kind of application a device external-powered and
equipped with cryptographic hardware accelerators
is preferable, and a hardware-accelerated cipher like
AES128-GCM should be employed. Otherwise in sit-
uations where battery life and economic factors are
more important than throughput (e.g. wearables or
environmental sensors), and amount of data to trans-
mit are generally limited, it is reasonable to employ
devices without criptographic hardware accelerators,
and resources even more limited. Under these con-
ditions a cipher like Chacha20-Poly1305 can be to-
day a more suitable solution as it requires less re-
sources both in space and clock cycles than the soft-
ware AES-based implementations, allowing to save
memory and reduce power consumption. Today AES-
GCM and Chacha20-Poly1305 are the only two op-
tions as AEAD available in TLS. This might change
in the coming years thanks to a competition called
. In this competition there is an effort from
researchers in evaluating new advanced AEAD ci-
In our analysis we focused on performances and
memory requirements overhead introduced by the
proposals in the TLS 1.3 draft, and we observed that
even where the new security standards introduce an
higher workload there is always an alternative that
best matches IoT requirements.
The basic TLS 1.3 handshake flows introduce
some new message types, as ServerConfiguration and
EncryptedExtensions, and the encryption of sensitive
handshake information, covering nearly two-thirds of
the handshake messages. This solutions may bur-
den low end devices. But on the side of crypto-
graphic computations, the preference for AEAD ci-
phers and the adoption of new signature algorithms,
as Curve25519 and Ed25519, may balance the in-
crease in complexity, as shown by the simulation re-
sults of a commercial cryptographic library over an
STM32 microcontroller.
Furthermore we provided use cases that let us con-
clude that the protocol still remain suitable for differ-
ent classes of IoT devices.
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On TLS 1.3 - Early Performance Analysis in the IoT Field