Figure 4: Recognition success rate for each item.
brary (Rusu and Cousins, 2011). In order to avoid
influence of performance of the method to generate
object hypothesis, we applied common model match-
ing method, the VPM.
In order to decide whether the recognition is suc-
cess or not, we evaluated the F measure calculated
by comparing the recognized object region and the
ground truth. If the F measure exceeding 0.5, then
we decided recognition is success.
Figure 5 shows the recognition performance of
each method. Both method are used the VPM for gen-
erating object hypotheses, so the results depended on
the algorithm of the verification. Average recognition
rate of the proposed HV method and the previous HV
method are 52.8% and 25.8 %, respectively. It have
been confirmed that the reliability of recognition is
higher than the previous HV method.
Recognition rate of the ID 2, 12, 19, and 25 are
relatively lower than the other method. These items
are thin compared with others, so the area of appear-
ance in the input scene was small. As a result, these
items are not recognized by the VPM.
In this research, we have proposed the method to en-
hance the reliability of the Hypothesis Verification
(HV) method that simultaneously recognizes layout
of multiple objects. The proposed method have em-
ployed not only the RGB-D consistency between the
input scene and the scene hypothesis but also the
physical consistency. By considering the physical
consistency of the scene hypothesis, the proposed HV
method can efficiently reject false one. In addition,
the method have applied a reliable model matching
method, the VPM. As for future work, we will de-
velop the method to recognize thin objects.
This work was partially supported by Grant-in-Aid
for Scientific Research (C) 26420398.
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