Figure 8: Illustration of the specialization result on the
CUHK Square dataset. The red bounding boxes and the
green bounding boxes present the outputs of the generic and
specialized detector, respectively.
the HOG-SVM classifier. The experiments have
shown that the proposed specialization framework has
good performances from the early iterations on two
public datasets.
Future works will deal with an extension of the
algorithm to a multi-object framework. Furthermore,
the observation function may be ameliorated with
more complex visual cues like tracking, optical flow
or contextual information.
This work is supported by a CIFRE convention with
the company Logiroad and it has been sponsored
by the French government research programme
”Investissements d’avenir” through the IMobS3
Laboratory of Excellence (ANR-10-LABX-16-01),
by the European Union through the programme
Regional competitiveness and employment
2007-2013 (ERDF Auvergne region), and by
the Auvergne region.
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Transductive Transfer Learning to Specialize a Generic Classifier Towards a Specific Scene