Robust Facial Landmark Detection and Face Tracking in Thermal
Infrared Images using Active Appearance Models
Marcin Kopaczka, Kemal Acar and Dorit Merhof
Institute of Imaging and Computer Vision, RWTH Aachen University, Templergraben 55, Aachen, Germany
Thermal Infrared, Face Tracking, Facial Landmark Detection, Active Appearance Model.
Long wave infrared (LWIR) imaging is an imaging modality currently gaining increasing attention. Facial
images acquired with LWIR sensors can be used for illumination invariant person recognition and the contact-
less extraction of vital signs such as respiratory rate. In order to work properly, these applications require a
precise detection of faces and regions of interest such as eyes or nose. Most current facial landmark detec-
tors in the LWIR spectrum localize single salient facial regions by thresholding. These approaches are not
robust against out-of-plane rotation and occlusion. To address this problem, we therefore introduce a LWIR
face tracking method based on an active appearance model (AAM). The model is trained with a manually
annotated database of thermal face images. Additionally, we evaluate the effect of different methods for AAM
generation and image preprocessing on the fitting performance. The method is evaluated on a set of still im-
ages and a video sequence. Results show that AAMs are a robust method for the detection and tracking of
facial landmarks in the LWIR spectrum.
Algorithms for the analysis of face images are a key
research area in computer vision. A large number of
methods for detection, tracking, recognition and ex-
pression analysis of faces have been published in the
last years. While most of the methods introduced
in this field are aiming at regular photographs and
videos, it is known that several frequency ranges out-
side the visual spectrum allow interesting applications
that cannot be realized using visible light. Long wave
infrared (LWIR) imaging is one of the domains that
have gained increased attention in recent years. This
subband is referred to as thermal infrared as the hu-
man body emits most of its heat in this range of the
electromagnetic spectrum. This allows LWIR sensors
to work independently from lighting conditions and
to operate even in complete darkness. Besides of hav-
ing the advantage of being invariant to illumination,
LWIR sensors also allow the extraction of informa-
tion from an image that is not easily detectable by
sensors in the visible domain. In face images they re-
veal information on the subcutaneous vascular struc-
ture (Zhu et al., 2008) or vital signs such as respi-
ratory rate (Lewis et al., 2011) and heart rate (Gault
and Farag, 2013). These key properties form the basis
for two major applications of LWIR imaging: Bio-
metric face recognition for person identification and
the extraction of temperature signals for medical pur-
poses and affection state analysis. A number of pub-
lications has addressed both topics in recent years,
an overview of each area can be found in the recent
surveys by (Ghiass et al., 2014) and (Lahiri et al.,
2012). However, many of the authors of studies that
included analysis of face images have acquired their
data under strongly controlled conditions that restrict
head movement. The main reason for such controlled
environments is the lack of established and robust
face tracking methods in the thermal infrared. There-
fore, recorded persons are required to minimize head
movement in order to allow undisturbed data extrac-
tion from defined regions of interest (ROIs). The lack
of tracking solutions can be attributed to the fact that
the appearance of faces in the LWIR spectrum differs
strongly from their appearance in the visual domain.
LWIR images generally have lower contrast and do
not reproduce any skin texture, so that many well-
established tracking algorithms developed for the vi-
sual domain do not perform well when applied di-
rectly to LWIR data. Therefore, head movement is
often restricted from the beginning. Methods that at-
tempt face tracking in LWIR data are currently lim-
ited to the tracking of exclusive salient regions such
as the nose or the inner corners of the eyes, which are
Kopaczka, M., Acar, K. and Merhof, D.
Robust Facial Landmark Detection and Face Tracking in Thermal Infrared Images using Active Appearance Models.
DOI: 10.5220/0005716801500158
In Proceedings of the 11th Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2016) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages 150-158
ISBN: 978-989-758-175-5
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
usually both easy to find due to their temperature sig-
nature but at the same time allow only limited robust-
ness towards partial occlusion and out-of-plane rota-
tion. To the best of our knowledge, no author has ever
proposed a holistic approach to track whole faces and
a complete set of facial landmarks in the thermal in-
Real-world scenarios require robust methods for
precise facial landmark detection. Several authors
have mentioned that advanced tracking methods
would increase the range of possible applications of
their LWIR image processing algorithms. Further-
more, it is known from research in the visual domain
that holistic approaches offer wider support and are
therefore more robust to unexpected pose changes,
fast head movement and partial occlusion than single-
ROI trackers. In this work, we therefore introduce
a LWIR face tracker based on an active appearance
model (AAM). We describe the face database used
for tracker training as well as several approaches to
improve fitting precision in low-contrast LWIR data
by applying contrast-enhancing preprocessing to the
images. We extensively evaluate the fitting perfor-
mance of the AAM using different state-of-the-art fit-
ting algorithms together with recent improvements in
feature-based AAM training. To prove the versatility
of our approach, we additionally show that our AAM
can be used to track a previously unseen face in the
LWIR in a video sequence with large head movement.
Basic methods for face tracking in the LWIR domain
are face detection and segmentation algorithms such
as (Filipe and Alexandre, 2013). They often rely
on the fact that LWIR sensors measure heat radia-
tion and therefore faces are often easy to locate using
thresholding and basic morphological operators. De-
spite their low computational complexity, these algo-
rithms often perform well for face segmentation tasks
in the thermal domain. However, they are not able to
perform precise landmark detection on facial regions
such as eyes or mouth. More advanced approaches
employ a basic segmentation and add a feature de-
tection step to the process. Current algorithms often
perform landmark detection by locating temperature
maxima which can usually be found in the inner cor-
ner of the eyes (Alkali et al., 2014). These methods
generally assume a frontal view of the face and their
performance degrades quickly when confronted with
out-of-plane rotation.
Another group of current trackers suitable for
landmark tracking in the thermal infrared are single-
ROI trackers, either general-purpose algorithms such
as TLD (Kalal et al., 2012) or complex approaches
developed especially for thermal IR tracking, for ex-
ample (Zhou et al., 2013). While showing good per-
formance in scenarios with little movement, the lim-
ited support area of single-ROI trackers is a down-
side that leads to poor tolerance in case of ROI oc-
clusion or fast movement. Only very little research
has been published on the use of multi-point track-
ers that could counter these downsides. (Dowdall
et al., 2007) demonstrated the use of a coalitional
multi-point tracker to track faces in the LWIR domain.
(Ghiass et al., 2013) was the first and up to now only
person to use AAM in the thermal infrared domain,
however for face recognition and not for tracking pur-
poses. Instead, the research presented there was fo-
cused on algorithms that allow increasing image con-
trast and extract person-specific biometric informa-
tion from the data. The AAM was trained for recog-
nition tasks on single images, therefore it was not in-
vestigated if it could be used for robust face track-
ing. Furthermore, the proposed methods are focused
on the identification of known persons and therefore
contain no information on the model’s ability to gen-
eralize towards unseen faces. To account for these is-
sues, we show in our work that our AAM is well able
to track faces in a largely unconstrained setting and
that the model can robustly adapt to unseen individu-
als, both of which have not been addressed in existing
publications on thermal AAM so far.
One of the current research areas for thermal
imaging is the extraction of biosignals from face im-
ages. Several methods for measuring respiratory ac-
tion (Lewis et al., 2011), blood vessel location (Zhu
et al., 2008) and cardiac pulse (Gault and Farag, 2013)
have been published in recent years. A common ap-
proach to measure the respiratory rate is temperature
monitoring of the nostril area as respiration-induced
temperature changes can be measured in this region
with great reliability. As in the general case, current
approaches here also either rely on single-ROI track-
ers or on an acquisition protocol that prohibits head
In the following, we will introduce and evaluate
methods for training AAMs in the thermal infrared
with the focus on robust facial landmark detection
and face tracking in unconstrained video sequences.
In our work we introduce novel image preprocess-
ing approaches and also evaluate the applicability of
state-of-the art fitting methods and recent advances in
feature-based AAM representations to LWIR images.
We will show that our approach is able to reliably de-
tect and track facial ROIs even in challenging scenar-
ios including fast movement and significant out-of-
Robust Facial Landmark Detection and Face Tracking in Thermal Infrared Images using Active Appearance Models
plane rotation. The method’s ability to robustly gen-
eralize towards unseen faces will be demonstrated as
well. To the best of our knowledge, our work demon-
strates for the first time that AAMs are a viable so-
lution for robust LWIR face tracking and at the same
time it is the first solution that allows precise detec-
tion of facial landmarks at such a wide range of real-
istic and arbitrary head poses in thermal infrared face
Generative methods such as AAM require an exten-
sive set of training images to allow modeling of un-
seen faces. In this section, we will therefore first
describe our steps to create a thermal face database
that can be used to train facial landmark detectors.
We then describe how we used the database and ap-
plied dense image features combined with contrast-
enhancing preprocessing to train an AAM-based fa-
cial landmark detection system for the thermal in-
frared domain.
3.1 Thermal Face Database
We have created a face database with LWIR video se-
quences of currently 31 (25 male, 6 female) subjects.
The persons were asked to perform a set of defined
and arbitrary actions that cover a large range of poses
and facial expressions. All videos were taken with
a microbolometer-based LWIR camera with a rela-
tive thermal resolution of 0.03K and acquired at the
sensor’s native spatial resolution of 1024x768 pixels.
Each subject was recorded and had to pose for at least
two recordings of 40 seconds. During the first record-
ing the participants followed a defined head move-
ment to cover a wide range of head poses as shown
in Figure 1. In the second recording, the volunteers
were asked to perform arbitrary head movement and
facial expressions (Figure 2). From these videos we
extracted a total of 695 frames. In a next step, all
selected frames were manually annotated with a 68-
point template to precisely indicate the position of fa-
cial regions such as mouth, eyes and nose.
3.2 Image Preprocessing
It has been suggested by (Ghiass et al., 2013) that
contrast-enhancing preprocessing of LWIR images
could have a positive impact on the fitting perfor-
mance of an AAM. The method proposed there
was based on smoothing the input image with an
Figure 1: Posed head poses example.
Figure 2: Spontaneus head pose and facial expression ex-
anisotropic diffusion filter and subtracting the diffu-
sion result from the original, thereby enhancing the
edges and high-frequency components. We extend
the suggested ideas by implementing and evaluating a
group of sharpening filters based on the unsharp mask
3.2.1 Unsharp Mask
In unsharp masking (USM), a high-pass filter is im-
plemented by smoothing the image I(x, y) with a low-
pass filter G(x, y) and subsequently subtracting the fil-
ter result from the original image, leaving only the
image’s high-frequency components:
f iltered
(x, y) = I(x, y) I(x, y) G(x, y) (1)
Subsequently, the final sharpened image I
is obtained
by adding the filtered image I
with with a weight
factor k to the original image I:
(x, y) = I(x, y) + k I
(x, y) (2)
The lowpass is commonly implemented using a Gaus-
sian kernel:
G(x, y) =
Since the general concept of unsharp masking is not
restricted to Gaussian kernels, we introduce two addi-
VISAPP 2016 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
tional kernels based on anisotropic diffusion and bi-
lateral filtering. The kernels are applied to the image
and the results are fed into the USM algorithm ac-
cording to Equations 1 and 2.
3.2.2 USM with Anisotropic Diffusion
Anisotropic diffusion filters offer edge-preserving im-
age smoothing by blurring the image along edges. A
commonly applied anisotropic diffusion filter is de-
fined by
= div(g (k OI k)OI), (4)
g(k OI k) = e
, (5)
where K is a parameter controlling the sensitivity to
edges in the image. The smoothed result is then sub-
tracted from the original image as in Equation 1.
3.2.3 USM with Bilateral Filtering
Just as anisotropic difusion, the bilateral filter is an-
other class of edge-preserving smoothing operation.
In contrast to regular (unilateral) Gaussian blurring,
the smoothing term of a bilateral filter depends not
only on the spatial pixel distance, but also on the in-
tensity difference between pixels. This means that the
appearance of the filter kernel depends on the local
image content. The filter to compute the new image
intensity I
at pixel coordinate x from the original im-
age I is defined as
(x) =
) G
(k I(x
) I(x) k) G
(k x
x k)
(k I(x
) I(x) k) G
(k x
x k)
where is the kernel window centered in x and G
, G
are Gaussian filters that are applied in the range and
position domain. Again, we apply unsharp masking
by performing the smoothing operation and subtract-
ing the result from the original input image.
3.3 Active Appearance Models (AAM)
Active Appearance Models were originally intro-
duced by (Cootes et al., 2001) and substantially ex-
tended in the work by (Matthews and Baker, 2004)
with the introduction of the inverse compositional
(IC) fitting algorithm. AAMs are a state-of-the-art
method for landmark detection and mostly used to
model faces in photographs or anatomical structures
in medical images. An AAM is a generative method
to model an instance of an object which makes it pos-
sible to detect object landmarks and at the same time
acquire information on the properties of the modeled
AAMs are trained with a manually annotated
database. For facial landmark detection, the database
contains images of persons with added landmarks for
facial regions such as eyes, nose or mouth. In the
training stage, the images are normalized using Pro-
crustes analysis and the key components of shape and
appearance variation are extracted independently us-
ing principal component analysis (PCA). The train-
ing results in mean vectors for shape and appear-
ance as well as vectors describing different orders of
deviation from the mean shape and appearance re-
spectively, described by the eigenvectors gained from
PCA. Using the training data, new faces can be mod-
eled as a linear combination of the mean shape and
appearance combined with weighted shape and ap-
pearance vectors.
3.3.1 AAM Fitting
AAM Fitting is the iterative process of adapting the
model parameters in order to minimize the difference
between the modeled and the target face, a task for
which several methods have been proposed since the
introduction of AAMs. Despite being proposed by
(Matthews and Baker, 2004) over a decade ago, the
Inverse-Compositional (IC) algorithm is still a com-
petitive method and the standard in many current ap-
plications. In their work describing the algorithm,
Matthews and Baker have shown that major parts of
the iterative computation can be moved outside the
loop, allowing a drastic increase in computation speed
without sacrificing fitting precision. We use the IC
algorithm as baseline and compare its fitting perfor-
mance on LWIR face images to two more recent ex-
tensions, namely simultaneous inverse compositional
(SIC) as suggested by (Gross et al., 2005) and the
alternating inverse compositional (AIC) fitting intro-
duced in (Papandreou and Maragos, 2008).
3.3.2 Feature-based AAM
Traditionally, AAM fitting is performed on the unpro-
cessed input images. However, with the introduction
of feature descriptors such as SIFT and HOG as a
powerful tool in image processing, several success-
ful attempts to combine AAMs with descriptors have
been published. When working with a feature-based
AAM, the model is not directly trained on the input
images, but instead on sets of extracted feature matri-
ces with densely extracted features. It has been shown
in (Antonakos et al., 2015) that using features for im-
age description can significantly increase the accu-
racy of AAMs in the visual domain. To analyze the
Robust Facial Landmark Detection and Face Tracking in Thermal Infrared Images using Active Appearance Models
suitability of feature-based AAMs for face fitting in
LWIR images we have therefore compared the per-
formance of regular models with those trained using
dense SIFT and HOG features.
3.4 Proposed Processing Pipeline
We have combined the described processing steps into
an image processing pipeline that allows to evaluate
the performance of different algorithms for each step.
In our implemented pipeline, the database images are
first filtered using one of the preprocessing filters to
enhance image contrast. In the next step, AAMs are
trained using the database images and the manually
annotated landmark positions. The tool chain allows
training of traditional and feature-based AAMs using
dense HOG and SIFT features utilizing functionality
provided by the Menpo software package (Alabort-I-
medina et al., 2014). Fitting of the AAM to test im-
ages can be performed using any of the different IC-
based fitting algorithms described above. The starting
position for the fitting process can be acquired from
a user-selectable bounding box or by placing an ini-
tial shape on the bounding box of the image’s ground
truth landmarks, provided a ground truth is available.
In case a ground truth exists, the software makes it
possible to compare the results of the fitting process to
the ground truth reference visually and quantitatively.
Figure 3: First and third image: Initial landmark loca-
tion. Second and last image: Landmarks after fitting with a
DSIFT-AAM and SIC without preprocessing.
In this section, we display quantitative results of the
fitting performance for single frames of both seen and
unseen individuals and an analysis of the different
method’s abilities to track a face in an unconstrained
video session. Finally, vital sign extraction from a
moving person’s face is demonstrated.
We have exhaustively analyzed all possible com-
binations (45 in total) of the following algorithms:
Preprocessing: No preprocessing, anisotropic
diffusion highpass as in (Ghiass et al., 2013),
USM with anisotropic diffusion, USM with bilat-
eral filtering and traditional USM with a Gaussian
AAM:Traditional Intensity-based AAM, AAM
with dense HOG features, AAM with dense SIFT
Fitting Algorithm: Project-out inverse compo-
sitional (PIC), alternating inverse compositional
(AIC), simultaneous inverse compositional (SIC).
In a first step, we mirrored each image in the database
to increase pose variation, resulting in a total of
1390 images. To evaluate the AAMs performance to
model unseen faces, we have then split our annotated
database into 1272 images of 28 persons for training
and 118 images of 3 persons for testing. Fitting was
initialized using the AAM’s mean shape, scaled and
translated to fit the bounding box of the ground truth.
We performed fitting and compared the fitting result
to the ground truth reference (Figure 3). To quantify
the fitting error, we used the normalized error metric
introduced in (Zhu and Ramanan, 2012) which mini-
mizes the effect of face size and head pose on the final
result, thereby allowing an efficient comparison of er-
rors across different image sets and databases. The
error metric E
computed for each image I
is the root
mean squared distance in pixels between each hori-
zontal and vertical fitted landmark position x
n, f
, y
n, f
after AAM fitting and its corresponding ground truth
landmark x
, y
, accumulated across all N land-
marks in the image and normalized by the mean of
face width w
and height h
= N
n, f
+ (y
n, f
( w
+ h
Figure 4 shows a quantitative analysis of the per-
formance of each combination. It can be seen that
the introduced preprocessing algorithms result in an
improvement of the AAM fitting performance for
intensity-based AAM, especially when an advanced
fitting algorithm such as AIC or SIC is used. Gener-
ally, AIC and SIC show comparable performance the
tested data and outperform the traditional PIC in all
direct comparisons, i.e. when preprocessing method
and used feature remain unchanged and only the fit-
ting algorithm is varied. At the same time, the two
tested feature-based AAM combinations clearly out-
perform their intensity-based counterparts in all di-
rect comparisons, with DSIFT slightly outperform-
ing HOG in terms of fitting performance and outlier
count. Notably, DSIFT and HOG performance is only
minimally affected by any preprocessing.
Since it has now been shown that preprocess-
ing has only minimal impact on fitting performance
VISAPP 2016 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
(a) Simlutaneous Inverse Compositional (SIC)
(b) Alternating Inverse Compositional (AIC)
(c) Project-Out Inverse Compositional (PIC)
Figure 4: Normalized residual error after performing fitting on a set of 118 unseen images of 3 persons. In each column,
the AAM was trained using a different feature extraction method, while the fitting algorithm was different for each row. The
figures represent an exhaustive overview of all tested combinations of features, fitting algorithms and preprocessing methods.
of feature-based AAMs, further analysis focuses on
the precision of feature- and intensity-based meth-
ods on unfiltered images. Figure 6 displays the
percentage of test images that meet given preci-
Robust Facial Landmark Detection and Face Tracking in Thermal Infrared Images using Active Appearance Models
sion requirements, evaluated for PIC/SIC/AIC and
intensity/DSIFT/HOG-based AAMs. Again, it is
shown that feature-based AAMs allow more precise
fitting than intensity-based models. Overall, DSIFT
shows a better convergence behavior than HOG for
LWIR images; the performance difference between
both descriptors is higher than the difference for reg-
ular photographs reported in (Antonakos et al., 2015),
indicating that DSIFT is a particularly well suited de-
scriptor for LWIR face fitting. AIC and SIC perform
comparably well and outperform the traditional PIC
method; especially the original inverse-compositional
AAM approch (intensity-based PIC) by (Matthews
and Baker, 2004) shows lower fitting precision than
all other competing combinations.
Figure 5 shows a performance comparison for
seen and unseen faces. It displays box plots of the
fitting performance of the AAM trained on 28 per-
sons and evaluated on 118 images of 3 unseen per-
sons, and for comparison plots of each fitting algo-
rithms’ performance trained with the same database
and evaluated on a set of 125 seen images from the
training database. For this comparison we used the
well-performing combination of DSIFT with no pre-
processing and compared all three implemented fit-
ting algorithms. The results show that the trained
model performs slightly better when confronted with
seen faces.
AAM performance in face tracking was tested
quantitatively on a 60 second video sequence taken
at 30 fps, where each 5th frame was annotated with
a total of 8 points located at the inner and outer
eye corners, the outer mouth corners and the cen-
ter edges of upper and lower lip, resulting in 359
annotated frames. During the sequence, the person
was performing increasingly fast and complex head
pose changes, starting with a slow controlled left-to-
right movement and ending with fast and arbitrary
head shakes and rotations. The tracker was initial-
ized manually by defining the face’s bounding box in
the first frame. The landmark detection for all sub-
sequent frames was performed fully automatically by
the AAM fitting software using each frame’s final fit-
ting result as initial landmark positions for the next
frame. The normalized error between the 8 ground
truth points and the corresponding points detected by
the AAM was computed using Equation 7. Figure 7
shows the normalized error values as well as the mean
frame-to-frame change of the marker point positions
acquired as normalized error between two consecu-
tive frames to indicate the current movement speed of
the person’s head in each frame. Additionally, actual
fitting results are shown. It can be seen that tracking
precision changes only marginally during slow head
Figure 5: Comparison of the normalized fitting error for
a set of 3 seen and 3 unseen images, tested for different
fitting algorithms and using DSIFT with no preprocessing
to generate the model.
movement regardless of head pose. The tracker per-
formance temporarily degrades in single parts of the
sequence that show very fast head movement, how-
ever it can be seen that the model is able to auto-
matically recover from high misalignment in single
It can be seen that performing diffusion filtering as
VISAPP 2016 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
(a) DSIFT (b) HOG
(c) Intensity
Figure 6: Percentage of Images that fall within given precision requirements, computed for images with no preprocessing
Figure 7: Analysis of AAM performance for tracking a face in an unseen video sequence. Top: Normalized error between
ground truth and fitting result for each annotated frame. Center: Normalized difference between two consecutive frames to
indicate head movement speed in different sections of the video sequence. Bottom: Fitting result examples, sorted by their
final normalized error in ascending order. From left to right: Best, 2
percentile, 25
percentile, median, 75
percentile, worst.
preprocessing step improves the fitting accuracy of
the AAM in case the project-out inverse composi-
tional algorithm (PIC) is used as stated by (Ghiass
et al., 2013). However, by employing the more re-
cently introduced feature-based AAM, even better re-
sults are obtained. The fact that the final fitting errors
Robust Facial Landmark Detection and Face Tracking in Thermal Infrared Images using Active Appearance Models
of intensity-based AAM cover a large span of val-
ues and that similar USM-based approaches lead to
significantly different results suggests that intensity-
based AAM and the analyzed preprocessing filters
lack robustness and are prone to the bias introduced
by initialization and preprocessing parameters. On
the contrary, the two analyzed feature-based AAM
proved to be more robust. Using DSIFT and HOG
to train the model drastically improves fitting perfor-
mance regardless of preprocessing; the fact that the
results do not differ significantly for all preprocess-
ing algorithms shows that the extracted features de-
scribe image content very robustly. The results sug-
gest that using preprocessing for feature-based AAM
does not result in a significant performance increase
and that the preprocessing step can be omitted, espe-
cially when considering the additional computational
requirements to run the preprocessing filter.
Although quantitative analysis has shown a mea-
surable difference in fitting performance on seen and
unseen images the ability of the AAM to model un-
trained faces still allows for precise landmark detec-
tion in unseen images. The model has been shown
to be robust enough to track an unseen face during a
series of challenging head pose changes in a video se-
quence with the ability to recover even after phases of
fast head movement or extreme out-of-plane rotation.
In this paper we have shown that AAMs are a vi-
able approach for face tracking in the thermal in-
frared domain. Using a suitable database and a
well-performing combination of algorithms compris-
ing DSIFT for modeling and SIC for fitting yields sta-
ble and robust results. It has been shown that AAMs
can be used for robust single-frame initialized LWIR
face tracking.
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VISAPP 2016 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications