Interaction Patterns in Computer-assisted Semantic Annotation of Text
An Empirical Evaluation
Jaroslav Dytrych and Pavel Smrz
Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Information Technology, IT4Innovations Centre of Excellence,
Bozetechova 2, 612 66 Brno, Czech Republic
Computer-assisted Tagging, Semantic Annotation, Event Extraction.
This paper examines user interface options and interaction patterns evinced in tools for computer-assisted se-
mantic enrichment of text. It focuses on advanced annotation tasks such as hierarchical annotation of complex
relations and linking entities with highly ambiguous names and explores how decisions on particular aspects
of annotation interfaces influence the speed and the quality of computer-assisted human annotation processes.
Reported experiments compare the 4A annotation system, designed and implemented by our team, to RDFaCE
and GATE tools that all provide advanced annotation functionality. Results show that users are able to reach
better consistency of event annotations in less time when using the 4A editor. A set of experiments is then
conducted that employ 4As high flexibility and customizability to find an optimal amount of displayed infor-
mation and its presentation form to reach best results in linking entities with highly ambiguous names. The
last set of experiments then proves that 4As particular way of implementing the concept of semantic filtering
speeds up event annotation processes and brings higher consistency when compared to alternative approaches.
Semantic annotation of text has become a popular
topic of the natural language processing in recent
years. Various tools have been developed that au-
tomatically enrich text with semantic annotations.
However, the quality of results achieved using fully
automatic approaches varies significantly across an-
notation tasks and input data. It can be particularly
low for complex and highly ambiguous cases Moro
and Navigli (2015); Surdeanu and Heng (2014).
There is still a room for computer-assisted man-
ual annotation. Although it would not be wise to rely
on user tagging of extremely large amounts of tex-
tual data available on the current web, manual anno-
tation is still used in the preparation of training data
for supervised machine learning methods, for anno-
tation validation tasks, constructing meaning through
annotations, etc. To support the annotation process,
various semantic editors, crowdsourcing plugins for
existing tools and web browser annotation extensions
have been created Ciccarese et al. (2012); Grassi
et al. (2013); Handschuh et al. (2002); Heese et al.
(2010). Also, general linguistic annotation tools such
as BRAT Stenetorp et al. (2012) are frequently used
for manual creation of annotated data.
The high number of existing annotation systems
contrasts with the fact that there are very few stud-
ies comparing particular features of the tools and
discussing their suitability for specific tasks (some
of them are briefly reviewed in Section 2 Re-
lated work). To the best of our knowledge, no ex-
isting study compares design patterns employed in
such tools that are relevant for complex annotation of
events and disambiguation of highly ambiguous en-
tities. This is the main purpose of the set of experi-
ments conducted by our team.
People understand the term event intuitively as
who did what to whom when and where. However,
definitions of the term in papers on event extraction
vary according to the focus their authors give to par-
ticular aspects of the problem in hand. For exam-
ple, an event can mean “a change on the state of
a molecule or molecules” in biomedical text mining
systems Kim et al. (2009). We simply adopt the intu-
itive natural definition in our work and take events as
situations, actions or occurrences that happen or take
place at a certain location in a certain time. Having
the text mining focus in mind, events can be repre-
sented as a complex combination of relations linked
to a set of empirical observations from texts Hogen-
boom et al. (2011).
Initial experiments reported in this paper com-
pare three semantic annotation tools GATE Cun-
Dytrych, J. and Smrz, P.
Interaction Patterns in Computer-assisted Semantic Annotation of Text - An Empirical Evaluation.
DOI: 10.5220/0005695900740084
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2016) - Volume 2, pages 74-84
ISBN: 978-989-758-172-4
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ningham et al. (2011), RDFaCE Khalili et al. (2012),
and 4A Smrz and Dytrych (2011, 2015) on the task
of hierarchical annotation of complex relations in
text. The annotation process consisted of selecting
parts of a text corresponding to an event of a specific
type, filling its attributes (slots) by entities and values
mentioned in the text, and disambiguating the enti-
ties by linking them to a reference resource (mostly
DBPedia/Wikipedia). Results of the user study with
6 participants indicate that different approaches repre-
sented by the three tested tools lead to different qual-
ity of the annotation and different times to finish the
Other two sets of experiments then employ the 4A
system in a study confronting various settings of the
annotation user interface and corresponding interac-
tion patterns. It is shown that the commonly used
practice of annotation tools asking people to disam-
biguate entities based just on a suggested type and a
displayed URL leads to a poor quality of results. The
opposite approach giving users immediately extensive
information on entities potentially corresponding to
an ambiguous name not only leads to longer annota-
tion times but, surprisingly, does not bring the best an-
notation accuracy either. A trade-off between the in-
sufficient and the excessive is found and demonstrated
to provide the most efficient setting. Experiments also
call attention to semantic filtering and other enhance-
ments of advanced user interfaces by showing their
impact on annotation consistency and speed.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Af-
ter Related work, Section 3 discusses high variability
of text annotation tools and various factors that can
influence comparison results. Research questions and
experiments run to answer them are presented in Sec-
tion 4. The last section concludes the study and sum-
marizes its results.
As mentioned above, studies comparing user experi-
ences with tools for semi-automatic text annotation
are rare. The Knowledge Web project benchmarked
6 textual annotation tools considering various crite-
ria including usability (installation, documentation,
aesthetics. . . ), accessibility (user interface features),
and interoperability (platforms and formats) Maynard
et al. (2007). Most of the parameters are out of scope
of our study but at least some of them are covered in
an open shared document
that we prepared to com-
pare usage characteristics of annotation tools from the
perspective of complex annotation tasks.
Maynard (2008) compares annotation tools from
the perspective of a manual annotator, an annotation
consumer, a corpus developer, and a system devel-
oper. Although the study is already 7 years old, most
evaluation criteria are still valid. The study partially
influenced our work.
Yee (2002) motivates the implementation of
CritLink – a tool enabling users to attach annotations
to any location on any public web page by a table
summarizing shortcomings of existing web tools. As
opposed to our approach, the comparison focuses on
basic annotation tasks only and stresses technical as-
pects rather than the user experience.
Similarly to other studies, Reeve and Han (2005)
compare semantic annotation platforms focusing on
the performance of background pre-annotation com-
ponents that generate annotation suggestions. As
modern user interaction tools can freely change the
back-ends and generate suggestions by a range of ex-
isting annotation systems, the work is relevant only
for a historical perspective.
When planning an experimental evaluation of seman-
tic annotation frameworks, one has to take into ac-
count features significantly differing across the tools
as well as varying aspects of the annotation process
that can influence results. This is particularly true if
the comparison involves the annotation time and the
quality of created annotations. The following para-
graphs point out several risks that could negatively in-
fluence reliability of such a comparison and strategies
to mitigate the risks followed in the reported experi-
mental work.
Three levels of potential problems can be distin-
specificity of the annotation tasks performed in
the experiments;
incommensurability of the tools themselves;
varying experience and expertise of testers.
Computer-assisted semantic annotation refers to a
wide range of tasks. It can involve just a simple iden-
tification of entity mentions of few specific types in
a text, but also full linking of potentially ambiguous
entity names to a background knowledge base, anno-
tation of complex hierarchical relations and their in-
Interaction Patterns in Computer-assisted Semantic Annotation of Text - An Empirical Evaluation
dividual attributes. Domain of the text being anno-
tated (e.g., biomedical v. general), its genre, register,
or source (for example, news articles v. tweets) may
also vary across annotation experiments they can
require particular approaches to text pre-processing
and can imply different results of the automatic pre-
Datasets to be annotated can correspond to a rep-
resentative subset of texts or they can focus on a
chosen phenomenon and mix data accordingly. This
variance can be demonstrated by differing nature of
datasets employed in previous annotation challenges.
For example, the short text track of the 2014 Entity
Recognition and Disambiguation (ERD) Challenge
stressed limited contexts that naturally appear in web
search queries from past TREC competitions. On the
other hand, the SemEval-2015 Task 10
deals with annotations relevant for sentiment analysis
in microblog (Twitter) messages. The Entity Discov-
ery and Linking (EDL) track at NIST TAC-KBP2015
then aims to extract named entity mentions, includ-
ing person nominal mentions, link them to an exist-
ing Knowledge Base (KB) and cluster mentions for
entities that do not have corresponding KB entries.
Obviously, the degree of ambiguity of entities men-
tioned in annotated texts as well as proportions of oc-
currences corresponding to particular meanings can
have a crucial impact on the speed and accuracy of
the annotation process.
Experiments reported in this paper involve anno-
tation of general web page texts (from the Common-
Crawl corpus
– see below). Initial ones take random
sentences based on trigger words (see Section 4.2 for
details). Remaining experiments focus on entity link-
ing tasks that are particularly difficult for automatic
tools due to the ambiguity of names. We believe that
making people annotate occurrences for which auto-
matic tools often fail makes the scenario of the man-
ual annotation tasks more realistic. Sentences to be
annotated are particularly selected to guarantee that
there is at least one example of an occurrence cor-
responding to each potential meaning covered by the
knowledge base. To evaluate a realistic setting, a part
of the dataset is also formed by mentions not covered
by the reference resources used.
Various aspects of annotation interfaces also influ-
ence experimental results. Some annotation tools aim
at general applicability for semantic processes. Oth-
ers are particularly tailored for paid-crowd annotation
scenarios Bontcheva et al. (2014) so that they can be
unsuitable for collaborative environments. Also, tools
can be tied up with a particular annotation back-end
or they can be only loosely coupled with a (preferred)
annotator tool that can be easily changed or extended
for specific tasks. Other features of annotation tools,
especially those related to user interfaces and inter-
action patterns, are briefly discussed in the following
Skills, a current state of mind and motivation of
users participating in experiments can also influence
results. Measured quality and the time always need to
be interpreted with respect to these aspects. It can
be expected that users with an experience in using
a particular tool will better understand its user inter-
face and will be able to achieve better results using
the tool. Also, expertise in a domain in question can
speed up the annotation process, especially the disam-
biguation of specialized entity mentions.
Experimental settings that can award quality over
quantity or vice versa can lead to dramatically dif-
ferent times and amounts of annotation errors. In-
deed, users in our experiments realized a trade-off be-
tween the time spent on each particular case and re-
sulting quality (e.g., users’ certainty that they consid-
ered enough context to correctly disambiguate an en-
tity mention). While our users asked for preferences
in this situation, this finding can be also expected in
the paid-for crowdsourcing settings that need to apply
sophisticated quality control mechanisms to prevent
annotators’ temptation to cheat Wang et al. (2013).
Research questions defined in the following sec-
tion also relate to the amount of information neces-
sary for a correct (and fast) decision on entity disam-
biguation problems and the way to present potential
choices. The number of displayed suggestions and
their attributes as well as particular annotation steps
followed influence user’s attention paid to the task
and, consequently, the accuracy of results.
As detailed in Section 4.3, our experiments com-
paring features of annotation tools were conducted
with users that had no previous experience in using
the tools and no particular expertise in the field. They
had 20 minutes to familiarise themselves with each
particular tool (the order in which they tested the tools
was unique for all users as there are 6 possible com-
binations for three tools). Task instructions stressed
that users should be as accurate as possible but that
time is limited. There was an informal competition
on who will deliver the fastest and the most accurate
results but no particular incentives (except for a beer
for the winner) were promised or given.
ICAART 2016 - 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
4.1 Research Questions
Reported experiments aim at answering the following
research questions:
1. How design choices of particular annotation tools
impact the quality of results and the annotation
2. To what extent the amount of information shown
to disambiguators influences the results.
3. Whether users benefit from knowledge of poten-
tial alternative annotations and confidence levels
of provided suggestions.
4. What quality the concept of semantic filtering
brings to the annotation process.
Initial annotation experiments address the first
question. They compare different user interfaces and
interaction patterns as exemplified by three specific
annotation systems. Various features that can influ-
ence annotation performance need to be considered.
Some tools make no visible distinction between pre-
annotations generated by a back-end automatic sys-
tem and manual annotations entered by users. Other
tools explicitly distinguish the system suggestions
from the accepted or newly entered annotations. This
can have an impact on consistency of the annotation,
i. e. the number of cases users did not check or just
missed a suggestion.
Underlying annotation patterns for events and
other complex relations and their attributes vary
across tools too. Advanced tools enable defining so-
phisticated templates and type constraints that control
filling of event slots. Of course, systems differ in their
actual application of the general approach and the way
they implement it influences annotation performance
Various values entered by users often need to cor-
respond to an entry in a controlled vocabulary or a
list of potential items. An example of such a case
is a URL linking an entity mention to a reference
knowledge source. Tools support entering such val-
ues through autocomplete functions that can present
not only the value to be entered, but also additional
information that helps users to choose the right value.
For example, the 4A client shows not only an URL
link, but also full names and disambiguation contexts.
The RDFaCE, on the other hand, autocompletes just
URLs in this context. As shown in the next section,
this also impacts the results.
Other two questions mentioned above are covered
by the second set of experiments. It is clear that the
amount of information shown to the user and its form
can influence the speed and accuracy of the annotation
process. If the displayed information is not sufficient
for a decision what a correct link for an entity is, the
user will have to search for additional information.
On the other hand, if a tool lets users read more than
necessary, the annotation speed can decrease.
Most of the explored systems show just a URL
and let the user explore it if she is not sure that the
linked information corresponds to an expected one.
This can speed up the annotation process but it can
also make it error-prone. The 4A system enables fil-
tering displayed information and fine-tuning the way
it is shown. Detailed entity attributes can be folded
and shown only if the user asks for them.
Without a system support, users are often unaware
of ambiguity of some names. It causes no harm for
frequent appearances of dominant senses. However,
if a user is not an expert in a field where two or more
potential links to an underlying resource can appear,
she can easily confirm an incorrectly suggested link
for an ambiguous name. The risk can be mitigated if
the tools let users know about alternatives. The ques-
tion is how an optimal setting for this function looks
like whether this should be a default behaviour or
the system should notify the user only if an automati-
cally computed confidence is smaller than a threshold
or the difference between a suggested option and the
second one is closer than a threshold. These aspects
are discussed in the second experiment too.
The goal of the third set of experiments is then to
answer the last research question dealing with the role
of semantic filtering. It is not easy to enter complex
annotations such as events. Advanced mechanisms
suggesting slot filling can make the process more con-
sistent and fast. The 4A tool supports hierarchical an-
notation which highlights potential nested annotations
if an upper-level type is known. As shown at the end
of this section, such an approach leads to speedups of
the annotation process.
4.2 Data Preparation
Texts to be annotated in the experiments reported in
the following subsections were chosen from general
web data contained in the CommonCrawl corpus from
December 2014.
First experiments comparing an-
notation frameworks dealt with general annotation of
events. Text selection did not address any specific ob-
jective (in contrast to next experiments) so that con-
texts containing mentions of named entities recog-
nized by all three tools and a trigger word (verb) cor-
responding to travels and visits of people to various
Interaction Patterns in Computer-assisted Semantic Annotation of Text - An Empirical Evaluation
places were pre-selected. The data was then manu-
ally annotated by two authors of this paper, annotation
disagreements were solved by choosing correct ones
in clear cases and excluding few cases considered un-
The second set of experiments, looking into an op-
timal amount of displayed information, needed data
containing ambiguous names with a proportional rep-
resentation of two or more alternatives. Inspired
by WikiLinks
, we searched the CommonCrawl data
for cases linking a name to two or more distinct
Wikipedia URLs. To filter out potential interdepen-
dencies among various options and enable focusing
on key attributes in the first part of experiments, a
majority of the prepared dataset consists of pairs of
texts mentioning a name shared by two distinct en-
tities. For example, the following sentences are in-
cluded in the resulting data:
1. Charles Thomson was a Patriot leader in
Philadelphia during the American Revolution and
the secretary of the Continental Congress (1774–
1789) throughout its existence.
2. Charles Thomson’s best known work is a satire of
Sir Nicholas Serota, Director of the Tate gallery,
and Tracey Emin, with whom he was friends in the
A smaller part (34 sets) of the data correspond to
sentences containing names that could refer to 5 or
more entities in the English Wikipedia. For 7 such
cases, the subset was further manually extended to in-
clude a text with the same ambiguous name referring
to an entity not covered by the Wikipedia. This data
was used in the second part of the experiments de-
scribed in Section 4.4.
The last set of experiments combine annotation of
events with disambiguation of entity mentions. Con-
sequently, paragraphs with sentences mentioning am-
biguous names linked to the Wikipedia that contain
a trigger verb indicating a particular type of an event
were retrieved from the CommonCrawl data and val-
idated by the authors. Similarly to the data for the
first experiments, the dataset was formed from cases
in which the pre-annotation process had led to a clear
consensus between the annotators. Only 12 texts
mentioning events were finally used in the study.
4.3 Comparing Tools
The aim of initial experiments was to compare ad-
vanced annotation editors in terms of their interac-
tion patterns and user-interface features that can in-
fluence user experience and annotation performance.
We were interested whether annotation results ob-
tained by using particular tools will differ in the qual-
ity measured by their completeness and accuracy of
types of entities filling slots of complex relations and
their links to underlying resources (mostly DBPe-
dia/Wikipedia). In addition, times to finish each ex-
periment were measured for each user and then aver-
aged per attribute annotated.
Employed tools represent different approaches to
complex annotation tasks (see Figure 1 for examples
of event annotation views). The 4A system
, imple-
mented by our team, pays a special attention to hierar-
chical annotations and potentially overlapping textual
fragments. Users benefit from advanced annotation
suggestions and an easy mechanism for entering cor-
rect attribute values by simply accepting or rejecting
provided suggestions.
The RDFaCE editor
is similar to 4A in the way
it annotates textual fragments and can be also de-
ployed as an plugin for JavaScript WYSIWYG editor
TinyMCE. It can pre-annotate texts too. On the other
hand, there is no visual distinction between a sug-
gestion and a user annotation. There is also no easy
way to annotate two overlapping parts of a text with
two separate events. Thus, testers were allowed to
simplify their job and select whole sentences or even
paragraphs as fragments corresponding to events.
Various existing GATE extensions and plugins
were considered for our annotation experiment. Un-
fortunately, GATE Teamware
a web-based col-
laborative text annotation framework which would
be an obvious choice does not currently pro-
vide good support for relation and co-reference an-
notation Bontcheva et al. (2013). Similarly, sim-
ple question-based user interfaces generated by the
GATE Crowdsourcing plugin
Bontcheva et al.
(2014) would not be efficient for the complex hierar-
chical annotation tasks tested. Thus, our experiments
employed the standard GATE Developer
interface, able to cope with the task at hand. Pre-
annotations by back-end annotators were set the same
way as in the other two tools. Users were instructed
to perform an easier task of selecting event attributes
and linking them to a reference resource first and then
just selecting a text including all identified arguments
and tagging it as an event.
As discussed in Section 3, it is very difficult to ob-
jectively compare semantic annotation tools from the
user perspective. To minimize the danger of unfair
ICAART 2016 - 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 1: Event annotation screens in a) GATE, b) RDFaCE, and c) 4A.
comparison, six users that participated in the exper-
iments had been selected to have no previous expe-
rience with neither the tools explored, nor the tasks
that they used the tools for. They were 4 men and
2 women, PhD candidates or MSc. in computer sci-
ence, aged 26–34. Every user spent about 20 min-
utes prior to the measured session familiarizing her-
/himself with the tool to test while working on a spe-
cific part of the data, not included in the real testing
set, yet containing all cases that appeared later during
real testing (e.g., multiple values for attributes, two
distinct events expressed in one sentence, suggestions
that do not correspond to a correct sense, etc.) To
make the comparison as fair as possible, the order in
which users tested the tools was different for each user
Each user had about 40 minutes for annotation
in each tool in the experiment. Three characteris-
tics were collected. As summarized in Table 1, they
included the amount of incorrect values entered, the
number of misses entities that were mentioned in
the text but not associated with the event being an-
notated and the average annotation time per event.
Incorrect attributes involve all kinds of errors – incor-
rect selection of a textual fragment, blank or incorrect
types, co-references or URLs linking entity mentions
to a wrong entry in reference resources.
Table 1: Results of experiments comparing annotation
tool incorrect missing time
values values per event
GATE 9.4 % 8.3 % 135 s
RDFaCE 8.7 % 8.8 % 193 s
4A 6.2 % 5.6 % 116 s
The overall high error rate (column “incorrect val-
ues”) can be explained by a rather strict comparison
with the gold standard. For example, users were sup-
posed to compute and enter the interval of years for an
event mentioning a woman in her 50s who travelled
around . . . Some of them entered values correspond-
ing to 1950s.
Results correspond to the fact that the way GATE
presents annotations of event attributes has often led
to inconsistent results. RDFaCE was only slightly
better in this respect.
A part of the problem of event slots left empty al-
though the annotated text contains information nec-
essary for their filling (column “missing values”) re-
lates to pronominal references that were supposed to
be linked to the referred entity. However, the differ-
ence between results of GATE and RDFaCE on one
side and 4A on the other one shows that it is useful
to visually distinguish system suggestions from user
validated data and that 4As way of confirming sug-
gestions lead to more consistent data.
Finally, the average time needed to annotate an
event was higher when our testers used RDFaCE than
with the other two tools. This can be explained by a
rather austere user interface of the tool with a limited
way to easily correct previous mistakes.
4.4 Optimizing Displayed Information
The second set of experiments explored the impact of
varying amount of information presented to the user
in an initial annotation view and the way users get
additional information. It also asked whether users
benefit from knowledge of potential alternative anno-
tations and confidence levels of provided suggestions.
The experiments could not be done using a tool
that does not allow customization and just fixes the
way information is presented. We took advantage of
4As flexibility here and set its user interface accord-
ing to required features. In particular, the setting in-
volved limiting the set of attributes shown to users
in primary disambiguation views and those that are
shown when users ask for details.
Interaction Patterns in Computer-assisted Semantic Annotation of Text - An Empirical Evaluation
The experiments particularly focused on com-
plex entity disambiguation. As mentioned above,
the data extracted from the CommonCrawl corpus
was searched for links that correspond to ambiguous
names of people and places in the Wikipedia. A col-
lection of 186 excerpts used in the tests was manually
verified by one of the authors. The way it had been
prepared guaranteed that a random guess would lead
to a 50 % error (or more, in the case of entities with
more than 2 alternatives).
We primarily compared three settings of disam-
biguation views, differing by entity attributes shown,
and looked at the impact on the speed and accuracy
of the disambiguation. Users were instructed to an-
notate just the entity in question (highlighted in each
excerpt) and choose always one of the provided sug-
gestions. Users did not skip any disambiguation task
so that we can compare just the speed and accuracy of
The first setting showed users an extensive list of
attributes and values for the suggestion with a higher
confidence. Displayed attributes involved entity type,
full name, description corresponding to the first para-
graph from Wikipedia or Freebase, visual representa-
tion (the first image from Wikipedia, if available), and
URL. Figure 2 shows such a view. If necessary, users
could follow the URL link, consult the full Wikipedia
page and decide based on the full information con-
tained there.
The second setting corresponded to the limited
view some tools offer for the disambiguation task. It
displayed only entity types and URLs and users were
supposed to either decide based on the URL alone, or
open the Wikipedia page if they felt it is necessary for
the disambiguation. Note that Wikipedia URLs can
help disambiguation with words in parentheses used
for articles discussing entities with the same name
as a primary (more famous) entity covered by the
The third setting took advantage of a special dis-
ambiguation attribute that is dynamically computed
from descriptions of available alternatives. It com-
bines the disambiguation word from the Wikipedia
URL and a selected part of the entity description. It is
generated by a function which can be easily adapted
to other data sources than Wikipedia or Freebase. The
disambiguation attribute was shown together with the
suggested entity type and URL so that users could
again click to get more information (see Figure 3).
While the sequence of testing cases (40 for each
setting) was fixed, each of 6 testers had a different
order of the 3 settings (similarly as order of tools in
first set of experiments). Each user had 30 minutes for
each setting. Table 2 compares times and error rates
Figure 2: An example of detailed information for a sug-
gested annotation.
Figure 3: An example of a disambiguation attribute for a
suggested annotation.
and shows how many times users clicked on the URL
link to read further information.
Though there were some differences among in-
dividual testers, the overall figure (the best and the
worst performing setting in terms of the average time
and the error rate) remained the same for all the
testers. The number of cases in which individual users
consulted Wikipedia pages was always the highest in
the second setting but users differed in the level they
believed that seeing just a URL is enough to decide
Table 2: Results of experiments comparing three settings of
the disambiguation view.
setting average error URL
time rate clicked
detailed information 33.92 s 6.2 % 1.3 %
only type and URL 37.26 s 27.9 % 41.7 %
disambiguation attr. 32.98 s 2.1 % 1.5 %
ICAART 2016 - 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
(which then resulted in an increased number of er-
The relatively high number of errors is also due
to the complexity of the disambiguation task. This
was one of the feedback answers provided by users
after all 3 sessions in a collected questionnaire. Al-
though users tried to make as few mistakes as pos-
sible, 20+ minute sessions were felt demanding and
users (not knowing how many errors they had made
yet) pointed out that they could be faster if the fo-
cus would be on the speed rather than on the quality.
Being confronted with the number of errors in their
results, they realized the trade-off between the time
and the quality and proposed context-sensitive fea-
tures that would help them in particular disambigua-
tion cases (images in the case of ambiguity between a
ship name and a person, dates of deaths in the case of
two persons living in different centuries, etc.).
The fact that users did not originally realize the
complexity of the disambiguation task also proba-
bly explains the surprisingly high error in the case of
presenting full information immediately (the first set-
ting). Too much information that does not highlight
key differences between alternatives seems to lead to
a less focused work. Our future research will explore
whether this can be changed when users are more ex-
perienced. On the other hand, the average time per
decision and the connected low number of cases users
had to consult Wikipedia pages correspond to the fact
that users often skimmed full texts and images and
felt they have enough information for their decisions.
The setting showing just the type and the URL
proved to be the most diverse among users. Some
of them opened more than 2/3 of all links and read
the information on the Wikipedia page, others decided
much faster but also made more errors. Although the
latter could be prohibited by a penalization of errors,
the second setting is clearly the worst for the task
at hand. The tools that offer only this information
in the disambiguation context could improve signif-
icantly by considering more informative views.
A clear winner of this part is the setting with the
disambiguation attribute and the option to click on the
provided URL to find details. Users made less mis-
takes than in other settings and the average time was
the lowest. They needed to consult Wikipedia rarely.
Five out of six users also indicated in the question-
naire that this setting was the most comfortable one
in their eyes.
As opposed to the simplified situation prepared for
the above-mentioned tested settings, the data for the
next reported experiment corresponds to more realis-
tic conditions when a name can belong to an entity
that is not covered by a background knowledge base
(Wikipedia, in our case) so that neither of the pro-
vided suggestions is correct. The focus on highly am-
biguous names that have 5 or more alternative mean-
ings in Wikipedia also prevents the simple selection
strategy applicable in the previous settings. Users
could not benefit from excluding the wrong alterna-
tive and thoughtlessly confirming the other one this
Two sets per 15 entity mentions were prepared
while 3 of them (20 %) in each set did not correspond
to neither of the alternatives. The first suggestion was
correct in 9 out of 15 cases (60 %) in each set which
corresponds to empirical measurement of accuracy of
background suggestion service for selected texts. No
threshold on the confidence level was applied so that
the background suggestion service provided the best
fitting alternative even in the cases when the mention
did not correspond to any of the options.
One tested setting generally corresponded to the
presentation of the best alternative with the disam-
biguation attribute shown for the most probable sug-
gestion. Users were able to unfold and explore
detailed information and visit the linked Wikipedia
The other setting directly showed 5 most probable
suggestions and the confidence level for the best one
(for technical reasons, the second to the fifth alter-
natives were ranked just by a global score reflecting
mainly the number of visits of particular Wikipedia
pages; computing real context-dependent score for
each alternative would take too much time). Figure 4
shows such a case.
Three users started with the former, other three
with the latter setting and continued with the other
one. For the cases where none of the suggestions was
correct, refusing all alternatives was taken as correct.
Results are summarized in Table 3.
Table 3: One suggestion v. all alternatives.
setting average error URL
time rate clicked
one pre-selected 41.2 s 14.4 % 3.3 %
all alternatives 42.9 s 12.2 % 2.2 %
The average time of selection grew to more than
40 seconds. It reflects increased complexity of the
task compared to the one in Section 4.3. It took
slightly more time to consider all alternative sugges-
tions (the last row of the table) but it resulted in a
higher accuracy. Although the results are not fully
conclusive and they generally depend on the qual-
ity of the suggestion-generation process and the fre-
quency of cases where an entity is not covered by
the background resource, showing alternative sugges-
Interaction Patterns in Computer-assisted Semantic Annotation of Text - An Empirical Evaluation
Figure 4: Alternatives shown in an initial disambiguation
tions seems to be the preferable option when one val-
ues quality over time. On the other hand, users’ an-
swers in the questionnaire do not indicate that know-
ing the confidence level of the suggestion service
helped them consider less clear suggestions more
carefully. Our future research will investigate this
finding to a more detail.
4.5 Semantic Filtering
The third set of experiments compared two ways of
annotating complex events and their attributes. It
aimed at measuring what speedups can be expected
when advanced semantic filtering is applied. Users
were instructed to select and annotate just parts of
presented paragraphs mentioning travels of a person
abroad. The data was as realistic as possible it
contained sentences corresponding to other kinds of
events and mentions of entities that did not play a role
in the event in question.
Two sets of texts, each containing 6 events of the
correct type were prepared. Users had to identify
event attributes manually in the first set while the sec-
ond setting involved automatic pre-annotation of at-
tributes of each specific type and applying 4As se-
mantic filtering that highlights potential attribute can-
Table 4: Manually entered v. suggested annotations of enti-
ties that can fill event slots.
slot incorrect missing time
filled values values per event
manually 11.7 % 6.6 % 303.5 s
suggested 4.5 % 3.4 % 109.3 s
didates concurring to the type of the attribute being
filled. The latter simplifies the role of users to as-
sembling suggested entity annotations, adding miss-
ing ones and assembling the parts into events.
Table 4 compares the two settings. The manual
process without any pre-annotation is tedious, users
spend more than 5 minutes annotating one event and
results contain a lot of noise. On the other hand, the
4As semantic filtering switched on in the second set-
ting leads to high-quality results that can be achieved
relatively fast. The concept of advanced semantic fil-
tering of suggestions will be also explored in our fu-
ture work.
The presented empirical study of semi-automatic tex-
tual annotation tools and their interaction components
proves that user interface factors as well as involved
interaction patterns have an impact on the speed of
the annotation process and its results. We showed that
tool developers need to pay a special attention to vari-
ous aspects of the annotation interfaces, including the
amount of information displayed for entity linking,
the way users are notified about annotation alterna-
tives and mechanisms of semantic templates and fil-
tering. When done properly, the tools have a great po-
tential to speed up computer-assisted semi-automatic
annotation that is still necessary in complex relation
annotation tasks.
In particular, the comparison of user interfaces
and interaction patterns represented by three differ-
ent annotation tools proved that the annotation con-
sistency benefits from clear visual distinction be-
tween system suggestions and annotations validated
by users. The 4A system also excelled in its compre-
hensible presentation of event attributes which has led
to less incorrect values entered in annotations. The vi-
sually compelling interface with images representing
known entities and the clear hierarchy of nested an-
notations allowed users to finish their tasks in shortest
times using the 4A tool too.
The experiments comparing various settings of the
entity disambiguation interface in the 4A tool showed
ICAART 2016 - 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
that it is beneficial to pay a special attention to the
amount of information presented to users in the case
of entity name ambiguity. A brief context-dependent
disambiguation text supplemented by the link to a
Wikipedia page or another resource providing more
details helped users to make fast and accurate deci-
sions on the entity links. 4As intuitive semantic fil-
tering also showed to be beneficial in terms of anno-
tation quality and speed.
Our future work will extend the reported results
towards other kinds of complex annotation tasks in-
cluding data preparation for aspect-oriented sentiment
analysis and annotation of textual contexts suggest-
ing emotional states of authors. We will also support
newly available entity recognition tools and frame-
works, such as WAT Piccinno and Ferragina (2014)
or Gerbil R
oder et al. (2015), that will be employed
as back-end pre-annotation components.
This work was supported by the H2020 project
MixedEmotions, grant agreement No. 644632, and
by the IT4IXS IT4Innovations Excellence in Sci-
ence project (LQ1602).
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ICAART 2016 - 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence