Harnessing Supervised Learning Techniques for the Task Planning of
Ambulance Rescue Agents
Fadwa Sakr and Slim Abdennadher
Faculty of Media Engineering and Technology, German University in Cairo, Cairo, Egypt
Multi-agent Planning, Learning, Supervised Learning Algorithms, Classification, RoboCup, Recsue,
RoboCup Rescue Simulation, Task Planning.
One of the challenging problems in Artificial Intelligence and Multi-Agent systems is the RoboCup Rescue
project that was established in 2001. The Rescue Simulation provides a broad test bench for many algorithms
and approaches in the field of AI. The Simulation presents three types of agents: police agents, firebrigade
agents and ambulance agents. Each of them has a crucial role in the rescuing problem. The work presented
in this paper focuses on the task planning of the ambulance team whose main role is rescuing the maximum
number of civilians. It is obvious that this target is a complicated one due to the number of problems that the
agent is faced with. One of the problems is estimating the time each civilian takes to die; the Estimated Time
of Death (ETD). Realistic estimations of the ETD will lead to a better performance of the ambulance agents
by planning their tasks accordingly. Supervised learning is our approach to learn and predict the ETD civilians
leading to an optimized planning of the agents tasks.
The RoboCup Rescue project was initially triggered
after the Hanshi-Awaji hit Kobe City on the 17th of
January in 1995 causing enormous number of casu-
alties and damage. The aim behind the project was
to use an environment for research and development.
The main target would involve multi-agent planning
and team coordination, physical robotic agents for
search and rescue, information infrastructures, per-
sonal digital assistants, a standard simulator and de-
cision support systems, evaluation benchmarks for
rescue strategies and robotic systems that are all to
be integrated into a comprehensive systems in future
(Kitano and Tadokoro, 2001). Teams from all over
the world participate each year to compete through
proposing new solutions and tactics for overcoming
these disastrous scenarios with minimal losses.
The RoboCup Rescue simulation is a league
driven from the Rescue project. The simulation mod-
els an earthquake in an urban centre presented in the
form of a map. The simulated earthquake causes
building to collapse, roads to be blocked, fires igni-
tions, and civilians to be trapped and buried inside
collapsed buildings. Typically, specialized rescuing
forces would be needed for damage control. In the
simulation world, there are three teams that are re-
sponsible for all rescuing purposes; the ambulance
team, fire-brigade and police forces. The role of the
ambulance team is to rescue and save buried civil-
ians and safely get them to refuges. As for the fire-
brigades, their task is to extinguish building that catch
fires. Finally, the police forces’ main concern is to
clear all roads from rubble and other debris. Thus,
clearing the way for the other agents to move freely.
The research question and motive for all participat-
ing teams in the league is to find a utilized plan for
each team to reach the maximum possible damage
control. Moreover, the plan has to be a generic one,
that would efficiently deal with all possible scenar-
ios. Furthermore, we need to have a dynamic plan
that would fit all possible scenarios enabling the am-
bulance team to save the maximum number of civil-
ians, the fire-brigades to extinguish the maximum
number of fires, and the police forces to clear the
maximum number of roads. Such aim can only be
achieved through agent coordination and team work.
A wide bench of research and application of different
techniques and strategies would be needed to solve
a multi-agent planning optimization problem such as
the rescue problem.As described in (Hussein et al.,
2012), the rescue problem can be divided into three
main tasks: extinguishing buildings on fire, saving
civilians, and clearing blocked roads. In the scope of
Sakr, F. and Abdennadher, S.
Harnessing Supervised Lear ning Techniques for the Task Planning of Ambulance Rescue Agents.
DOI: 10.5220/0005692001570164
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2016) - Volume 1, pages 157-164
ISBN: 978-989-758-172-4
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
this paper, we are mainly focused on the tasks of the
ambulance team, which consists of saving the maxi-
mum number of civilians.
The ambulance team is faced with a large num-
ber of obstacles and challenges in order to achieve the
above mentioned goal, thus, increasing the need for
optimized planning and coordination. Predictions of
the ETD of civilians is one of the steps for achieving
this goal. Harnessing supervised learning techniques
for task planning has been the new approach for tack-
ling planning problems such as the problem of the
ambulance team. Consequently, many of the teams
participating in the competition have been working in
similar scenarios and techniques, along with multiple
participation for the team motivated us for exploring
such options.
In (Guan et al., 2010) ZJU team used particle fil-
ters to tackle the problem of implicit parameters pro-
vided by the simulator, thus predicting the ETD of the
civilians. They first generate a set of particles, where
each particle in a triple of (Hp, Damage, Rate). Hp
and Damage are obtained by observations of the civil-
ians behavior, while Rate is a value randing from 0 to
1 indicating the growth rate of damage. After each
time step particles are updated using a given dam-
age model. Moreover, they introduced a quantization
range used for classifying new observations and de-
ciding whether or not the values of old particles re-
mained legal or not.
In 2013, team Poseidon modeled the ambulance
problem using the Knapsack algorithm (Afzal et al.,
2013). The Knapsack problem is defined using a set
of items each with a given value and cost. The aim is
to choose the item of the minimum cost and maximum
value, while not exceeding some given cost, capacity
and ensuring that the total value is as large as possible.
With regards to the ambulance problem maximizing
the value means maximizing the number of rescued
civilians. Moreover, each civilian has a value and a
cost that is determined based on multiple values, one
of which is the estimated death time of the civilian.
For the ETD they used the learning model presented
by ZJU team (Guan et al., 2010).
In previous years, the S.O.S team depended on
particle filters for estimating the death time of the
civilians. However, after evaluating the approach dur-
ing the competition, some mistakes were discovered
and the team switched to decision trees for predict-
ing the ETD (Hesam et al., 2015). The team used a
state space that consisted of 15 states. Moreover, the
team decided to not only depend on the ETD for task
allocation, but also include the health points of the
civilians to do so.
Even though learning has been used previously for
tackling multi-agent planning problems, to our best of
knowledge supervised learning has never been used
for this particular problem so far. The motivation be-
hind the choice is that given the simulation environ-
ment, it is convenient to have a training phase based
on observations of the environment to have an accu-
rate outcome. The outcome would be later used for
learning and future predictions.
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2,
the supervised learning approach is discussed thor-
oughly. An evaluation of the work is presented in 3.
Finally, in Section 4 we conclude and give some di-
rections for future work.
The main target for the ambulance team is to save
the maximum number of civilians possible. This im-
plies the maximum utilization of the time ahead of
each agent, along with using all possible resources
available such as the communication channels and the
help of other agents throughout a coordination and co-
operation plan. First to tackle the problem of time
we needed to make sure that no time will be wasted
on targets that will die either during or after rescu-
ing. That was a problem in previous implementa-
tion in which civilians were prioritized according to
the shortest distance from each agent. Our approach
introduces a new solution for the problem through
learning the ETD of each civilian; using which we
were able to utilize the planning of each agent dur-
ing rescuing. This was achieved using a supervised
learning algorithm.
2.1 Learning
In each time step of the simulation, the state of any
given civilian changes according to a set of parame-
ters determined and rapidly changed by the simulator.
This set consists of the following parameters:
HP : Health points of a civilian stating how
healthy the civilian is. It starts with an initial
value, when it reaches zero it means the civilian
is dead.
Damage: The points that will be deducted from
the civilian HP each time step.
Buriedness: The level of buriedness of a civilian
within a building.
Typically having these parameters through arith-
metic calculations, we could know when exactly will
the civilian die i.e. the ETD. Unfortunately, the dam-
age value provided by the simulator is not accurate
ICAART 2016 - 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
but rounded to the nearest 10 and the HP value is
rounded to the nearest 1000. Moreover, the growth
rate of damage also differs a lot from one civilian to
the other even if their original damage values were
the same. In order to overcome these implicit val-
ues and tackle our problem a learning approach had
to be introduced. Supervised learning is used when
some correct input-output pairs are known. That was
the case here since the simulator environment already
provides some parameters indicating whether or not
a civilian is alive, i.e.the HP through each time step
along with other multiple parameters. In other words,
the feedback available from the server or the simula-
tor was our motivation towards a supervised learning
2.1.1 Training Dataset
A training dataset was to be obtained for a further
learning phase. This set was the result of exhaus-
tive runs of multiple maps, where the behavior of the
agents changed to fulfill this purpose. Instead of res-
cuing the civilians the agents were to observe and
log their state during each time step. Some further
changes were done to the simulator for the training
phase. All obstacles that normally would face the
agents were disabled. For example, maps were run
with no blockades, both the fire simulator and the
ignition simulator were disabled as well, which led
to fire-less scenarios for all the maps we ran. This
training dataset represented the history of each civil-
ian ever since the simulation started till the civilian is
dead. That would be the base of the learning model
that agents use to learn the ETD of a civilian when
planning their actions.
The training dataset could also be modeled as a
decision tree in which given the values of some at-
tributes a certain goal predicate is evaluated to either
true or false. The goal predicate defined in our tree
model is the health state of the civilian. The pred-
icate outcomes true if the civilian is dead and false
otherwise. A is a set of attributes A
, A
, . . . , A
of the
decision tree. A set of arity 4 was used in our model.
The four parameters of the set are the following:
Unique ID of the civilian
HP of the civilian
Damage rate
Buriedness level
Each pair of the dataset is called an example. An ex-
ample is a pair ((v
, v
, v
, v
), f (v
, v
, v
, v
)) where
is the value of A
. A positive example is an ex-
ample where f (v
, v
, v
, v
) is true. Otherwise it is
a negative example. In our decision tree a positive
example means the civilian is dead. In that case, an
extra attribute is added to this example and that is the
time when this civilian died. This additional attribute
will be used later on for labelling the training dataset.
Certainly this decision tree model of the dataset is not
sufficient enough for a supervised learning classifica-
tion. Since not all examples are of the same input and
output format needed for a supervised learning clas-
sifier, only positive ones have the ETD of the civilian
added. This enforced some further preprocessing of
the training dataset.
2.1.2 Data Preprocessing and Labelling
For a supervised learning algorithm to be applied on a
training dataset, each example of that set has to have
an output attribute, which is the output value of the
classification. In the proposed model this attribute is
the death time of the civilian. This desired formatting
of the dataset is not yet present, due to the fact that
the only labeled or positive pairs are the ones that be-
long to a dead civilian leaving all negative examples
The preporcessing of the data focused mainly on
matching every positive labelled example with all the
negative unlabelled examples that belong together, in
the sense of belonging to the same civilian. The
unique identifier that each civilian has and which was
previously included in the set of attributes of the de-
cision tree was used for the matching. For each neg-
ative example, if it has a matching positive example,
then it will be labelled with the same value of ETD.
If no match was found, it means that the civilian was
alive till the end of the simulation. In this case, the
pair will be given the value of the time the simulation
ends. After the matching of all pairs the identifiers
of the civilian shall be removed from the training set
since there will be no use for it anymore.
So far what we have is a training dataset that con-
tains pairs of values for each attribute in the set and a
value for the time where this civilian will die even if
it is not dead yet. This dataset will be used as an input
for a learning classifier, that will be applied later to
classify the time of death of each civilian according
to the given training set.
2.1.3 Learning Classifiers
Given the training dataset, we would like to learn the
relation between the input pairs (HP, Damage, buried-
ness) and the output (ETD). This relation was ob-
tained first by training the dataset and then using the
output learning model for future predictions. Thus, a
classifier is needed to achieve both goals. The output
being a numeric one discarded some classifiers from
Harnessing Supervised Learning Techniques for the Task Planning of Ambulance Rescue Agents
the large pool of classifiers now present. After fur-
ther filtration enforced by restrictions of our problem,
we chose linear regression as our classifier here. The
Weka tool
was used for all learning purposes.
In our model the output variable often referred to
as the target is the ETD, while there might be none
in case the civilian is alive till the end of the simula-
tion. The ETD still has a large number of possibilities
and that was the main reason for choosing linear re-
gression. In linear regression the output variable or
the target can have a value from an infinite number of
possible values (Lane, 2015). A learning model can
be used for predictions of the ETD of any given input.
This prediction is done using the following equation:
) = θ
+ x
Where y is a function used for evaluating the line at
point x
and finding a label for it, θ
is the slope
of the linear line and θ
is the intercept of y. Now
for the prediction to work we need to learn both θ
and θ
(Murphy, 2012). Applying the classifier on the
previously obtained training dataset we were able to
do so resulting in the following model:
ETD = 0.009 hp 0.9197 damage
+ 0.2056 burridness + 328.291 (2)
When using machine learning classifiers some testing
need to be done to ensure smallest range of error pos-
sible. There are various methods to do so. However,
here we chose cross validation for testing. The idea
of cross validation is to estimate how well the current
dataset can predict an output value for any given in-
put instance. This is done by using a fraction of the
dataset and testing the prediction of it using the rest of
the dataset. The same process can be repeated using
different subsets of the data. A 10 fold cross valida-
tion was applied to the training dataset leading to the
following results:
-Correlation coefficient 0.5189
-Mean absolute error 32.9997
-Root mean squared error 39.6019
-Relative absolute error 85.2929%
-Root relative squared error 85.4812%
After the learning of the training dataset, we were
able to do some predictions of the ETD of any given
instance provided by the agent. Moreover, we were
able to learn more about the direct relation between
each of the model attributes and the ETD of the civil-
ians. This relation was a bit unclear before due to
the implicit attributes provided by the simulator. Pre-
sented in Figure 1 a plot for the damage rate as y-
axis against health points as x-axis, in which civil-
ians having the same health points are classified into
different classes mainly depending on the damage.
Similarly, civilians of high damage tend to belong to
classes of low ETD (blue instances), while the ones
with low damage belongs to classes of high ETD (or-
ange instances). Moreover, there are instances of the
same HP and damage, however, belong to different
classes. Thus, showing that depending on only the
health points or the damage to determine the prior-
ity for saving civilians would be highly inaccurate
and unreliable. Which was the strategy followed
in previous approach before using the new learning
model(Abouraya et al., 2014). After finalizing the
learning model, the next phase was to integrate this
model with the task planning of the agents.
Figure 1: Damage vs health points.
2.2 Planning
Rescue agents need to plan their decisions to reach
their restricted goal that is saving the maximum num-
ber of civilians possible. The main source of infor-
mation for the agent is the world model maintained
from the simulator each time step. The world model
is based on the change set of the agent; what the agent
sees and hears formulate the world model of the agent.
In addition to a communication model based on a de-
centralized plan, an approach used for multi-agent
planning (Abouraya et al., 2014), where all agents
communicate together through communication chan-
nels. The communication model helps the agent re-
ceive information about parts of the map outside the
agent’s world model. A third source of information
now added to the agent’s decision making process is
the learning model previously obtained. As shown in
Figure 2 the three models are the input to the plan-
ner according to which the agent gain an extra set of
information namely the ETD about the target. Subse-
quently, a decision making process to evaluate all pos-
sible actions and chose one to perform had to follow.
ICAART 2016 - 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Analogously, ambulance agents plan their actions and
start acting accordingly.
Figure 2: Model of the implemented approach.
2.2.1 Decision Making
Ambulance agents have a set of actions to perform:
load/unload a target, rescue a target or move towards
a target. In the scope of this section we are mainly
concerned with the last two actions. Based on the
three models that provide information to the agent, the
agent decides upon which action to perform at each
time step. Previously, the world model was the most
important one of them all. Accordingly, the agent
based all decisions regarding which civilian to save
first, either on the shortest distance or the HP of the
civilians. In addition, agents only decided to move
towards the target only if it is still in line of sight.
Meaning that if a target is reachable but not in the
agent’s line of sight, this target would have less pri-
ority than the one who is currently seen by the agent
regardless if which is in more danger. As discussed in
Section 2.1.3 that was not the most accurate or reli-
able decision. Then the communication model is next
in the order of priority, through which agents receive
information about buried civilians outside the world
model. If the agent has no reachable targets within
the world model, then it starts choosing targets from
the reported ones. Similar to the seen targets of the
world model, civilians were also prioritized accord-
ing to distance and HP as well.
The introduced learning model now acts as an
intermediate level between what the agent perceives
from the world model and deciding which action to
do. The model takes as an input the parameters re-
ceived from the server for each civilian in the agent’s
line of sight and outputs the ETD of the civilian. Af-
ter comparison of civilians’ ETD, the agent starts pri-
oritizing the tasks accordingly, giving civilians with
low ETD a higher priority than the ones with a higher
ETD. Subsequently, if the agent is faced with two tar-
gets, one with a high priority but not in line of sight
and the other one with a lower priority and in line of
sight, then the agent will decide to move towards the
former target instead of the latter. The task priori-
tizing process does not intervene with the actions the
agent decides to do, as it takes place at the beginning
of each time step, when the thinking process of the
agent is just starting. By the time the agent is ready to
make a decision all tasks should have the appropriate
priority. Whenever the agent decides to rescue a civil-
ian, the estimated time of rescue would be calculated
and added to the current time step, if it exceeds the
ETD of the civilian then the agent would have to call
out for other agents to help.
Similar to the previous planner, in cases where the
agent has no decisions to make regarding all seen tar-
gets -if none of the targets are reachable- the agent
moves on to targets that are reported as buried by
other agents. However, some adjustments had to be
done to the communication model in order to be syn-
chronized with the new planner. One of which is that
all agents in the map either ambulance, police or fire-
brigades were to use the new learning model before
reporting any buried civilians. With the use of the
new model, agents are able to predict the ETD of the
seen targets and add them to the reported message
delivered to other agents. This requires the learning
model to be generic enough to be used by any type of
agent. Upon receiving a reported message, the ambu-
lance team agents proceed with their task prioritizing.
However, in this case agents have only one decision
to make which is moving towards the target. Once a
target is reported to an agent, it means that this target
is outside the agent’s line of sight. Thus, the decision
making process here is different than the one of the
targets extracted from the world model.
2.2.2 Time Versus Distance
The message for reporting buried civilians previously
consisted of the target’s location, since the target is
not in the agent who is receiving the message line of
sight. Currently after the new approach, the ETD of
the target is added to the message along with the loca-
tion. For an agent to move from one point in the map
to another a path has to be provided for the agent to
follow. This path is a set of nodes, where each node
is an entity on the map. An entity could either be a
road or a building. For a more formal presentation,
the nodes of the map were structured in the form of
a graph. Some factors related to the rescue problem
had to be taken into consideration, one of which is
that blocked roads are constantly removed from the
graph. Similarly, cleared roads are restored once they
are reported to be clear. The search algorithm used in
previous work based on (Abouraya et al., 2014), for
searching the graph and constructing a path is Breadth
First Search (BFS). The aim of the algorithm is to find
the shortest path to the target node. If the agent had no
way to reach any of the seen targets, the agent would
Harnessing Supervised Learning Techniques for the Task Planning of Ambulance Rescue Agents
search the graph for the closest reported target, fol-
lowed by a movement towards that target.
Initially, we followed the same approach for plan-
ning the task of rescuing reported targets the same
way as we did with seen targets. For any given agent,
all reported civilians are sorted and prioritized accord-
ing to their ETD. When the agent decides to rescue
targets that are reported to be buried, the agent starts
moving towards the reported civilian with the lowest
ETD using the shortest path constructed through BFS.
However, the time an agent takes to reach a certain
location on the map; namely the Estimated Time Of
Arrival(ETA) rapidly changes according to different
factors, e.g. the number of nodes in the path, along
with the speed of the agent, percentage of blockades
in each road and some other factors. This means that
the ETA of an agent might exceed the ETD of the
civilian with the highest priority, resulting in the civil-
ian’s death. Additionally, wasting time on a task that
was de-prioritized and overestimation of the cost to
reach a certain target, which happened to be the case
during evaluation.
In order to combine the two approaches together,
exploiting both the learning model and the shortest
path for reaching targets, a search algorithm inspired
by A
search was the chosen search paradigm. A
search is the best-first search algorithm. It is also
known to be the only optimal algorithm for expanding
the minimum number of nodes in any search space,
besides being complete (Russell and Norvig, 1995).
The expansion of the nodes is dependant on the eval-
uation function f (n), which is an estimation of the
cheapest solution from node n. The function is de-
fined as the following:
f (n) = g(n) + h(n) (3)
g(n) is the path cost from node n to the goal.
h(n) is the heuristic function.
For the algorithm to be an A
search h(n) has to be
an admissible heuristic h
(n), which was not the case
in the chosen heuristic here. So an approximation
of the optimal heuristic function h(n) will be used
here to estimate the cost of the optimal function h
(Bonet and Geffner, 2001). In our example, the g(n)
was defined as the length of the shortest path from
the agent’s location to the desirable target. This path
was constructed using BFS algorithm, guaranteeing
that it would be the shortest available path to the tar-
get. The heuristic function h(n) is the ETD of the
target. The combination of these two functions led to
the following prioritization of the agent’s tasks: tar-
gets that are closest to the agent with a low ETD will
have higher priority than further targets with a higher
ETD. In other words, if an agent is faced with two tar-
gets t
and t
, the length of the path to both targets is l
and l
and the ETD is e
and e
respectively. First, in
the case of both targets being located at the same dis-
tance from the agent, then the evaluation function will
choose the target with a lower ETD. Additionally, the
case of one target with a closer location to the agent
than the other one, assuming that l
< l
, the agent
will be faced with one of two decisions:
1. if e
then t
would be of higher priority than
2. if e
> e
, t
would be chosen, if and only if,
> l
. Meaning that if the agent de-
cided to move towards t
by the time it reaches t
it will most likely die before then. However, this
will not be the case using the evaluation function
presented above. Otherwise, t
will be of higher
priority as well.
The goal of our solution for the rescue problem is to
maximize the number of rescued civilians by utiliz-
ing the task planning of the agents. Thus, the num-
ber of rescued civilians was chosen to be the evalua-
tion measurement of our approach. Another measure-
ment of the overall performance of the agents would
be the final score, which is calculated by the simula-
tor kernel for each running scenario and map. How-
ever, we couldn’t highly depend on this score for test-
ing our approach, since the rescue simulation depends
on a number of components and factors as mentioned
in section 1. Meanwhile, our solution only targeted
the ambulance team. That’s why to ensure an accu-
rate evaluation of our approach, the same environment
mentioned in section 2.1.1 for obtaining the training
dataset was used for testing as well. The aim of the
evaluation is to test whether the introduced learning
model used for task prioritization and planning helped
enhance the performance of the ambulance team or
not. Moreover, we also wanted a confirmation that it
is better than previous work such as (Abouraya et al.,
For achieving this goal, we ran multiple maps that
were released and used in the RoboCup 2015 world
. Each map was tested using three different
strategies. The first strategy was using the learning
model to predict the ETD of the targets and priori-
tize them accordingly. Another strategy was prioritiz-
ing civilians according to the shortest distance from
the agent. The final approach used the targets HP to
ICAART 2016 - 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
plan and prioritize the agent’s tasks. Even though, the
three strategies followed different methods for task
prioritization, they all used the same new planner in-
troduced in this paper for completing their tasks. At
the end of each run, the number of civilians rescued
was extracted and used to produce the statistics pre-
sented in Figure 3. The graph shows that in most
cases the presented new approach outperforms the
other two strategies in terms of how many civilians
were rescued. Moreover, given the average number
of civilians in each map, the presented statistics will
show that using the first strategy 77% of the civil-
ians are rescued. In comparison to 56% in the case
of the second strategy and 64% in the third case. Cer-
tainly, different scenarios might lead to different out-
comes, as the simulation environment is highly non-
deterministic. Moreover, the initial distribution of
both agents and civilians in the map also contributes
to how the rest of the simulation proceeds. As was
the case in some of the maps used for testing such
as Istanbul1.However, given the presented statistics,
the performance of the new approach will out perform
any of the other two approaches if used alone by min-
imum 10%.
Figure 3: Graph showing number of civilians rescued per
Another evaluation measure is to use the final
score of the map. However, not all maps are fully de-
pendant on the ambulance team, so we had to pick
a map that would only test the performance of the
ambulance agents. In such maps the score will be
directly affected by the number of civilians rescued,
since no other factors have an equivalent high effect.
The Paris1 map that was presented in RoboCup 2014
world final competition
was chosen for this task.
Formerly, during the competition, the new approach
was proposed but was not yet finalized or integrated
with the work. Task planning was still mainly depen-
dant on calculating the distance between the agent and
the targets. After the new approach was finalized, the
new implementation was tested against the old one
using the mentioned map for score comparison.
Figure 4: Paris1 using 2014 approach.
Figure 5: Paris1 using 2015 approach.
Figures 4 and 5 are two screen shots after running
Paris1 map using both the old approach and the new
one respectively. The difference in scores between
the two maps is almost 70 points which is immense.
Moreover, the figures show a big gap between the two
approaches in terms of rescued civilians. Similar to
the previous evaluation phase, this comparison lead to
the conclusion that when faced with a scenario fully
dependant on the ambulance team, the new approach
clearly outperforms the old one. Furthermore, in Fig-
ure 4 the resulting map shows that some of the previ-
ously rescued civilians died in the refuge. As civilians
then were chosen according to their distance from the
rescuing agents, so the possibility of a civilian to die
Harnessing Supervised Learning Techniques for the Task Planning of Ambulance Rescue Agents
while or even after rescuing is high. Whereas, us-
ing the new approach in Figure 5 this is not the case.
Since civilians were chosen and prioritized according
to their ETD, decreasing the possibility of their death
after they have been rescued.
Including a new learning model in the ambulance
team agents thinking process helped utilize the agents
time while carrying out with their rescuing duties.
This model was the outcome of a training data set that
was trained using linear regression algorithm. Subse-
quently, the model was used for serving the planner
by allowing agents to predict the ETD of the civil-
ians. The planner then uses the ETD for task prior-
itizing and planning. Moreover, the ETD was also
used for optimizing the search algorithm that con-
structs paths for the agents to move from one location
on the map to another. This was done by replacing
the old traditional breadth first search by a heuristic
search, which includes the ETD as a heuristic for the
evaluation function of expanding nodes. According to
the exhaustive evaluation performed as mentioned in
section 3, both the learning model and the new plan-
ning helped increase the number of rescued civilians
by more than 10% compared with other strategies,
such as depending on the HP of the civilians or the
distance for tasks planning.
However, during evaluation there were some sce-
narios where the new approach performed almost
similar to the other two approaches. This is likely
to happen since the two parameters used for the other
two approaches are practically a part of the new learn-
ing model and planner, especially, the one with the
civilians sorted according to their HP. In future work,
we are planning to use a more weighted classification
for further enhancements of the results. For exam-
ple, the HP in the used training dataset could have a
larger weight than the other parameters in both the
training and prediction phases. Additionally, when
the approach was tested against previous approach us-
ing a map highly dependent on the ambulance perfor-
mance, better scores were achieved.
The new proposed solution did not only help op-
timize the task planning of the agents and achieve
better results. It also helped overcome the obstacles
enforced by the inaccurate values retrieved from the
simulator regarding civilians. In other words, having
the training dataset was the reason the relation be-
tween these parameters was finally revealed and un-
derstood. As mentioned in Section 2.1.3, the pre-
sented graphs showed that neither the HP nor the
damage can determine the ETD of the civilian if used
alone. This strategy was previously used for rescuing
civilians. This explains why having a training dataset
that consists of multiple parameters was highly effec-
tive to determine and predict the ETD. Moreover, this
helped clarifying what are the parameters that mostly
affect the state of the civilian at each time step.
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ICAART 2016 - 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence