Table 1: Maximum asymmetry level in each 3D video.
Facial Expression pre-op post-op cs
Smiling 0.218 0.173 0.159
Force smiling 0.288 0.227 0.182
Raise up the eyebrows 0.308 0.291 0.146
In this paper we have proposed a new technique to
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main ingredient of this approach is the accommoda-
tion of the recently-developed Dense Scalar Fields
(Ben Amor et al., 2014) to compare a given face with
its reflection and achieve a vertex-to-vertex registra-
tion in order to accurately measure the amount of
asymmetry in the face. A new dataset of five pa-
tients has been collected in clinical conditions. We
have demonstrated using the collected 3D dynamic
sequences the usefulness of the proposed methodol-
ogy. In particular, the comparison of the facial asym-
metry by using DSF features before and after the BT’s
injection reveals shows that the proposed approach is
a promising solution. This work provides a quanti-
tative tools to the clinicians in order to evaluate the
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VISAPP 2016 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications