not work accurately in rural areas.
Therefore, this paper proposes a more accurate
and standalone method offering promising result us-
ing stereo vision techniques. The proposed method
utilizes the 3D information of the traffic signs, which
are tracked by a stereo camera. Traffic sign detec-
tion, stereo matching, and lane-level positioning are
the three main stages of the proposed method. Sec-
tion 2 first gives an overview of the proposed method
and then provides a detail explanation of each stage;
traffic sign detection, tracking, stereo matching, and
lane-level positioning. Experimental results are de-
scribed in Section 3, and the conclusions and future
works are included in Section 4.
In this paper, we present a lane-level positioning
method using a stereo camera. Most of the traffic
signs are located between the side-way and the driv-
ing lane as in Figure 1. We can use the information on
traffic sign locations to determine the current lane of
the vehicle. The system consists of four main stages;
traffic sign detection, tracking, stereo matching and
lane-level positioning (Figure 2).
Figure 2: Flow chart of the proposed vehicle lane-level po-
sitioning system.
2.1 Traffic Sign Detection
The proposed system determines the lane-level posi-
tion using 3D path of the traffic signs. Therefore, the
first step of the proposed system is detecting traffic
sign. The traffic sign detection process consists of two
parts; detecting the traffic sign candidates and classi-
fication using machine learning.
Detecting traffic signs by searching through the
whole image is very time-consuming. Therefore, in
the proposed method, we first extract few convincing
traffic sign candidates from the input image. There
are promising methods, which can be used to extract
the traffic sign candidates, such as binarization with
red color (Maldonado-Basc´on et al., 2007; Bahlmann
et al., 2005; De La Escalera et al., 1997) and using
geometrical features of the traffic signs (Bahlmann
et al., 2005; Garcia-Garrido et al., 2006; Garc´ıa-
Garrido et al., 2005). In this papers, binarization with
red color used to define traffic sign candidates. To
Figure 3: Generating path of traffic signs with detection,
tracking and calculation 3D location of it.
detect the red boundary of the traffic signs, we first
converted the input images to HSV (Hue, Saturation,
Value) color space and defined appropriate threshold
values for each channel. Then these threshold values
are used to make a binary image by applying thresh-
olding. A connected component labeling method is
used to connect the red pixels and generate clusters.
However, not all clusters are the traffic sign. The
clusters are the candidates of the traffic sign. To
determine the traffic sign, machine learning meth-
ods which like neural network or SVM are gener-
ally used(Maldonado-Basc´on et al., 2007; Bahlmann
et al., 2005; De La Escalera et al., 1997; Garcia-
Garrido et al., 2006; Garc´ıa-Garrido et al., 2005).
Deep learning technique which as neural network
based methods are popular recently but the deep
learning technique needs tons of images as 10 thou-
sand or more. However,this paper detects traffic signs
in Korea, and there is no open traffic sign database.
Hence, it is hard to obtain enough amount of traf-
fic sign images to apply deep learning technique.
General backpropagation algorithm in neural network
method also easily fall in local minima, when there
doesn’t exist enough amount of training data. How-
ever, SVM always finds global minima (Antkowiak,
2006; Burges, 1998). Therefore, proposed system
uses SVM.
Figure 4: Binarization with red color.