Genetic Algorithm for Weight Optimization in Descriptor based Face
Recognition Methods
Ladislav Lenc
Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering, Faculty of Applied Sciences,
University of West Bohemia, Plzeˇn, Czech Republic
NTIS - New Technologies for the Information Society, Faculty of Applied Sciences,
University of West Bohemia, Plzeˇn, Czech Republic
Face Recognition, Genetic Algorithm, Local Binary Patterns, LBP, Patterns of Oriented Edge Magnitudes,
This paper presents a novel algorithm for weight optimization in descriptor based face recognition methods.
We aim at the local texture features that are currently very popular in the face recognition (FR) field. Com-
mon concept in such methods is creating histograms of the operator values in rectangular image regions and
concatenating them into one large vector called histogram sequence (HS). Usually the facial regions are given
equal weight which does not correspond with the reality. We deal with this issue in this work and propose
a novel method that optimizes the weights of the regions. The optimization method is based on a genetic
algorithm (GA). We test the method together with the local binary patterns (LBP) and patterns of oriented
edge magnitudes (POEM) descriptors. We evaluate our algorithms on two real-world corpora: Unconstrained
facial images (UFI) database and FaceScrub database. The evaluation results show that the weighted methods
outperform the non-weighted ones. The best achieved scores are 68.93% on the UFI database and 57.81% on
the FaceScrub database.
Face recognition (FR) methods based on local im-
age features are recently very popular among the
face recognition researchers. A significant advan-
tage of these methods is a relatively easy computa-
tion and high recognition accuracy. These methods
usually outperform holistic approaches such as Eigen-
faces (Turk and Pentland, 1991) or Fisherfaces (Bel-
humeur et al., 1997).
There are a lot of various types of descriptors that
were utilized for FR. Among others we can mention
scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) (Lowe, 2004)
or speeded-up robust features (SURF) (Bay et al.,
2006). The SIFT and SURF methods proved very
good results in many computer vision tasks but the
use for FR is not as frequent. The majority of re-
searchers recently concentrate on Gabor based fea-
tures (Wiskott et al., 1997; Perez et al., 2011) and on
the local texture features such as local binary patterns
(LBP) (Ahonen et al., 2006). The newly designed
descriptors aim at improved ability to capture impor-
tant information contained in images. The matching
is then performed using a simple nearest neighbour
classifier or can employ a more sophisticated one such
as support vector machines (SVM) or artificial neural
networks (ANN).
The local texture features proved very good per-
formance and therefore we chose this type of features
for our experiments. We concentrate on the match-
ing procedure of the image features created using the
well known algorithms such as LBP or patterns of ori-
ented edge magnitudes (POEM) (Vu et al., 2012). We
would like to extend the concept of weighting that was
proposed already in (Ahonen et al., 2006). In that
work a simple procedure of assigning the weights is
used. Image is split into rectangular regions of size
18× 21 pixels The training set is then classified based
on just one of the regions in that the image is parti-
tioned. The weight is assigned according to the recog-
nition score obtained using the particular window.
We believe that the weighting is very important
and can leverage the performance of descriptor based
methods. The main contribution of this work is thus
the proposal of a novel weight optimization proce-
dure based on a genetic algorithm (GA). Another im-
portant contribution is evaluation of the algorithm on
two real-world corpora. We chose the UFI and Face-
Lenc, L.
Genetic Algorithm for Weight Optimization in Descriptor based Face Recognition Methods.
DOI: 10.5220/0005704403300336
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2016) - Volume 2, pages 330-336
ISBN: 978-989-758-172-4
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Scrub (Ng and Winkler, 2014) databases. We evaluate
the identification scenario which means we compare
the test face against gallery faces and search for the
most similar one. We use a scheme where the weights
are trained on one database and tested on the other.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 summarizes important face recognition meth-
ods with a particular focus on the local image descrip-
tors. Several methods employing genetic algorithms
for optimization are also briefly described. Section 3
details the LBP and POEM algorithms, the compari-
son procedure and the proposed genetic algorithm for
weight optimization. Section 4 reports the results of
evaluation on the UFI and FaceScrub corpora. In sec-
tion 5 we conclude the paper and give some possible
directions for further research.
Face recognition (FR) is nowadays a well established
field in computer vision and image analysis. The ear-
lier methods were usually based on dimensionality re-
duction of image space using methods such as prin-
cipal component analysis (PCA) (Turk and Pentland,
1991) or linear discriminant analysis (LDA) (Bel-
humeur et al., 1997). These methods use the face im-
age as a whole and are usually called holistic. Other
large group of methods that gets more attention re-
cently is based on a set of image features.
LBP is one of the first local texture features uti-
lized for face recognition. It was originally used for
texture representation as presented in (Ojala et al.,
1996). It is computed from the neighbourhood of
a given pixel and uses the intensity of the central pixel
as a threshold. The neighbouring pixels are compared
to that threshold and are assigned either 0 or 1 (lower
than threshold - 0, higher - 1). The binary digits are
concatenated to a binary number and then converted
to a decimal value. This value is used as a descriptor
of the pixel.
The first application of LBP for face recognition
was proposed by Ahonen et al. in (Ahonen et al.,
2004). The face is divided into rectangular regions.
In each region a histogram of LBP values is com-
puted. All histograms are then concatenated into one
vector called histogram sequence (HS) which is used
for the face representation. The histogram intersec-
tion (HI) method or Chi square distance are used for
vector comparison. A weighted LBP modification is
also proposed in this work. It gives more importance
to the regions around the eyes and the central part of
the face. The reported recognition rate on the FERET
dataset (Phillips et al., 1998) reaches 93% for the orig-
inal method and 97% for the weighted LBP method.
One of the extensions of LBP are dynamic thresh-
old local binary patterns (DTLBP) (Li et al., 2012). It
takes into consideration the mean value of the neigh-
bouring pixels and also the maximum contrast be-
tween the neighbouring points. According to the au-
thors, this variation is less sensitive to noise
Another extension of the original method are Lo-
cal Ternary Patterns (LTP) proposed in (Tan and
Triggs, 2010). It uses three states to capture the differ-
ences between the center pixel and the neighbouring
ones. Similarly to the DTLBP the LTP is less sensi-
tive to the noise.
The so called Local Derivative Patterns (LDP) are
proposed in (Zhang et al., 2010). In this case features
of higher order are computed. This descriptor thus
can represent more information than the original LBP.
The histogram for the original LBP contains 256
bins (8 bit binary number). However, it was proved
that approximately 90% of patterns belongs to a sub-
set of the values that are called uniform. The unifor-
mity means that there are at most two transitions from
0 to 1 or from 1 to 0 in the binary number. The number
of uniform patterns is 59 in case of 8-bit representa-
tion. The 59th bin is reserved for the non-uniform pat-
terns. This idea brings significantly lower dimension
of resulting features whereas the descriptive abilities
are similar.
An interesting method utilizing uniform patterns
is proposed in (Yang and Wang, 2007). The authors
state that the histogram bin containing non-uniform
patterns dominates among other bins and gives thus
too much importance to this bin. Therefore they pro-
pose to assign such patterns to the closest uniform pat-
tern (according to Hamming distance).
One of more recent descriptors is POEM. It was
proposed in (Vu et al., 2012). It is based on the com-
putation of gradients in the image pixels. The gradi-
ent orientations are then quantized and accumulated
in a small region around the pixel called cell. The ac-
cumulated values are then compared with other cells
within a larger region called block. The histograms
are created for each direction in similar way as in
LBP. This approach achieves very good results on
FERET (97.6% for fb set) and LFW (75%) datasets.
Another interesting method proposed in (Vu,
2013) is called patterns of orientation difference
(POD). Whereas POEM encodes the differences in
edge magnitude distributions, POD encodes the dis-
tribution of orientations. It is assumed that this de-
scriptor gives complementary information to POEM
and the combination can improve the recognition re-
Local quantized patterns (LQP) (Hussain et al.,
Genetic Algorithm for Weight Optimization in Descriptor based Face Recognition Methods
2012) are a generalization of local features. It is based
on vector quantization and thus reduces the number of
patterns. Cosine similarity is used for face compari-
son. It is reported to achieve better results than other
local feature methods. The accuracy on the FERET
fb set is 99.9%.
A common property of the most of the above de-
scribed LBP methods is that the images are divided
into rectangular regions and histograms are computed
in each region. All histograms from one image are
concatenated and create the face representation. In
the comparison stage each histogram can have differ-
ent weight and thus can emphasize some important
face parts. We would like to employ GA for weight
optimization and therefore some GA approaches are
described next.
GAs are a class of algorithms belonging to the
group of evolutionary algorithms (EA). The idea was
proposed by Holland in (Holland, 1973) and GAs are
often used for optimization in many domains. It was
also relatively early adopted in the image processing
field. The key concept of GAs is the Darwin’s theory
of natural selection. The fittest specimens thus sur-
vive and create a better population in the next genera-
tion. Applying the rules of selection, crossover and
mutation it goes through the search space with the
goal to find the optimal solution.
One interesting application of GAs in computer
vision is circle detection (Ayala-Ramirez et al., 2006).
It detects circles in the edge image of a scene. Each
candidate circle is described with its radius and coor-
dinates of the center. Fitness function evaluates the
real presence of the circle in the image. It is reported
that this approach is capable of detecting circles with
sub-pixel accuracy.
Another recent utilization of GA is color image
segmentation (Abbasgholipour et al., 2011). It uses
a permutation-coded genetic algorithm and aims at
segmentation under varying lighting conditions.
An example use of GA for face recognition is pro-
posed in (Al-Arashi et al., 2014). The GA was used
for PCA performance optimization in this work.
A survey of GA based methods can be found
in (Paulinas and Uˇsinskas, 2015).
The method consists of three steps. The first one is
feature extraction for which we employed the LBP
and POEM operators. The second step is the weight
optimization that determines the weights for the indi-
vidual regions in the image. Final step is classification
that compares the image representations and finds the
Figure 1: An example of the feature computing by the orig-
inal LBP operator.
most similar image from the gallery.
3.1 LBP Operator
The LBP operator was proposed in (Ojala et al.,
1996). The original form uses a 3×3 neighbourhood
of the central pixel. The algorithm assigns either 0 or
1 value to the 8 neighbouring pixels by Equation 1.
N =
0 if g
< g
1 if g
where N is the binary value assigned to the neigh-
bouring pixel, g
denotes the gray-level value of the
neighbouring pixel and g
is the gray-level value of
the central pixel. The resulting values are then con-
catenated into an 8 bit binary number. Its decimal
representation is used for further computation. This
approach is illustrated in Figure 1.
The original LBP operator was further extended to
use circular neighbourhoods of various sizes and also
with different numbers of points. A bilinear interpo-
lation is used to compute the values in the points that
are not placed in the pixel centres. The LBP is then
denoted as LBP
where P is the number of points
and R is the radius of the neighbourhood. The value
of the operator is computed by Equation 2.
, S(x) =
0 if x < 0
1 if x 0
where g
denotes the points on the circle and g
is the
central point. Figure 2 illustrates the computation of
3.2 POEM Operator
The POEM descriptor was proposed in (Vu et al.,
2012). First the gradient in each pixel of the input im-
age is computed. An approximation utilizing simple
convolution operator such as Sobel or Scharr is used
to compute gradients in the x and y directions. These
values are used for computation of gradient orienta-
tion and magnitude.
ICAART 2016 - 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 2: Computation of LBP
Figure 3: Depiction of POEM computation (Vu et al.,
2012). Light gray square regions around pixels represent
the cells and larger surroundings with diameter L is called
block. Arrows represent the accumulated gradients.
The gradient orientations are then discretized. The
number of orientations is denoted d and is usually
set to 3. Each pixel is now represented as a vector
of length d. It is a histogram of gradient values in
a small square neighbourhood of a given pixel called
cell. Figure 3 depicts the meaning of cell and block
The final encoding similar to that of LBP is done
in a round neighbourhood with diameter L called
block. The 8 cell values are compared with the cen-
tral one and the binary representation is created. It is
computed for each gradient orientation and thus the
descriptor is d times longer than in case of LBP.
3.3 Feature Vector Creation and
The facial image is first divided into N non-
overlapping rectangular regions. Histogram of op-
erator values is computed in each region. The di-
mension of the histogram depends on the operator
used. The individual histograms are finally concate-
nated into one large vector called histogram sequence.
We compare the representation using weighted χ
d(S, T) =
( j) T
( j))
( j) + T
( j))
where S and T are two histogram sequences com-
posed from N histograms, w
is the weight assigned
to each histogram and L is the dimension of one his-
3.4 Weights Optimization
The optimal setting of weights of individual image re-
gions is the key contribution of this work. We employ
a genetic algorithm for this task. It is based on differ-
ential evolution.
We adopted the three main concepts commonly
used in GAs: selection, crossover and mutation. One
specimen is represented as a vector of weights for the
image regions. The length of the vector depends on
the size of the regions.
We begin with a randomly generated population
that is iteratively evolved and evaluated according to
the fitness function given by equation 4.
hits+ misses
whereC is a large constant determined experimen-
tally and hits and misses are the correctly and incor-
rectly classified examples respectively. nc is a value
that accumulates similarities of faces from different
classes. c is the accumulated value of similarities of
faces belonging to the same class.
This section describes the corpora that we used for
evaluation and the results obtained on these datasets.
4.1 Corpora
We concentrate on challenging real-world corpora
that are recently used.
4.1.1 FaceScrub
This large database of real-world images was col-
lected using an approach described in (Ng and Win-
kler, 2014). It contains images of 530 individuals
equally split to males and females. The total number
of images is 107,818 with an average of 203 images
per person. The database is distributed as a list of
URLs where the images are stored. Each line in the
list contains the URL, name, coordinates of the facial
region and a checksum. The images thus have to be
downloaded and cropped according to the provided
Genetic Algorithm for Weight Optimization in Descriptor based Face Recognition Methods
Figure 4: Example images from the FaceScrub database.
We downloaded and cropped the faces automati-
cally. Only the images with correct checksum were
downloaded. Some of the URLs were also not avail-
able in the moment of downloading. The resulting
dataset thus contains the 530 individuals but the to-
tal number of images is somewhat lower. It is 80,167
which gives an average of 151 images per person.
We didn’t find any closer specification of testing
protocol together with this dataset. Therefore, we di-
vided the database into two parts. Th first one is used
as training set and the other one as test set. The divi-
sion was performed randomly. Figure 4 shows three
example images from this dataset.
4.1.2 Unconstrained Facial Images
The UFI database is composed of face images taken
in real-world conditions and is freely available for re-
search purposes at
. It is
composed of two partitions. The first one is called
Cropped images and contains automatically detected
faces from photographs. The number of individuals
is 605. These images are cropped and resized to have
approximately the same face size.
The second partition called Large images contains
larger image regions that contain not only the face.
Some background is also present and the face may
be located anywhere in the image. Therefore, it is
necessary to include the face detection task before the
face recognition itself. This partition contains images
of 530 individuals.
We used the Cropped images partition in our ex-
periments. The distribution of number of examples is
showed in figure 5.
We used the testing protocol designed by the au-
thors of the database. Figure 6 shows example images
from the UFI database.
4.2 Results
We evaluated our method on the two above described
corpora. The weight masks are always learned on the
other corpus to achieve unbiased results.
First, we tested the UFI database. To create the
masks, we used a portion of the FaceScrub database.
We chose just 5 images of one individual for the train-
ing set and other 5 for test set. We experimented with
1 2
5 6
Training examples
Number of individuals
Figure 5: Distribution of the training image numbers in the
Cropped images partition.
Figure 6: Example images from the UFI database.
3 different numbers of individuals (20, 50 and 100).
The resulting masks for LBP operator are depicted
in figure 7 while the masks for POEM operator are
shown in figure 8. The white parts have high weights
whereas the black ones low.
The obtained accuracies are reported in table 1.
The upper part shows results when the LBP opera-
tor is used while the lower part gives the results for
POEM operator. The first line in each part gives the
accuracy obtained with the basic non-weighted vari-
ant of the method. The best results are in bold face.
The best score for LBP is obtained with the mask
trained on 100 individuals and reaches 54.71%. In the
case of POEM, the best accuracy 68.93% is achieved
with mask trained on 50 individuals.
The recognition accuracy for the FaceScrub
database is measured in a similar manner. We trained
the weight masks on different subsets of the UFI
database. We chose 50, 100 and all (605) individu-
Figure 7: Weight masks trained on the FaceScrub database
and LBP operator with 20, 50 and 100 individuals (from left
to right).
ICAART 2016 - 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 8: Weight masks trained on the FaceScrub database
and POEM operator with 20, 50 and 100 individuals (from
left to right).
Figure 9: Weight masks trained on the UFI database and
LBP operator with 50, 100 and all individuals (from left to
Figure 10: Weight masks trained on the FaceScrub database
and POEM operator with 50, 100 and all individuals (from
left to right).
als. The learned masks for LBP and POEM operators
are depicted in figure 9 and figure 10 respectively.
Table 2 shows the accuracies obtained on the
FaceScrub database. The upper part shows results for
LBP and the lower one for POEM. The best results
are in bold face.
The highest accuracy for LBP operator is 47.52%
when the mask is trained on the whole UFI database.
The best result for POEM is 57.81% also with the
mask trained on all individuals from UFI. The results
indicate that the test scheme we used for FaceScrub
database is even more challenging than the one used
for UFI database.
In this paper we proposed a novel method for weight
optimization in the descriptor based face recognition
methods. It is based on a genetic algorithm and tries
to determine optimal weights on a set of facial im-
Table 1: Recognition results on the UFI database.
Recognition rate [%]
LBP non-weigted 49.26
LBP mask-20 52.73
LBP mask-50 54.55
LBP mask-100 54.71
POEM non-weighted 65.95
POEM mask-20 68.43
POEM mask-50 68.93
POEM mask-100 67.60
Table 2: Recognition results on the FaceScrub database.
Recognition rate [%]
LBP non-weighted 44.27
LBP mask-50 42.34
LBP mask-100 43.66
LBP mask-all 47.52
POEM non-weighted 56.35
POEM mask-50 56.60
POEM mask-100 56.60
POEM mask-all 57.81
ages We used the optimized weights together with the
LBP and POEM descriptors. The method is tested
on two challenging real-world corpora, namely Face-
Scrub and UFI. We show that the results are promis-
ing and outperform the basic non-weighted methods.
The accuracy on the UFI database shows improve-
ment of 5.4% with the LBP operator and 1.7% with
the POEM operator compared to the non-weighted
methods. In the case of FaceScrub database the im-
provement is 3.2% with LBP and 1.5% with POEM.
The proposed method have many possibilities for
further improvement. One of them is to improve the
initial conditions of the GA. The start weights could
be possibly assigned according to a Gaussian distribu-
tion which would emphasize the central parts of the
face. Also the fitness function can be probably im-
This work has been supported by the project LO1506
of the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.
Special thanks belong to Vojtˇech Koˇsaˇr for implemen-
tation and valuable ideas. We also would like to thank
Czech New Agency (
CTK) for support and for pro-
viding the photographic data.
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ICAART 2016 - 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence