Online Stress Management: Design for Reflections and Social
Åsa Smedberg
, Hélène Sandmark
and Andrea Manth
Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University, Postbox 7003, SE-164 07 Kista, Sweden
The Swedish Post and Telecom Authority, Postbox 5398, SE-102 49 Stockholm, Sweden
Keywords: Online Self-help, Online Stress Management, Preventive Care, Self-reflection, Social Support.
Abstract: An increasing number of people suffer from high levels of stress and experience strong and unhealthy
reactions to different stressors. Various kinds of applications for self-help are available on the Internet.
However, the technology for stress management purposes is still in its early phase. This paper presents the
ideas behind the design of an artifact that combines different technologies and offers support for individual
as well as social reflections. The work is anchored in conventional system development methods and
interdisciplinary research in the field of e-health. It is based on the holistic idea of combining areas of self-
help, evidence-based information and learning through feedback and communication in groups and with
experts that have been manifested in a web-based stress management system. The work presented in this
paper is a further development towards integration of different technologies and learning aids. It integrates a
mobile phone app with a web-based system for people with stress management issues. The proposed system
supports social reflections through the possibility to share reflections in various social forums.
Sick leave due to mental illness is a growing
problem in Sweden and other countries in the
Western world. High levels of stress have become an
increasingly common condition in people's everyday
lives. Work life is more complex than previously
and puts demands on our cognitive abilities to keep
up with technological developments, increased
competition and constant change. Factors in certain
areas of the work environment such as work
organization, management, hierarchy, and
interpersonal relations can trigger stress reactions
which are associated with psychosocial strain. Great
demands from the outside world can lead to
unhealthy stress levels in individuals. Grandey and
Cropanzano (1999) describe how the requirements
of the job and at home have grown for the whole
family. There is also a historical expectation that
women take care of the family. Multiple demands
from family and work can increase negative stress
and be a challenge especially to women's health and
well-being, and a determinant for long-term sickness
absence and less well-being. Several studies have
shown that those who have multiple roles and
demands are more exposed to negative stress,
resulting in physical and psychosocial dysfunctions
(Scharlach, 2001; Nordenmark, 2004; Hallsten et al.,
Earlier studies found that domestic workload,
mainly connected with own children, has increased
for men and women, but to a greater extent for
women during the past twenty years (Lundberg et
al., 2003; Voss et al., 2001).
The load in family life and in the workplace is
considered to have a correlation. Grandey and
Cropanzano (1999) point out that the strain grows
significantly when the discrepancy between the
expectations of the family and the expectations from
the workplace increases, and if any of the areas have
to stand back.
However, it is a rather complex issue, since
people react differently and to different stressors.
People who work and live under the same conditions
can therefore react in different ways. The
individual's subjective experience of a condition and
a situation affect whether and what symptoms are
developed (Henderson et al., 2011). Stress is an
individual combination of external reality, individual
perception of the situation and the estimated
capacity to solve the problem.
Some people require a change in lifestyle to deal
Smedberg, Å., Sandmark, H. and Manth, A.
Online Stress Management: Design for Reflections and Social Support.
DOI: 10.5220/0005706901170124
In Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2016) - Volume 5: HEALTHINF, pages 117-124
ISBN: 978-989-758-170-0
2016 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
with problems of stress reactions. Continuous and
social support has shown helpful when managing
stress and change of lifestyle (Karasek and Theorell,
1990). Studies have shown that the social aspect of
learning is also important to consider, and to reflect
together with others. Online support groups and
reflection tools have shown to influence people with
the symptoms of stress positively (Sandmark and
Smedberg, 2013).
Tools that address e-health come in many
different shapes and technologies. The technologies
differ in strengths; mobile phones can be used
independently of space, apps tend to have defined
tasks, while computers are normally better suited for
processing information and doing analysis.
Regarding systems for stress management, there is
no consensus regarding how such a system should
be designed in order to combine on the one hand the
advantages of different technologies, and on the
other hand complementary areas of e-health, such as
self-help, social and individual reflections,
communication and information. This paper will
investigate a holistic design where different
components and technologies are combined. Design
Science was used as a framework to iteratively build
a prototype of an online stress management system.
The system is a development of the web-based stress
management system described in previous
publications (see Smedberg and Sandmark, 2012,
The next section (section 2) discusses stress
management and online self-help. The following
sections (section 3 and 4) describe the design
considerations and the proposed system, followed by
a user scenario (section 5) and, finally, conclusions
and future work (section 6).
2.1 Stress Management
Stress is about biological and psychological
responses to situations that are perceived as
threatening or challenging. A stress reaction is
caused based on an individual combination of
external reality, the human perception of the
situation and the estimated capacity to solve the
To manage work-related stress, effective
interventions connected to the workplace are
necessary. Interventions regarding stress in the
workplace could focus on the individual or on the
organizational level (Czabala et al., 2011). Thus
there are two different approaches to manage work-
related stress. At the individual level, relaxation and
cognitive-behavioural techniques have been applied
to improve an individual’s mental resources and
responses. At an organizational level, job adjustment
and workplace communication activation have been
applied in order to improve the occupational context.
However, in earlier intervention studies
regarding the organization level the effect was
limited. Individual level interventions such as
cognitive-behavioural approach comprising coping
techniques has so far been found to be more
effective, although the long term effects are not yet
fully known (Giga et al., 2003; Czabala et al., 2011).
2.2 Self-help Online
Barak et al. (2008) emphasize that the
communication in online communities influence on
people's well-being positively and that the writing
process is a good technique to structure thoughts and
feelings. When sharing experiences one has also
begun to reflect on these. Barak et al. (2008)
describe how the online forums can increase people's
personal empowerment and may affect their ability
to make decisions. The observed positive effects
depend, among other things, on confirmation from
the group. The individual wants to be understood
and have the experienced situation acknowledged by
the others. Also the fact that participation is
voluntary and that you can help others with your
own experiences is beneficiary when personal
empowerment is concerned. To share burdensome
emotions with others and to feel socially involved in
the group have shown to result in a sense of relief
(Barak et al., 2008).
A positive self-image and social identity affect
people's mental health (Aneshensel et al., 2013).
Wenger (2004) describes how social identity can be
shaped and social learning take place in
communities. He argues that individuals are
influenced by others through the group views and
competences presented in the community. In order
to have a healthy community, learning should also
take place on the boundaries, according to Wenger.
This means that we need to be open for new ideas,
‘experience in the world’, and have them combined
with the competence of the community.
Positive effects such as greater empowerment
have been seen in patients who engage in online
support groups (Barak et al., 2008; van Uden-Kraan
et al., 2008). Online support groups constitute a self-
management tool that allow for an autonomous
patient role (Barrett, 2005; McGowan, 2005).
HEALTHINF 2016 - 9th International Conference on Health Informatics
Through the group, experiences, advice and
recommendations can be shared.
One possible disadvantage of these types of peer-
to-peer groups is that they can spread
misinformation which leads to unhealthy behavior. It
can also take some time before people feel
comfortable in the group (Barak et al., 2008). Barak
notes that online groups do not replace the necessary
2.3 Self- and Group-reflections
Self-reflection is one tool among other to manage
stress reactions and deal with situations that cause
stress. Reflections on situations can help people
understand what is beneficiary and what causes
disadvantages to their health.
Reflection is about discussing situations that are
perceived to be complex or uncertain (Creek and
Lougher, 2008). By reflecting, one can illuminate a
situation from different angles and correct the
mental image that was constructed initially. Self-
reflection can then reform the perspective of a
situation or action (Mezirow et al., 1990).
Mezirow et al. (1990) describe how critical
reflection triggers learning in individuals. Among
other things, they describe how critical self-
evaluation helps people to re-evaluate their
experiences, knowledge, beliefs, feelings and
actions. They believe that critical reflection aims at
the question "Why?", and that the answer will be the
causes and consequences of one's actions in the
future. They also point out that the critical self-
reflection is a highly significant method for learning
among adults.
Westberg and Jason (2001) ask the question why
reflection and self-evaluation are important. Results
from studies of medical care students show that
reflections help students build new skills. Reflection
helps to identify gaps in knowledge and correct the
error in reasoning. By reflecting and be self-critical,
learning time can also be shortened. As an example,
Westberg and Jason (2001) refer to trainers that let
athletes look at their own performances and evaluate
them critically. The method has shown to increase
the rate of learning in athletes.
The practical work with the design of a system
prototype for self-reflection was done iteratively
outgoing from interdisciplinary research in the area
of stress management online. The holistic idea of
combining ICT tools for self-management,
evidence-based information and learning through
feedback and communication in groups and with
experts have been investigated in previous studies
and manifested in a web-based platform (Smedberg,
2007; Smedberg and Sandmark, 2011). The
prototype for self-reflection was designed through
four iterations, each with the following steps: 1) a
discussion in the online stress management team to
clarify the problem to be solved and the
requirements, followed by 2) development and
demonstration, and then 3) evaluation of the
prototype version by the online stress management
team. Below, the basic considerations for the design
of the prototype are presented.
3.1 Preventive Care
The design should consider the aspects of preventive
care. Since the target group is people with stress
symptoms, the system is to support them in their
daily working or student life, and to help them reach
increased well-being. Stress exists in all persons in a
varying scale. It is manifested differently in people,
and it also accelerates through different phases,
according to Selye (1985). It is therefore beneficiary
for the user if one can be aware of unhealthy stress
levels and associated problems as early as possible.
3.2 Analysis of Data and Trends for
The user must have the ability to process and
analyze data in order to change behavior in the
future. As discussed earlier, reflection has shown to
be an effective learning method (Mezirow et al.,
1990). It is therefore important to be able to see
trends and historical data of the stressful situations
that the user experiences.
To serve this purpose, the prototype should
support the collection and presentation of different
pieces of data related to the stressful situations of the
user. Stress levels, textual descriptions, images, time
and a geographical context are examples of types of
data that are related to the stressful situations of the
To customize the visualization of trends is also
important, and to be able to focus on a certain period
of time. It is important to note trends to be able to
reformulate one’s perception so that new values can
be applied in future decisions and actions (Mezirow
et al., 1990).
In the prototype, it should be possible to
highlight a situation as private or work-related.
Stress-related problems often increase when stressful
situations occur in both private and work-related
Online Stress Management: Design for Reflections and Social Support
contexts, according to Grandey and Cropanzano
(1999). If this data is made visible, trends and
patterns can be analyzed and changed.
3.3 Sharing for Social Support
A system should take into account the good
influences that online social groups have
demonstrated. Support from other members can
create a social identity (Wenger, 2009), increase
self-confidence and contribute to a positive self-
image. Communication in social groups and online
forums has shown positive effects, such as increase
in self-respect and empowerment among the users
(Barak et al., 2008). The prototype should therefore
also support the need to gain social support and not
only focus on individual reflections.
3.4 Holistic Design - Complementary
Knowledge and Actors
Different actors, both experts and peers, have shown
to be able to share complementary understanding of
health-related issues in online systems (Smedberg,
2007). While peers contribute with their experiences
and practical advice, for example, medical experts
can offer in-depth knowledge and understanding of
different health-related issues. For the prototype, this
means that both experts and peers are to be regarded
helpful for social support and group-reflections.
The prototype is also to be integrated with the
existing web-based platform that supports the
combination of different knowledge and
experiences. In this system, there are functions for
communication with both stress experts and peers
implemented already. The existing functions are:
Ask-the-expert, Forums for peer communication,
Online consultation for group counselling session
(chat), Practical exercises (text as well as sound and
video recordings) and Stories told and research
results (see e.g., Smedberg and Sandmark, 2012).
The different functions are organized in four
different stress management areas: Sleep, Work and
studies, Balance in life and Physical well-being.
3.5 Simplicity
The design must be simple, especially since the
target group is people with stress symptoms, it is
important not to increase the level of stress caused
by system complexity. It is important to remember
that people with symptoms of stress may have
physical and mental constraints. The prototype uses
accepted design principles according to Nielsen
(2001) and the recommendations of the Swedish
Government's Workgroup Use Forum (2014).
Particular emphasis has been placed on the
principles of "Simplicity" and "Understanding the
context" in these recommendations.
In rule 53 of the design guidelines recommended
by Nielsen (2001), it is said that the system should
offer the user direct access to high-priority
information. This is also relevant for the design of
the prototype.
3.6 Flexibility
Considering the differences among people with
stress issues, their lives, experiences and stress
reactions, the design of online stress management
systems need to be flexible. Since stress is also
affected by the level of control, stress management
online has to let the user experience a sense of
control and be empowered. This includes being able
to freely navigate in the system, to get the
information wanted and choose whom to talk to. The
user should be able to decide if individual reflections
should be in focus one day, and social interactions
and group reflections another day.
This section outlines the prototype system for self-
reflection that is the result of the iterative design
process and based on the design considerations
presented in the previous section.
4.1 The System Boundaries
The prototype is a web-based system for self-
reflections on stress and patterns of events, and for
initiating reflections in groups. It is fed by data from
a mobile phone app in which events that cause stress
reactions are registered. Data about these events are
then used to visualize patterns of stress reactions
frequency, scope and time - over shorter and longer
time periods. By putting data in relation to each
other, the user can reflect on unwanted events from a
broader perspective. The goal is also to have the
prototype integrated with the larger web-based stress
management system where social interactions,
reflections and advice from stress experts and peers
can take place.
4.2 Functionality
Stress situations that the user has registered through
HEALTHINF 2016 - 9th International Conference on Health Informatics
the mobile phone app can be displayed in different
ways in the prototype. The prototype should support
analyses and reflections, with customized display of
data. As can be seen in figure 1, historical data of
events can be presented according to both frequency
and level. The user chooses a time period for the
presentation. In the example in figure 1, the time
period is one winter month and the results show that
during this time frame 22 stress situations were
registered by the user, of which some were classified
as causing high stress levels (80-100) on the scale of
1 to 100. By clicking on a registration presented in
the chart, the date of the registration will be visible.
Figure 1 shows also stress levels of the registered
situations from the last 15 days so that the user can
monitor the latest development of his or her stress
The prototype offers also a visualization of all
registered situations on a map (see fig. 2). It shows
how many times there have been situations
registered in a particular geographical place. It is
also possible to view the data as a geographical
trend. The places in question are marked out on the
map and different colours are used to illustrate the
frequency of reported stress situations.
When looking at the registered stress situations, one
by one or in a certain time frame, the user can add
his or her reflections. In figure 3, the time frame
chosen is five days in December of 2014. In the
example, ten situations with different stress levels
occurred in this time frame. When looking at the
levels and descriptions of the situations, the user
makes the reflection that the period is characterized
by recurring sleeping problems. In the example, the
reflection is tagged as belonging to the stress area
called “Sleep”. This makes it possible to share the
stress chart and self-reflection, and use it as a basis
for conversations and group-reflections with other
actors, both experts and peers, in the larger web-
system. The user’s own reflections can eventually be
posted in the forum on sleep (for peers) and also
referred to in conversations with the experts in the
larger web-system.
Figure 4 shows an overview of the prototype
with its different functions. To the left, a chart of
past registered stress situations are seen. When
clicking on one of the situations, detailed
information about the situation appears. A
description about the situation is seen below the
chart, and it is possible to edit the text, if the user for
example was not able to write so much at the time
when the situation was registered. If the user has
taken a picture in connection to the stress situation,
this image is shown to the right, together with the
geographical position. The reflections made by the
Figure 1: Interval of stress situations and stress levels.
Figure 2: Stress situations in a geographical context.
user are seen to the right. Different themes and
concerns can be seen in the list of reflections.
Behind each reflection there is a certain stress
situation or interval of stress situations. New
reflections can also be added from here. Also, in
order to work actively with managing the stress
situations and to learn how to deal with them, the
user can define goals (placed at the bottom), and
there are also links to the larger web-based stress
Online Stress Management: Design for Reflections and Social Support
management system where the user can engage in
conversations with peers and experts, do exercises,
read about research results, and so on.
Figure 3: Sharing of reflections and stress diagram.
Figure 4: Prototype overview.
4.3 Technical Solution
The mobile phone app, developed earlier, is
integrated with the prototype in the sense that it
sends data to the prototype. Through scripting
language (AngularJS) the logic could be handled,
and HTML was used for the graphical presentations.
The code is executed in a browser when it is actually
being used, and there are no requirements on the
underlying platforms or software. The prototype can
thus be used in all modern browsers and easily
integrated with other systems. The coding work
follows the recommendations from W3C. The idea
was to have the technical solution as generic as
possible to be able to easily integrate the
surrounding systems. The prototype consists of the
markup language HTML 5, style sheets (CSS) for
the graphical presentation and a dynamic JavaScript
based framework (AngularJS).
As data carrier between the mobile phone app
and the prototype, JSON files were used. These are
good for demonstrating the features of the prototype
but will not be used in the final system. JSON files
are platform independent and can easily be packed
together with code and transferred between different
environments. This makes it easy to further develop
the prototype anywhere without losing functionality.
This section presents a user scenario in which the
system prototype for self-reflection and its relations
with the surrounding systems for stress management
are illustrated.
Linda, who is an employee at an insurance
company, experiences stress reactions that she
believes are related to her situation with the new job
and her family duties. She downloads the mobile
phone app for self-reflection on stress situations to
her phone and surf around a bit on the related web-
based system to get familiar with the systems. Some
days later, Linda experiences symptoms of stress
when facing a tough meeting with her boss. She
grabs her phone and starts to describe the situation in
a few words and saves it. The same evening at
home, the kids are being very active and the stress
level increases. Again, Linda records the situation in
the phone.
A few hours later, Linda loads the data from her
phone app to the web-based system. Uploaded data
then appear as two registered situations. From here,
Linda marks a situation as private and the other one
as job-related. She also writes some brief notes
about the physical symptoms that arose in
connection with the job-related incident. Then, she
compares the situations with each other and tries to
reflect on the causes and effects.
In the beginning, there is not much data for
analysis. But as the registered situations increase in
number, the comparisons and visualizations of
trends become more meaningful. Eventually, Linda
checks the map to see how often situations have
HEALTHINF 2016 - 9th International Conference on Health Informatics
occurred in different geographical contexts and
decides to write a short reflection on a number of
geographical context.
Linda recognizes also that the stress-related
situations usually seem to occur at home and at work
on the same day. She thinks it would be interesting
to hear what others can tell about similar
correlations. Linda decides to post a message in the
forum "Balance in Life". But first, in the popup
window where Linda wrote her reflection, she marks
that she wants to share the reflection in the forum
"Balance in Life". This means that the reflection
together with the underlying stress diagram become
available from the web-based system. When Linda
formulates her question in the forum, the shared
reflection is attached to the message.
Eventually, Linda gets a number of tips from
users who have experienced similar situations. The
answers help her relax since she understands that it
is ok to feel the way she does and that she is not
alone. She also gets some practical advice that she
starts to practice. But some advice is difficult to
understand, and she recalls that there is also a
possibility to ask questions to a stress expert. Linda
then formulates a question to the expert and shares
this time a longer sequence of data from the past
stress situations. The stress expert reconnects with
some tips and explanations and also informs about
an upcoming online chat session in which Linda is
welcome to participate, if she wants to reflect
together with others under the supervision of the
In this paper, we have presented the design of a web-
based prototype system that supports individual and
social reflections for people with stress reactions.
The interdisciplinary research that forms the basis of
the prototype design was elaborated.
Visualization of events plays a central role in the
design. It is manifested in the form of graphs
presenting events in relation to each other, events
over time, and the geographic locations of events.
Previous studies have shown that visualization and
evaluation of events that cause undesirable stress
reactions provides a good support for reflections.
In the proposed solution, the user has also the
option to specify whether an event is related either to
a personal or a work-related situation. It has been
shown in earlier research that people are more likely
to fail to cope with stress exposures when both areas
are affected. This might result in a decrease in their
wellbeing. Being more conscious of the different
potential sources of conflicts in work and family life
respectively can help individuals to find effective
Both individual reflections and social support
have shown important for changing a negative trend
of stress exposure as well as reactions to stressors.
Therefore, the proposed system presented in this
paper includes the possibility to share one’s
reflections, and also data sequences of stressful
events, with others, both peers and medical experts.
The prototype presented in this paper is part of a
larger online stress management system. It is
integrated with both the mobile phone app where
stress events first are documented, and the web-
based system that allows the users to communicate,
and to access information and exercises. All
together, these integrated subsystems create a
dynamic and combined online stress management
platform, which could give individuals better
opportunities to reduce mental problems due to
stress exposure. The next step is to ensure technical
robustness of the whole system. It is especially
important in regard to security and integrity issues.
So far, empirical evaluations have been restricted to
students and during shorter time periods. Future
empirical evaluations will include a larger group of
employees who experience negative stress together
with stress experts.
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