ity considerations are important to justify these ap-
proaches. The last drawback of the current models
is that they make it very hard to detect and use links
with other problems studied in other areas of appli-
cations. The notion of approximation preserving re-
ductions gives a suitable theoretical framework for es-
tablishing such links and using them in practice. The
reader is referred to (Ausiello et al., 1999) for basic
definitions in polynomial approximation theory.
In this work we propose to use a graph model as a
complementary approach for some fuel management
problems. We consider the example of the model de-
veloped in (Minas et al., 2014) and give first results in
this direction that motivate such though process and
illustrate how it can be used for better understand-
ing the problem, studying its complexity
, designing
efficient algorithms in some specific graph instances
and identifying some links with extensively studied
problems. As a preliminary work, this paper remains
essentially theoretical and considers a simplified ver-
sion of the practical problem. However, our example
illustrates how such though process can raise some
new research questions as well as particular kind of
solutions that are not naturally produced by a usual
MIP model. We strongly believe that such approach
is interesting, as a complement of MIP solutions, and
we hope it will foster further works in this direction.
In this study we will mainly follow the model pro-
posed in (Minas et al., 2014). We assume that the
landscape is already partitioned into zones (called
cells), each having a specific predominant fuel pat-
tern. Each cell is associated with a discrete time step
function representing the age of the fuel that is in-
creased by one each year if the cell is untreated and
reset to zero if it is treated; however, up to some
threshold the age of the cell is considered as old and
does not need to be incremented since the vegeta-
tion’s behaviour is essentially the same up to the old-
vegetation threshold. From this threshold the risk of
fire spread becomes high and a critical situation oc-
curs when two such cells are adjacent (i.e. share a
boundary line). This age function is characterised by
two parameters supposed to be known:
1. the initial fuel age;
2. the old-vegetation threshold.
The model is formulated with the following nota-
Thus, eventually motivating some previous MIP ap-
• I = {1, ...,n} will denote the set of all cells in the
landscape and we will denote each cell with index
i ∈ I;
• V = {1, ...,m} is a finite set of vegetation types
and v
∈ V, i = 1,. .. ,n is the predominant vegeta-
tion type of cell i ∈ I;
• Each vegetation type v ∈ V is associated with
an old-vegetation threshold o
: the vegetation
will be called old if its old-vegetation threshold
is reached; a cell with old vegetation is called old;
• T is the number of time periods in the planning
horizon and t = 1,.. .,T is the time parameter;
• a
, i ∈ I is the initial fuel age of cell i and
, t = 1,. ..,T + 1 will denote the age of cell
i at the beginning of time period t where t = T +1
corresponds to the end of the last time period;
• For everycell i ∈ I, c
),t = 1...,T is the cost
for treating the cell i at time t if its age vegetation
is a
The risk of fire spread from one cell to another one
is represented by a graph G
= (I,E) with the cells as
vertex set and E as edges. Two cells i, j ∈ I are con-
nected if there is a risk of fire spread from one to the
other when both cell’s vegetations are old (a
= o
and a
= o
). In this work we consider G
as non-
directed and we will mainly consider planar G
s cor-
responding to the case where the edge set E corre-
sponds to the usual spatial adjacency of cells.
The aim is to decide, for each time period t, which
set C
⊂ I to treat. If a cell i is treated during the time
period t then its vegetation age is set to 0 at the next
period while is is just increased by one - up to the
old-vegetation threshold - if it is not selected:
∀t = 1,. .., T,∀i = 1,...,n,
+ 1,o
) if i /∈ C
0 if i ∈ C
The following combinatorial problem, called min-
imum Zero Risk Fuel Treatment Scheduling(ZFTS),
is a simplified abstraction of the real problem to be
solved in practice. It provides a theoretical frame-
work that allows us to understand the combinatorial
structure of the problem.
ZFTS’s objective is to minimise the total cost over
the time period [1,T] in order to never have two cells
with old vegetation that are connected in G
. In the
conclusion we will also mention the version where we
are given some a budget b
for each period t and the
objective is to minimise over the time period [1, T]
the total number of connections between two old veg-
etation cells such that the total budget used during
each time period t does not exceed b
. This problem,