Table 3: Results comparison of the proposed method with other methods.
Method Parameters P
Proposed method Se (%) 75.16 71 98.88 90.7
P+(%) 75.16 71 98.88 90.7
m± s (ms) 1.48 ± 11.5 -1.7± 13.5 -3.2± 2.48 -7.9 ± 12.3
WT[4] Se (%) 98.87 98.75 99.92 99.77
P+(%) 91.03 91.03 99.88 97.79
m± s (ms) 2.0 ± 14.8 1.9± 12.8 NA -1.6 ± 18.1
LPD [10] Se (%) 97.70 97.70 NA 99.90
P+(%) 91.17 91.17 97.71
m± s (ms) 14 ± 13.3 -0.1± 12.3 13.5 ± 27.0
Bayes[2] Se (%) 99.6 99.6 NA 100
P+(%) NA NA NA
m± s (ms) 1.7 ± 10.8 2.5± 11.2 2.7 ± 13.5
of automatic analysis system for cardiac diagnosis.
We exploited for the first time the concept of signal
decomposition into two sub signals, each one of them
contains half of the information. This decomposition
reduces problem complexity especially for onset/end
points detection algorithm. We started by proposing
theoretical model to show how we can extract impor-
tant information from free of noise synthetic ECG,
then this model is developed to present real approach
that can deal with real noisy ECG signals. This ap-
proach is a comprehensive algorithm existed nowa-
days, because most of current algorithms either for
QRS complex detection or for P and T-waves delin-
eation depending on predefined QRS complex. Test-
ing has been done on twelve records from QTMIT
standard database to calculate mean error, standard
deviation, Se, P+. This approach gives good re-
sults for QRS peak, T-end points and less competitive
than other approaches for P-wave onset/end points.
The future works could be useful for improving per-
formance of this approach could be summarized as
follows: 1) Improving static thresholding procedure
used within QRS complex peak detection, to be dy-
namic and robust even for special rare clinical cases
could be faced in real ECG signals. 2) Using dynamic
and adaptive differentiation steps instead of static one
for obtaining feature signal from Y+, Y- can increase
the performance accuracy. 3) Adding denoising stage
beforeonset/end points detection will lead to improve
performance ofthis approach. 4) Generalizing this ap-
proach to be applicable to detect peak, onset and end
points from other type of signals.
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Electrocardiogram Signal Analysing - Delineation and Localization of ECG Component