their knowledge and better understand the problem.
For activating a simulation, the system requires that
all the civil servants involved have joined the session
in order to provide an online collaborative environ-
ment. Moreover, the simulation framework also sup-
ports also some asynchronous tasks execution among
simulation participants. If a civil servant does not sat-
isfy the simulation requirements or time constraints,
the civil servant coordinator may decide either to kick
the civil servant, or to swap him with another one
among those available, or replace him with a Robot.
Mixed Simulation. This type of simulation re-
quires the participation of both humans and robots.
This usually happens when there are not enough civil
servants to cover all the necessary roles to execute a
BP or if one or more civil servants leave the ongoing
simulation (disconnection or kick). The activation of
a mixed simulation can be done only if the following
two constraints are met: i) the required instances of
robots are ready; ii) all the invited civil servants have
completed the connection procedures.
The sequence diagram presented in Figure 6 is one
of the realizations of the use case “Manage own sim-
ulation session” of Figure 3 and shows the main ac-
tivities of the simulation execution. This sequence
diagram refers to simulation activation sequence di-
agram as a precondition, not presented here for space
limitations. Once simulation activation phase is com-
pleted the Simulation Engine generates the events re-
lated to the execution of tasks of the BP (message
1) and sends them to the Monitor for their evalua-
tion (message 2). The simulation execution contin-
ues managing the BP tasks and sending notification to
the civil servants by means of SimulationGuiAPI till a
special kind of event is received. Four types of special
events are managed: END rises when the BP execu-
tion reaches the natural end of the model; STOP rises
when the civil servant coordinator decides to early ter-
minate a simulation execution; PAUSE rises when a
civil servant decides to pause the simulation execu-
tion; PLAY rises when a civil servant decides to re-
cover a paused simulation. During the execution the
simulation engine, continuously generates events and
forwards them to the CepAPI. According to the event
executed the civil servants participating to the simu-
lation receive through the SimulationGUI, the docu-
ments and suggestions related to each task. If the BP
execution has reached the end, an end event is sent
to the CepAPI in order to stop the monitoring session
and unload resources.
In this paper, the architectural design of the simula-
tion and monitoring framework is presented with a
particular focus on the definition of the functionalities
and interactions among its components. The frame-
work is currently under evaluation inside the Learn
Pad project. However, the preliminary results pro-
vided in (Calabr
o et al., 2015b; Calabr
o et al., 2015a;
o et al., 2016) evidenced positive feedbacks,
especially concerning the possibility of executing col-
laborative simulation and providing learners assess-
ment. Moreover, the design of some parts of the archi-
tecture, such as the Test Data Repository, will be re-
fined and improved through comments and hints that
will be collected over the project duration.
This work has been partially funded by the Model-
Based Social Learning for Public Administrations
project (EU FP7-ICT-2013-11/619583).
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MODELSWARD 2016 - 4th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development