The presented experiments demonstrate that the
random forest algorithm has recognition performance
similar to that of open-end DTW at high computa-
tional speed. The matching speed is important not
only for intuitive interaction but also for the usability
of our system. Practically, the dataset of daily mo-
tion will be longer than 24 hours in some cases. The
random forest algorithm is suitable for our system de-
signed to find optimal gestures for certain applications
and situations quickly.
For intuitive interaction with wearable devices, ges-
ture recognition has advantages over traditional meth-
ods such as gestures on a touch pad. In terms of rec-
ognizing gestures correctly for a smartwatch, the false
positiveness of gestures is a big problem.
We proposed a primitive-based gesture recogni-
tion approach to solve the problem. This approach
creates new gestures that are resistant against false
detection in daily motions. We assume one system
for LFP gesture creation. This system records daily
motion data from users and searches for LFP patterns
in the daily motions employing our proposed method.
The system searches for and visualizes LFP motion
gestures by focusing on primitive gestures.
In future work, we will continue to evaluate our
proposed method for multiple people and investigate
a way of visualizing primitive sequences though the
evaluation. In addition, we will verify the validity of
our method for seven primitive gestures.
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