Multiple 3D Object Recognition using RGB-D Data and
Physical Consistency for Automated Warehousing Robots
Shuichi Akizuki and Manabu Hashimoto
Graduate School of Computer and Cognitive Sciences, Chukyo University,
101-2, Yagoto-Honmachi, Showa-ku, Nagoya, Aichi, Japan
3D Object Recognition, Hypothesis Verification, Physical Consistency, Point Cloud.
In this research, we propose a method to recognize multiple objects in the shelves of automated warehouses.
The purpose of this research is to enhance the reliability of the Hypothesis Verification (HV) method that si-
multaneously recognizes layout of multiple objects. The proposed method have employed not only the RGB-D
consistency between the input scene and the scene hypothesis but also the physical consistency. By consider-
ing the physical consistency of the scene hypothesis, the proposed HV method can efficiently reject false one.
Experiment results for object which are used at Amazon Picking Challenge 2015 have been confirmed that the
recognition success rate of the proposed method is higher than the previous HV method.
3D object recognition from range data is one of
fundamental techniques for scene understanding,
object tracking, bin-picking for industrial robots,
and others. Recently, this techniques have been
increased in application of logistics (Fuji et al.,
2015). In this field, it is necessary to develop au-
tomatic pick-and-place systems for items stocked in
the warehouse., Inc. held a com-
petition for robotic picking system for items at
IEEE ICRA2015, called Amazon Picking Challenge
Shelves in the warehouse include many boxes
called bin and they are stocked many items that in-
clude many categories, materials and size. The vision
system for picking is imposed to detect a specific item
from bins.
In order to recognize a target object, the model
matching approach is generally used. This approach
detects a 6DoF pose parameter which have the best
fitting score between the object model and the input
scene. However, this approach cannot notice mis-
matching, when the matching result is generated on
the pseudo surface that is made by contacting multi-
ple objects.
In this situation, the Hypothesis Verification (HV)
method (Hashimoto et al., 1999), (Aldoma et al.,
2012a), (Aldoma et al., 2013) is a suitable method for
detecting specific object from complex scenes. This
method consists of three steps, one each for:
Step 1. Generating object hypotheses
Step 2. Generating scene hypotheses using object
Step 3. Verifying validity of each scene hypothesis
and find the best one
Step 1 and 2 are collectively called hypothesis
generation step. Step 3 is verification step. In step
1, object hypotheses, pairs of the object model and
the 6DoF pose parameter, are generated by using the
model matching method. In step 2, many scene hy-
potheses which represent the input scene are gener-
ated by using object hypotheses. They are represented
by combination of multiple object hypotheses. In step
3, the best scene hypotheses is decided by calculat-
ing similarity between scene hypotheses and the input
Because the HV method uses scene-to-scene con-
sistency between the scene hypothesis and the input
scene for recognizing multiple objects, it can reject
mismatchings on the pseudo surface. However, the
HV method has two problem. One is the reliability of
method to generate object hypotheses is not so high.
The other is calculating cost of the step 3 is relatively
high compared with other steps.
The contribution of this paper is described as fol-
lows, 1) Applying a reliable model matching method
in order to generate object hypotheses instead of pre-
vious model matching methods. 2) Improving cal-
Akizuki, S. and Hashimoto, M.
Multiple 3D Object Recognition using RGB-D Data and Physical Consistency for Automated Warehousing Robots.
DOI: 10.5220/0005723806050609
In Proceedings of the 11th Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2016) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages 605-609
ISBN: 978-989-758-175-5
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
culation efficiency of scene consistency, we have ap-
plied a new criteria, physical consistency of scene hy-
In this section, we will introduce state-of-the-arts
model matching methods and HV methods.
Model Matching: This method generates corre-
spondences between an object model and an input
scene by matching features extracted from each of
them. Pose parameters that align the object model to
the input scene can be calculated by using the method
(Chen and Bhanu, 2007)(Tombari and Stefano,
2010). For generating accurate correspondences, it
is important to design the good feature which can
well represent object shapes. From the viewpoint of
quantity of data for calculating the feature, there are
three types of features:
1) point cloud around a keypoint
2) point cloud associated in a segment
3) pair or triplet of keypoints
Type 1) is well-known approach uses point cloud
within the support region centered in the keypoint.
The SHOT (Tombari et al., 2010) feature is gener-
ated by the histogram of oriented normal vectors. The
histogram is generated from multiple divided support
regions, and they are linearly-combined.
Type 2) is the semi-global feature that uses rel-
atively large support region compared with Type 1)
features. This type of features describe the rough geo-
metric aspect on surface rather than the fine geometric
aspect on surface. In this category, there is the OUR-
CVFH (Aldoma et al., 2012b) that uses distribution
of normal vectors and location of point clouds associ-
ated a segments. The GRF (Akizuki and Hashimoto,
2015a) generates the Reference Frame by using ori-
entations of line segments sampled from outlines of
the segment.
Type 3) is the category of the low-dimensional
feature. The Point Pair Feature (Drost et al., 2010)
and the Vector Pair (Akizuki and Hashimoto, 2015b)
are describe geometric relation of points, such as
distance of points or angle between normal vectors.
Thanks to the low dimensional feature, it can quickly
generate object hypotheses.
HV Method: This approach simultaneously rec-
ognize multiple objects by calculating consistency
between the scene hypothesis and the input scene.
The scene hypothesis is generated by combining ob-
ject hypotheses recognized by the model matching
method. Therefore, the HV method regards the mul-
tiple object recognition problem as a combinatorial
optimization problem of object hypotheses. Because
scene hypothesis represents layout of objects in the
scene, false object hypotheses can be rejected. Im-
portant thing here is, what kind of information is
suitable for calculating scene consistency. Methods
(Hashimoto et al., 1999) and (Aldoma et al., 2012a)
used depth data in order to evaluate shape consistency.
The method (Aldoma et al., 2013) have developed
reliability of consistency by employing color consis-
tency in addition to shape consistency.
3.1 Overview
Previous HV methods have used RGB-D informa-
tion for calculating the scene consistency. The pro-
posed HV method uses not only RGB-D score but
also physical consistency for calculating the scene
consistency. Physical consistency represents the nat-
uralness of scene hypothesis like whether recognized
objects are intrude each other or not. By employing
physical consistency on scene consistency, scene hy-
potheses that have impossible layout can be early re-
ject. So, we have developed efficiency of recognition.
The proposed HV method consists two steps,
1) generating object hypotheses and 2) verification,
same as general HV methods. In module 1), object
hypotheses are generated by the low-dimensional fea-
ture based model matching method. In module 2),
Shape, color and physical consistency between scene
hypotheses and the input scene is calculated. Figure 1
shows the overview of the algorithm of the proposed
HV method.
3.2 Generating Object Hypotheses
This module generates object hypotheses by using the
model matching method. Object hypotheses are de-
fined as H{h
,... ,h
}. h
consists pair (M
). M
and T
means the object model and the 6DoF pose
parameter, respectively. In the model matching, ob-
ject hypotheses are generated by allowing to detect
some false positives. From the viewpoint of process-
ing time, the proposed method have employed the
Vector Pair Matching (VPM) method (Akizuki and
Hashimoto, 2015b) as the model matching. Overview
of the algorithm of the VPM is explained below.
VISAPP 2016 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 1: The overview of the algorithm of the proposed HV method consists of main two module, hypothesis generation
(left) and verification (right).
Figure 2: The structure of the vector pair. The blue circles
represent 3D points, the pair of blue arrows represents the
vector pair, and the pink arrows represent normal vectors of
a point or triangle.
Vector Pair Feature: Three 3D points are nec-
essary to determine 3D pose parameter of an object.
The VPM method treats these points as a vector pair
which consists of two 3D vectors with common start
point. Structure of vector pair is shown in Figure 2.
Here, the vector pair consists of a start point P
and two end points Q
. Displacement vectors
P Q1 and P Q2 are represented by d
and d
respectively. And vector pair has a feature vector
v = (s
) which is calculated from distribution
of surface normal vector. s
and s
are calculated
by Equation 1.
= n· n
, s
= n· n
, s
= n· n
where, n = d
× d
k (1)
, n
and n
represent surface normal vector
of point P, Q
and Q
, respectively. n represents
normal vector of PQ
. This feature also have
Reference Frame (RF). Vector P Q1 and P Q2
are orthogonal, therefore, y = (P Q
)/|P Q
| and
x = (PQ
)/|P Q
| and z = y×x consist each axis
of the RF.
The VPM method uses few number of distinctive
vector pairs which have high observability for reliable
matching. The observability factor of the vector pair
is calculated by simulating the visible state of the vec-
tor pair from various viewpoints.
Matching Module: This module consists follow-
ing three steps: 1) Correspondences between scene
vector pairs and distinctive vector pairs are extracted
from the object model. At this time, the vector pair
has RF, 6DoF pose parameters that aligns correspond-
ing vector pairs are calculated. 2) Second step is the
voting process. Calculated pose parameters are voted
to a voting space consisted of axes that represents
each pose parameter, x, y, z, roll, pitch and yaw. 3)
Third step calculates shape consistency. The object
model is transformed by pose parameters which have
high voting value. And shape consistencybetween the
transformed object model and the input scene is cal-
culated. Pairs the object model and the pose param-
eter which have the score exceeding threshold value
are registered to the object hypotheses.
3.3 Verification
This module generates a reconstructed scene that well
describe the input scene by evaluating the RGB-D
score and the physical consistency of scene hypothe-
ses. First of all, scene hypotheses are generated by
combining some object hypotheses. X = {h
,... ,h
represents the combination of object hypotheses. A
depth image I
and a color image I
are generated by
projecting transformed M
associated h
within the X
to each image plane.
If the proposed method chooses correct combina-
tion of object hypotheses, the consistency of the gen-
erated scene hypothesis and the input scene will be
high. We have regarded this problem as a combinato-
rial optimization problem, and the proposed method
Multiple 3D Object Recognition using RGB-D Data and Physical Consistency for Automated Warehousing Robots
detects the X that maximizes the cost function defined
in Equation 2. We have employed the Genetic Algo-
rithm to solve this problem.
Score = P(X)Score
(X) (2)
P(X) evaluates the physical consistency of the
scene hypothesis X. Score
evaluates the shape,
color consistency of the hypothesis scene and the in-
put scene. Methods to calculate the physical consis-
tency and the shape, color consistency are explained,
as follows.
Physical Consistency P(X): This function evalu-
ates whether the hypothesis scene can physically exist
or not by using Equation 3.
P(X) =
i, jS
) (3)
In this equation, functionC is a binary function. If
and h
does not overlap, it returns 1. On the other
hands, if overlap is occurred, C returns 0. S repre-
sents a set of index pair of h. It does not includes
same index pair. In order to evaluate overlap of ob-
ject hypotheses, we employed the fast collision de-
tection method proposed in (Gottschalk et al., 1996).
This method detects whether paired Oriented Bound-
ing Box (OBB)s contact or not. By using the method,
the proposed method can evaluate overlap of paired
object hypothesis. At this time, the size of OBB is lit-
tle bit smaller than the actual object size (e.g. 90%).
By evaluating collision of small sized OBBs, P(X)
can estimate whether paired object hypotheses over-
lap or not.
RGB-D Score Score
(X): RGB-D score of
scene hypothesis X is evaluate by Equation 4.
(X) =
(i) f
(i) (4)
Function f
, the shape consistency of scene hy-
pothesis, is defined by Equation 5.
1 if|I
(i) I
| < th
0 else
, I
are depth image of the scene hypothesis
and the input scene, respectively. In the equation 5,
returns 1, if the difference of same pixel of two
images is lower than th.
Function f
, the color consistency of scene hy-
pothesis, is defined by Equation 6.
(i) = 1 |I
(i) I
(i)| (6)
Figure 3: The overview of the dataset. (a) Target items.
Attached number means item ID. (b) Shelf. (c) Examples
of input scene. Left shows depth image. Right shows RGB
image. Top row is the scene of item 1 and 6. Bottom row is
the scene of item 2 and 5.
, I
are color image of the scene hypothesis
and the input scene, respectively. This function eval-
uates similarity of hue value. In this equation, value
(i), I
(i) represent hue value of i th pixel.
4.1 Dataset
In order to evaluate recognition performance of the
proposed method, we have prepared 25 items which
are used on Amazon Picking Challenge 2015. In this
experiment, we have selected 20 items which can be
stably acquired depth data. We put randomly chosen
two items in the bin of shelf, and captured the depth
data and the RGB data. We prepared 300 input scenes.
Figure 4 shows items, the shelf and an example of
captured data. We also prepared the ground truth data
for all input scene. They are masked images which
have pixel-level label for each object.
4.2 Result
We evaluated methods performance by recognizing
items in the bin. In this experiment, we compared
our method with the method (Aldoma et al., 2012a).
Methods are implemented by using Point Cloud Li-
VISAPP 2016 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 4: Recognition success rate for each item.
brary (Rusu and Cousins, 2011). In order to avoid
influence of performance of the method to generate
object hypothesis, we applied common model match-
ing method, the VPM.
In order to decide whether the recognition is suc-
cess or not, we evaluated the F measure calculated
by comparing the recognized object region and the
ground truth. If the F measure exceeding 0.5, then
we decided recognition is success.
Figure 5 shows the recognition performance of
each method. Both method are used the VPM for gen-
erating object hypotheses, so the results depended on
the algorithm of the verification. Average recognition
rate of the proposed HV method and the previous HV
method are 52.8% and 25.8 %, respectively. It have
been confirmed that the reliability of recognition is
higher than the previous HV method.
Recognition rate of the ID 2, 12, 19, and 25 are
relatively lower than the other method. These items
are thin compared with others, so the area of appear-
ance in the input scene was small. As a result, these
items are not recognized by the VPM.
In this research, we have proposed the method to en-
hance the reliability of the Hypothesis Verification
(HV) method that simultaneously recognizes layout
of multiple objects. The proposed method have em-
ployed not only the RGB-D consistency between the
input scene and the scene hypothesis but also the
physical consistency. By considering the physical
consistency of the scene hypothesis, the proposed HV
method can efficiently reject false one. In addition,
the method have applied a reliable model matching
method, the VPM. As for future work, we will de-
velop the method to recognize thin objects.
This work was partially supported by Grant-in-Aid
for Scientific Research (C) 26420398.
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Multiple 3D Object Recognition using RGB-D Data and Physical Consistency for Automated Warehousing Robots