In this work we have illustrated the implementation
of an SAD based stereo algorithm on an embedded
ARM/DSP vision platform. The algorithm is
developed as MATLAB function code that feeds the
MATLAB Embedded Coder to generate generic or
platform-specific C-Code code, in our case using the
NEON instruction set of the ARM Cortex processor.
We have evaluated the performance of the
implemented code by comparing the speed
performance in million disparity estimations per
second in respect to the processor cycle frequency.
The main outcome of our work is the awareness
that the performance of the embedded
implementation highly depends on the developed
MATLAB function code. The MATLAB Embedded
Coder seems to generate more efficient code if the
underlying algorithm is based on vector calculations
rather than addressing sub-matrices. This could be a
drawback, because the resulting MATLAB code
could be less compact and readable.
With the described optimizations our generated
C-Code achieves a performance of 3.7 Mde/GHz and
therefore outperforms an existing ARM
implementation of this algorithm. Unfortunately, no
further ARM-only implementations of the considered
algorithm are known.
Additionally, our algorithm on the DSP shows
worse performance characteristics compared to
existing DSP implementations. We used generic C-
Code generated with the MATLAB coder which has
a major drawback because we don’t specifically take
advantage of the DSP architecture (apart from TI
compiler optimizations). Therefore future work
should investigate the possibility of optimized code
generation for the DSP with the MATLAB Embedded
Coder and the TI C6000 Hardware Support Package.
Furthermore improvements should be made to the
SAD algorithm with special emphasis on the DSP
code generation.
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