In this paper we presented MetisCBR, a distributed
case-based approach for the retrieval of similar build-
ing designs in the corresponding case base(s). The
system consists of different agent types, where the
coordinator controls the retrieval process and ap-
plies rule-based or case-based reasoning to select the
proper retrieval strategy, retrieval containers execute
concurrently the actual case-based retrieval processes,
the gateway agent connects the system with an exter-
nal service (web-based query builder) and the main-
tainer agent manages the import of new cases into the
case base(s) of the underlying CBR domain model.
Service agents contribute to the smooth run of the sys-
tem by executing small intermediate tasks.
The future work includes the full integration of the
graphical user interface to the presented MAS. Index-
based retrieval method that queries the graph database
directly is also planned to be added, a new GraphDB
agent will be integrated to the MAS to accomplish
this alternative retrieval task. This will also allow for
evaluating and hopefully deeply integrating these dif-
ferent kinds of retrieval approaches.
This work for the Metis project was supported by the
DFG (German Research Foundation).
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ICAART 2016 - 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence