Ahead of 3D characters animation, our methods are
suitable for emotion-based applications, like affective
virtual environments, advertising or emotional gam-
As future work, we aim to define a transfer al-
gorithm and use movements and emotions estimated
to trigger facial animation. Furthermore, we intend
to study how the estimation of more facial behaviors
information (e.g. forehead and eye movements) and
combination of speech data can improve the anima-
tion and user embodiment in VR environments.
This work is supported by Instituto de
oes (Project Incentivo ref: Pro-
jeto Incentivo/EEI/LA0008/2014 and project UID
ref: UID/EEA/5008/2013) and University of Porto.
The authors would like to thanks Elena Kokkinara
from Trinity College Dublin and Pedro Mendes from
University of Porto for their support given in the
beginning of the project.
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VISAPP 2016 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications