Figure 3: Mean of correlation coefficient between pair of
basis functions as a function of α values.
suggested, when compared to others in the literature-
Hyvarinen et al. (2000); Hyvarinen and Hoyer (2000);
Osindero (2006). Besides, we have proven mathemat-
ically that the adaptation converges. One possible ap-
plication of this method is to image/signal recogni-
tion, as for each α in (3), we can adjust the character-
istics of the topological structure in order to fit more
closely to the desired image.
There are at least two advantages in this model:
it organizes the resulting filters topographically and
it may be regarded as biologically plausible. Firstly,
we can see in Fig. 2 (a) that a small α results
in no organization at all, while in Fig. 2 (b), we
can see that an α = 0.9 causes the filters to ap-
pear organized. Moreover, we have found the cor-
relation in neighborhood filters. By using equation
), where a
and a
are two
basis functions in the neighborhoodof one neuron, we
can see that the correlation is directly proportional to
the value of α, as shown in Fig. 3. The correlation
between α and Cov(a
) was 0.88.
Secondly, it is well known that receptive fields in
the mammalian visual cortex resemble Gabor filters
Laughlin (1981), Linsker (1992). This way, the infor-
mation about the visual world would excite different
cells Laughlin (1981). In Figure 2 (a) and (b), we can
see that the estimation of matrix A is a bank of local-
ized, oriented and frequency selective Gabor-like fil-
ters. Each little square, in the figures above, represent
one receptive field. By visual inspection of Fig. 2 (b),
one can see that the orientation and location of each
visual field mostly change smoothly as a function of
position on the topographic grid. Thus, the emergence
of organized Gabor-like receptive fields can be under-
stood as a biologically plausibility of our model.
This model can be regarded also as biologically
plausible as it works in an unsupervised fashion with
local adaptation rules Olshausen and Field (1996). To
do this, we had chosen some even symmetric non-
linearities which were applied upon a neuron inter-
nal signal.This signal interacts with similar ones from
neighborhoods neurons to generate its output. This
model mimics the V1 cells by an interaction between
neighborhood signals, which is possible due to the
fact that signals from neighborhood neurons are ref-
erence to the activation of one specific neuron Field
(1987). In addition, our method extracts oriented, lo-
calized and bandpass filters as basis functions of nat-
ural scenes without restricting the probability density
function of the network output to exponential ones,
as the IP algorithm of Butko et al Butko and Triesch
(2007). Moreover, Stork and WilsonStork and Wil-
son (1990) proposed an architecture very similar to
the one proposed here, which is largely based on neu-
ral architecture.
The authors would like to thank Brazilian Agency
FAPEMA for continued support.
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