brain tissue structure in an unsupervised setting. Sub-
sequently we have tried to train a random forest to
learn the structure of the subspace clusters.
Subspace Learning and Spatial Features:
Though the classifier can’t discriminate between nor-
mal tissues and tumor spectra, it provides a good seg-
mentation of the tissues and surgical materials in the
scene. The H2NMF hierarchy provides a hierarchy of
low rank sub-matrices that contain pure-pixels, and in
this case correspond to different brain tissues. This
cluster hierarchy can further be used by a surgeon in
loop to search more pertinent subspaces and feed the
results back to the classifier. We have seen the effect
of learning classifiers on different levels of the hier-
archical clustering. Though this produces reasonable
segmentations, it does not approximate the subspace
hierarchy exactly. We will study how to define loss
functions to encode this structure. Given that the dif-
ference in spectrum between tumor tissues and nor-
mal tissues are small, and prone to noise and varia-
tions across patients, building a robust spatial struc-
ture descriptor is important. One of the results of
our study points to the fact that the tissue structures
surrounding a tumor is a key feature. There is al-
ready evidence that in the micro-scale these normal
and cancerous tissues have a different toplogical ar-
rangement (Dvorak, 2003). This structural informa-
tion of tumor is useful to obtain a better detector for
cancerous tisues in hyperspectral images, since spec-
trum alone is not sufficient to classify them robustly.
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2014), though our aim in the future is to use the spatial
features extracted by scattering-transform (Bruna and
Mallat, 2013) on the different abundance maps ex-
tracted by the hierarchical clustering algorithm. This
enables us to perform a principled search for features
across various scales.
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pean Commission through the FP7 FET Open pro-
gramme ICT-2011.9.2, by the European Project HE-
LICoiD “HypErspectral Imaging Cancer Detection”
under Grant Agreement 618080.
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BIOIMAGING 2016 - 3rd International Conference on Bioimaging