Table 2: Scenario Results.
Scenario Portfolio Selected Total Benefit Synergy Gain Total Cost
P1 P3 P5 P6 P10 P13
P15 P16 P19 P20
629.28 0 2928
P1 P5 P6 P10 P11 P12
P15 P16 P19 P20
820.01 38. 65 % 2896.5
P1 P3 P4 P5 P6 P8 P13
P15 P16 P18
634.29 7 % 2947.5
P1 P3 P5 P6 P10 P13
P15 P16 P18 P19
652.42 5. 87 % 2949.5
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the company’s total benefit and the portfolio
selection process. There are several ways to extend
our work is to deal with synergy between groups of
projects in addition to, investigating other types of
Objective functions that also calculate synergy and
considering synergy with multi-objective problems.
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