space methods such as ART (Gordon et al., 1970) or
SIRT (Gilbert, 1972).
Besides the reconstruction difficulties, the acqui-
sition process rises different type of problems such
as the specimen movement (translation, rotation) over
the carbon support especially when the tilting reaches
the highest values, the blur caused by the Contrast
Transfer Function (CTF), and the uncertainty on the
angular information due to mechanical imprecision of
the microscope (Colliex, 1998). All these problems
affect the quality of resolution of the reconstructed
object. Many approaches are proposed to overcome
all this mentioned problems except for the angular
uncertainty, due to the fact that the resolution of the
reconstruction is mediocre, so the angular uncertainty
does not have the effect over it. Now days, and due to
the improvement of the reconstruction techniques, the
resolution become important especially when we aim
to reconstruct and locate small particles such as ribo-
some and nucleosomes. Treating the angular uncer-
tainty will push as forward to a better reconstruction
We begin in our work by concentrating on the
angular uncertainty problem, which we prove in our
tests that even a slight change in the set of angles use
in the reconstruction has its affect over the accuracy
of the resolution of the reconstructed 3D volume. Our
approach is based on optimization problem where we
use a cost function has the set of angles as parameters
to be minimized. To gain more accuracy we include
also the reconstructed object as parameters into the
function. Using the two sets of parameters simulta-
neously in our approach provides more accurate re-
sults than optimizing the angular uncertainty and the
reconstructed object separately.
Figure 2: Different Steps of cryo-ET.
In recent years, the use of simultaneous optimization
is increased in many fields. One of those fields is
the alignment phase in the reconstruction. For exam-
ple, in the field of the singular particles reconstruc-
tion, a large set of small projections used in the re-
construction of an object are from unknown orien-
tations. Thus, to improve the estimation of the un-
known projection orientations, Yang et al. (Yang
et al., 2005) proposed to use a Quasi-Newton opti-
mization based algorithm to minimize a cost function
between the projection angles and the reconstructed
3D object starting from a rough reconstruction.
In cryo-ET, the context is different: the data is a
small set of large projections with known tilt angles.
However, this tilt angles can be erroneous due to the
malfunction of the tilt mechanism of the object holder
in the TEM. In this field, Tran et al. (Tran et al.,
2013) proposed a hierarchical method to correct the
reconstruction and the alignment problems in alter-
nating way. They treat the transformation parameters
(translation, rotation, scale). Inspiring from the cross-
correlation method of alignment, they begin by find-
ing the first set of transformationparameters by an op-
timization between each successive pair of projection
images. After that, a first reconstruction is applied
followed by refinement of the set of transformation. If
the method has not yet converged,they raise a new re-
construction. Infact, the reconstruction is based on an
optimization between the actual projections and the
resulting projections of the reconstructed object. In
the same way, the phase of refinement of transforma-
tion parameters represents an optimization between
the processing parameters found from the current pro-
jections and those of the previous iteration.
We propose in our work to optimize the recon-
structed object and the transformation parameters si-
multaneously at the same level. In addition, we take
into account the error of the angular uncertainty of
projection. Indeed, we make the correction on the
reconstructed object itself, instead of those made on
projections. The idea is to try for each projection ori-
entation used to reproduce the same projection pro-
vided by the TEM. In this paper, we only present our
work for the refinement of the projection angles and
the reconstructed object.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows: in
Section 3, the projection algebraic model of the ac-
quisition is given; in Section 4, the proposed approach
is detailed and the associated cost function is defined;
the results are shown and discussed in Section 5. Fi-
nally, we summarize and give some perspectives.
Angular Uncertainty Refinement and Image Reconstruction Improvement in Cryo-electron Tomography