Chinese Character Images Recognition and Its Application in Mobile
Gang Gu, Jiangqin Wu, Tianjiao Mao and Pengcheng Gao
Digital Media Computing and Design Lab (DCD), Zhejiang University, 38 Zhejiang University Road, Hangzhou, China
GIST-SIFT-SSC, Image Understanding, Chinese Characters Recognition, Mobile Platform.
Chinese characters are profound and polysemantic. Reading a Chinese character is a procedure of image un-
derstanding, if the Chinese character is captured as an image. Due to the complexity of structure and plenty
of Chinese characters, there always exist some unfamiliar characters when reading books, so it would be great
if a tool is provided to help users understand the meaning of unknown characters. We propose a method that
combines global and local features(i.e., GIST and SIFT features) to recognize the Chinese character images
captured from mobile camera. Three schemes are investigated based on practical considerations. Firstly,the
so-called GIST and SIFT descriptors extracted from Chinese character images are adopted purely as features.
Then filter the SIFT feature points of similar Chinese character images based on GIST feature. Finally, com-
press the storage of GIST and SIFT descriptors to accommodate mobile platform with Similarity Sensitive
Coding(SSC) algorithm. At the stage of recognition, the top 2k Chinese characters are firstly obtained by
hamming distance in GIST feature space, then reorder the selected characters as final result by SIFT feature.
We build an Android app that implements the recognition algorithm. Experiment shows satisfying recognition
results of our proposed application compared to other Android apps.
Chinese character is the basic unit of Chinese lan-
guage. Meanwhile, it is one of the finest Chinese art
forms and the most inseparable parts of Chinese his-
tory. Its delicate aesthetic effects are generally con-
sidered to be unique among all Chinese arts. How-
ever, the Chinese characters are complicated due to
its quantity and structure. Fig. 1 shows the different
typefaces of a Chinese character. Therefore, when
people, Chinese or foreigners, read Chinese books,
they may meet some unfamiliar characters. It will be
quite beneficial to them for reading Chinese books, if
there exists a tool that could recognize Chinese char-
acter images.
Chinese character images recognition on mobile
platform is a valuable and challenging task in the
area of image understanding. It is quite convenient to
use the phone camera to capture images of unfamil-
iar Chinese characters and recognize them. Although
there are many mobile recognition applications, the
accuracy is not very high. There is still much more
space for further development. The recognition al-
gorithm applied in mobile platform still poses diffi-
cult challenges. The reasons are manifold: (a) The
structure of a Chinese character can be very compli-
cated. (b)The massive Chinese characters engenders
considerable computation and storage cost. (c) what
features to represent the character image and how to
compress the storage of features to accommodate the
mobile platform. In addition, the feature extraction
and the recognizing procedure are two important is-
sues to be considered.
For the feature extraction, there mainly exist two
categories of feature for image representation: global
feature and local feature. Zhuang et al. (Zhuang et al.,
2005) extracted shape feature from character images
Figure 1: The different typeface of a Chinese character.
Gu, G., Wu, J., Mao, T. and Gao, P.
Chinese Character Images Recognition and Its Application in Mobile Platform.
DOI: 10.5220/0005679703110318
In Proceedings of the 11th Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2016) - Volume 3: VISAPP, pages 313-320
ISBN: 978-989-758-175-5
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
for content-based character retrievalbutthe dimension
of shape feature is not unified and it is too large for
mobile devices. One of the widely used global fea-
tures is GIST descriptor. GIST descriptor was initially
proposed in (Oliva and Torralba, 2001) and widely
used in content-based image retrieval (Barbu, 2009;
Pengcheng et al., 2014). It is proved that GIST de-
scriptor can describe an image by a set of low dimen-
sions, such as naturalness, openness, roughness, ex-
pansion, ruggedness, which are also very distinguish-
able when describing Chinese characters. Y. Lin et
al. used GIST descriptor to represent Chinese callig-
raphy characters in (Lin et al., 2013)to recognize large
scale Chinese calligraphic characters.
Beside the global features, local features are also
adopted in many applications. SIFT descriptor was
created by David Lowe in (Lowe, 2004) to represent
the image. which has been proved to be the one of the
best local feature descriptors (Mikolajczyk K, 2005).
It is widely used for object recognition (Rosenberg
and Dershowitz, 2012; Zhen-Yan, 2014). SIFT fea-
ture is also used in Chinese recogniton(Zhang Z,
2009; Jin et al., 2009). Chen et al. applied SIFT
to Chinese character recognition in license plate and
achieved great performance. Mao et al. used SIFT
feature to distinguish the style calligraphy words and
achieved high accuracy (Tianjiao et al., 2013). How-
ever, the number of SIFT keypoints in one character
image often varies from tens to hundreds. So the li-
brary of SIFT points is much larger and the recogni-
tion will cost much more computing power.
With regard to the recognizing procedure, Shak-
narovich and Darell (Shakhnarovich G, 2003) pro-
posed a Similarity Sensitive Coding(SSC) algorithm
extending Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH), whose
key contribution is creating a new binary (+1 and 1)
feature space mapped by hash functions learned from
training set. To speed up matching and reduce mem-
ory consumption, Calonder M (Calonder M, 2010)
used binary (0 and 1) strings as a feature descriptor.
The descriptor similarity can be evaluated by using
the Hamming distance, which achieves great recog-
nition performance. The Hamming distance can be
computed very efficiently with a bitwise XOR opera-
tion followed by a bit count, so the high-dimensional
search is very fast. (Calonder M, 2010) also con-
firmed the trend (Shakhnarovich G, 2003) of mov-
ing from the Euclidean to the Hamming distance in
matching procedure.
The main contribution of this paper is to propose
a recognition algorithm for the Chinese character im-
ages captured from camera, which is based on GIST
and SIFT features. It ensures the high accuracy and
great performance on mobile platform. Meanwhile, it
Figure 2: Overall development flow and architecture.
compress the storage of feature vectors by SIFT key-
points filtering and SSC encoding. The two methods
of compressing greatly reduce the computationalcost.
Moreover, the recognition algorithm decreases the er-
rors caused by SSC encoding, because the SIFT key-
points are filtered before SSC encoding, and the pre-
ponderance of two features will make up for it.
The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-
lows. In Section 2, we give a system overview of our
proposed approach. Section 3 describes the methods
of image representation and recognition. Then sec-
tion 4 presents the system implementation and the ex-
perimental results. Finally we conclude the paper in
section 5.
An overall system development flow and architecture
is illustrated in Fig. 2. For the mobile Chinese char-
acters recognition platform, we first build the Chi-
nese character images library of Windows system in-
stalled Chinese font (Hei and Song typeface most
used in Chinese books), then extract GIST and SIFT
feature from the Chinese character images to create
GIST and SIFT feature library. After that, we fil-
ter SIFT keypoints of similar character images to re-
duce the computational cost and compress the stor-
age of the SIFT library. During the training stage of
SSC, images of the same character are treated as pos-
itive pairs and otherwise as negative pairs for GIST
feature training, positive or negative keypoints mea-
sured by distance for SIFT feature training. Two hash
functions obtained from the training will map feature
vectors to binary codes respectively. After that, the
similarity of Chinese characters can be measured by
hamming-distance and the storage of feature library
can be extremely compressed. All the previous pro-
cesses can be done off-line on PC. At the recognition
stage, the feature vectors are first extracted from the
unknown character image captured from the phone
VISAPP 2016 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
camera, then encode GIST and SIFT vectors to bi-
nary codes by hash functions, The final result will be
computed by recognition algorithm.
Three steps have to be done to implement the recog-
nition of images. Firstly, it is important to process
images collected by different ways and select some
proper images to build the dataset. Then extract the
image features from the dataset to create the feature
library, which is the basis of recognition algorithm.
The third step is to design an efficient algorithm to
recognize images from the feature library. The fol-
lowing parts will unfold in this way.
3.1 GIST-SIFT based Image
In this section, we will discuss the method to build
images library and choose great features to represent
Chinese characters images. We use Windows system
installed Chinese font to build the images library of
Chinese characters, in which text segment technol-
ogy is applied to get each character image from PDF
files. There are two types of fonts frequently used in
printed Chinese materials, namely Song typeface and
Hei typeface. Each typeface contains 20780 Chinese
characters according to Xinhua dictionary, which is
the most popular dictionary in China. After building
images library, the next step is to select proper image
Representation of character images is significant
in Chinese character recognition, because the differ-
ence between Chinese characters is so delicate. So the
image representation needs sophisticated descriptors.
In this paper, we use GIST descriptor to develop the
low dimensional representation of the Chinese char-
acters. GIST descriptor is computed by three steps:
Convolve the image with 24 Gabor filters at 3
scales, 8 orientations, producing 24 feature maps
of the same size of the input image.
Divide each feature map into 9 regions (by a 3× 3
grids instead of 4 × 4(Ni et al., 2008)), and then
average the feature values within each region.
Concatenate the 16 averaged values of all 24 fea-
ture maps, resulting in a 3 × 8 × 9 = 216 GIST
Intuitively, GIST summarizes the gradient informa-
tion (scales and orientations) for different parts of an
4 * 4 grids
4 * 4 grids
3 * 3 grids
3 * 3 grids
Figure 3: Chinese character images and their corresponding
GIST descriptors.
image, which provides a rough description (the gist)
of the scene. In our method, the image is first com-
pressed to 32 × 32 pixels, because printed Chinese
characters have a relatively limited form, 32× 32 pix-
els is big enough for recognition. And also we divide
the images into 3×3 sub images instead of 4×4 grids
or more for the same reason. After this process, the
character image is represented by a 3 × 8 × 9 = 216
dimensional vector. Fig. 3 shows the gist descriptors
of Chinese character image under different girds. It
implies that 3× 3 grids of GIST feature is capable for
the unique feature of each Chinese character image.
Meanwhile, we use SIFT feature to represent the
local feature of the characters images. SIFT descrip-
tor is based on the gradient distribution information
within the scale region of pre-detected keypoint, and
constructed from a 3D histogram (gradient locations
and orientation).It is a 128-dimension vector standing
for the bins of the oriented gradient histogram (Lowe,
2004). We use Scale Invariant Feature Transform
(SIFT) algorithm (Lowe, 2004) to extract SIFT fea-
ture from Chinese character images and get SIFT fea-
ture vectors of each character. A high level overview
of the extraction process of a single SIFT descriptor
is as follows:
Given a center, the gradients and their magnitudes
are computed in an area around the center of the
descriptor, then the magnitudes are weighted by a
Gaussian window.
The area around the descriptor is split into 4 × 4
spatial bins. The size of each spatial bin (in pixels)
is the scale of the descriptor.
For each spatial bin, a histogram of 8 orientation
bins, weighted by the magnitudes is calculated.
The area that is taken into account is defined by
the scale of the descriptor and a magnification fac-
tor. This results in a 4 × 4 × 8=128-dimensional
Finally, we extract GIST and SIFT feature of the
two typefaces images and build GIST and SIFT li-
Chinese Character Images Recognition and Its Application in Mobile Platform
brary. Further more, GIST vector is represented by
a float vector, that means each GIST vector takes
4 × 216 = 864 bytes. The number of SIFT vectors
of each character image is from ten to hundreds, and
each SIFT vector being represented by a integer vec-
tor takes 4 × 128 = 512 bytes. After feature ex-
tracting, the GIST library will take 41560 × 864 =
35907840 bytes (34.24 MB) and SIFT feature needs
4320626 × 512 = 2212160512 bytes (2.06 GB) to
store, which is a much bigger memory and storage
cost for mobile devices. We used two methods to
make them smaller to accommodate the limitation of
mobile platform.
3.2 SIFT Keypoints Filtering
For SIFT feature, the similarity of Chinese characters
is measured by the number of feature points matched
between their images, so the similar feature points in
similar character images will cost the extra computa-
tional capacity(Fig. 4 shows the SIFT feature points
in similar character images). We will filter the sim-
ilar feature points and reserve unique points in each
character images. To remove similar feature points in
Figure 4: Samples of SIFT keypoints in similar characters
(these similar characters images obtained by GIST feature).
each image, we use KDTree-based filtering method.
The main idea is that if the Euclid distance of SIFT
feature points between similar character images is less
than the threshold, these keypoints will be regarded as
similar SIFT feature points to be removed. For each
GIST vector in GIST library, find its k nearest neigh-
bors as similar Chinese character images. A pseu-
docode description for the filtering process is given in
Algorithm 1. As a result, the filtered SIFT feature li-
brary takes 317.16 MB. However, the library is also
too large for mobile platform, we need to compress it.
3.3 SSC based Feature Vector Encoding
Firstly, we give a brief overview of Similarity Sen-
sitive Coding(SSC)(Shakhnarovich G, 2003), the tar-
get of that algorithm is to learn an similarity mapping
function, which is faithful to a task-specific similarity:
H : x [α
(x)] (1)
Algorithm 1: SIFTLibraryFilter( L
,k,threshold ): Fil-
ter similar keypoints in similar character images.
: The GIST feature library of the typeface.
: The SIFT feature library of the same type-
face, every feature Sift
in the library has SIFT
feature vectors v
(m > 0), each vector
in which has responding valid value valid
fault value is 1.
k : The number of nearest neighbors to search.
threshold : The max Euclid distance between a
pair of similar keypoints.
R :The filtered SIFT feature library.
1: LetC = C
be the Chinese characters in L
2: For each GIST feature vector T
(i = 1,2,...,n) in
;Let P
= {k similar Chinese characters with C
computed from nearest feature vectors of T
3: For each SIFT feature Sift
in L
4: For each v
in SIFT feature Sift
5: flag = 0;
6: For each v
in Sift
of C
in P
7: dist= Euclid distance between v
and v
8: If dist threshold:
9: Let valid
[ψ] = 0 and flag = 1;
10: If flag == 1:Let valid
[ j] = 0;
11: For each SIFT feature Sift
in L
12: For each v
in SIFT feature Sift
13: If valid
[ j] == 0:remove v
from Sift
where x is the original input, α
is weights,
each dimension m is produced by a function h
parametrized by a projection:
h(x; f, T) =
1 if f (x) T
0 if f (x) T
where T is a threshold(T R),f(x) is a mapping func-
tion, which will map x to a real number. The input of
the algorithm is a set of similar and dissimilar pairs
represented by GIST vectors. For the SSC training
of SIFT feature, the input is a set of similar and dis-
similar keypoints. In our training, similarity between
images or keypoints is explicitly specified by their se-
mantic meaning, and images of the same character or
keypoints less than the threshold are regarded as sim-
ilar training pairs. So it is very convenient to get the
training set.
To get the threshold T in equation. 2, we need to
traverse all the feasible thresholds in training pairs
and select the one that maximize the TPFP gap,
where TP is the true positive rate and FP is the false
positive rate classified by the threshold. For each di-
mension of x, set the minimum gap of TPFP, we can
VISAPP 2016 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
get some thresholds T and corresponding h functions.
Two hash functions of GIST and SIFT feature we will
get from the training, which can be used to map the
GIST or SIFT vectors to binary codes.
This is the non-boost version of SSC
(Shakhnarovich G, 2003), it trains very fast and
works just well, but there are some limitations such
as constrained geometry of projection and ignoring
dependencies of dimensions. So we also use the boost
version of SSC to gain better recognition result. Here
is a brief overview of BoostSSC(Shakhnarovich G,
Each function h in equation. 1 naturally defines a
classifier c: x 1} on pairs of examples. To learn
an ensemble classifier:
H(x) = sgn(
(x)) (3)
AdaBoost gives an iterative greedy algorithm that
adds weak classifier c
with an appropriate vote α
one at a time. In our implementation, we set α
to be
a constant(0 or 1), so the distance between vectors can
be evaluated by hamming distance. Throughoutthe it-
erations, AdaBoost maintains a distribution W which
represents the weights of training pairs. In the training
process, the distribution is updated so that the exam-
ples classified correctly have their weight reduced and
those misclassified have their weight increased, here
is the updating rule of W:
(i) = W
where m is the iteration index, i is the example index,
= 1} indicates the ground truth of similarity and
is the weak classifier which gives the prediction.
is a normalization constant given by:
)) (5)
at each iteration m, select the weak classifier c
function) to minimize the training error:
) (6)
After iteration, the hash functions will be obtained,
which can be used to map input vector into binary
At the training stage, the input of the SSC algo-
rithm is a set of similar and dissimilar image pairs
for GIST feature, in which similar and dissimilar key-
points are for SIFT feature. Similarity between im-
ages is explicitly specified by their semantic mean-
ing. SIFT keypoints less than the threshold are re-
garded as similar pairs. After training, we can get
GIST and SIFT hash functions, then we use the hash
functions to convert feature library to binary codes,
so the similarity of feature vectors can be measured
by their hamming distances.
The size of each GIST binary vector is 216 bits, so
it takes only 28 bytes. The GIST feature library has
41560 feature vectors, it will cost 1163680 bytes(1.11
MB). The length of the SIFT binary vectors in our im-
plementation includes two parts: 4 bytes (one integer)
used to store the number of SIFT vectors of each im-
age; 128 bits(16 bytes) saves each single SIFT vec-
tor. For the SIFT feature library, it has 649219 fea-
ture vectors and 41560 integer numbers, which costs
10553744 bytes(10.06 MB), which is suitable for mo-
bile platform. Table.1 shows the detailed information
about the storage of GIST and filtered SIFT feature
library before or after SSC encoding.
Table 1: The storage of GIST and SIFT features library be-
fore and after SSC coding.
GIST SIFT(filtered)
vector library vector library
(byte) (MB) (byte) (MB)
Before SSC
816 34 512 317.16
After SSC
28 1.1 16 10.06
96.73% 96.83%
3.4 Recognition
The recognition algorithm is the main part of our plat-
form. To increase the recognition accuracy, we pro-
vide a candidate list of the most similar Chinese char-
acters. In our method, we combine GIST and SIFT
feature to ensure the recognition accuracy. The main
idea is that we use SIFT feature to match these similar
characters obtained by GIST feature and analyse the
two matching procedure to give the final recognition
result. So we first use GIST feature to find recognized
image’s 2k nearest neighbors (the same character has
two features because of two typefaces) in an order
as candidates. Then use SIFT feature to match them
again and get the same Chinese characters in a new
order by the number of feature points similar with the
target image. Three points should be concerned here:
(a) If the character in the first ten characters of the
SIFT feature matching result is duplicate in all can-
didates. (b) If the distance of each character’s loca-
tion between GIST and SIFT matching result is more
than ξ, where ξ is a constant. (c) The location of left
Chinese characters in SIFT matching result will be as
weight added to the GIST feature matching result and
give them in a new order by weight. If a character
Chinese Character Images Recognition and Its Application in Mobile Platform
Table 2: Hardware conguration of the test device.
Items Value
Phone Samsung SM-P600
OPeration System Android OS v4.4.2
CPU cores 4 cores + 4 cores
CPU Model Exynos5420
CPU Frequency 1.3GHz+1.9GHz
GPU Model ARM Mali-T628 MP6
Memory 16GB ROM + 3GB RAM
Camera Pixel 3264×2488
satisfies (a), it will be added to the head vector. If a
character satisfies (b), it will be put into middle vec-
tor. The recognition result will consist of head vector,
middle vector and (c)s result. Finally, show the first k
Chinese characters in that final ordered list as recog-
nition result to users. A pseudocode description for
the recognition process is given in Algorithm 2.
Algorithm 2: Recognize(L
,binGist,binSi ft,k): recog-
nize Chinese character images by GIST and SIFT features.
: The GIST feature binary library.
: The filtered SIFT feature binary library.
binGist : GIST binary vector of captured image.
binSift : SIFT binary vectors of captured image.
k : The number of characters as recognition result.
R : The string of recognition result.
1: Let C = C
be the Chinese characters in L
2: Let P
= {search the 2k most similar Chinese
characters with binGist in L
, the characters are in
an order by the hamming-distance near binGist};
3: For each SIFT feature Sift
of C
in P:
4: Let MatchNum[i] = 0;
5: For each v
in Sift
6: For each v
in binSi ft:
7: dist= hamming-distance between v
, v
8: If dist threshold:
9: MatchNum[i] = MatchNum[i] + 1;
10: Let P
= {2k characters ordered by MatchNum
11: Let P
= {the characters are duplicate and its
location is in the first k characters of P
12: Let P
= { the characters whose distance of its
location between P
and P
is more than ξ };
13: Let P
= {the left characters in an new order by
combing each character’s location in P
and P
14: Let P
= {the characters in an new order by
combing P
and P
15: Let R = {the first k Chinese characters in P
4.1 Implementation
In this section, we will give the implementation of
mobile Chinese character images recognition plat-
form and the corresponding experiment results. As
shown in Fig.1, there are two parts in the platform.
The first part is implemented on PC, which includes
creating the feature library and training the SSC hash
functions. That stage is done off-line and need not be
taken care of once finished. The second part is the
Android application, which can recognize character
images captured by phone camera. For GIST feature
extraction, we use Java Native Interface (JNI) to im-
plement the GIST extraction module on Android to
make it faster. When the GIST vector is calculated,
we use the hash functions obtained at the SSC training
stage to encode the GIST vector to a binary vector.We
use the library of OpenCV-2.4.9-andriod-sdk to ex-
tract SIFT feature on Android application, then use
JNI to encode SIFT feature vectors to binary codes.
Finally, we use JNI to recognize characters and return
the result. Fig. 5 shows the screen capture of the An-
droid application.
4.2 Experiment
We do some experiments on testing the recognition
speed and accuracy of our platform on the test de-
vice(the hardware configuration is shown in Table.2).
4.2.1 Recognition Speed
Two procedures mainly affect the recognition speed:
extracting GIST and SIFT features of a character im-
age; searching binary vectors in the binary feature li-
brary. In the feature extracting, the pixels of images
has great effect on the time consumption. We do some
experiments on the feature extracting under different
pixels shown in Fig. 6. When the image resolution is
small as 32×32 pixels, the GIST extracting procedure
costs only 78 milliseconds, and the feature matching
time can be even shorter.
In the system, we scale the captured image to
32 × 32 pixels, because that image size is proper
enough for the recognition, which has been proved
by our experiments. It also reduces the computing
complexity when extracting the GIST feature. The
GIST feature library built on PC contains more than
40000 binary feature vectors. For SIFT feature ex-
tracting, we scale the captured image to 109 × 109
pixels, which is consistent with the size of character
VISAPP 2016 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 5: Screenshots of the Android recognition system.
Figure 6: GIST extracting time on several image resolu-
image in character images library. The time of SIFT
extracting is much shorter than GIST’s. Experimen-
tal results show that the total time for recognition is
just about 200 milliseconds, which will deliver user a
smooth experience.
4.2.2 Recognition Accuracy
For the Android apps of Chinese character images
recognition, the most important requirement is the
recognition accuracy. In order to increase the recog-
nition ratio, we provide a candidate list that shows the
most similar characters computed by our algorithm.
Then users can choose the best one from these char-
acters. Table.3 shows the recognition accuracy test for
400 Chinese characters randomly selected from Chi-
nese books.
Table 3: Results for recognition accuracy test.
Recognition Accuracy(%)
Top one 95
Top three 97.25
Top five 97.75
Top ten 98.25
Denial 1.75
We can see that most of the Chinese characters
can be recognized and ranked top 10 in the candidate
list. After recognition, users can select the right char-
acter and navigate to the paraphrase panel to see the
detailed information.
In order to prove the efficiency of our recogniz-
ing algorithm, we also do some experiments on Chi-
nese characters recognition compared to other An-
droid apps. Although there exists many Android
apps about Chinese character recognition, the accu-
racy is not very high. We installed Yun Mai, Daub-
Note, CamScanner, ABBYY TextGrabber four An-
droid apps, which are famous and widely used on An-
droid platform.
Four experiments are conducted to compare the
recognitionaccuracyof our application with four pop-
ular Android apps. The first experiment is to rec-
ognize a short paragraph of the famous essay. Two
experiments are to recognize the 400 most common
simple Chinese characters. The fourth experiment is
about the recognition of traditional characters. The
samples of experiment are shown in Fig. 7. Table.4
shows the recognition accuracy for the experiment
and proves that our application is much better than
other four popular applications, especially for com-
plicated characters.
Table 4: Comparison with popular recognition applications.
a b c d
Proposed 100% 98% 98.5% 100%
YunMai 96% 94.5% 78% 53.5%
DaubNote 100% 96.5% 94% 67%
CamScanner 100% 96.5% 93% 73.8%
TextGrabber 80% 82% 76% 43.5%
In this work, we present an algorithm using GIST and
Chinese Character Images Recognition and Its Application in Mobile Platform
(b) (c) (d)
Figure 7: Samples of test set:(a):short para-
graph,(b):simple characters (stokes< 10),(c):simple
characters (stokes> 10),(d):complicated characters.
and SIFT feature to recognize Chinese character im-
ages. Before the recognition stage, we create the li-
brary by extracting feature from Windows installed
font images. The methods of SIFT keypoints filtering
and SSC encoding speed up the recognizing process
and reduce the computational cost. Experiments show
that the recognizer achieves great performance, but
there is still space for improvement. Some compli-
cate Chinese characters can’t be recognized correctly
due to the instability of the phone camera and lim-
ited feature library. In the future, we will improve
the application by applying some image preprocess-
ing method to alleviate the influence of hands trem-
bling and adding more Chinese character feature vec-
tor to the feature library.
This work is supported by National Natural Science
Foundation of China(No.61379073) and the CADAL
Project and Research Center, Zhejiang University.
Thank all the reviewers for helping us to improve our
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