from their previous work (Thawonmas, R., Ho, J.Y.,
and Matsumoto, Y. 2003) that uses action frequency
Etheredge et. al. (2013) proposed a method that
combines clustering algorithms and HMMs. The
clustering part is implemented on the Blindmaze
game that they created through their study. The
implementation of HMMs is provided as a future
work for classification by labeling clusters
In another study (Shin Jin Kang & Soo Kyun
Kim, 2014), the authors presented an automated
behavior analysis system using trajectory clustering
and implemented it on one of the most successful
massive multiplayer online game, World of Warcraft
(WoW). They defined modes of players as
socializing, exploring, in combat and idle just by
using position and the camera angle of the player.
Harrison and Robert (Brent Harrison, David L.
Roberts, 2011) proposed a model to predict future
behaviours of players, using the previous behaviour
data. The order in game actions, frequencies and
correlations are used to develop a two-step
probabilistic behaviour prediction model, and they
tested their model on the World of Warcraft game.
As a different approach for player modeling,
Drachen and Yannakakis used Self Organising Maps
(SOM), on the commercial game Tomb Raider:
Underworld data. Six fundamental features, death by
opponent, by environment, by falling, total number
of deaths, completion time and help on demand, are
used for modeling high level player behaviours, and
they obtained four clusters by unsupervised learning,
and labeled them as Veterans, Solvers, Pacifists and
Runners with the experts’ opinions (Drachen, A.
Canossa and G.N. Yannakakis, 2009).
The research problem that we address is given as
follows. a
, a
... ,a
is the in-game action sequence
of a player where each a
(0 ≤ t ≤ T, T is the end of
the game) consists of a feature set {f
, … ,f
Example features include hit, beer, mine, death and
kill in our case. Given a training set of action
sequences of different players, the problem is to
distinguish new players competing with each other
and determine their strategies. These action
sequences must be considered temporally and noise
in data must be handled. For this reason, temporal
probabilistic models are suitable to model player
patterns. According to the developed model, the
player of a given game or it’s strategies during the
game can be classified. In this particular research,
we focus on the classification of AI bots but the
methods to be presented can be used to classify
human players as well.
We address three main objectives as follows:
• To derive a model for every bot that the can be
distinguished from each other.
• To group bots pursuing similar strategies.
• Determine different strategies used by a player
during a given game episode.
In the scope of our study, the Vindinium game
( is selected as the main
platform where four artificial intelligence characters
(AI bots) fight against each other. In Vindinium,
competitor AI bots obtain mines that bring them
gold each turn by killing mine goblins. Another way
to gain gold is to kill enemy bots and take
possession of their mines. Fighting against goblins
and enemy bots decreases a certain amount of health
and causes bleeding that lessens the health of a bot
each turn. AI bots could use four taverns located on
the map to increase their health by drinking beer.
Game maps are generated randomly where the
objects on each map are placed symmetrical,
therefore, a fair competition is guaranteed. A typical
game lasts about 1200 turns. In each turn, one of the
bots is allowed to make an action, in total, each bot
completes the game with 300 actions. An example
scene from the Vindinium game is shown at Figure
Completed games can be viewed from the
Vindinium website by game ids, and game logs can
be downloaded from the browser cache. Each game
log consists of turn data, and each turn data contains
bot positions, mine counts, gold info, health status of
each bot, and also the current state of the map.
Game logs are transferred to the database system
to be able to run queries to select appropriate data
for our study. For example, interrupted or
incomplete games can be eliminated by this way.
Queries can also be made to select games of a
certain hero or games that have a certain map size
and contain a certain number of mines.