through a promoting transformation
(CVS_to_VRD), i.e. a transformation that takes an
M1 layer artefact (model) and yields an M2 layer
artefact (meta-model).
Figure 14: Automatic generation of the VRD meta-model
and of the VRD_to_Domain transformation.
2) The M2M transformation that transforms the
required data models in models compliant to the
domain meta-model. As shown in Fig. 14, from
the CVS model, the Higher Order Transformation
(HOT) technique (Tisi et al., 2009) is used in
order to get the VRD_to_Domain transformation
as a model compliant to the meta-model of the
used model transformation language (MTL). This
work has used ATL (Jouault et al., 2008), which
allows the application of the HOT technique,
since its abstract syntax is formalized as a meta-
model. In this case the HOT is of the synthesis
kind and the generated transformation model is
later extracted to the textual notation of ATL. The
obtained transformation must correspond to the
specific structure of the VRD meta-model
generated before.
The developed strategy involves several M2M
transformations. Given a specific view on a meta-
model, the reduced models built by the designer are
transformed to the final models through the
corresponding VRD_to_Domain transformation.
Regarding the generation of the components for each
situation (the VRD meta-model and the
VRD_to_Domain transformation itself), the M2MM
transformation CVS_to_VRD and the HOT
CVS_to_MTL are respectively used. Their
implementation can be found, along with the rest of
the material related to this work, in
The editors for creating models are usually assisted
by the reflective information they get from the
corresponding meta-models. This work improves
those cases where this strategy is not friendly for the
designer, due to the meta-model not following the
expected logic for entering the data or because it is
excessively complex. The proposed solution consists
in using a specialized meta-model for the edition,
along with the following model conversion.
In the current version, the method is applicable to
any meta-model, but only considering the definition
of edition views that are useful for the case of models
compliant to a generic domain meta-model that is
constrained by 1) reducing the number of used
classes, 2) modifying the multiplicities or 3)
incorporating new classes defining certain patterns of
instances. Future work is to extend the methodology
and the tools to views generated in other situations.
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