Robust Face Identification with Small Sample Sizes using Bag of Words
and Histogram of Oriented Gradients
Mahir Faik Karaaba, Olarik Surinta, L. R. B. Schomaker and Marco A. Wiering
Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Engineering (ALICE),
University of Groningen, Nijenborgh 9, Groningen 9747AG, The Netherlands
Face Recognition, Histogram of Oriented Gradients, Bag of Words, Small Sample Problem.
Face identification under small sample conditions is currently an active research area. In a case of very few
reference samples, optimally exploiting the training data to make a model which has a low generalization
error is an important challenge to create a robust face identification algorithm. In this paper we propose to
combine the histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) and the bag of words (BOW) approach to use few training
examples for robust face identification. In this HOG-BOW method, from every image many sub-images are
first randomly cropped and given to the HOG feature extractor to compute many different feature vectors.
Then these feature vectors are given to a K-means clustering algorithm to compute the centroids which serve
as a codebook. This codebook is used by a sliding window to compute feature vectors for all training and test
images. Finally, the feature vectors are fed into an L2 support vector machine to learn a linear model that will
classify the test images. To show the efficiency of our method, we also experimented with two other feature
extraction algorithms: HOG and the scale invariant feature transform (SIFT). All methods are compared on
two well-known face image datasets with one to three training examples per person. The experimental results
show that the HOG-BOW algorithm clearly outperforms the other methods.
Face recognition is an important skill which we hu-
mans perform without much effort. Computers, on
the other hand, still do not perform good enough to
be fully trusted in real-world applications. There are
two distinct application fields which are both gener-
ally called face recognition. One is face identifica-
tion, in which the question is to whom a given face
image belongs, the other is face verification that tries
to answer the same/not same question given two face
images. While face identification is basically a multi-
class classification task and requires a reference train-
ing image dataset for identity registration, face ver-
ification is a binary classification task and does not
require a reference training set containing the identity
of persons. In this paper, we focus on the face identi-
fication problem.
Face identification is an active research field due
to different important possible applications and sev-
eral difficulties which are not yet solved (Jafri and
Arabnia, 2009). Some of these difficulties have to
do with pose variances and facial expressions, which
arise from the capability we have to move our head
and to express ourselves with our faces. Being able to
move our heads in various angles results in very dif-
ferent poses of the face of the same person (Zhang and
Gao, 2009). If we tilt our heads clockwise or counter
clockwise, a simple geometrical alignment procedure
is enough to transform the face image to its frontal
position. On the other hand, if we turn our head to the
left, right, up or down, then without a complex 3d in-
terpolation technique (Chu et al., 2014), geometrical
normalization is very difficult, which in turn causes
significant performance losses for a face recognition
algorithm. Another difficulty is the non-rigidity of
the face because we can change the appearance of our
faces significantly (opening and closing of mouth and
eye, etc). Yet another difficulty is related to occlu-
sions which can be caused by different objects such
as glasses, hands we can bring to our face, and shawls
(Azeem et al., 2014).
There are many face recognition algorithms that
rely on a large amount of training data to work opti-
mally. Since more data will include more variances,
the trained classifiers can generalize better to the un-
known distribution of the test images. However, in a
variety of application fields such as forensic research,
data collection is very difficult and the obtained refer-
ence data set may not include more than a couple of
Karaaba, M., Surinta, O., Schomaker, L. and Wiering, M.
Robust Face Identification with Small Sample Sizes using Bag of Words and Histogram of Oriented Gradients.
DOI: 10.5220/0005722305820589
In Proceedings of the 11th Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2016) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages 582-589
ISBN: 978-989-758-175-5
2016 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
images per person. This is called the small sample
problem (SSP). Many research attempts target SSP
(Yan et al., 2014; Lu et al., 2013; Su et al., 2010), and
in this paper we also propose a new algorithm to deal
with few training examples for face identification.
Related Work. The first successful face recog-
nition algorithm, called Eigenfaces (Turk and Pent-
land, 1991), was based on the nowadays well-known
subspace method principal component analysis. An-
other often used method is Fisherfaces (Belhumeur
et al., 1997) that uses linear discriminant analysis.
These methods can perform well if a large amount
of correctly aligned and normalized face data is avail-
able. However, since they directly use pixel intensi-
ties as input data, pose variances and alignment errors
can easily deteriorate the performance of these algo-
To cope with the noise caused by illumination
and pose variances, edge and local feature extraction
based methods have been proposed. Some of the best
known of these are Gabor filters (Jemaa and Khan-
fir, 2009), the histogram of oriented gradients (HOG)
(Dalal and Triggs, 2005), the scale invariant feature
transform (SIFT) (Lowe, 2004) and local binary pat-
terns (LBP) (Ahonen et al., 2004). These methods
have been shown to yield better performances than
the use of Eigenfaces or Fisherfaces. However, with-
out additional preprocessing on the input data and a
sufficient number of training images, they cannot very
well handle pose differences or alignment errors.
To cope with pose differences and alignment prob-
lems, the bag of words (BOW) method (Csurka et al.,
2004), which has been successfully applied for differ-
ent computer vision problems (Shekhar and Jawahar,
2012; Montazer et al., 2015), was proposed for the
face recognition problem (Li et al., 2010; Wu et al.,
2012). In this method, input images are treated non-
holistically by their many sub-images. These sub-
images are processed by a clustering algorithm to cre-
ate a codebook (the bag of words) and this codebook
is then used to extract feature vectors from images
which are finally given to the classifier.
Similarly to the BOW approach, in (Simonyan
et al., 2013), many sub-images processed by the SIFT
descriptor are used to train gaussian mixture models
to compute improved Fisher vectors (Perronnin et al.,
2010) for face verification. The results reported in
their paper are comparable with the results of state-
of-the-art face verification papers.
As for classifiers used for face recognition, k-
nearest neighbour (K-NN), support vector machines
(SVM) (Vapnik, 1998) and artificial neural networks
(ANN) have been shown to be successful. If classifier
speed is important and features from face images are
selected robustly, then K-NN can be a good choice.
Since no training is required for using the K-NN clas-
sifier, it is practical for fast face recognition applica-
tions, in which possibly new people are continuously
added to the dataset. However, if accuracy is more
important than speed, then an SVM (Wei et al., 2011)
and an ANN can be preferable, even though they need
retraining in case the dataset is augmented with new
people and images.
Convolutional neural networks (CNNs), as a pow-
erful feature extractor and classifier, are currently
considered by researchers as one of the state-of-the-
art machine learning algorithms. CNN is a special
kind of multi-layer perceptron, which has many spe-
cialized layers used for feature extraction and classifi-
cation. In a recent CNN based face verification study
(Parkhi et al., 2015), a novel database construction
and a CNN architecture are presented. Here, they con-
struct a face database with 2.6K subjects composing
of total 2.6M images from Internet, removing the du-
plicate images by employing a state-of-the face recog-
nition application as well as a group of human annota-
tors. After the database construction, they optimize a
relatively simpler new CNN which integrates a com-
bination of the most efficient features of the state-of-
the-art CNNs proposed recently for face recognition.
The SVM has also several varieties. Although it
was first proposed as a linear classifier, non-linear
models have been proposed to classify data sets,
which are not separable with the standard linear SVM.
Another popular SVM algorithm is the L2-norm reg-
ularized SVM (L2-SVM) (Koshiba and Abe, 2003;
Deng et al., 2012). It is used to tackle the problem
that occurs when the size of the feature vectors is very
long (e.g. more than 2,000 items) which cannot be
handled very efficiently by the standard SVM.
Contributions. In this paper, as our main contribu-
tion, a bag of words (BOW) algorithm is proposed
that uses feature vectors extracted with the histogram
of oriented gradients (HOG) to recognize faces under
small sample per person conditions (SSPP). Although
the HOG and BOW algorithms are well-known algo-
rithms, to the best of our knowledge, the combination
of them is not evaluated for face recognition, espe-
cially in the case of SSPP.
In our method, a K-means clustering algorithm
is used to compute the visual codebook from fea-
ture vectors extracted by HOG from many randomly
cropped sub-images. Then this codebook is used to
Robust Face Identification with Small Sample Sizes using Bag of Words and Histogram of Oriented Gradients
Training Data Images Randomly Cropped
HOG Features
(m =number
of patches)
(n = number of
n < m
Figure 1: Graphical depiction of the codebook construction in HOG-BOW.
compute feature vectors from all images in the train-
ing and test set. The computed feature vectors and the
labels from the training images are subsequently fed
into an L2-SVM classifier to learn the model which is
used to classify faces.
Additionally, we compared the HOG-BOW
method to two other well-known methods, namely
HOG and the scale invariant feature transform (SIFT),
both using a standard-SVM with the radial basis func-
tion (RBF) kernel as the classifier since the feature
vectors created by these methods are relatively shorter
in size than those of the HOG-BOW method. We
performed experiments using two datasets, namely
FERET (Phillips et al., 1998) and LFW (Huang et al.,
2007) with one, two and three training images per per-
son. The results show that the HOG-BOW method
clearly outperforms the other methods.
Paper Outline. The rest of the paper is organized
as follows: In Section 2, the proposed face recogni-
tion algorithm is described. In Section 3, experimen-
tal settings and the results are presented. In Section 4,
the conclusion and future work are given.
The idea of the bag of visual words (BOW) is that,
just as a text is composed of many words, an image
is composed of many sub-images which resemble vi-
sual words that can be present in an image (Csurka
et al., 2004). In our proposed HOG-BOW method,
the bag of words model is constructed by using fea-
tures extracted by HOG from sub-images, instead of
directly using pixel intensities. We will now explain
the codebook construction, the computation of the ac-
tivity matrix of visual words on the entire image, and
the final creation of the feature vector containing vi-
sual word activities per block. Note that we use the
L2-norm regularized SVM as classifier, but we will
not explain it because it is a well-known supervised
learning algorithm.
2.1 Codebook Construction
Random cropping is used to extract a large number
of sub-images (in our experiment we used 500,000
sub-images) from the training set. Then these sub-
images are processed by the HOG filter and the ex-
tracted feature vectors are given to a K-means cluster-
ing algorithm that computes the centroids which serve
as the visual words and make up the codebook. For
the graphical illustration of the codebook construc-
tion, see Figure 1.
2.2 Creating Activity Matrix
After the codebook is constructed, the activities of all
visual words are calculated per image. These activi-
ties denote the presence of different visual words in
the image. For this, sub-images are obtained using a
sliding window approach using a stride of 1 pixel. To
compute the activities the soft assignment approach
is adopted in our system. Soft assignment schemes
have previously been shown to outperform hard as-
signment schemes where one sub-image only acti-
vates the winning cluster (or visual word). We will
now explain in detail how the activities a
i j
of the ac-
tivity matrix A are computed for a single image, where
i is the cluster index, and j is the index of the sub-
image (patch). Our method used the soft assignment
scheme proposed in (Coates et al., 2011):
i j
= max{0,
d d
i j
} (1)
d is the mean of the elements of d
i j
and d
i j
is the Euclidean distance between a cluster c
and an
image patch p
i j
Note that p
is the HOG filtered sub-image vector and
is a cluster centroid computed from feature vectors
extracted by HOG.
VISAPP 2016 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Face Image
HOG Features
(m = number
of patches)
Matrix (n×m)
soft assign.
n centroids
feature vector
Figure 2: Graphical illustration of the feature vector creation from the codebook in HOG-BOW.
Figure 3: Sample aligned face images of two subjects from the FERET dataset.
Figure 4: Sample aligned face images of two subjects from the LFW dataset.
2.3 Image Partitioning and Feature
Vector Construction
After the centroid activities are computed for each
sub-image, each row of the activity matrix (which cor-
responds to centroid activities for all sub-images) is
summed up per image block. We will use B blocks
to partition each image and to better keep the spatial
relations between activated visual words. For this we
compute visual word activities I
for each cluster i
and each block b:
i j
, j block(b) (3)
After this the size of the resulting feature vector
is B × n. These feature vectors are then given to a
classifier. In our experiments we use 4 blocks of equal
size. For the feature vector creation, see Figure 2.
In this section, we first briefly explain the datasets
used in the experiments, the alignment of the face im-
ages, and the selected parameters. After that the re-
sults are presented and discussed.
3.1 Datasets
In our experiments we use two datasets, namely
FERET (Phillips et al., 1998) and Labeled Faces in
the Wild (LFW) (Huang et al., 2007). We divide each
dataset into train and test sets by selecting from 1 up
to 3 reference images randomly as training data and
the rest is used as test data.
The FERET dataset was created by the defence
advanced research projects agency (DARPA) and the
national institute of standards and technology (NIST)
to evaluate face recognition algorithms. We selected
Robust Face Identification with Small Sample Sizes using Bag of Words and Histogram of Oriented Gradients
a subset of this dataset to use in our experiments,
in total 196 subjects are used with 7 face samples
per subject. This subset has basically 3 features:
illumination, pose and expression variances which
present challenges for the performance of a typical
face recognition system. For example face photos of
FERET, see Figure 3.
The LFW dataset is introduced in (Huang et al.,
2007) to evaluate face recognition algorithms under
unconstrained conditions. It contains approximately
13,000 images of around 6,000 subjects. These im-
ages are mainly collected from news web sites. In the
experiments, we have selected 150 subjects each of
which contains at least 7 samples. For example face
photos of the LFW dataset, see Figure 4.
For both datasets, we adopted a similar experi-
mental setup as described in (Yan et al., 2014). The
differences between our and their protocols are briefly
given as follows: For the FERET, (Yan et al., 2014)
uses 200 subjects for which we could find only 196 in
the copy of our FERET dataset folder with the same
subset specification they defined. The second differ-
ence is that while in (Yan et al., 2014) LFW sub-
jects are chosen as 10 samples per subject where even
some of these samples are chosen from subject fold-
ers which contain more than 10 samples, we choose
the subject folders which contains at least 7 subjects
and without a maximum number limit.
3.2 Alignment
We use an eye-coordinate based 2D alignment for
all the face images before the experiments. In this
method, eye centers are used to compute the roll angle
of the face. Then the face is rotated to roll-normalized
position as described in (Karaaba et al., 2015). All
eye coordinates are obtained from the dataset directo-
ries, except for some images (of each subject) of the
FERET dataset for which we used an automatic align-
ment algorithm.
3.3 Selected Parameters
In this section, we will present the selected parame-
ters that worked best in our experiments. For all the
train and test images, we use 80×88 as the image res-
olution. For SIFT, we used 40×44 as the patch size
which corresponds to 4 sub-images for each face im-
age. Then for each sub-image by applying the stan-
dard SIFT algorithm, we obtained a feature vector
with size (128×4) = 512.
For HOG, 10×11 is used as the patch size (8×8
= 64 patches) and the number of bins is chosen as
24. Hence 8×8×24 is used and the size of the feature
vector is 1,536.
For HOG-BOW, 600 centroids are used. For the
FERET dataset, 15×15 is selected as the patch size
and for the LFW dataset we selected 20×20 as the
patch size, which worked better for LFW. The reason
different patch sizes were found to work best can be
due to differences in the resolution of the two datasets.
For both datasets, 4 block partitions are used resulting
in a feature vector with size (600×4) = 2,400. For all
methods a linear L2-norm regularized SVM is used,
for which the C parameter is tuned using cross valida-
3.4 Experiments and Results
In our experiments, 10-fold cross validation is used.
We randomly select (t = 1, 2, 3) samples for each sub-
ject from the training set and the rest of the samples
is used as the test data. It should be noted that in (Yan
et al., 2014), 20-fold cross validation is employed.
Tables 1, 2, and 3 show the results
(average accuracy and standard deviation) on
FERET and LFW for t = 1, t = 2 and t = 3, respec-
tively. The results show that the HOG-BOW method
obtains the best performances for both datasets, ex-
cept for LFW without mirrored images with t = 3. Es-
pecially when the available training data is the small-
est in number, the HOG-BOW method shows a sig-
nificant performance gain (9% and 18% for FERET,
and 4% and 1% for LFW for the mirrored and non-
mirrored case respectively) compared to the HOG
method, which performs second best. The average
performance gain over all 12 experimental results of
HOG-BOW compared to HOG is slightly more than
As for the mirrored image samples, a significant
performance improvement is obtained for the FERET
dataset, especially where t = 1. The improvement
becomes smaller when more original training data is
provided. For instance, while the performance dif-
ference is only around 1% for t = 3 for almost all
the methods, for t = 1 this is 4% for the HOG-BOW
method and even 13% for the HOG and SIFT meth-
ods. This shows that mirrored data sampling is a pow-
erful way to boost the face identification performance
for the FERET dataset when there are only one or
two training examples per person. On the other hand,
for the LFW dataset, mirrored images, except for the
HOG-BOW method, do not provide any significant
performance gains and even decrease the performance
in some cases (e.g. the HOG method with t = 1). This
Note that results of DMMA and MS-CFB are refer-
enced from the same source (Yan et al., 2014).
VISAPP 2016 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 1: Face Recognition Results on FERET and LFW (t = 1).
Mirrored Non-Mirrored Mirrored Non-Mirrored
HOG 70.87±1.3 57.62±0.7 23.51±0.6 23.73±0.8
SIFT 70.47±1.2 56.51±1.2 22.53±1.0 21.56±0.9
HOG-BOW 79.41±3.3 75.97±1.1 27.14±1.0 24.68±0.8
DMMA (Yan et al., 2014) - 65.24±2.0 - 22.17±2.8
MS-CFB (Yan et al., 2014) - 66.60±2.1 - 21.15±2.9
Table 2: Face Recognition Results on FERET and LFW (t = 2).
Mirrored Non-Mirrored Mirrored Non-Mirrored
HOG 85.18±0.7 77.78±1.3 36.99±1.2 37.25±1.0
SIFT 84.48±0.8 75.75±0.8 37.14±1.0 36.14±1.1
HOG-BOW 89.68±0.6 86.13±1.3 39.95±1.3 39.10±1.1
MS-CFB (Yan et al., 2014) - 80.60±1.4 - 37.17±1.8
Table 3: Face Recognition Results on FERET and LFW (t = 3).
Mirrored Non-Mirrored Mirrored Non-Mirrored
HOG 87.28±0.8 86.44±0.9 47.22±1.6 48.25±1.2
SIFT 88.88±0.6 85.93±1.1 45.85±1.3 46.02±1.3
HOG-BOW 92.39±0.6 92.62±0.8 48.92±1.6 47.16±0.7
MS-CFB (Yan et al., 2014) - 84.72±1.3 - 43.10±1.5
1 2 3
Training Sample Size (Mirrored)
(a) FERET dataset
1 2 3
Training Sample Size (Mirrored)
(b) LFW dataset
Figure 5: Average recognition performance of different methods versus different number of training samples per person
on the FERET (a) and LFW (b) datasets with mirrored face images.
might be due to the nature of the LFW dataset where
low resolution, occlusions and a high-degree of pose
differences are prevalent.
The HOG-BOW method also significantly outper-
forms two state-of-the-art face recognition algorithms
for the non-mirrored case with few training examples.
These methods are the multi-subregion based corre-
lation filter bank (MS-CFB) (Yan et al., 2014) with
the cosine similarity metric and discriminative multi-
manifold analysis (DMMA) (Lu et al., 2013), which
were specially designed for face recognition problems
with few examples.
We also show two additional figures drawn from
the results to obtain more insights. The first one is the
comparison of the methods in relation to the training
sample size, see Figure 5. The second one is to see the
performance effect when mirrored data is added, see
Figure 6. As can be seen from the method comparison
figures, the HOG-BOW method is always better than
the other methods for each training data size if the
images are mirrored and its performance stays a large
margin above the performances of the other methods.
Figure 6 shows that adding mirrored data helps to in-
crease the performance of HOG-BOW the most when
the training data size is the smallest (t = 1), although
in most cases it improves the results.
Robust Face Identification with Small Sample Sizes using Bag of Words and Histogram of Oriented Gradients
1 2 3
Training Sample Size
Non Mirrored
(a) FERET dataset
1 2 3
Training Sample Size
Non Mirrored
(b) LFW dataset
Figure 6: Average recognition performance of HOG-BOW method with and without mirrored data versus different number
of training samples per person on the FERET (a) and LFW (b) dataset.
In this paper, we described a new face identifica-
tion algorithm, namely a bag of visual words using
extracted features of histogram of oriented gradients
(HOG-BOW). This method is designed to cope with
small sample sizes in the training set, which is a chal-
lenge for obtaining good performances. We compared
the HOG-BOW method with two other algorithms:
the scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) and HOG,
both with a standard SVM as classifier.
We have shown the effectiveness of the HOG-
BOW method over the others. On the FERET dataset,
for instance, it performs much better than the other
methods for all the different selected small sample
sizes of the training set. On the LFW dataset, except
for t = 3 with the non-mirrored case, it also performs
significantly better than the other methods. We also
compared our results with two state-of-the-art face
recognition algorithms by following similar dataset
selections. From the results it can be seen that, HOG-
BOW obtains state-of-the-art performances for face
recognition with few training examples.
In future work, we plan to work on more datasets
and we will further optimize the parameters of HOG-
BOW to obtain higher accuracies. We are inter-
ested to use local binary patterns or features ex-
tracted with pre-trained convolutional neural net-
works (Krizhevsky et al., 2012) instead of HOG as
the feature extraction scheme, and combine them with
the bag of words approach. Finally, we want to ex-
periment with other clustering algorithms which may
work better than simple K-means clustering.
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Robust Face Identification with Small Sample Sizes using Bag of Words and Histogram of Oriented Gradients