ware that facilitates implementing and evaluating
methods, and that can be used to automatically find
appropriate methods (given labeled training data and
a set of candidate sub-methods).
Future Work. We foresee several venues for future
First, there are plenty of interesting sub-methods,
transforms, ensemble methods, and non-sequence
types of data (e.g. graphs, spatial data) to which our
formalism could be extended. There is work to be
done both in terms of studying these and in terms of
creating flexible and efficient implementations.
There is also work to be done on efficiently solv-
ing the optimization problem outlined in Section 9;
we have demonstrated that it may solved for simple
tasks, but it remains to be seen if it can be effectively
solved for real-world tasks.
Finally, modifying or extending our formalism
could be valuable. For instance, associating addi-
tional information with sub-methods could enable al-
gorithms that can optimize or approximate the result-
ing methods.
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