Table 3: Clopper-Pearson intervals for the experiment re-
Dataset Feature CP Interval
UIUC Canny [92.48%, 98.69%]
SSE [97.85%, 100.0%]
IAIR Canny [78.83%, 90.48%]
SSE [87.81%, 96.45%]
mally distributed (p-values of all experiments in the
Shapiro-Wilk tests (Shapiro and Wilk, 1965) are <
10e-3). Comparing the independent groups Canny
and SSE for both datasets in the Wilcoxon-Mann-
Whitney test, we obtain p-values of 9.86e − 6 and
0.001872 for UIUC and IAIR, respectively. Thus,
the mean overlap value a
for the SSE edge detec-
tion tests is larger at the 95% confidence level than
the mean overlap for the Canny Edge Detection tests.
Additionally, we statistically evaluated the result-
ing localization errors for Canny and SSE edge fea-
tures in the same way as described above. We obtain
p-values of 0.005118 and 0.001696 for UIUC and
IAIR, respectively. Therefore, the mean localization
error for the SSE edge detection tests is lower at the
95% confidence level than the mean localization error
for the Canny Edge Detection tests.
We have shown that the object localization perfor-
mance obtained by the voting-based DGHT approach
in real-world tasks with variable background and clut-
ter can be significantly improved by a sophisticated
edge detection algorithm, namely the Structured Edge
Detector. This applies to general structured edge
features without additional training effort as well as
category-specific Structured Edge Detectors in par-
ticular. More precisely, we obtained absolute im-
provements in localization accuracy of 3.53% and
7.64% on a car and pedestrian localization task, re-
spectively. We conclude that the DGHT framework
can be successfully used for object localization also
in real-world images with larger and more variable
In future work, we aim to integrate an intelligent
edge detection mechanism into the voting framework
and to explore strategies to handle object variability
(e.g. object size, rotation) as well as multi-object and
multi-class localization.
Figure 8: Error case: Detected pedestrian is not within the
annotated height range of 130-170 px. Bounding box col-
ors: yellow: prediction; green: ground truth annotation;
red: not in ground truth, because height 6∈ [130,170] px.
(Best viewed in color).
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