more, the case manager should be able to customize
it depending on his needs at runtime. CMMN pro-
vides the representation of discretionary items, which
may become concrete at runtime. Hence, CMMN is
a planing-by-doing language, also considered as an
inside-to-outside approach because the business ana-
lyst must represent mostly the possibilities of execu-
tion, even with some flexibilities.
In ConDec, the principle is that the execution is
guided by constraints, and the stakeholder executing
the process can choose the order of tasks at runtime.
Any order is possible to be chosen since it does not
violate any constraint. It is considered an outside-to-
inside approach, since the business analyst must be
worried about the constraints (the restrictions to the
model) and not about the possible execution paths.
We compared these two languages based on other
aspects. ConDec was developed in 2006 (Pesic and
van der Aalst, 2006), already having formal seman-
tics defined in LTL. Each ConDec template can be
mapped to an LTL formula, and the resulting one is
used for the enactment of process at runtime. There
are other related works improving its execution se-
mantics, e.g. (De Carvalho et al., 2013). CMMN is
more recent, with its first version released in 2014.
Because of that, few works can be find related to
CMMN and it has no formal semantics yet.
In addition to present commonalities and differ-
ences between languages, we pointed that the defini-
tion of resources is not intrinsically addressed by both
languages and the definition of time is really limited
in both of them. All this comparison makes us be-
lieve that both languages can be extended in order to
be more complete in the context that it would be pos-
sible to attain more flexible process examples.
This study is supported by NSERC (Natural Sciences
and Engineering Research Council of Canada).
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MODELSWARD 2016 - 4th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development