An Approach to Personalized Privacy Policy Recommendations on
Online Social Networks
Ammar Abuelgasim and Anne Kayem
Dept. of Computer Science, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch 7701, Cape Town, South Africa
Privacy Policies, Recommendation Systems, Social Networks.
Most Online Social Networks (OSNs) implement privacy policies that enable users to protect their sensitive
information against privacy violations. However, observations indicate that users find these privacy policies
cumbersome and difficult to configure. Consequently, various approaches have been proposed to assist users
with privacy policy configuration. These approaches are however, limited to either protecting only profile
attributes, or only protecting user-generated content. This is problematic, because both profile attributes and
user-generated content can contain sensitive information. Therefore, protecting one without the other, can still
result in privacy violations. A further drawback of existing approaches is that most require considerable user
input which is time consuming and inefficient in terms of privacy policy configuration. In order to address
these problems, we propose an automated privacy policy recommender system. The system relies on the
expertise of existing OSN users, in addition to the target user’s privacy policy history to provide him/her
with personalized privacy policy suggestions for profile attributes, as well as user-generated content. Results
from our prototype implementation indicate that the proposed recommender system provides accurate privacy
policy suggestions, with minimum user input.
Online Social Networks (OSNs) have revolutionized
the way that users interact and communicate online,
by introducing new and innovative ways for self-
expression, information sharing, and relationship for-
mation. Popular OSNs nowadays attract a large num-
ber of users as attested by Facebook which has 1.49
billion monthly active users, of which 968 million
users access Facebook daily (Facebook Inc., 2015).
Likewise, Twitter has drawn about 316 million users
since its creation in 2006 (Twitter, 2015).
Users of OSNs disclose large volumes of informa-
tion during their daily interactions. For instance, ev-
eryday about 350 million photos are shared on Face-
book (Fire et al., 2014), and 500 million tweets are
sent on Twitter (Twitter, 2015). The majority of
this information is sensitive in nature as Gross et al.
(Gross et al., 2013) have pointed out.
The ease with which such sensitive information
can be accessed, and by a large number of people,
exposes OSNs’ users to many privacy and security
risks. Examples of such privacy and security risks
include identity theft, financial fraud, cyberstalking,
cyberbullying, insurance and employment discrimi-
nation, embarrassment and losing face with friends
(Fire et al., 2014; Gao et al., 2011; Acquisti et al.,
2007). As a result, in order to protect users against
privacy violations, most OSNs have implemented pri-
vacy policies. Privacy policies are essentially a set
of rules that enable users to control who can access
their disclosed information. For example, OSNs like
Google+ and Facebook have fine grained privacy poli-
cies that allow users to control access to individual
profile attributes such as birthdate, and address, as
well as to user-generated content such as posts, pho-
tos, and videos. However, it has been shown that nu-
merous users fail to configure their privacy policies
either because they are not aware of the existence of
these policies, or because these policies are complex
and time consuming to understand and configure cor-
rectly (Madejski et al., 2012; Liu et al., 2011).
Consequently, various automated approaches have
been proposed to assist users with privacy policy con-
figuration. (Fang and LeFevre, 2010; Shehab et al.,
2010; Ghazinour et al., 2013b; Alsalibi and Zakaria,
2013; Sinha et al., 2013; S
anchez and Viejo, 2015).
These approaches are however, limited to either con-
figuring privacy policies for profile attributes, or con-
figuring privacy policies for user-generated content.
Abuelgasim, A. and Kayem, A.
An Approach to Personalized Privacy Policy Recommendations on Online Social Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0005689701260137
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2016), pages 126-137
ISBN: 978-989-758-167-0
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
This is problematic, because both profile attributes
and user-generated content can contain sensitive in-
formation. For instance, users have been documented
to have put their real cellphone numbers on their pro-
files, and also disclosing their physical whereabouts
in status updates (Gross and Acquisti, 2005; Gun-
decha et al., 2011; Toch et al., 2010; Ghazinour et al.,
2013a). Therefore, protecting profile attributes with-
out user-generated content (and vice-versa), is not a
good privacy protection solution for OSNs. Further-
more, most of the proposed privacy policy configura-
tion approaches require substantial user input, which
is a time consuming process.
In order to address the aforementioned problems,
in this paper we propose an automated privacy pol-
icy recommender system that enables users to pro-
tect both profile attributes and generated content,
with minimal user input. In summary, the recom-
mender system consists of two main components.
The first component, the Profile Attributes Protector
(PAP), utilizes privacy policies that existing experi-
enced OSN users have specified for their profile at-
tributes, to suggest to new target users
, how to con-
figure privacy policies for their profile attributes. The
second component, which is the User Content Pro-
tector (UCP), utilizes the target user’s privacy policy
history, to suggest suitable privacy policies for con-
tent that the target user might generate and share in
the future. We designed the recommender system
as ‘server-side’ solution, with the understanding that
this would be maintained by the OSN provider. The
advantage of this solution is twofold, first we pro-
tect both profile attributes and user-generated content
which is important in preventing privacy leaks and
second, we alleviate the issue of manual privacy pol-
icy configurations by providing the users with auto-
mated personalized privacy policy suggestions.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows,
in Section 2 we provide an overview of the related
work on automated privacy policy specification in
OSNs. We describe our proposed privacy policy rec-
ommender system in Section 3 and discuss experi-
mental results on our prototype recommender system
implementation in Section 4. Finally, we conclude in
Section 5 with a summary and offer some ideas for
future work.
Several studies have proposed helping OSNs’ users
In the recommender systems’ literature, the user that
receives the recommendations (i.e. suggestions) is usually
referred to as the ‘target user’.
with privacy policy configuration, by automating the
process of privacy policy configuration. Fang and
LeFevre (Fang and LeFevre, 2010) pioneered this
area with a a mechanism for configuring privacy poli-
cies. Their privacy policy configuration mechanism
follows an active learning approach, whereby for each
profile attribute, the user is prompted to label a subset
of his/her friends by stating whether or not the friends
are allowed to access that profile attribute. Next, the
wizard uses this subset of friends to train a classi-
fier that predicts which of the user’s remaining friends
are allowed (or not allowed) to access that particular
profile attribute. While this approach facilitates set-
ting fine-grained privacy policies, users are required
to provide considerable input to enable the system run
efficiently. In fact, for every profile attribute (and one
can have up to 27 attributes) the user is required to
manually label a group of friends, in order to train
the attribute’s classifier. A further caveat of this solu-
tion is that it does not handle privacy policies for user-
generated content, since the classifiers are trained to
predict privacy policies for profile attributes only.
Shehab et al. (Shehab et al., 2010) proposed a so-
lution similar to the one of (Fang and LeFevre, 2010),
in which the user is required to label a selected subset
of his/her friends as trusted or not trusted to access
a particular profile object. This subset is then used
to train a classifier that predicts which of the remain-
ing friends are trusted (or not trusted) to access that
particular object. In contrast to (Fang and LeFevre,
2010)’s scheme, the Shehab et al. scheme introduces
an interesting concept, where the resulting classifier
is merged with other neighboring users’ classifiers to
enhance the classifier’s performance. However, the
Shehab et al. scheme also requires substantial user
input, because the user has to manually label a group
of his/her friends for every profile object.
Ghazinour et al. (Ghazinour et al., 2013a; Ghazi-
nour et al., 2013b) introduced a tool for recommend-
ing privacy policies called ‘YourPrivacyProtector’.
YourPrivacyProtector uses K-Nearest Neighbours al-
gorithm to find the closest 3 profiles to the user’s,
and then it uses the privacy policies of the neigh-
bour users to suggest to the user whether to disclose
a particular profile attribute or not. This tool however
only provides coarse-grained privacy policy sugges-
tions. Furthermore, this approach cannot support pri-
vacy policies for user-generated content. Unlike pro-
file attributes, users might generate different types of
content. For instance, Bob’s status updates are usually
very different form Alice’s status updates. Thus, it is
not feasible to rely on other users content’s policies
for providing suggestions.
On the other hand, Alsalibi and Zakaria (Alsal-
An Approach to Personalized Privacy Policy Recommendations on Online Social Networks
ibi and Zakaria, 2013) criticise the approach of (Fang
and LeFevre, 2010), arguing that it incapable of pro-
viding recommendations for user’s who do not have
friends yet. Therefore, Alsalibi and Zakaria proposed
a collaborative filtering privacy recommender system.
In order to recommend privacy policies to a particu-
lar target user; this system first identifies a group of
similar users (to the target), and then it uses the most
frequently used privacy policies within this group, to
make privacy policy recommendation to the target
user. However, this system also fails to handle pri-
vacy policies for user-generated content for the same
reason as that of Ghazinour et al.
Sinha et al. (Sinha et al., 2013) were the first to
identify that non of the existing approaches, caters for
user-generated content. Therefore, Sinha et al. pro-
pose an automated tool to help users configure privacy
policies for text-based content. Sinha et al. used the
Maximum Entropy classification algorithm (MaxEnt)
to predict and recommend privacy policies for text-
based content. However, despite being able to protect
users’ text-based content, this tool does not provide
any protection for the profile attributes.
Along the same lines, S
anchez and Viejo (S
and Viejo, 2015) proposed an automated mechanism
to inform OSNs’ users about the privacy risks inher-
ent to their unstructured text-based content, to en-
able users to make more informed privacy policy
choices. The proposed mechanism adopts an infor-
mation theoretic approach, and it works by compar-
ing the text-based content’s ‘sensitivity’ against the
content owner’s ‘privacy requirements’ for all types
of users in the OSN. However, this approach only
warns users about potential privacy conflicts within
their generated content, it does not suggest privacy
policies directly to the users.
We note that existing schemes offer automated
privacy policy configuration for either profile at-
tributes or user generated content but not both. This is
problematic, because as mentioned before, protecting
one without the other can lead to privacy violations.
Furthermore, requiring users to provide considerable
content to support privacy policy configuration offers
the advantage of high accuracy, but has the downside
of being cumbersome to use for the average user. In
the following section we discuss the details of our
proposed privacy policy recommender system.
In order to assist users with privacy policy configu-
ration we propose a ‘server-side’ privacy policy rec-
ommender system that enables users to protect profile
attributes and generated content, without having to
deal with complex privacy policy configuration pro-
cedures. Our recommender system consists of two
independent components, that work in parallel to pro-
tect the users’ sensitive information. The first com-
ponent, which we term the Profile Attributes Pro-
tector (PAP), relies on the privacy policies that exist-
ing users have specified for their profile attributes to
suggest to presumably na
ıve target users, how to con-
figure their profile attribute privacy policies. Specif-
ically, the PAP extracts these policies from the pro-
files of existing experienced users, and uses this data
to build several machine learning classifiers, which
in-turn are used to suggest to the target users suit-
able privacy policies for profile attributes. The second
component, which we term the User Content Pro-
tector (UCP). The UCP learns from the target user’s
privacy policy history and on the basis of this knowl-
edge, suggests suitable privacy policies for the target
user’s future content. In other words, the UCP relies
on the targets user’s past privacy policy configurations
for generated content to train a classifier, that is then
used to suggest suitable privacy policies for the target
user’s future content.
An overview of the recommender is depicted in
Figure 1 below, as shown, in the PAP the training data
is extracted from the profiles of experienced users and
used to train several decision tree classifiers. The clas-
sifiers then output privacy policy suggestions for the
target user. The UCP works in a similar fashion, first,
the training data is extracted from the target user’s pri-
vacy policy history and used to train a na
ıve bayes
classifier, which outputs privacy policy suggestions
for user generated content.
Decision Tree
Decision Tree
Privacy policies
For Profile
Naive Bayes
Naive Bayes
Policies for
users' profiles
The Target
Profile Attributes Protector (PAP)
User Content Protector (UCP)
The Target
Bob's Content
Privacy Policy
Figure 1: An overview of the proposed privacy policy rec-
ommender system.
In the following subsections we begin by first
characterizing the theoretical structure of the OSN
model, and then describe how both the PAP and UCP
work to automate privacy policy configuration.
ICISSP 2016 - 2nd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
3.1 OSN Notations
We model an OSN as an undirected graph G = (V, E),
where V is the set of users represented by nodes in the
graph, and E is the set of social relationships between
the users, represented by edges in the graph. Every
user u V creates and maintains a profile P
, which
is a personal page (or space) that serves as a digital
representation of the user. The user’s profile consists
of a fixed set of attributes A
= {a
} and
a collection of pieces of user-generated content C
}. Profile attributes A
describe the
profile owner (i.e. the user). These profile attributes
include demographic information such as: age, gen-
der, political views/interests. User-generated content
is the materials created by users during OSN’s in-
teractions. Examples of user-generated content in-
clude: status updates, notes, posts, photos, and so on.
We assume that users can specify privacy poli-
cies, to control access to their profile attributes and
content. A privacy policy is a user-defined rule in
the form < item,l >, where item can be any pro-
file attribute a
or any piece of content c
while l V represents the audience, that is, the set
of users allowed to access the item. Users are pro-
vided with a finite set of audiences L = {l
to choose from. An example of a privacy policy
is < Photo
,Family >, which means only Family
members can access Photo
3.2 Recommendation System
As mentioned earlier, the recommendation system is
composed of two principal components namely, the
Profile Attributes Protector (PAP) and the User Con-
tent Protector (UCP). The Profile Attributes Protec-
tor (PAP) is the component responsible for suggesting
privacy polices for all the profile attributes in the tar-
get user’s profile. While the User Content Protector
(UCP) handles enforcing privacy on the target user’s
generated content.
3.2.1 Profile Attributes Protector (PAP)
In the PAP, we follow a demographic-based ap-
proach to recommender systems, where the motivat-
ing assumption is that: demographically similar peo-
ple have similar privacy policies for their profile at-
tributes. However, in order to get a deeper under-
standing of how the PAP works, we must first under-
stand how it suggests privacy policies for individual
profile attributes. The process by which PAP suggests
privacy policies for an individual profile attribute, say
A consists of three main phases.
The first phase is the data collection phase. In this
phase, we collect our training data from the profiles
of existing experienced users. Specifically, since the
recommender is designed to be a server-side solution,
we expect that it will have direct access to users’ pro-
files’ data. Therefore, from existing user’s profile, we
extract the user’s demographic information, and the
privacy policy that the user has set for attribute a
. We
then store the collected information in a dataset D,
in which every record is of the form (
F , l
), where
F = h f
, f
,..., f
i is the user’s demographic infor-
mation, representing the features, and l
is attribute
s privacy policy, and it represents the class label.
The second phase is the classifier training phase.
we train a classifier that predicts the privacy policies
of the a
attribute. For this task we opted to use the
Decision Tree algorithm, because it is capable of han-
dling classification of categorical, noisy, and incom-
plete data (Mitchell, 1997), which are the characteris-
tics of our training data D.
In order to build this classifier, we apply a deci-
sion tree learning algorithm on our dataset D, which
builds the classifier as follows. First, the algorithm
looks at the training dataset D and finds the feature f
that tells us the most about users’ choice of privacy
policies. It does so by using a statistical measure
called Information Gain (Gain for short), which is
given by the following equation.
Gain(D, f
) = H(D) H(D| f
where H(x) is the entropy of X
and is given by H(x) = p(x) log(p(x))
The algorithm then uses the feature with the highest
gain (i.e. f
) to create the root node. Afterwards the
training dataset D is partitioned into several partitions,
such that, each partition contains records that have the
same value for f
. Next, for each partition p, the al-
gorithm looks for the feature f
that has the high-
est gain in p and uses it (i.e. f
) to create a child
node. The partition p itself is then re-partitioned and
the process is repeated, until every partition has al-
most the same privacy policy, or the algorithm runs
out of training records.
The final classifier will be represented as a deci-
sion tree, where each tree node represents a test for
a specific feature f
F (i.e. demographical trait),
and each edge branching from the node corresponds
to one of possible values of that feature. The leaves of
the tree correspond to privacy policies (i.e. class la-
bels). This decision tree predicts the privacy policies
of the a
attribute, by testing the target user’s features
at the root node, and moving down the tree to a child
node that corresponds to the value of the tested fea-
An Approach to Personalized Privacy Policy Recommendations on Online Social Networks
ture. The target user’s features are then retested at the
child node, and moved down the tree progressively.
The process is repeated until a leaf node is reached.
The privacy policy associated with this leaf is the pre-
dicted privacy policy for the a
The third and final phase is the suggestion phase.
This phase is triggered by the arrival of a target user.
When a target user registers on the OSN, we extract
demographical information form his/her newly cre-
ated profile, and pass it to attribute a
s classifier,
which in-turn predicts a privacy policy for the a
tribute. This privacy policy is then simply suggested
to the target user. In Figure 2 below, we depict the
process of suggesting privacy policies for individual
profile attributes, that we have described above.
(B) Privacy Policy Suggestion Phase
(A) Data Collection & Model Construction Phases
Users Features
Profiles of
Existing Users
The Target User's Profile
Training Dataset (D)
Decision Trees
Privacy Policies
Figure 2: The process of suggesting privacy policies for an
individual profile attribute.
So far, we have described how privacy policies are
suggested for one profile attribute. In order to sug-
gest privacy policies for all the attributes in the tar-
get user’s profile, we repeat the previously described
process for each one of the profile attributes. Specif-
ically, we extract demographic information and pri-
vacy policies from the profiles of existing users. We
then use this data to build a series of training datasets
}, one for each profile attribute a
A. Next, we apply the decision tree learning algorithm
on these training datasets, to train a series of classi-
fiers CL = {cl
}. Each classifier cl
CL predicts the privacy policies that the target users
would set for an attribute a
A, i {1, 2, . . . , |A|}.
Finally, each time a target user registers at the OSN.
We pass his/her demographics to every classifier cl
CL, to predict the privacy policies for each attribute in
the target user’s profile. These predicted policies are
then suggested to the target user.
3.2.2 User Content Protector (UCP)
The UCP is activated after the target user joins the
OSN, and starts generating different types of content
as well as specifying privacy policies for some of the
content he/she has generated.
In the UCP, we follow a content-based approach to
recommender systems, were the motivating assump-
tion is that: similar pieces of user-generated con-
tent have similar privacy policies. Accordingly, the
process by which the UCP suggests privacy policies
for content generated by a particular target user, say
V consists of the following four phases.
The first phase is the data collection phase, in this
phase we collect the privacy policy history of the tar-
get user’s content, and arrange it into a dataset ,
where every record is in the form (c
), where c
a piece of content generated by the target user u
, and
is the privacy policy that u
has specified for c
The second phase is the preprocessing phase (i.e.
feature extraction phase), in this phase we transform
every piece of content c
to a vector of fea-
tures that characterize c
, thereby transforming
from a collection of ‘labelled’ user-generated con-
tent, to a dataset of labelled feature vectors
, in
which every record is in the form ( ~c
, l
), where,
= h f
, f
,..., f
i is c
s feature vector.
The third phase is classifier training phase. Here,
we build the classifier that predicts privacy policies
for the target user’s content. For this task we opted to
use the Na
ıve Bayes algorithm, because it is quick to
test and train, which is a necessity when it comes to
predicting privacy policies for user-generated content.
Specifically, we apply the Na
ıve Bayes algo-
rithm on our preprocessed dataset
. Na
ıve Bayes
follows a probabilistic model, whereby in order
to predict the privacy policy for a piece of user-
generated content c
. Na
ıve Bayes selects the pri-
vacy policy l
L that maximizes the probability
| f
, f
,..., f
) l
L, which is the probability
that the privacy policy l
will be observed given that
the features { f
, f
,..., f
} that characterize content
are observed. l
is determined as follows. First,
according to Bayes theorem in equation (2)
P(B|A) =
The probability that the privacy policy l
will be ob-
served given that c
s features (i.e. { f
, f
,..., f
are observed, is calculated as follows.
| f
, f
,..., f
) =
P( f
, f
,..., f
P( f
, f
,..., f
By assuming that the c
s features are conditionally
independent, equation (3) can be rewritten as
| f
, f
,..., f
) =
P( f
P( f
, f
,..., f
Now to find l
we select the privacy policy that
ICISSP 2016 - 2nd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
maximizes P(l
| f
, f
,..., f
), which is.
= argmax
P( f
P( f
, f
,..., f
Since P( f
, f
,..., f
) is constant for all l
L, then
= argmax
P( f
Where the probability P(l
) and each of the condi-
tional probabilities P( f
) are estimated from
The fourth and the final phase is the suggestion
phase, this phase is triggered when the target user u
generates any new piece of content c
. We first
preprocess c
to transform it into a vector of fea-
tures. We then, pass this feature vector to u
s classi-
fier, which in-turn predicts c
s privacy policy. Then
we simply suggest the predicted policy to u
. In Fig-
ure 3 below, we depict the process of suggesting pri-
vacy policies for user-generated content.
(B) Privacy Policy Suggestion Phase
(A) Data Collection & Preprocessing & Model Construction Phases
Naïve Bayes
Figure 3: The process of suggesting privacy policies for
user-generated content.
In the next section, we describe the experi-
ments and implementation details of a basic proof-of-
concept prototype of our recommender system.
In order to implement our proposed privacy policy
recommender system prototype, we carried-out sev-
eral experiments which were primarily focused on
building the classifiers that predict privacy policies for
our target users. We generated the training data, us-
ing the Facebook Graph API, and NetLogo which is a
widely used, Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation
(ABMS) environment. We also used Weka, which is
a popular machine learning/data mining package to
train and validate our classifiers. Finally, all of our
experiments were conducted on an Intel core i7-4790
3.60 GHz workstation, with 8GB of RAM.
4.1 Implementation and Experiments
with the Profile Attribute Protector
In order to implement the Profile Attributes Protec-
tor (PAP); it’s essential that we obtain rich OSNs
datasets, to build the most important elements of this
component, which are the classifiers that predict pri-
vacy policies of profile attributes. However, acquiring
these datasets is difficult, due to the sensitive nature of
OSNs’ data, and the ethical issues associated with it
(Zimmer, 2010). As an alternative, we opted to syn-
thetically generate these datasets through simulating
an OSN, the details of which we describe below.
4.1.1 The OSN Simulation Model
In order to simulate an OSN, we followed an agent-
based approach to modelling and simulation, because
it is suitable for simulating complex systems such as
OSNs (Macal and North, 2011). We implemented our
OSN simulation model using NetLogo.
Our OSN simulation model consists of a set of
agents, representing OSN’s users. For simplicity, we
assigned each agent only eight profile attributes. In
addition, each agent is characterized by three param-
eters namely, a friendship threshold λ [0,1], which
indicates how friendly an agent is; a maximum nodal
degree δ, which represents the maximum number of
friendships an agent can maintain (Ang and Zaphiris,
2009); and lastly, a privacy concern θ [0, 1], which
quantifies the agents level of privacy concern (Guo
and Chen, 2012). We assume that λ, δ, and θ are nor-
mally distributed.
We rely on two concepts namely, homophily and
triadic closures to simulate how a user’s friendship
graph is formed. Homophily is the love of the same
(Bakshy et al., 2012), while triadic closures describe
the tendency to make friendships with friends of
friends (Klimek and Thurner, 2013). The idea of us-
ing these concepts is to ensure that our OSN follows
the same pattern of friendship formations as is the
case in typical real-life OSNs. The friendship graph
is formed as follows, each agent u checks whether
its current number of friends has reached its inter-
nal maximum degree δ
. If this is not the case,
then u selects another random agent v, and calcu-
lates the percentage of their identical profile attributes
[0, 1], and percentage of their mutual friends
m f
[0, 1]. Next, if the friendship score, given by
a linear combination of S
and m f
, is greater
than us internal friendship threshold λ
. Then a
friendship is formed between u and v. This ‘social-
ization’ process is repeated until all agents reach their
maximum degrees of friendship.
An Approach to Personalized Privacy Policy Recommendations on Online Social Networks
The privacy policy configuration process is in-
spired by the work of Guo and Chen (Guo and Chen,
2012), in which profile attributes are classified by sen-
sitivity (that is privacy weights), and the privacy poli-
cies that are assigned for an attribute, are influenced
by the user’s level of privacy concern, and the at-
tribute’s privacy weight. Following this heuristic, we
assigned each profile attribute a
A, an arbitrary pri-
vacy weight w
[0,1], that indicates a
s sensitivity.
In order to set a privacy policy for an attribute, say a
we modelled each agent u to first calculate a
s pri-
vacy score, which is a linear combination of us pri-
vacy concern θ
, and a
s privacy weight w
. We then
map the numerical privacy score to one of four possi-
ble audiences, namely: L = {only me, friends, friends
of friends, public}.
Next, in order to generate our training data, we
used the simulation model to run several simulations
of OSNs of different sizes. By the end of each of
these simulations, we collected every agent’s demo-
graphic information and privacy policies, and stored
it in a dataset. We also generated several control
datasets, where the privacy policies are assigned ran-
domly without going through the simulation model.
4.1.2 Training and Evaluating the Profile
Attributes’ Classifiers
For training the profile attributes’ classifiers, we used
the J48 algorithm, which is Weka’s implementation
of the C4.5 decision tree learning algorithm. Specif-
ically, we applied the J48 algorithm on each of our
datasets (both simulated and random) to train a clas-
sifier for each of our eight profile attributes. Next,
in order to evaluate the performance of these clas-
sifiers, we performed a 10-fold cross-validation test,
and recorded the accuracy of each model (that is
the percentage of the records for which the classifier
was successful). Cross-validation results show that
the classifiers trained on simulated datasets achieved
hight accuracy ranging from 60% to 80%. While
those trained on random datasets were worse, as they
achieved an accuracy ranging from 20% to 30%.
In an effort to further enhance the classifiers’ ac-
curacy, we extended the features used in training these
classifiers. Particularly, instead of using only demo-
graphics as features, this time we used a combination
of demographics and the privacy policies of other pro-
file attributes. We then, retrained our classifiers on the
new datasets, and measured their accuracy using the
aforementioned methodologies. The results showed
an average of 15% to 25% improvement in the accu-
racy of classifiers trained on simulated datasets. On
the other hand, no significant improvement was no-
ticed on the accuracy of classifiers trained on random
datasets, as illustrated in Figure 4, which shows the
accuracy of two selected profile attribute classifiers,
plotted against the size of their training datasets.
100 300 500 1000 2000
Performance of Gender Classifier
Dataset size (No. Records)
Classifier's Accuracy (%)
Demographics & Privacy Policies As Features
Only Demographics As Features
Random Datasets
100 300 500 1000 2000
Performance of Country Classifier
Dataset size (No. Records)
Classifier's Accuracy (%)
Demographics & Privacy Policies As Features
Only Demographics As Features
Random Datasets
Figure 4: The performance of two profile attribute’s classi-
fiers when trained on both random and simulated datasets.
The accuracy of each classifier is plotted against the size of
the dataset used for training it.
At later stages of this work, we obtained a real dataset
used in a similar study. This dataset however, is struc-
turally different than our simulated datasets, as it has
only three demographical features, compared to eight
features in the simulated datasets. Nonetheless, this
dataset can give an insight on how our system will
behave on real OSN data.
Therefore, we applied the J48 algorithm on the
real data, and trained a total of eleven, one for each
profile attribute in the real dataset. Next, we per-
formed a 10-fold cross-validation test, to evaluate
the accuracy of these classifiers. The results showed
that, the classifiers achieved a relatively high accu-
racy, ranging between 60% to 70%, but is a bit lower
than the classifiers trained on the simulated datasets.
Interestingly however, similar to what we observed
with the simulated datasets; the classifiers’ accuracy
experienced an average of 17% improvement when
we used a combination of demographics and privacy
policies as features, as illustrated in Figure 5 below.
Next, in order to study and measure the influence of
ICISSP 2016 - 2nd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
10% 30% 50% 70% 90%
Performance of Profile Picture Classifier
Dataset size (Pct. Records)
Classifier's Accuracy (%)
Demographics & Privacy Policies As Features
Only Demographics As Features
10% 30% 50% 70% 90%
Performance of Email Classifier
Dataset size (Pct. Records)
Classifier's Accuracy (%)
Demographics & Privacy Policies As Features
Only Demographics As Features
Figure 5: The performance of two profile attribute’s clas-
sifiers when trained on the ‘real’ dataset. The accuracy
of each classifier is plotted against the percentage of the
dataset records used for training it.
that each feature have on the classifiers accuracy; we
calculated the information Gain of each feature. In-
formation Gain is a statistical measure that quantifies
the reduction of entropy when the value of that par-
ticular feature is known. In other words, it indicates
how much that feature tells us about the target user’s
choice of privacy polices. We then ranked the fea-
tures of each classifier based on the calculated infor-
mation Gain. Initial results showed that demographic
features generally have lower information Gain that
privacy policy features. As illustrated in Figure 6,
which shows the information Gain of the features of
the Country and Email attribute classifiers.
4.2 Implementation and Experiments
with the User Content Protector
In order to implement the User Content Protector; we
focused on building the classifier that predicts privacy
policies for the user-generated content.
Even though users can generate/share different
types of content; however, for the purpose of our ex-
periments we decided to work with text-based con-
tent, because it is availability. However, it is possible
Feature Weights − The Country Classifier
Information Gain
Feature Weights − The DoB Classifier
Information Gain
Figure 6: Shows the features of the Country and Email at-
tribute classifiers ranked by their information gain.
to do so with other content types like photos for in-
stance (Squicciarini et al., 2011). Next, we collect the
necessary data for building the classifier.
4.2.1 Data Collection
In order to collect that data necessary for building the
UCP classifier; we used Facebook’s graph Applica-
tion Programming Interface (API) to download posts
(i.e. user-generated content) from one of the author’s
Facebook accounts. Then we manually labelled each
post with a suitable privacy policy. In total we down-
loaded 596 posts, 293 of them were written in En-
glish, and 290 were written in Arabic, while 13 posts
were written in both languages. Next, we discuss how
we transform our raw data into feature vectors.
4.2.2 Preprocessing the Data
In order to transform our recently harvested data ,
from a ‘corpus’ of text, to a dataset of labelled fea-
ture vectors
, we used ‘text classification’ prepro-
cessing methods. Specifically, we started the data-
preprocessing with normalising each content (i.e.
post) c
by lower-casing letters and removing di-
acritical marks. Then, we stemmed the data using
An Approach to Personalized Privacy Policy Recommendations on Online Social Networks
the lovins stemmer provided by Weka (Arabic con-
tent was left un-stemmed). Next, we used word to-
kenisation to break-down our text corpus into small
units called terms or words (i.e. blocks of consecutive
characters). Then, out of these terms, we only kept
100 terms (per class) to form a term vocabulary V
(which is Weka’s default). Lastly, we vectorized
such that, each content c
is represented as a |v|-
dimensional vector < c
>, where c
i j
is a
binary value representing the existence of term j in c
Next, we discuss how we build the UCP classifier.
4.2.3 Building the Classifier
Before we start building the UCP content classifier,
we first divided our preprocessed dataset
into: a
training & validation dataset
(contains 70% of
the records in
); and a test dataset
(contains the
remaining 30%). As advised by (Sebastiani, 2002).
Next, in order to build the UCP content classifier,
we experimented with applying several algorithms on
our training & validation dataset
namely: na
bayes; multinomial na
ıve bayes; complement na
bayes, in addition to Weka’s SMO algorithm.This
resulted in the construction of multiple classifiers.
Since we only need one classifier, we performed a 10-
fold cross-validation test with the intention of select-
ing the best performing classifier. Results showed that
the classifiers performed poorly, were the best per-
forming classifier is the one trained using complement
ıve bayes, which achieved 50.11% accuracy.
In an effort to enhance the classifiers’ accuracy,
we returned to the data-preprocessing phase. This
time, we increased the size of term vocabulary V to
a maximum of 2000 terms, and removed stop-words
such as a, if, and others. We also changed the vec-
torization such that, each content c
is represented as
|v|-dimensional vector < c
>, where c
i j
is a the t f -id f
value. Furthermore, we also cre-
ated another training set (using the same aforemen-
tioned preprocessing steps) but with an additional di-
mensionality reduction step, in which we removed all
terms with information gain less than zero.
After re-training the classifiers on the new
datasets, and measuring their accuracy, we noticed an
average of 11.5% performance improvement, where
the accuracy of the best performing classifier (i.e. the
one trained using complement na
ıve bayes) is now
reaching up-to 64%. As evident in Figure 7 below,
which shows the content classifiers’ accuracy after
changing the preprocessing phase.
In order to further enhance the classifiers accu-
racy, we went back again to the preprocessing phase.
Term frequency-inverse document frequency t f -id f .
naïve bayes classifier
naïve bayes multinomial classifier
complement naïve bayes classifier
SMO classifier
Figure 7: The accuracy of the UCP content’s classifier when
the training data (i.e.
) is preprocessed using word to-
kenisation and t f -id f vectorisation.
This time, we used the same preprocessing steps that
we used previously, except for tokenisation, we used
3-gram tokenisation where terms can be sequence
of words instead of individual words. The cross-
validation results showed a small accuracy improve-
ment, while still the highest accuracy is achieved by
the classifier trained using complement na
ıve bayes,
which was around 65.2%. As evident in Figure 8,
which shows the content classifiers’ accuracy, after
last changes in the preprocessing phase.
naïve bayes classifier
naïve bayes multinomial classifier
complement naïve bayes classifier
SMO classifier
Figure 8: The accuracy of the UCP content’s classifier when
the training data (i.e.
) is preprocessed using 3-gram
tokenisation and t f -id f vectorisation.
Since, the experimental results showed that the
highest accuracy was achieved by the classifier
trained using complement na
ıve bayes; on a dataset
preprocessed using a combination of normalisation,
stemming, 3-gram tokenisation, stop-words removal,
and t f -id f vectorisation. Therefore, we selected this
classifier to be the UCPs main content classifier. We
then validated this classifier on our ‘untouched’ test-
ing data set
. The results showed that the classi-
fier’s performance was relatively stable, achieving an
accuracy around 64.2%.
Next, in order to study the affect of the size of the
training corpus on the accuracy of the content classi-
fier; we re-trained the ‘selected’ UCP content classi-
fier several times. Such that, in each time we in in-
ICISSP 2016 - 2nd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
creasing percentage of records from
to train the
classifier. The results showed that the accuracy of the
UCP content classifier starts to converge when 70%
of the records in
are used to train the classifier.
As evident in Figure 9.
10% 30% 50% 70% 90%
Classifier's Learning Curve
Dataset size (Pct. Records)
Accuracy (%)
No Dimensionality Reduction
Dimensionality Reduction
Figure 9: The learning curve of the UCP content classifier
(i.e. the classifier accuracy plotted against the percentage of
records from
that were used to train the classifier).
4.3 Privacy Analysis - A Discussion
Privacy policies enable users to protect their privacy
by allowing users to specify boundaries, within which
their sensitive information resides. However, since
these boundaries might defer from one user to an-
other; OSN providers tend to provide open (i.e. very
permissive) default privacy policies, thus leaving the
task of configuring (i.e. fine tuning) these policies for
the users. As a result, new users by default have no, or
at best very little privacy, unless they configure their
privacy policies to suit their privacy needs.
However, for ‘privacy-aware’ users who invest
the time and effort to configure their privacy poli-
cies, we assume that their policies are correct, and
more privacy-preserving the OSN’s default policies.
By relying on the privacy policies of the existing
OSN’s users, our solution insures that our targets
users’ profile attribute privacy policies, are as privacy-
preserving as the policies of existing ‘privacy-aware’
users, which is better the OSN’s default, and by rely-
ing on the target user’s privacy history, our solution
insures that target user’s content’s privacy policies are
as privacy-preserving as the user’s own privacy his-
tory, which is also better the OSN’s default.
In our experiments with our PAP implementation
we used both simulated and real datasets. Our re-
sults indicate that, when we use simulated datasets,
the PAP was able to suggest privacy policies for pro-
file attributes with a high accuracy, ranging between
60% - 80%. Furthermore, this accuracy can be im-
proved by up to 25% if we used a combination of de-
mographics and privacy policies as features. When
we used the real dataset however, the accuracy was
slightly lower, ranging between 60% - 70%, but it is
expected given the structural differences between the
simulated and the real dataset. Interestingly however,
we also noticed average of 17% improvement in the
accuracy when we used a combination of demograph-
ics and privacy policies as features. This is indicative
of the fact that the PAP’s accuracy rate can be sig-
nificantly increased, by requiring the user to provide
some privacy policies for a few attributes.
In experiments with UCP implementation, we
used a dataset that we collected from one of the au-
thors Facebook accounts. After experimenting with
several preprocessing techniques, and classification
algorithms our results showed that UCP was able to
predict suitable privacy policies for user-generated
content with an accuracy reaching about 65.2%.
In order assist users with privacy policy configuration,
in this paper we proposed an automated privacy policy
recommender system, that caters for profile attributes,
as well as user-generated content. The system con-
sists of two components namely, the Profile Attribute
Protector (PAP), which relies on knowledge and ex-
pertise of existing OSN’s users, to suggest privacy
policies for profile attributes, thus minimizing the in-
put required from the target user; and the User Con-
tent Protector (UCP), which utilizes the target user’s
own privacy policy history, to suggest suitable privacy
policies for his/her future generated content.
We experimented with implementing both of the
recommender system’s components, focusing mainly
on the classifiers that predict privacy policies for
users. The experimental results were promising, they
showed that the recommender system was able to
predict (thus suggest) suitable privacy policies with
high accuracy, for both profile attributes and user-
generated content.
For future work we plan to work on improving
the accuracy of the system’s classifiers, and conduct
more extensive experiments including implementing
the PAP using real datasets, and studying how the
UCP will ‘generalise’ to other content-types such as
photos for instance. Additionally, the current ‘batch-
learning’ approach that we followed for building the
UCP content classifier, does not handle the scenario
where the target user does not have any generated
content. Therefore, for future work we plan to fol-
low an ‘online learning’ approach, where the content
classifier is built incrementally as new pieces of con-
tent are generated by the target user. We also plan
to work on narrowing down the number of pieces of
An Approach to Personalized Privacy Policy Recommendations on Online Social Networks
user-generated contents required for providing accu-
rate privacy policy recommendations.
Funding for this research was provided by the Na-
tional Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa
and the Norwegian National Research Council.
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