MATLAB. Human gait balance was analyzed apply-
ing static (GCOM) and dynamic (ZMP) stabilities.
Human ZMP and GCoM trajectories were calcu-
lated by two methods, which consider human body
as a simplified approximation with the models of a
single mass point and multiple mass points. Our cal-
culations demonstrated close localization of analyzed
GCoM and ZMP trajectories to the human’s footprints
and the corresponding support polygons. It means
that the human walking had static and dynamic sta-
bility, proving that the human gait was properly bal-
anced. The comparison of total ZMP errors for hu-
man body models as a single and multiple mass points
demonstrated that the later method is significantly
more accurate for the limited MoCap walking zone of
2 m length (the maximal ZMP error was 3.5 cm along
the walking direction and 0.7 cm in lateral direction)
than the former one, and thus should be preferred for
human gait estimation. Quite significant ZMP trajec-
tory deviations in the vicinity of footprints’ positions
arise from the limitations of MoCap system measure-
ment accuracy.
Finally, we use MoCap system and analyze human
locomotion to identify key features of human walk-
ing, collecting statistically significant data to create
an adequate human gait mathematical model, which
could be adapted to Russian AR-601M robot simu-
lation model, yielding its statically and dynamically
stable and more natural locomotion.
This work was supported by Russian Ministry of
Education and Science, and our industrial partner
Android Technics under Scientific and Technolog-
ical Research and Development Program of Rus-
sian Federation for 2014-2020 years (research grant
RFMEFI60914X0004). Special thanks to iPi Soft
company for providing temporary access to iPi Soft
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VISAPP 2016 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications