Gender Recognition using Hog with Maximized Inter-Class
M. E. Yildirim
, O. F. Ince
, Y. B. Salman
, J. Kwan Song
, J. Sik Park
and B. Woo Yoon
Department of Electrical Engineering, Bahcesehir University, Istanbul, Turkey
Department of Electronics Engineering, Kyungsung University, Busan, South Korea
Department of Software Engineering, Bahcesehir University, Istanbul, Turkey
Keywords: Gender Recognition, Random Forest, Histogram of Oriented Gradients, Inter-Class Difference, Adaboost.
Abstract: Several methods and features have been proposed for gender recognition problem. Histogram of oriented
gradients (Hog) is a widely used feature in image processing. This study proposes a gender recognition
method using full body features. Human body from side and front view were represented by Hog. Using all
bins in the histogram requires longer time for training. In order to decrease the computation time, descriptor
size should be decreased. Inter-class difference was obtained as a vector and sorted in a descending order.
The bins with the largest value were selected among this vector. Random forest and Adaboost methods were
used for the recognition. As a result of both tests, the classifier using first 100 bins with maximum
difference gives the optimum performance in terms of accuracy rate and computation time. Although
Adaboost performed faster, the accuracy of random forest is higher in full body gender recognition.
Object recognition is an important and interesting
subject of computer vision. An object recognition
system finds objects in the real world from an
image, using object models which are known a
priori. A human can easily distinguish between a
male and female (Bruce, 1993). However,
recognizing a gender by a smart system is a
challenging task. It is an essential field that can be
applied for surveillance systems, medical purposes,
content based indexing, biometrics, demographic
collection, targeted advertising and human computer
Most of the existing approaches for gender
recognition rely only on facial features (Alexandre,
2010; Wu et al., 2011; Wu et al., 2010; Makinen and
Raisamo, 2008). These studies were generally
applied to standard databases having high resolution
aligned frontal faces. However, people can appear in
different scales and viewpoints in real-world images
(Khan et al., 2014). In real time conditions, where
videos are taken by a Closed Circuit
Television(CCTV) system, capturing face with
enough details to extract features on it can`t be
satisfying. CCTV cameras operating for security are
mostly located in quite far distance from people.
Recently, Zhang et al., (2013) proposed two
pose-normalized descriptors based on deformable
part models for attribute description. Ng et al.,
(2013) obtained 80.4% accuracy rate by presenting a
gender recognition system based on convolutional
neural network (CNN) on color images, which
automatically learns the most informative features
during training. Bourdev et al., (2011) achieved
approximately 82.4% accuracy by employing
poselets that represent small parts of the body under
a specific pose, to recognize several attributes
including gender.
Significant aspects of recognition are feature
selection and extraction. Performance and accuracy
of the system can be increased by using proper
features which should conform to several criterias
such as uniqueness, performance, collectability,
acceptability and circumvention (Gou et al., 2012;
Hossain and Chetty, 2011; Yildirim et al., 2014).
The recognition system should have high
accuracy rate as well as low processing time and
computation load. The accuracy rate can be low due
to real world conditions such as poses, clothing style
and color, occlusion and shadows. There are only a
Yildirim, M., Ince, O., Salman, Y., Song, J., Park, J. and Yoon, B.
Gender Recognition using Hog with Maximized Inter-Class Difference.
DOI: 10.5220/0005715401060109
In Proceedings of the 11th Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2016) - Volume 3: VISAPP, pages 108-111
ISBN: 978-989-758-175-5
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
few studies found in literature on body based gender
recognition due to such conditions (Ng et al., 2012).
This study proposes a gender recognition method
using full body features. Dataset for this work has
been created from the CCTV videos taken at random
times of the day at certain cameras. People in the
vidoes are extracted and represented by Hog.
A hog descriptor has large number of bins.
Thus, can cause much computation time for training
and testing. One method to increase the processing
speed is decreasing the descriptor size. The
important point is that, accuracy should stay
sufficient while the computation speed is increased.
In this sense, we aimed to select the bins that gives
the most distinguishing information on classes.
This paper is organized as follows. In section 2,
we briefly mention about Hog feature. In section 3,
random forest method is explained. In section 4,
gender recognition is given with the description of
datasets and experiments.
Dalal and Triggs (2005) proposed Hog algorithm.
The basic idea is that local object appearance and
shape can often be characterized rather well by the
distribution of local intensity gradients or edge
directions, even without precise knowledge of the
corresponding gradient or edge positions (Dalal and
Triggs, 2005).
The computation procedure is as follows: to
obtain a gradient image, a mask with [-1, 0, 1],
without smoothing is applied to the image. For the
computation of the Hog descriptor the gradient
image is divided into 16x16 pixel non-overlapping
blocks of four 8x8 pixel cells. After calculating the
gradients, they are mapped into 9 bins within a range
of 0◦−180.
Hog has become popular for various problems of
pattern recognition. Collins et al. (2009) developed a
descriptor named PixelHOG which was found to
perform better than other descriptors based on
Pyramid Hog (Bosch et al., 2007) and Pyramid of
Words (Lazebnik et al., 2006). Bourdev et al.,
(2011) combined color histogram, Hog and skin
features to represent poselets to gather gender
information to make it robust against pose and
3.1 Random Forest
A random forest multiclass classifier consists of a
number of trees, with each tree using some form of
randomization. The leaf nodes of all trees are labeled
by estimations of the posterior distribution over the
image classes. Each internal node contains a test that
best splits the space of data to be classified. An
image is classified by sending it down each tree and
aggregating the reached leaf distributions.
Randomness can be injected at two points during
training: in subsampling the training data so that
each tree is grown using a different subset; and in
selecting the node tests.
The trees here are binary and are constructed in a
top-down manner. The binary test at each node can
be chosen in one of two ways: (i) randomly, for
example data independent; or (ii) by a greedy
algorithm which picks the test that best separates the
given training examples. Best here is measured by
the information gain
caused by partitioning the set of examples into
two subsets
according the given test. Here is
the entropy
proportion of examples in belonging to class , and
|.| the size of the set. The process of selecting a test
is repeated for each nonterminal node, using only the
training examples falling in that node. The recursion
is stopped when the node receives too few examples
or when it reaches a given depth (Bosch et al. ,
A test image is passed down through each
random tree until it reaches a leaf node. All the
posterior probabilities are then averaged and the
argmax is taken as the classification result of the
3.2 Adaboost
Boosting is a well known statistical method that uses
the original distribution of positive and negative
examples to compute simple rules also called weak
classifiers and combines them to create a stronger
classifier. AdaBoost is the most commonly used for
binary classification, but it can also handle multiple
classes with minor modifications (Freund and
Schapire, 1996).
Gender Recognition using Hog with Maximized Inter-Class Difference
4.1 Dataset
In this study, we established and used our own
database for gender recognition. The images were
captured from the CCTV videos recorded around the
campus of a university in Korea. In the captured
images, only the pedestrians which are in the range
of 15 meters from both sides and 7 meters ahead of
the camera. The camera is stationary and standing at
a height of 6 meters from the ground. There are 700
samples in each class for training. Each class
includes 100 different people with 7 different poses
for each person. Figure 1 shows samples from the
pedestrian dataset, in which first two images are
female and the other two are male samples.
Figure 1: Sample images from the used dataset.
4.2 Experiments and Results
The size of training images was 48x96 pixels. Each
image was divided into 55 blocks with 50% overlap.
Every block had 4 cells with 2x2 configuration and
each cell is represented by 9 gradient bins. As a
result, descriptor has 1980 bins per image in
The tests were conducted in WEKA 3.6 tool.
Table 2 presents the accuracy rates for the given
dataset. Adaboost and random forest were performed
as classifiers to collect results by two types of tests:
5-fold and 10-fold cross validation. In an n-fold
cross validation test, the dataset is divided into n
subsets. One of these subsets is used for testing and
remaining n-1 subsets are used for training. This
procedure is repeated for n times.
1980 bins takes much computation time in both
random forest (2.72 seconds) and adaboost (18.4
seconds) algorithms. Whereas using 100 bins takes
2.26 and 1.64 seconds in a 10-fold cross validation
tests. That’s why, we decreased the number of bins
used for building the classifier. Table 1 shows the
time spent for training for 5, 10, 100, 200 and 1980
bins with random forest and adaboost algorithms.
In order to find out the most appropriate number
of bins to select, the procedure is as follows: we
have extracted the histogram of each image in the
class. The average of each bin is calculated over 700
samples for both classes. Afterwards, absolute
difference between two classes is calculated. A
predefined number of bins with highest difference
value were chosen to represent the class for training
and testing steps.
Table 1: Time for training with different methods.
Method Test 5 10 100 200 1980
5-fold 1.25 1.45 2.23 2.64 2.69
10- fold 1.36 1.52 2.26 2.65 2.72
5-fold 0.11 0.19 1.33 2.64 18.4
10- fold 0.13 0.16 1.64 2.48 19.4
Table 2 illustrates the recognition rates for five
different sets. The first four sets consist of the first 5,
10, 100 and 200 highest value bins of the inter-class
difference vector respectively. The last set includes
the full length vector with 1980 bins.
Table 2: Accuracy rates for gender recognition.
Method Test 5 10 100 200 1980
5-fold 78.1 84.9 89.5 90.4 92.3
10- fold 78 84.2 89.4 90.6 92.5
5-fold 75.6 76.8 81.7 82.1 85.6
10- fold 75.1 76 81.3 81.5 84.7
For all cases, random forest reveals more
accurate recognition than adaboost. Adaboost can
reach its highest accuracy rate of 85.6% when it is
using 1980 bins and it is consuming 18.4 seconds.
Using 1980 bins gives the highest recognition rate
but requires excess time for building the classifiers.
Optimum results are obtained in terms of
computation time and accuracy rate with use of 100
bins for both methods. Using 200 bins results in
lower accuracy rate when compared to 1980 bins
test. However, it consumes almost same time for
training. In contrast, 5-bins set takes the smallest
computation time but gives lowest accuracy.
For the appointed purpose, the optimum
selection is 100 bins. It gives a high accuracy rate of
VISAPP 2016 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
89.5% for random forest and 81.7% for adaboost at a
comparatively low processing time when compared
to 200 bins and 1980 bins versions.
In this paper, a new study is given for gender
recognition problem in public areas where facial
features can`t be extracted. Inter-class difference
vector is maximized and selected number of bins
with highest value of this vector are used to build the
classifiers with both random forest and adaboost
algorithms. Five different sets are used and for our
purpose 100 bins set gives the most satisfying
results. It gives us 89.5% and 81.7% recognition
rates random forest and adaboost respectively.
As a further study, we will apply the same
method as multi-feature model with adding colour
information or modified features.
This research was supported by Basic Science
Research Program through the National Foundation
of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science,
ICT and Future Planning (2012M3C1A1048865)
and Busan Brain 21 funded by Busan City.
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Gender Recognition using Hog with Maximized Inter-Class Difference