in the tool. From that evaluation, we know that the
next big step is to improve the precision of the search
In this paper, we have presented a topic-centric ap-
proach for searching over new and relevant evidence
for updating medical guidelines. We have reported
several experiments of the proposed approach and
compared our results with those of the non-topic cen-
tric approach. The experiments show that the topic
centric approach can find goal evidence items for 12
guideline statements out of 16, while the non-topic
centric approach can find goal evidence items for only
5 guideline statements. Across the entire corpus of
guideline items, the percentage of found goal eviden-
ces doubles from 18% to 41%.
Compared with the results of Reinders’ approach
(Reinders et al., 2015) (with an average result
size over one million), the result sizes in our ap-
proaches are much smaller. Our approaches are dif-
ferent from Iruetaguena’s approach (Iruetaguena et al,
2013), which relies on gathering all relevant articles
by searching the PubMed website. Our semantic-
distance-based approach can gain a better perfor-
mance (an average of approximately 10 minutes for
each guideline statement) (Hu et al., 2015). There are
no differences in the runtime between the non-topic
centric approach and the topic centric approach, be-
cause adding topic terms in the ranking does not lead
to any expensive computation.
There is still future work to improve the existing
methods. For example, we can introduce an ontology-
based semantic distance measure, so that two seman-
tically equivalent concepts in a medical terminology
(says SNOMED CT or UMLS) can be considered to
have a zero semantic distance. Thus, relevance mea-
sure can be independent from two terms, but instead
only depends on the underlying semantic concepts.
Another approach to improve the result ranking is to
consider the journal classes of the evidence. We can
always prefer a publication which appears in a top
journal. In future work, we will also do an extensive
second evaluation on more medical guidelines.
The software, as well as all exper-
imental data and results is available at
This work is partially supported by the European
Commission under the 7th framework programme
EURECA Project (FP7-ICT-2011-7, Grant 288048).
We thank the clinical trial experts in the MAASTRO
clinic for their help on the evaluation.
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HEALTHINF 2016 - 9th International Conference on Health Informatics