athira Nambiar, Alexandre Bernardino and Jacinto C. Nascimento
Institute for Systems and Robotics, Instituto Superior T
Av. Rovisco Pais, 1, 1049-001, Lisbon, Portugal
Soft biometrics, Shape Context, SVM Regression, Re-identification, Silhouettes, Retrieval, Surveillance.
We propose a novel methodology for person re-identification (Re-ID) based on the biometric description of
the upper-torso region of the human body. The proposed methodology leverages soft biometrics via Support
Vector Regression (SVR) and Shape Context (SC) features obtained from the upper-torso silhouette of the
human body. First, mappings from the upper-torso Shape Context to soft biometrics are learned from virtual
avatars rendered by computer graphics engines, to circumvent the need for time consuming manual labelling
of human datasets. Second, it is possible to formulate a human query of a given suspect against a gallery of
previously stored soft biometrics. At this point, the proposed system is able to provide a ranked list of the
persons, based on the description given. Third, an extensive study on the different regression methodologies
to achieve the above mentioned mappings is carried out. We also conduct real time Re-ID experiments in an
existing Re-ID dataset, and promising results are reported.
In order to re-identify a person in a video surveillance,
we usually rely on previously stored image/videos of
the person or a verbal description of its biometric fea-
tures. In this paper, we focus on the latter case via
soft-biometric descriptions. Soft biometrics are the
human characteristics providing categorical informa-
tion such as age, gender, height, weight, length of
arms and legs, skin/ hair color, gait and gestures, ac-
cent, etc. (Jain et al., 2004). In contrast to “hard” bio-
metrics, such as fingerprint, retina, that encode unique
and permanent personal characteristics, soft biomet-
rics provide vague physical or behavioral information
which may not be permanent or distinctive. How-
ever, there are certain advantages that make soft bio-
metrics well suited to surveillance applications: they
are usually easier to capture from a distance or from
low quality data, and do not require cooperation from
the subjects. Since these features are human inter-
pretable, people can use them to refer to other people
in re-identification (Re-ID) scenarios e.g., eyewitness
of the suspect in a criminal scene (long face, fat, bald
With the arrival of sophisticated measurement sys-
tems such as 3D sensors (Kinect) and high defini-
tion cameras, several applications of soft biomet-
rics for video surveillance were reported in the last
decade. (Barbosa et al., 2012) presented a set of 3D
soft biometric cues related to anthropometric mea-
surements, obtained from KINECT RGB-D sensors
and employed in person Re-ID. Many studies on gait
based person recognition and re-identification were
reported in (Bedagkar-Gala and Shah, 2014), (Gof-
fredo et al., 2009) and (Nambiar et al., 2012). In (Le-
An. et al., 2013), new methods for improving the Re-
ID performance by re-ranking based on Soft biomet-
ric attributes are discussed. Some works addressed
the issue of person Re-ID based on human query as
well. (Dantcheva et al., 2010) proposed a BoSB bag
of soft biometric traits (e.g., facial and body soft bio-
metrics) for person Re-ID. In (Reid and Nixon, 2011)
a large number of manual annotations of comparative
biometric measurements was collected from numer-
ous human annotators. In (Denman et al., 2012), per-
son matching using semantic description is achieved
using size and colour cues.
Person retrieval based solely on biometrics
presents several challenges: (i) many people may
share similar biometrics; (ii) verbal descriptions are
qualitative and relative among individuals; (iii) it is
difficult to bridge the semantic gap between human
descriptions and real measurements. In this work, we
explore new strategies to tackle these issues by link-
ing these human interpretations to those of machine
representations. With the aid of a machine learning
Nambiar, A., Bernardino, A. and Nascimento, J.
Person Re-identification based on Human Query on Soft Biometrics using SVM Regression.
DOI: 10.5220/0005679404840492
In Proceedings of the 11th Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2016) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages 484-492
ISBN: 978-989-758-175-5
2016 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
technique (Regression), we find the relationship be-
tween biometric features of a person and its com-
puter vision features histograms of Shape Context
(SC) descriptors (Belongie et al., 2002) to encode the
upper-torso silhouette of the humans.
One of the main challenges to train regression
models is the availability of the ground truth biomet-
ric features. Due to the urge for a large datasets, hu-
man annotation of video sequences does not seem a
feasible approach. Instead, we propose the genera-
tion of a database of synthetic avatars, whose bod-
ily proportions can be manipulated easily. Regression
analysis is then achieved via SVM Regression.
With respect to works in the state-of-the-art, our
retrieval system using soft biometrics neither requires
very high image resolution, as for facial features in
(Dantcheva et al., 2010), nor laborious and plenti-
ful manual annotations over real world dataset as in
(Reid and Nixon, 2011). Also, in contrast to (Denman
et al., 2012) and (Dantcheva et al., 2010), our system
doesn’t consider the appearance cues such as clothing
colour, thus enabling towards long-term person Re-
ID. Hence, we propose a novel automatic person Re-
ID system solely based on biometric features, exploit-
ing regression models and modern computer graphics
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: The
system architecture is explained in Section 2. In Sec-
tion 3, the image features descriptors are explained.
Then, Section 4 explains the regression process we
carried out, including the generation of the dataset of
avatars and the basics of SVM regression. In Sec-
tion 5, the various experiments conducted and their
results are detailed along with a real world case study
of Person Re-ID. We summarize our work and enu-
merate some future work plans in Section 6.
The objective of our proposed system is to re-identify
the person purely based on semantic human descrip-
tions on his/her soft biometric features (BF) of the
upper torso, such as chest width, shape of the face,
neck size etc. We design our system in order to link
these human compliant soft biometric cues with those
of the machine interpretable computer vision features
extracted from people. So, whenever the human query
is provided, our system will provide the list of people
observed in the system with biometric features similar
to that query. Basically, there are two training phases
involved in our procedure. The first one is for obtain-
ing the regression model and the second one is the
training for holistic Re-ID system.
Training Regression Model: To gather a large
enough set of data for regression, we generate avatars
in virtual reality based on groundtruth soft biometric
values, and extract the corresponding SC feature
descriptors. Then, regression analysis is carried
out to obtain the regression parameters. A pictorial
representation of the regression block is given in
Fig. 2.
Training the Re-ID System: The general framework
of the proposed system is presented in Fig. 1. During
the training stage for the re-identification, we acquire
the image data for all people appearing in the surveil-
lance scenario via a number of cameras situated at
various positions in the network. This set is denoted
as “Gallery”. Afterwards, we carry out the feature
extraction from the collected data. We leverage
Shape context (SC) descriptors for the extraction of
features of the upper torso of each person. These
extracted SC features are stored in a Gallery Database
of SC features. A regression block will process the
data on this set. As mentioned earlier, this block
divulges the relation of SC descriptors with soft
biometrics, and it estimates biometric feature (BF)
values corresponding to each sample. Hence, for
each Gallery image, the corresponding biometric
value is estimated and stored in the Gallery Database
of Soft Biometrics. This data is further processed and
a statistical analysis is generated among the whole
population and stored for later use.
Using the Re-ID System: Whenever a human probe
query (in terms of the biometric description of the
suspect) is entered in the system by an operator, the
Biometric gallery is revisited by the system. Based
on the statistical profile of the whole biometric info
as well as the current query, the decision module will
determine the most appropriate category of the sus-
pect. Each category is identified via range of quartiles
in this statistical chart. More details are explained
later in Section 5.2. Since many people might have
similar semantic labels resulting in subject interfer-
ence, we propose that grouping them into classes with
similar traits could be the best technique to tackle
this scenario. Hence, the output of the system will
be a ranked list of persons that share the similar hu-
man compliant traits. By considering many biometric
cues, we can fine tune the person to be re-identified.
This is a kind of pruning method, which normally the
security people do manually on receiving the human
queries; we do it here automatically.
Person Re-identification based on Human Query on Soft Biometrics using SVM Regression
Database of SC
Database of
Soft Biometrics
by human user
shape context
TRAINING DATA ACQUISITION in video surveillance system
description of
the probe
Person Re-ID/
Human #ID
Figure 1: The scheme presents the holistic framework of our human re-identification (Re-ID) system. Gallery is the storage
of data collected in the training phase, and probe is a human description of the subject provided by a human operator such as
eyewitness statement in a criminal scene.
Soft biometric
Shape context
Database of
SC features
Train Regression
Figure 2: Framework for training the Regression model.
Silhouettes: Of the many different image descriptors
that could be used for feature extraction of the person,
we have chosen image silhouettes. Silhouettes have
a number of interesting properties: (i) they yield the
shape of the person which encodes soft biometric
traits such as lengths, curvatures and size ratios in the
human body; (ii) they are insensitive to the surface
attributes such as clothing colour and texture, thus
better for long term based person re-identification;
(iii) they are basic image edge information and could
be extracted reliably using many techniques such as
background subtraction, gradient analysis, depth map
in 3D sensors, etc.
Shape Context: In this work, we use shape con-
text descriptors to encode the shape over a range of
scales. The original idea of Shape Context was de-
scribed in (Belongie et al., 2002). In order to com-
pute shape similarity, they introduced a new descrip-
tor called Shape Context which measures the distribu-
tion of points in a shape relative to each point in that
shape. The silhouette shape is thus encoded as a dis-
tribution in the 60-D shape context space, by encod-
ing the local edge pixels into log- polar bins of 12 an-
gular ×5 radial bins. Then, matching silhouettes is re-
duced to matching Shape context descriptors. This is
accomplished by bipartite graph matching technique
as explained in the original paper. In our previous
study (Nambiar et al., 2015), the feasibility of using
Shape context features for person re-identification us-
ing SC matching is validated by employing Hungar-
ian algorithm as an instance of Bipartite graph match-
ing, and verified by achieving a higher performance
accuracy of 95% in virtual avatars and 92.5% in real
We leverage recent work on Support Vector Regres-
sion (SVR) to test linear as well as nonlinear models
on the ability to predict biometric features from im-
age data. A detailed explanation of our experimen-
tal dataset, SVM regression, the choice of basis, meta
parameters and the cross validation strategies are pro-
vided in this section.
4.1 Database of Generic Avatars
For the learning phase of the regression, we need to
have a benchmark dataset with the image descriptors
and the corresponding soft biometric information. To
collect these information by manually annotating on a
large real world human population is not only a very
strenuous task, but also prone to segmentation errors.
Thus, we simulated a large number of virtual silhou-
ettes using the graphics engine Unity3D
, with the
standard avatars viz. Male character pack and female
character pack (shown in Fig. 3) from Mixamo 3D
character animation service, as the baseline avatars.
Then the rest of the avatars were created by impos-
ing variations to the biometric features with respect
to these standard models, as explained in (Nambiar
et al., 2015).
For the standard avatars models, we assumed a
unitary scale factor of each biometric measurement
(see Fig. 4(a)). The soft biometric parametrization
VISAPP 2016 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 3: Six standard avatars used in the synthetic platform
for the generation of large dataset by changing the biomet-
ric features. We make use of only the upper-torso region
including head, shoulder and chest.
imposed for simulating the generic avatar population
is shown in Table 1, where each value corresponds
to the scale applied to the standard model counterpart
of that anthropometric measurement. These scale pa-
rameters were defined by analysing the variability in
real world human population. Fig. 4 shows an ex-
ample of the different virtual avatar samples gener-
ated out of a single basic standard avatar, by changing
each biometric feature individually. So, altogether 9
variations were generated out of each of the 6 stan-
dard avatars. Then, we executed walking animations
and captured random 4 frames for each person which
resembled the video surveillance image acquisition.
Thus we created our Generic avatar dataset consisted
of 216 images.
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
(f) (g) (h) (i)
Figure 4: The nine variations of biometrics simulated in the
generic avatars. Only the upper torso region is shown since
it is the region of our interest. Please refer to Table 1 for
measurement details.
4.2 Dataset for Regression
Let the regression be carried out from an input space
of dimension IR
to an output space of dimension IR.
Each element in the input space is a feature vector of
size p × 1. i.e. x =
,··· , x
. We collect n such
samples and represent them as a matrix X IR
X = [x
| · · · | x
Each row in the X matrix represents a feature vec-
tor corresponding to the n’th sample in the dataset.
We collect the response variables y
corresponding to
Table 1: Chart showing the soft biometric scale factors for
the simulated avatar versions in Fig. 4. Values highlighted
in bold characters in each row represents the modification
imposed for that particular avatar.
(a) 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Standard
(b) 200% 100% 100% 100% 100% Large neck
(c) 300% 100% 100% 100% 100% Very large
(d) 100% 200% 100% 100% 100% Large chest
(e) 100% 300% 100% 100% 100% Very large
(f) 100% 100% 50% 100% 100% Thin body
(g) 100% 100% 200% 100% 100% Fat body
(h) 100% 100% 100% 125% 100% Long head
(i) 100% 100% 100% 100% 125% Wide head
each input sample x
and represent them as a vector
y IR
, as follows:
y =
In our case, X contains the input SC descriptors and y
holds the Biometrics values of the simulated avatars.
We have 216 avatar samples corresponding to 4 dif-
ferent views of each of the 54 different avatars. The
Shape Descriptors are composed of 40 points across
the edge of the upper torso silhouette, each with 60D
shape context descriptor and thus producing a 2400
dimensional feature vector corresponding to a person,
i.e., input matrix X is of dimension IR
. The
output biometric consists of 5 biometrics say, BF= (N,
C, B, HL, HW). In our experiment, we conduct regres-
sion analysis individually for each of the biometrics in
the set BF. More specifically, y in equation (2) will be
a vector of dimension 216 containing a given biomet-
ric feature for all the avatars. Thus, each regression
analysis will be from IR
matrix to IR
4.3 Support Vector Regression
Support Vector Machines (Cortes and Vapnik, 1995)
can be applied not only to classification problems but
also to the case of regression (Smola and Schlkopf,
1998), (Chapelle and V., 1999).
Training the original SVR as per (Smola. and
Schlkopf., 2004) is mentioned below. Suppose the
training data {(x
)} X × R where, X
denotes the space of the input patterns. (e.g. X = R
Consider linear functions f, taking the form
f(x) =< w,x > +b, w X ,b R (3)
where < .,. > denotes the dot product in X . Solv-
ing this convex optimization problem yields the
formulation below. In order to cope with the in-
feasibile constraints of the optimization problem,
slack variables ξ
are introduced to perform the
minimization of the following cost function:
Person Re-identification based on Human Query on Soft Biometrics using SVM Regression
+ ξ
< w,x
> b ε + ξ
< w,x
> +b y
ε + ξ
The constant C > 0 determines the trade-off be-
tween the flatness of such a function f and the amount
up to which deviations larger than ε are tolerated.
To extend this towards nonlinear functions, the main
strategy is dual formulation. Hence, the optimization
problem could be transformed into a dual problem
and its solution is given by:
f (x) =
)+b, s.t.,
0 α
0 α
where, α
are the dual variables and K(x
) is the
Kernel function.
4.4 Meta Parameters
The performance of Support Vector Regression
(SVR) depends on a good setting of meta parameters.
We tested two kinds of regression kernels: (i) Linear
) < x
> (6)
which implies that the regressor is linear with respect
to the input vector ; (ii) Radial basis kernel, where
) exp(γ||x
), γ =
To determine which values of C and γ are best
for our problem we use grid search with cross-
validation. We used logarithmic grids both for C (C
) and γ (γ=2
). For each
pair, we measure the prediction error (Mean Square
Error- MSE) and the lowest MSE corresponds to the
best parameters. We conducted two different cross
validation techniques:
(a) K-fold Cross Validation: We first divide the
training set into k subsets of equal size. Sequentially,
one subset is tested using the regressor trained on the
remaining k-1 subsets. This rotation estimation will
go on k times, and finally, the prediction errors over k
folds will be averaged to produce a single estimation.
(b) Stratified K-fold Cross Validation: In strati-
fied k-fold cross validation, the folds are selected such
that each set contains approximately the same per-
centage of samples of each target class as the com-
plete set. “Stratified” cross-validation is a simple vari-
ant of classical k fold cross-validation. It basically
makes sure that we choose a division that has approx-
imately the right representation of class values in each
of the folds. It helps reduce the variance in the esti-
mate a little bit more.
After the cross validation is done, we will get a
single estimation of the measure of fit viz., the aver-
age MSE Train and the corresponding meta parame-
ters. Based on this model, we train the whole system
so that whenever the test data enters, it will estimate
the output variables.
We conducted experiments using the database of 54
avatars, with 4 samples each. The regression analysis
is conducted from the input space of IR
to out-
put space of IR. Among the output biometrics to be
estimated say, BF= (N, C, B, HL, HW), we perform
regression analysis individually for each of them i.e.,
we regress the scalar estimate of each biometric from
a 2400-D shape context vector. In our experiments,
we selected 2 random avatars, each with 4 samples
(total 8 samples), as the test set and the remaining 52
people, each with 4 samples as the training set (total
208 samples).
5.1 Regressor Performance
We conducted 6 different experiments on our data,
over different kernels as well as different cross valida-
tion schemes. Out of these experiments, we report the
Mean Squared error viz., MSE Train and MSE Test in
both the training and test sets, as well as the best meta
parameters (the ones leading to the least MSE Train).
Table 2 summarizes the test and train set perfor-
mances of the various regression methods studied on
a single biometric feature (Neckness). Linear and ker-
nelized basis versions were tested with different cross
validation schemes, at manual and optimal regularizer
settings. MSE
Train corresponds to the Mean Square
Error obtained for the training set obtained via Cross
validation, and the MSE Test is the the Mean Square
Error obtained for the test set. In the default param-
eter setting, the default meta parameters are activated
(C=1, γ=1/num features, ε=0.1), whereas in exhaus-
tive grid search, the optimal values of meta param-
eters are selected as the pair of (C,γ) producing the
least MSE Train in the training set. A sample grid
search selection of optimal meta parameters for Exp.5
(in Table 2) is depicted in Fig. 5(a).
In order to verify the repeatability/consistency of
the measure of fit, we executed 10 runs of random tri-
als (with Cross validation of 2 fold) for the same bio-
metric. The boxplot representation of the variability
of regression performance in terms of Mean Squared
VISAPP 2016 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 2: Performance of Linear and Nonlinear regression models studied in this work on biometric1 (Neckness), for different
parameter settings as well as cross validation schemes. The experimental results over 2-fold as well as 4-fold cross validation
settings are shown below. Least values of MSE Train and MSE Test are shown in bold characters and the second least in
Exp Kernel Parameter
of CV
MSE Train MSE Test Meta parameter
(1) Linear Default - - 0.0100 1207.5 default
(2) Linear Gridsearch Stratified 2 17.2178 991.1524
C= 0.5; γ= 9.5367e-07
4 94.1696 1319.5
(3) Linear Gridsearch K-fold 2 95.24996 1347.6
C= 0.25; γ=3.0518e-05
4 468.1726 2986.8
(4) RBF Default - - 4726.4 19211 default
(5) RBF Gridsearch Stratified 2 0.3974 985.2449
C=1024; γ=0.00024414
4 0.00010061 1240.0
(6) RBF Gridsearch K-fold 2 41.5721 1033.1433
C=1024; γ= 4.8828e-4
4 0.5671 1924.0950
Error for both train and test sets are shown in Fig. 5(b)
and Fig. 5(c) respectively.
Next, we try to extend the case studies conducted
on a single biometric feature (Neckness), over all the
5 biometrics say (Neckness, Chest width, Body size,
Head length and Head width). Since the ranges of
the various biometrics features are different, we use
the normalized root mean square error NRMSE for the
evaluation of our regressor.
( ˆy
) (8)
The visualization of the NRMSE values for all the
regression methods over all biometrics under consid-
eration, is given in Fig. 6.
Following are the main findings from our experi-
ments conducted above:
1) Grid-search on meta parameters can fine tune
the measure of fit, and thus the optimal nonlinear
experiments outperforms the others in all the cases:
Our experiments with linear function and RBF kernel
show that kernelization gives a slight improvement in
performance. For e.g., referring to Table 2 as well as
Fig. 6 we can observe that the default values of param-
eters produce very bad results for RBF kernel (worst
results among all) whereas the grid search of the meta
parameters could fine tune the performance. Simi-
larly, applying grid search in linear regression also
can reduce the estimation error to some extent.
2) We observed a nearly Linear Relationship be-
tween SC descriptors and the corresponding Biomet-
rics; In other words, Linear Regression lies very close
to cross validated nonlinear regression modalities: In
the boxplots of Fig. 5 as well as the barplot in Fig. 6,
we could observe that linear kernels as well as the
cross-validated RBF kernel produced more or less the
same range of estimation errors. Also in terms of con-
sistency of estimation errors also similar results are
observed. So we conclude that, the nonlinear kernel-
ization could bring only a small advantage over purely
linear regression against our descriptor set. This intu-
itively indicates that there exists a nearly linear re-
lationship between the Shape Context descriptor and
the corresponding Biometrics.
3) Cross Validation Influences in the System Per-
formance: Among two types of cross validation
schemes we applied on our data, we could observe
that Stratified k-fold CV outperforms the k-fold CV,
in terms of accuracy and consistency. After learning
the relationship among the Shape Context descriptors
and the Soft Biometrics, we built the best regression
model for our Re-ID system using Nonlinear regres-
sion with RBF stratified CV.
Table 3: Chart showing the meta parameters settings of RBF
for the best regression performance.
Index Biometric Kernel
1 Neckness(N) RBF 1024 0.00024414 0.01
2 Chestsize(C) RBF 1024 0.00048828 0.01
3 Bodysize(B) RBF 128 0.00024414 0.01
4 Headlength(HL) RBF 64 0.00048828 0.01
5 Headwidth(HW) RBF 64 0.00048828 0.01
5.2 Person Re-ID in Real World
After pondering various regressor models on our
Virtual Generic avatar dataset, we employ it in a real
world dataset for person re-identification. In this
work we conducted a pilot study using 20 people
from RGB-D Person re-identification Dataset
. A
Person Re-identification based on Human Query on Soft Biometrics using SVM Regression
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 5: (a) Contour and Surface plots of the MSE Train distribution for various C and γ meta parameters. Blue corresponds
to lowest MSE Train. log
(C)= 10 and log
(γ)= -12 produces the least prediction error (lowest MSE Train) (b) MSE for the
trainset (MSE Train) over 10 random runs (c) MSE for the testset (MSE Test) over 10 random runs.
Figure 6: A summary of our various regressors’ perfor-
mance on different biometrics estimation.
Figure 7: A sample real world dataset for the retrieval test
based on human queries on biometric info.
subset of our real world dataset is given in Fig. 7.
Characterising the Gallery Soft-Biometrics: Refer-
ring to our proposed system in Fig. 1, the image de-
scriptors for each person in the dataset are used in
the training phase of Re-ID system in terms of SC
descriptors of upper torso, and stored in the system
gallery. Afterwards, these SC descriptors are pro-
cessed using the Regression block designed as per Ta-
ble 3, and the corresponding biometric estimation for
each individual is made. Finally, a statistical distri-
bution analysis of the stored biometrics is carried out
in the same module and stored along with the biomet-
ric values, for later use. This statistical profile is the
distribution chart of each biometric values observed
among the whole population. The statistical analysis
of estimated biometric values among our real human
dataset is presented in Fig. 8.
Figure 8: Biometric data distribution predicted for the real
dataset, using the regression model learned using simulated
We can observe a range of variances along the
biometrics estimated among the dataset. The distri-
bution of Neckness ranges between 100% to 130% of
the trained simulator models. The parameter distri-
bution of chestsize ranges between 120% and 230%,
with median close to 190%. Bodysize, Headwidth
and Headlength are centered near the 100%, and have
lower variances. Largest variance is observed for
Chest size and least variances are observed for head
length and head width. It is important to have certain
biometrics with large variance in the population in
order to avoid the problem of subject interference
and to improve the distinctiveness among people.
They act as the most discriminative features. In our
case, Chest size is the most discriminative biometric
Re-identification from Verbal Queries: When the
query probe in terms of description of the human bio-
VISAPP 2016 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
metric is entered into the system (for instance, person
with large chest and short neck), our system will anal-
yse the biometric distribution of the training samples
as in Fig. 8. The most acclaimed semantic categories
are interpreted in terms of data ranges in this distribu-
tion profile as follows: Short (S-less than lower quar-
tile), Medium (M-lower quartile to upper quartile) and
Large (L-above upper quartile). Then, the biometric
description in the query is compared against the afore-
mentioned semantic categories, and the valid cate-
gory of interest is retrieved. As an example, we will
select the list of people with the biometric traits of
chestsize200% (more than the upper quartile of bio-
metric C) and neckness110% (less than the lower
quartile of biometric N). In our case study of real
dataset in Fig.7, person IDs (f) #P6 and (h) #P8 were
correctly re-identified under the query made, and their
corresponding frames in the camera network were re-
In this work, we presented a novel method for re-
identifying people in a video surveillance system by
means of verbal queries describing human compliant
soft biometric labels. This was done by exploiting
regression techniques associating Shape context fea-
tures to Soft biometric values. In order to provide
the best model for the Regression analysis, we con-
ducted an extensive study on the impact of various re-
gression schemes as well as cross validation schemes
on Shape Context- biometrics pairs of our simulated
dataset of Virtual reality avatars. We observed that the
grid search for the best meta parameterized model can
fine tune the system for the best performance. In our
experiments nonlinear kernel (RBF) basis with strati-
fied Cross validation excels in performance compared
to all the other schemes. Interestingly, linear regres-
sion models are also found to provide good and fast
results. This gives us the intuition that the correla-
tion between the SC and biometrics are nearly linear.
We trained our system with the best regression model
RBF kernel with Stratified cross validation. Using the
meta parameters obtained, we experimented for the
biometric estimation not only in the simulated plat-
form, but also in real imagery. We showed that, based
on the statistical distribution of these biometrics, our
system could retrieve promising results for person re-
identification based on human query. In the future
work, we plan to extrapolate our proposed method-
ology from upper torso towards full human body i.e.
to extract the features over full body and to exploit
a large set of soft biometrics defining the full body
specifications such as height, weight, lengths of hands
and legs, waist width etc. In addition to that, we also
intend to combine other biometric cues such as gait,
face etc. along with the current shape features using
multi-modal fusion techniques.
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[SFRH/BD/97258/2013] and by European Com-
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VISAPP 2016 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications