Abstract Dialectical Frameworks for Text Exploration
Elena Cabrio
and Serena Villata
University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, Sophia Antipolis, France
CNRS, I3S Laboratory, Sophia Antipolis, France
Argumentation, Textual Entailment, Natural Language Processing.
Textual Entailment (TE) systems aim at recognizing the relations of entailment or non entailment holding
between two text fragments (i.e. a pair). The identified TE pairs are considered as independent one from
the others. However, in the latest years TE systems have been challenged against a number of real world ap-
plication scenarios like analyzing costumers interactions about a service, or analyzing online debates. These
applications have underlined the need to move from TE pairs to TE graphs where pairs are no more inde-
pendent. Moving from single pairs to graphs has the advantage of providing an overall view of the topic
discussed in the text. The challenge here is to define ways to exploit such graph-based representation for text
exploration. In the literature, some approaches apply abstract argumentation theory to compute the accepted
arguments of a debate, but they present a number of drawbacks, e.g., the non entailment relation and the attack
relation in abstract argumentation are assumed to be equivalent, but this is not always the case. In this paper,
we define bipolar entailment graphs, i.e., graphs whose nodes are text fragments and the edges represent the
entailment or non entailment relations. We adopt abstract dialectical frameworks to define acceptance condi-
tions for the nodes such that the resulting framework returns us relevant information for our text exploration
task. Experimental evaluation shows the feasibility of our approach.
In the last ten years, the Textual Entailment (TE)
framework (Dagan et al., 2009) has gained popularity
in Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications
like information extraction and question answering,
providing a suitable model for capturing major se-
mantic inference needs at textual level, taking into ac-
count the language variability. Given a pair of textual
fragments, a TE system assigns an entailment or a non
entailment relation to the pair. However, in real world
scenarios as analyzing costumers’ interactions about
a service or a product, or online debates, these pairs
extracted from the interactions cannot be considered
as independent. This means that they need to be col-
lected together into a single graph, e.g., all the reviews
about a certain service are collected together to un-
derstand which are the overall problems/merits of the
This combination of TE pairs into a unique
graph aims at supporting text exploration, whose goal
is the extraction of specific information from users in-
teractions evaluated as relevant in a particular domain
As discussed also in the keynote talk of the Joint Sym-
posium on Semantic Processing (http://jssp2013.fbk.eu/)
or task. The challenge is thus to propose an automated
framework able to compute such relevant information
starting from the TE pairs returned by the system and
collected into a graph.
In this paper, we answer the research question:
How to guide text exploration by highlighting rel-
evant information?
Differently from standard entailment graphs (Be-
rant et al., 2010; Mehdad et al., 2013) where the nodes
are connected by entailment relations only, in this pa-
per we consider bipolar entailment graphs (BEG),
where the nodes are the text fragments of TE pairs,
and both relations returned by TE systems (i.e., entail-
ment and non entailment) are considered as the graph
links. A recent proposal by (Cabrio and Villata, 2012)
suggests that TE pairs can be collected together to
construct an abstract argumentation framework (Cay-
rol and Lagasquie-Schiex, 2013; Dung, 1995) where
the entailment relation is mapped with the support re-
lation in argumentation, and the non entailment rela-
tion is mapped with the attack relation. Argumenta-
tion theory (Dung, 1995) is used to compute the set
of accepted arguments in the online debates they an-
alyze. While we believe that strong connections hold
Cabrio, E. and Villata, S.
Abstract Dialectical Frameworks for Text Exploration.
DOI: 10.5220/0005699100850095
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2016) - Volume 2, pages 85-95
ISBN: 978-989-758-172-4
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
between TE and argumentation theory, we detect the
following drawbacks in their combined approach: i)
the non entailment relation is considered as equiva-
lent to a contradiction and directly translated into an
attack relation. This is not always the case: non en-
tailment means that the two text spans are either unre-
lated or contradicting each other; ii) the support rela-
tion affects arguments’ acceptability only if supported
arguments are also attacked (new attacks are intro-
duced when a support holds (Cayrol and Lagasquie-
Schiex, 2013)), making the resulting framework more
complex; and iii) applying standard acceptability se-
mantics (Dung, 1995) to TE graphs does not give the
possibility to express detailed task-dependent condi-
tions to be satisfied, in order to have the arguments
Our research question breaks down into the fol-
lowing sub-questions:
How to cast bipolar entailment graphs in the ar-
gumentation setting such that the semantics of the
relations is maintained?
How to define specific arguments’ acceptance
conditions such that information we consider as
relevant in our task is extracted?
First, we answer the research questions by adopt-
ing abstract dialectical frameworks (ADF) (Brewka
and Woltran, 2010; Brewka et al., 2013), a general-
ization of Dung’s abstract argumentation frameworks
where different kinds of links among statements are
represented. We cast bipolar entailment graphs in ab-
stract dialectical frameworks where the links repre-
sent entailment and non entailment.
Second, considering positive (entailing) and nega-
tive (non entailing) links, and the weights assigned to
such links by the TE system, we define and evaluate
two acceptance conditions which allow us to extract
in an automated way the set of arguments, i.e., text
fragments, relevant for our text exploration task.
The goal of the proposed framework is to high-
light the information that is relevant to explore (i.e.
to understand, and in a certain sense, to summarize)
humans interactions in natural language (e.g. in a de-
bate, or in a reviewing service). Our proposal is a nat-
ural language based knowledge representation frame-
work grounded on natural language constructs rather
than on a formal pre-defined terminology. On the
one side we provide an automated way to compute
relevant information, and on the other side we apply
abstract dialectical frameworks to a real application
where texts are the primary source of knowledge.
In the remainder of the paper, Section 2 compares
the proposed approach to the related work. Section 3
presents the TE framework. Section 4 introduces
ADFs and the two acceptance conditions we define.
Experimental setting is described in Section 5. Con-
clusions end the paper.
The term entailment graph is not new in the literature,
and it has been firstly introduced by Berant et al. (Be-
rant et al., 2010) as a structure to model entailment re-
lations between propositional templates. The nodes of
an entailment graph are propositional templates, i.e.,
a path in a dependency tree between two arguments of
a common predicate (Lin and Pantel, 2001). In a de-
pendency parse, such a path passes through the predi-
cate; a variable must appear in at least one of the argu-
ment positions, and each sense of a polysemous pred-
icate corresponds to a separate template (and a sepa-
rate graph node): X
sub j
ob j
Y and X subj
sub j
ob j
nausea are propositional templates for the
first sense of the predicate treat. An edge (u,v) repre-
sents the fact that template u entails template v. (Be-
rant et al., 2010) assume a user interested in retriev-
ing information about a target concept (e.g., nausea).
The proposed approach automatically extracts from
a corpus the set of propositions where nausea is an
argument, and learns an entailment graph over propo-
sitional templates derived from the extracted proposi-
While (Berant et al., 2010; Berant et al., 2012)
model the problem of learning entailment relations
between predicates represented as propositional tem-
plates as a graph learning problem (to search for the
best graph under a global transitivity constraint), we
collect both entailment and non entailment relations
returned by the system to use both of them during the
computation of relevant information. In the context of
the topic labeling task, (Mehdad et al., 2013) propose
to build a multidirectional entailment graph over the
phrases extracted for a given set of sentences (cover-
ing the same topic). Since many of such phrases in-
clude redundant information which are semantically
equivalent but vary in lexical choices, they exploit the
entailment graphs to discover if the information in one
phrase is semantically equivalent, novel, or more/less
informative with respect to the content of the other
Also the combination of argumentation theory and
NLP is not new, and some existing works combine
NLP and argumentation theory (Ches
nevar and Ma-
guitman, 2004; Carenini and Moore, 2006; Moens
et al., 2007; Wyner and van Engers, 2010; Feng and
Hirst, 2011; Amgoud and Prade, 2012) with different
purposes, ranging from policy making support up to
recommendations on language patterns using indices,
ICAART 2016 - 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
to automated arguments generation. However, only
few of them (Carenini and Moore, 2006; Moens et al.,
2007; Feng and Hirst, 2011) actually process the tex-
tual content of the arguments, but their goals, i.e., ar-
guments generation (Carenini and Moore, 2006), and
arguments classification in texts (Moens et al., 2007;
Feng and Hirst, 2011) differ from ours.
Moreover, systems like Avicenna (Rahwan et al.,
2011), Carneades (Gordon et al., 2007), Arau-
caria (Reed and Rowe, 2004) (based on argumen-
tation schemes (Walton et al., 2008)), and Ar-
guMed (Verheij, 1998) use natural language argu-
ments, but the text remains unanalyzed as users are
requested to indicate the kind of relationship hold-
ing between two arguments. Finally, approaches
like (Leite and Martins, 2011; Gabbriellini and Tor-
roni, 2013b; Heras et al., 2013) show the added value
of applying argumentation theory to understand on-
line discussions and user opinions in decision support
and business oriented websites. Again texts here are
not the source of knowledge, and the linguistic con-
tent is not analyzed. All these approaches show the
need to make the two communities communicate and
jointly address such kind of open issues.
Up to our knowledge, the only work which tries
to combine TE with argumentation theory is (Cabrio
and Villata, 2012). The drawbacks of this work have
been previously detailed. For sake of completeness,
we have to mention that they (Cabrio and Villata,
2012) are aware about the first drawback we identi-
fied in their approach, i.e., the fact that the non entail-
ment relation is mapped to the attack relation even if
the meaning of the two is different, and they present
a data-driven comparison of the meanings of entail-
ment/support and non entailment/attack in (Cabrio
and Villata, 2013). However, the drawback still holds,
and a more general framework is required to obtain a
proper combination of TE and argumentation.
The added value of using argumentation theory in
on-line discussions and user reviews to support deci-
sion making on business oriented websites has been
shown by (Gabbriellini and Santini, 2015), while an
interesting approach to support argumentative discus-
sions on social networks, and more precisely on Twit-
ter, has been explored by (Gabbriellini and Torroni,
2012; Gabbriellini and Torroni, 2013a). We share
with these approaches the adoption of argumentation
theory to support intelligent interactions with other
users or big amount of data.
Finally, in the last years, the argument mining re-
search topic has become more and more relevant in
the Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Pro-
cessing communities, as witnessed by the success of
the Argument Mining’ workshop
. An interesting
approach that is worth mentioning in particular has
been recently presented by (Lippi and Torroni, 2015).
The authors propose a method that exploits structured
parsing information to detect claims without resorting
to contextual information. Even if the goal of the two
approaches is different, they go in the same direction
of developing supporting systems for users who inter-
act with big amount of data and need to be guided to
achieve an intelligent exploration experience.
This section introduces the Textual Entailment frame-
work (Section 3.1), and its extension into bipolar en-
tailment graphs (Section 3.2).
3.1 Textual Entailment
In the NLP field, the notion of Textual Entailment
(Dagan et al., 2009) refers to a directional relation
between two textual fragments, termed Text (T) and
Hypothesis (H), respectively. The relation holds (i.e.
T H) whenever the truth of one text fragment fol-
lows from another text, as interpreted by a typical
language user. The TE relation is directional, since
the meaning of one expression may usually entail the
other, while entailment in the other direction is much
less certain. Consider the pairs in Examples 1, 2, and
Example 1.
T (id=3): People should be at liberty to treat their
bodies how they want to. Indeed, people are allowed
to eat and drink to their detriment and even death, so
why shouldn’t they be able to harm themselves with
marijuana use? This is, of course, assuming that their
use does not harm anyone else.
H (id=1): Individuals should be free to use mari-
juana. If individuals want to harm themselves, they
should be free to do so.
Example 2 (Continued).
T (id=2): Even if marijuana’s effects were isolated to
the individual, there is room for the state to protect
individuals from harming themselves.
H (id=1): Individuals should be free to use mari-
juana. If individuals want to harm themselves, they
should be free to do so.
Abstract Dialectical Frameworks for Text Exploration
Example 3 (Continued).
T (id=4): Individuals should be at liberty to experi-
ence the punishment of a poor choice.
H (id=2): Even if marijuana’s effects were isolated to
the individual, there is room for the state to protect
individuals from harming themselves.
In Example 1, we can identify an entailment re-
lation between T and H (i.e. the meaning of H can
be derived from the meaning of T), in Example 2, T
contradicts H, while in Example 3, even if the topic
is the same, the truth of H cannot be verified on the
bases of the information present in T (i.e. the relation
is said to be unknown).
The notion of TE has been
proposed as an applied framework to capture major
semantic inference needs across applications in NLP
(e.g. information extraction, text summarization, and
reading comprehension systems) (Dagan et al., 2009).
The task of recognizing TE is therefore carried out by
automatic systems, mainly implemented using Ma-
chine Learning techniques (typically SVM), logical
inference, cross-pair similarity measures between T
and H, and word alignment.
While entailment in its
logical definition pertains to the meaning of language
expressions, the TE model does not represent mean-
ings explicitly, avoiding any semantic interpretation
into a meaning representation level. Instead, in this
applied model inferences are performed directly over
lexical-syntactic representations of the texts. TE al-
lows to overcome the main limitations showed by for-
mal approaches (where the inference task is carried
out by logical theorem provers), i.e. (i) the computa-
tional costs of dealing with huge amounts of available
but noisy data present in the Web; (ii) the fact that for-
mal approaches address forms of deductive reasoning,
exhibiting a too high level of precision and strictness
as compared to human judgments, that allow for un-
certainties typical of inductive reasoning. But while
methods for automated deduction assume that the ar-
guments in input are already expressed in some for-
mal representation (e.g. first order logic), addressing
the inference task at a textual level opens different and
new challenges from those encountered in formal de-
duction. Indeed, more emphasis is put on informal
reasoning, lexical semantic knowledge, and variabil-
ity of linguistic expressions.
In the two-way classification task, contradiction and
unknown relations are collapsed into a unique relation, i.e.
non entailment.
(Dagan et al., 2009) provides an overview of the recent
advances in TE.
3.2 From Pairs to Graphs
As defined in the previous section, TE is a directional
relation between two textual fragments. However,
in various real world scenarios, these pairs cannot
be considered as independent. This means that they
need to be collected together into a single graph. A
new framework involving entailment graphs is there-
fore needed, where the semantic relations are not only
identified between pairs of textual fragments, but such
pairs are also part of a graph that provides an over-
all view of the statements’ interactions, such that the
influences of some statements on the others emerge.
Therefore, we introduce the notion of bipolar entail-
ment graphs (BEG), where two kinds of edges are
considered, i.e., entailment and non entailment, and
nodes are the text fragments of TE pairs.
Definition 1 (Bipolar Entailment Graph). A bipolar
entailment graph is a tuple BEG = hT, E,NEi where
T is a set of text fragments;
E T × T is an entailment relation between text
NE T × T is a non entailment relation between
text fragments.
This opens new challenges for TE, that in the
original definition considers the T-H pairs as “self-
contained” (i.e., the meaning of H has to be derived
from the meaning of T). On the contrary, in arguments
extracted from human linguistic interactions a lot is
left implicit (following Grice’s conversational Maxim
of Quantity), and anaphoric expressions should be
solved to correctly assign semantic relations among
In this section, we first introduce abstract dialecti-
cal frameworks (Section 4.1), and then we describe
which acceptability measures we choose for our text
exploration task (Section 4.2).
4.1 Abstract Dialectical Frameworks
Abstract dialectical frameworks (Brewka and
Woltran, 2010) have been introduced as a gen-
eralization of Dung-style abstract argumentation
frameworks (Dung, 1995) where each node is asso-
ciated with an acceptance condition. The slogan of
abstract dialectical frameworks is: ADF = depen-
dency graphs + acceptance conditions, meaning that,
ICAART 2016 - 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
in contrast with Dung frameworks where links be-
tween nodes represent the type of relationship called
attack, in this framework different dependencies can
be represented in a flexible way.
An ADF is a directed graph whose nodes represent
statements which can be accepted or not. The links
between the nodes represent dependencies: the status
(i.e., accepted, not accepted) of a node s depends only
on the status of its parents par(s), i.e., those nodes
connected to s by a direct link. Each node s is then
associated to an acceptance condition C
which spec-
ifies the exact conditions under which argument s is
accepted. C
is a function assigning to each subset of
par(s) one of the values in or out, where in means
that these arguments are accepted and out means that
they are rejected. Roughly, if for R par(s) we have
(R) = in, this means that s will be accepted if the
nodes in R are accepted and those in par(s) \ R are
Definition 2 (Abstract Dialectical Frame-
work (Brewka and Woltran, 2010)). An abstract
dialectical framework is a tuple D = hS,L,Ci where
S is a set of statements (i.e., nodes);
L S ×S is a set of links;
C = {C
is a set of total functions C
{in, out}, one for each statement s. C
called the acceptance condition of s.
For instance, Dung-style argumenta-
tion frameworks are associated to the ADF
= hArgs,att,Ci where the acceptance condi-
tions for all nodes s S is C
(R) = in if and only if
R =
0, and C
(R) = out otherwise. An example of
an abstract dialectical framework from (Brewka and
Woltran, 2010) is visualized in Figure 1, where grey
nodes are the accepted arguments, and acceptance
conditions are expressed as propositional formulas
over the nodes. For more details see (Brewka and
Woltran, 2010).
(Brewka and Woltran, 2010) underline that ADF
acceptance conditions can be defined also through
positive and negative weights associated to links. In
particular, they introduce weighted ADFs presenting
their usefulness in the specific context of legal argu-
mentation, i.e., modeling five standards of proof. In
this paper, we start from weighted ADFs presented
in (Brewka and Woltran, 2010), and we adapt them
to represent our bipolar entailment graphs. Note that
weighted argumentation frameworks have been stud-
ied also by (Dunne et al., 2011), where weights are
used for handling inconsistencies, but there weights
are not exploited to compute the acceptance or rejec-
tion of the arguments. The advantage of using ADFs
to model bipolar entailment graphs, in contrast with
the approach proposed in (Cabrio and Villata, 2012),
is that the resulting “bipolar” argumentation graphs
are not forced to interpret the negative weighted links
as being attacks and therefore leading to a misconcep-
tion about the meaning of the non entailment relation
in TE.
4.2 Extracting Meaningful Information
using ADF
To explore texts searching for information which
satisfies specific constraints and shows certain fea-
tures, we adopt weighted abstract dialectical frame-
works (Brewka and Woltran, 2010), and we define
two acceptance conditions such that they allow us to
select, starting from a bipolar entailment graph, only
the information we are looking for. First, we define
a general weighted ADF (to which we map BEGs)
where an additional function is introduced to asso-
ciate each link to a weight, similarly to what was pro-
posed in (Brewka and Woltran, 2010).
Definition 3 (Weighted Abstract Dialectical Frame-
works). A weighted abstract dialectical framework is
a tuple D = hS,L,C,vi where
S is a set of nodes;
L S × S is a set of links;
C = {C
is a set of total functions C
{in, out}, one for each statement s. C
called the acceptance condition of s;
v : L W is a function associating weights to the
links, where W is a set of weights.
Mapping a BEG into a weighted ADF, we can
highlight two kinds of possible weights in bipolar
entailment graphs: i) qualitative weights, where we
distinguish between positive vs. negative weights
W = {+,−}, i.e., we consider the entailment links
as associated to a positive weight and non entailment
links as associated to a negative weight, and ii) nu-
merical weights, where we exploit the weights the TE
system assigns to each link as its confidence, i.e., we
consider a range W [1,1] such that the more the
link weight approaches -1, the more the system is con-
fident it is a non entailment relation and the more the
link weight approaches 1, the more the system is con-
fident it is an entailment relation. Figure 1 shows an
example of a weighted ADF, where C
is described.
Starting from the defined weighted ADFs, we
have now to define the acceptance conditions we want
to adopt to guide the selection of the nodes in the
graph that we consider as relevant in our task. We
consider two use cases for text exploration: (a) a huge
online debate composed by several arguments, and we
Abstract Dialectical Frameworks for Text Exploration
no negative links and
all positive links active
¬c (a b)
Weighted ADF
Figure 1: Examples of ADF and weighted ADF together with the acceptance conditions defined for nodes.
want to retrieve the arguments that are entailed by
at least one accepted statement and no negative link
is directed against them from accepted statements;
and (b) a set of users’ interactions about a service
have to be explored in order to retrieve those state-
ments which are highly entailed by other statements
in the BEG, and not much non entailed by other state-
ments (i.e., if the difference of their weights is above
a certain threshold). These two domain independent
acceptance conditions represent our heuristics to re-
trieve inside huge bipolar entailment graphs, the set
of information satisfying the goal of our text explo-
ration task.
The two acceptance conditions are formalized as
1. C
(R) = in if and only if
r R : v((r,s)) {+} t R : v((t, s)) / {−}
2. C
(R) = in if and only if, given r,t R,
((r, s)) | maxv
((t,s))| > k (2)
where k is a certain threshold.
The first acceptance condition models use case
(a): statement s is accepted if and only if R contains
no node with a negative link towards s and at least one
node with a positive link towards s, i.e., no node not
entailing s and at least one node entailing s. The sec-
ond acceptance condition models use case (b): state-
ment s is accepted if and only if the difference be-
tween the maximal positive weight and the absolute
value of the maximal negative weight is above a given
threshold k. Concerning those nodes which have no
incident links (i.e., par(s) =
0), we apply the follow-
ing acceptance condition: C
is in (constant function).
Note that we do not claim that these are the only pos-
sible acceptance conditions for identifying relevant
information during text exploration in BEGs. We de-
fine such acceptance conditions because they provide
us with the information satisfying our text exploration
features. However, weighted ADFs applied to text ex-
ploration based on bipolar entailment graphs provide
a flexible framework such that more complex accep-
tance conditions can be defined depending on the kind
of information to be retrieved.
This section evaluates the automated framework we
propose to support text exploration. As a first step, we
run a TE system to assign the entailment and the non
entailment relations to the pairs of arguments. Then, a
bipolar entailment graph is built, where the arguments
are the nodes of the graph, and the automatically as-
signed relations correspond to the links of the graphs.
Finally, we adopt the abstract dialectical frameworks
to define acceptance conditions for the nodes of the
bipolar entailment graph. The dataset of argument
pairs on which we run the experiments is described
in Section 5.1, while the framework evaluation is re-
ported in Section 5.2.
5.1 Dataset
We experiment our framework on the Debatepedia
(described in (Cabrio and Villata, 2012)). It
is composed of 200 pairs, balanced between entail-
ment and non entailment pairs, and split into a train-
ing set (100 pairs), and a test set (100 pairs). The
pairs are extracted from a sample of Debatepedia
bates, an encyclopedia of pro and con arguments on
critical issues (e.g. China one-child policy, vegetari-
anism, gay marriages). To the best of our knowledge,
it is the only available dataset of T-H pairs that can be
represented as bipolar entailment graphs.
Since (Cabrio and Villata, 2012) show on a learn-
ing curve that augmenting the number of training
pairs actually improves the TE system performances
The Recognizing Textual Entailment (RTE) data are
not suitable for our goal, since the pairs are not intercon-
nected (i.e. they cannot be transformed into argumentation
ICAART 2016 - 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
on the test set, we decided to contribute to the exten-
sion of the Debatepedia data set manually annotating
60 more pairs (30 entailment and 30 non entailment
pairs). We followed the methodology described in
(Cabrio and Villata, 2012) for the annotation phase,
and we added the newly created pairs to the original
training set. We consider this enriched dataset of 260
pairs as the goldstandard in our experiments (where
entailment/non entailment relations are correctly as-
signed), against which we will compare the TE sys-
tem performances.
Starting from the pairs in the Debatepedia dataset,
we then build a bipolar entailment graph for each of
the topic in the dataset (12 topics in the training set
and 10 topics in the test set, listed in (Cabrio and
Villata, 2012)). The arguments are the nodes of the
graph, and the relations among the arguments corre-
spond to the links of the graphs.
To create the goldstandards to check the validity
of the two proposed acceptance conditions, we sep-
arately applied both conditions on the bipolar entail-
ment graphs built using manually annotated relations.
In particular, for the second acceptance condition that
consider the weights assigned on the links (see Sec-
tion 4), we consider the max weight of 1 to be at-
tributed to the entailment link (maximal confidence
on the entailment relation assignment), and the max
weight of -1 to be attributed to the non entailment link
(maximal confidence on the non entailment relation
We are aware that the dataset we used is smaller
than the datasets provided in RTE challenges
, but we
consider it as a representative test set to prove the va-
lidity of our approach.
5.2 Evaluation
We carry out a two-step evaluation of our framework:
first, we assess the TE system accuracy in correctly
assigning the entailment and the non entailment rela-
tions to the pairs of arguments in the dataset. Then,
we evaluate how much such accuracy impacts on
ADF graphs, i.e. how much a wrong assignment of
a relation to a pair of arguments is propagated in the
ADF by the acceptance conditions.
To detect which kind of relation underlies each
couple of arguments, we experiment the EXCITE-
MENT Open Platform (EOP)
, that provides a
generic architecture for a multilingual textual infer-
ence platform. We tested the three state-of-the-art en-
tailment algorithms in the EOP (i.e., BIUTEE (Stern
and Dagan, 2012), TIE and EDITS (Kouylekov and
Negri, 2010)) on Debatepedia dataset, experimenting
several different configurations, and adding knowl-
edge resources.
The best results for the first evaluation step on De-
batepedia are obtained with BIUTEE, adopting the
configuration that exploits all available knowledge re-
sources (e.g. WordNet, Wikipedia, FrameNet) (see
Table 1). BIUTEE follows the transformation-based
paradigm, which recognizes TE by converting the text
into the hypothesis via a sequence of transformations.
Such sequence is referred to as a proof, and is per-
formed over the syntactic representation of the text
(i.e. the text parse tree). A transformation modifies
a given parse tree, resulting in a generation of a new
parse tree, which can be further modified by subse-
quent transformations. The main type of transforma-
tions is the application of entailment-rules (Bar-Haim
et al., 2007) (e.g. lexical rules, active/passive rules,
As baseline in this first experiment we use a token-
based version of the Levenshtein distance algorithm,
i.e. EditDistanceEDA in the EOP, as shown in Table
1. In this table, we do not report the results of the
TIE system as it is not relevant with respect to the
present evaluation, as we fixed EditDistanceEDA as
our baseline and the best performing system for our
task in the EOP is BIUTEE. The obtained results are
in line with the average systems performances at RTE
(0.65 F-measure
As a second step of our evaluation, we consider
the impact of the best TE configuration on the accept-
ability of the arguments, i.e. how much a wrong as-
signment of a relation to a pair of arguments affects
the acceptability of the arguments in the ADF. We
use the acceptance conditions we defined in Section
4 to identify the accepted arguments both on i) the
goldstandard entailment graphs of Debatepedia topics
(described in Section 5.1), and ii) on the graphs gen-
erated using the relations and the weights assigned by
BIUTEE on Debatepedia (since it is the system that
obtained the best performances, see Table 1).
BIUTEE allows many types of transformations,
by which an hypothesis can be proven from any text.
Given a T-H pair, the system finds a proof which
generates H from T, and estimates the proof validity
(Stern and Dagan, 2012). Finding such a proof is a se-
quential process, conducted by a search algorithm. In
each step of the proof construction the system exam-
ines all the possible transformations that can be ap-
plied, generates new trees by applying the selected
transformations, and calculates their costs by con-
The F-measure is a measure of accuracy. It considers
both the precision and the recall of the test to compute the
Abstract Dialectical Frameworks for Text Exploration
Table 1: First step evaluation (results on Debatepedia test set, i.e. 100 pairs). Systems are trained on Debatepedia training set
(160 pairs).
EOP configuration Accuracy Recall Precision F-measure
BIUTEE 0.71 0.94 0.66 0.78
EditDistanceEDA 0.58 0.61 0.59 0.59
structing appropriate feature-vectors for them. Even-
tually, the search algorithm finds the (approximately)
lowest cost proof. If the proof cost is below a thresh-
old (automatically learned on the training set, for de-
tails see (Stern and Dagan, 2011)), then the system
concludes that T entails H. The inverse of this cost
is normalized as a score between 0 (where T and H
are completely different) and 1 (where T and H are
identical), and returned as output. In other words, the
score returned by the system indicates how likely it
is that the obtained proof is valid, i.e., the transfor-
mations along the proof preserve entailment from the
meaning of T.
In order to apply the second acceptance condition
described in Section 4 using the scores returned by
BIUTEE as the weights on the links between nodes,
we need to have positive values (from 0 to 1) corre-
sponding to the confidence of BIUTEE in assigning
the entailment relation to the pair, and negative val-
ues (from 0 to -1) corresponding to the confidence of
BIUTEE in assigning a non entailment relation to the
pair. Since the scores that BIUTEE returns are nor-
malized between 0 and 1, where the threshold learned
on the Debatepedia training set is set to 0.5, we need
to shift such scores on the scale demanded by such
acceptance condition, setting the threshold to 0 and
normalizing the scores produced by BIUTEE accord-
ingly. In this new scale, i) the more the system is
confident that there is a non entailment relation be-
tween two arguments, the more its score (i.e. the link
weight) approaches -1; ii) the more the system is con-
fident that there is an entailment relation, the more
its score (i.e. the link weight) approaches 1; iii) the
more the system is uncertain about the assigned rela-
tion, the more the system score (i.e. the link weight)
approaches 0 (both on the negative and on the positive
Table 2 reports on the results of this second eval-
uation phase, where we evaluate the impact of BIU-
TEE on the arguments acceptability, adopting admis-
sible based semantics, with respect to a goldstandard
where the relations on the links have been assigned
by human annotators (Section 5.1). In general, the
TE system mistakes in relation assignment propagate
in the argumentation framework, but results are still
We are aware that in Debatepedia entailment
graphs the error propagation is also limited by i) their
size (see Table 2, column avg # links per graph);
and ii) the heuristic we applied in computing the ar-
guments acceptability, according to which the argu-
ments that have no negative incident links are ac-
cepted, augmenting the number of the accepted nodes
in the graphs. Concerning time complexity, the
weighted ADF module takes 1 second to analyze a
weighted ADF of 100 pairs, returning the relevant ar-
guments with respect to the selected acceptance con-
The results reported in Table 2 cannot be
strictly compared with the results shown in (Cabrio
and Villata, 2012), since the underlying role of the
entailment relation in the selection of the accepted ar-
gument is different. In this paper, we do not address
a comparison with the existing ADF software, such
, as the purpose of the
present paper is not to evaluate the performances in
computing ADFs, but the goodness of our system in
retrieving natural language arguments for topics ex-
ploration. However, we plan as future research to
adopt such systems for computing the acceptability
of the arguments, and to evaluate their performances
with respect to our specific task. Note that this evalu-
ation is not intended to evaluate the performances of
argumentation systems to compute the acceptability
of the arguments
, but it is meant to show the accu-
racy of the combined system (i.e., TE plus ADFs) in
detecting the arguments satisfying the specified fea-
tures, so that it can be exploited for a text exploration
In general, we consider the results we obtained
experimenting our framework on the Debatepedia
dataset as promising, fostering further research in this
direction. An analysis of arguments returned by the
acceptability conditions has been addressed, and re-
sults show that the selected arguments contain rele-
vant information for the topics exploration.
In Figure 2, ADF
shows the weighted ADF result-
ing from the BEG whose text fragments are presented
in Section 3, together with the nodes selected through
the first acceptance condition. Note that statement
“Individuals should be free to use marijuana. If in-
Complexity results for ADFs have been studied
by (Brewka and Woltran, 2010).
We refer the interested reader to the results of the First
International Competition on Computational Models of Ar-
gumentation (Thimm and Villata, 2015).
ICAART 2016 - 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 2: Results of the second evaluation (Debatepedia test set). Precision (avg): arguments accepted by the automatic
system and by the goldstandard with respect to an entailment graph; recall (avg): arguments accepted in the goldstandard and
retrieved as accepted by the automatic system.
Acceptance condition # graphs avg # links per graph Precision Recall F-measure
First 10 9.1 0.89 0.98 0.93
Second 10 9.1 0.894 0.98 0.95
5 4
Figure 2: Two examples from our dataset (ADF
- positive/negative weights, ADF
- numerical weights).
dividuals want to harm themselves, they should be
free to do so” is selected as it has an incident nega-
tive link but coming from a rejected argument, and it
is entailed by “People should be at liberty to treat their
bodies how they want to. Indeed, people are allowed
to eat and drink to their detriment and even death, so
why shouldn’t they be able to harm themselves with
marijuana use? [...]”. In Figure 2, ADF
shows the
weighted ADF we obtain for the whole ADF about
the topic “Gas Vehicles” from our dataset, where the
links are weighted with the confidence the TE system
associates to the assigned relations. In this case, we
first assign to the arguments the acceptability degree
computed following the formula of the second accep-
tance condition, and if the computed value is above
the threshold the argument is selected, i.e., it is evalu-
ated as in, otherwise it is discarded.
We have introduced the notion of bipolar entailment
graph where the pairs identified by the classical TE
framework are collected together into a single graph.
The advantage of moving from pairs to a graph lies in
the fact that the graph provides a structured view of
the text supporting text exploration tasks. In particu-
lar, we propose to exploit abstract dialectical frame-
works to perform such tasks: we define acceptance
conditions for the nodes such that the framework re-
turns us relevant information for our text exploration
task. Relying on ADFs ensures to our framework
high flexibility in defining the kind of nodes we look
for, i.e., the acceptance conditions, and allows us to
overcome some drawbacks highlighted in similar ap-
proaches in the literature (Cabrio and Villata, 2012).
Experiments on the Debatepedia dataset using state
of the art TE systems to automatically assign the in-
ference relations between the statements are promis-
ing, fostering further research in this direction. Both
the enriched Debatepedia dataset (260 pairs), and the
generated ADF are available for research purposes.
As for future work, we will test our framework on
a dataset built of customer interactions, where further
acceptance conditions may become necessary to re-
trieve other information in the texts. Moreover, we
will study how to modify the acceptance condition to
consider the fact that the relations assigned to a pair
by the system with a low confidence (around 0) are
more uncertain than those assigned with a higher con-
fidence. More specifically, we will consider to asso-
ciate to the confidence values (from -1 to 1) a prob-
ability distribution, to improve the system ability in
assigning the semantic relation to the pair, depend-
ing on the presence of the entailment relation. An in
depth user evaluation of the arguments returned after
applying the acceptance conditions for the text explo-
ration task is an ongoing work. Finally, we plan to ex-
plore the adoption of GRAPPA (Brewka and Woltran,
2014), a semantical framework that allows to define
Dung-style semantics for arbitrary labelled graphs,
proposing acceptance functions based on multisets of
labels. This framework could allow to simplify the
definition of the acceptance functions thanks to the in-
troduced pattern language, enhancing the automated
evaluation of our framework.
Abstract Dialectical Frameworks for Text Exploration
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