Figure 7: Samples of test set:(a):short para-
graph,(b):simple characters (stokes< 10),(c):simple
characters (stokes> 10),(d):complicated characters.
and SIFT feature to recognize Chinese character im-
ages. Before the recognition stage, we create the li-
brary by extracting feature from Windows installed
font images. The methods of SIFT keypoints filtering
and SSC encoding speed up the recognizing process
and reduce the computational cost. Experiments show
that the recognizer achieves great performance, but
there is still space for improvement. Some compli-
cate Chinese characters can’t be recognized correctly
due to the instability of the phone camera and lim-
ited feature library. In the future, we will improve
the application by applying some image preprocess-
ing method to alleviate the influence of hands trem-
bling and adding more Chinese character feature vec-
tor to the feature library.
This work is supported by National Natural Science
Foundation of China(No.61379073) and the CADAL
Project and Research Center, Zhejiang University.
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