Review Analysis of Properties for an Ideal Secure Biometric
Template Scheme
Phiwa Mzila
Modelling and Digital Sciences, Information Security, CSIR, Meiring Naude, Pretoria, South Africa
Keywords: Biometric Templates Protection, Privacy, Security, Performance, Accuracy, Cancellable Cryptosystem.
Abstract: With new advances in technologies, biometrics is becoming emerging technology for verification and
authentication of individuals. However, the storage of biometric templates still needs necessary attention since
it poses major threats to user privacy and system security. To mitigate this problem, various biometric
protection techniques have been proposed. Most of these schemes aim to satisfy diversity, revocability,
security and performance properties, as requirements for ideal secured biometric template storage.
Conventionally, priority is given to robustness of biometric system in terms of its accuracy, and high
performance with regards to matching and recognition rate. Little attention is payed to user privacy and system
security. In this paper, existing work in biometric template protection schemes are reviewed, analysed, and
compared with reference to properties of an ideal biometric secured template system. The question of
properties needed for a complete and ideal biometric secured template system is beyond the scope of this
Biometric systems are adopted in many applications
to fight crime such as illegitimate access to
information, fraud, and attacks on computerized
systems. As biometric technology advances, so does
hacking technology. In most cases, hackers aim to
exploit weaknesses in biometric systems. One of the
areas that is vulnerable to such an attack is the
biometric templates database. This challenge has
enticed developers and researchers to study and
propose different techniques, approaches, and
schemes to ensure a secure storage of biometrics
Four properties are essential for every biometric
template protection system: (Breebaart et al., 2009):
Diversity: the protected template should by no
means allow cross matching in the databases. This
is to ensure that user’s privacy is not
Revocability:it should be possible to revoke a
template when it is compromised by the hackers
and reissue a different one based on the biometric
Performance: the template protection techniques
should not reduce the performance of the system.
Security: it should be computationally difficult to
recover the original biometric template from the
stored template. This will go a long way to ensure
that hackers do not fabricate a physical spoof of
the biometric trait from the stolen template.
Application of these properties involves a repeated
distortion of biometric signals or features using
noninvertible transforms. This approach is intended
to reduce attacks on stored templates by replacing an
original biometric traits with one that has been
transformed (Feng et al., 2008). This technique is
very useful when each person is enrolled with more
than one application or system.
The focus of biometrics research has been on
accuracy, speed, cost, and robustness challenges.
However, more attention has been given to security
and privacy issues of biometric systems in recent
research. This means that the acceptancy of modern
biometric systems should rely more on the ability of
the system providing a direct answer to questions
such as “What happens when the biometric template
is compromised or stolen”, “Can my template,
registered for voting purposes, still be used by the
vetting system somewhere else?”.
Biometric template protection schemes which
address the properties of an ideal system are normally
categorized as biometric cryptosystems and feature
Mzila, P.
Review Analysis of Properties for an Ideal Secure Biometric Template Scheme.
DOI: 10.5220/0005727303330339
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2016), pages 333-339
ISBN: 978-989-758-167-0
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
transformation (Jain et al., 2008). Biometric
cryptosystems generate a digital key from a biometric
trait and securely bind it to a biometric. This offers a
solution to biometric-dependent key-release and
biometric template protection (Uludag et al., 2004).
Feature transformation biometrics consist of
intentional and repeatable distortions of biometric
signals based on transforms that provide a
comparison of biometric templates in the transformed
domain (Ratha et al., 2011). Both technologies are
designed to meet two major requirements of
biometric information protection, (Rathgeb and Uhl,
2011) which are:
Irreversibility: it should be computationally
expensive to reconstruct the original biometric
template from the stored reference data, while it
should be easy to generate the protected biometric
Unlinkability: different versions of protected
biometric templates can be generated based on the
same biometric data, while protected templates
should not allow cross-matching.
Security and privacy play an important role in user
acceptancy of biometric systems. Threats to both
these properties are imperative and counter-measures
need to be considered for ideal biometric template
protection scheme. Security, in the context of
biometrics, refers to the difficulty level to obtain false
acceptance. Privacy refers to the protection level of
the system against an unintended use of biometric
data (other than the verification work). Privacy
threats in a biometric system are defined as the ability
to get the data and cross match it with other systems
for benefits (Turk and Pentland, 1991).
In this review, existing work (on both biometric
systems and template protection schemes) are
reviewed, analyzed, and compared with reference to
the degree to which they address user privacy, system
security, performance, and accuracy in developing
ideal biometric secured template system. The
question of properties needed for a complete and ideal
biometric secured template system is beyond the
scope of this research.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows:
Section 2 presents problem definition, in section 3 its
literature review, biometric template protection
scheme requirements are analysed in section 4 , in
section 5 major advantage of cancellable aproach is
presented, section 6 we discuss challenges facing
biometric template protection shemes and finally its
our conclusion.
There are seven basic criteria or properties for a
biometric system: uniqueness, universality,
permanence, collectability, performance,
acceptability, and circumvention (Rahultech, 2010).
On the other hand, there are four properties for
biometric template protection scheme: revocability,
diversity, performance and security (Radha, 2011). A
well-developed traditional biometric system, can be
measured its free error matching ability, with high
accuracy and performance. In a basic biometric
system performance vs. accuracy approach is
employed, however this approach overlooks the very
critical aspect and requirement of modern biometric
systems, which is user privacy and system security.
For such a system to be accepted by users, it should
be sufficiently robust against fraudulent methods and
attacks to the system, thus providing sufficient
In attempting to address these concerns, various
biometric template protection schemes have been
proposed. The fundamental purpose of these schemes
is to provide counter measures against most
potentially damaging attacks on biometric templates
stored in the system database, by adopting security vs.
privacy approach. Figure 1 shows a relationship
between performance vs. accuracy and security vs.
privacy, projecting an ideal robust secure biometric
template system.
Figure 1: Security/Privacy vs. Performance/Accuracy.
Normally, in a biometric system a user claims an
identity and provides a biometric sample from the
sensor. After feature extraction, features are
compared with existing biometric templates stored in
a database and if the new biometric matches the one
in the database, the user is verified to be a genuine
user of the system or denied access as shown in figure
Any compromise of the biometric template
database can lead to the following vulnerabilities:
A biometric template can be substituted by an
impostor’s template for future unauthorized ac-
ICISSP 2016 - 2nd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
An imposter can create a physical spoof from the
stored template to gain unauthorized access to the
system, and cross match other systems which use
the same biometric trait;
The stolen template can be replayed to the
matcher to gain unauthorized access.
A prospective act of abuse to biometric system is
cross-matching, where the biometric traits are used
for purposes other than the intended purpose. This can
be a case where a fingerprint template that has been
stolen from a financial institution’s database (such as
a bank) is used to search a vetting system’s database
or crosslink to a person’s health records.
Figure 2: Overview of Biometric Authentication System.
Revocability is one requirement out of the other
four that draws much interest in this paper. Based on
the biometric template protection scheme metrics in
Table 1, hybrid approach and modern cryptosystems
perform better with revocability and diversity. The
main reason for that (mostly for hybrid schemes) is
the employment of user chosen key/password as one
of the techniques to form a hybrid scheme. Every time
a transformed template is compromised, it can be
revoked and a new template can be generated from
new user password/key. But when a template
transformation is based on a key released or key
generated from the minutiae, it means even if a
compromised template is revoked it can be
regenerated from the same fingerprint (minutia points
location). This means that an attack such as brute
force attack has the ability hand to crack that
particular hybrid scheme hence compromising the
whole security feature. It is the same reason why key
binding and key generation score is low for
revocability and diversity.
In the literature, properties of an ideal biometric
template protection scheme are found in cancellable
techniques. Attacks against biometric templates
stored in database are potential security threats. As a
result, cancellable approaches have been proposed to
provide security and user privacy against such attacks
(Ratha et al., 2011).
A cancellable approach implements cancelability
by designing methods to transform the true signal and
create alternatives for matching. This type of method
can be divided into two categories. One that tries to
mask original patterns by mixing artificial texture or
noise (Connell et al., 2010). The other that uses some
non-invertible transformations to distort the original
biometric patterns (Ratha et al., 2007).
Transformation functions are non-invertible because
of their one-way orientation. This is easy to calculate
but difficult to change (in polynomial time) even if
the attacker steals a transformed template and/or
transformation key. The transformation parameters
are determined using external added pseudo-
randomness, (such as a user pin or token). The
transformed patterns can be changed (or
revoked/reissued) by altering the user pin or token. As
a result, this method achieves cancelability.
Compared to other template protection methods,
cancellable biometrics can preserve the biometric
representation. Traditional cancellable approaches
often reduce recognition accuracy (Ratha et al.,
Teoh et al., 2006, and Kanade et al., 2009
proposed applying cryptographic methods to
biometrics in order to deal with privacy and security.
These methods require extracting non-changing
patterns from biometric data, which is often
challenging. Among them, one widely used method is
biometric biohashing (Lumini and Nanni, 2007). In
this scheme, the template is mixed with user specific
random information, yielding a new representation.
An error-tolerant discretization method is used to
quantize the feature description and reduce
uncertainty. The projection acts as a linear
transformation of the biometric pattern. It can protect
the true template and ensure high-security, since the
user specific random information can be generated
with different keys, ensuring the revocability of the
Review Analysis of Properties for an Ideal Secure Biometric Template Scheme
Table 1: Biometric template protection scheme metrics.
Diversity Revocability Security Performance
Biohashing high high low medium
Salting high high low low
Cancellable high high high low
Key binding low low high low
Key generation low low high low
Hybrid high high medium medium
Modern Systems high high medium medium
Moreover, the introduction of user keys can
further increase the discriminability of the templates.
However, external randomness needs to be stored in
a smart card or a token, making it inconvenient in
large scale applications. If the key is compromised,
the scheme is insecure since the projection process is
Chang et al., 2004 and Sutcu et al., 2007 presented
another scheme called key-generation. In contrast
with the key-binding method discussed below, the
helper data of the key-generation scheme is only
derived from the biometric traits. The cryptographic
key is directly generated from the help data. The idea
of secure sketch and fuzzy extractor (Dodis et al.,
2008) is an example design of key-generation
cryptosystem. The secure sketch is the helper data
extracted from the original biometric patterns which
leaks limited information of the biometric data while
the fuzzy extractor can generate cryptographic a key
from biometric features. This scheme also suffers
from privacy issues. In addition, the stability and
diversity of the generated key is difficult to achieve
simultaneously (Jain et al., 2008).
A popular scheme in cryptosystems is key-
binding (Hao et al., 2006) and (Uludag and Jain,
2006). It is designed to protect the security of both
biometric templates and cryptographic keys. This
method depends on storing a helper data obtained by
binding a key with the biometric template (Jain et al.,
2008). This scheme is non-invertible since it is
computationally infeasible to decode the key or
biometric template without knowing the biometric
data. One typical design of key-binding system is the
fuzzy vault. It was proposed by (Juels and Sudan,
2006). The fuzzy vault incorporates error correction
code (ECC) with local biometric features to tolerate
the within-class variance. The method has proved to
be effective in tolerating biometric data variations.
ECC based fuzzy schemes were first designed for a
cryptosystem, but are particularly suited to biometric
data and biometric template protection. Therefore, it
is often used in conjunction with other template
protection methods, such as biometric hardening, to
achieve cancelability.
However, (Simoens et al., 2009) show that attacks
on the fuzzy template protection scheme is possible.
In particular, it is possible for an attacker to determine
whether two documents are encrypted using the same
biometric data. Even if this does not mean that the
biometric templates are compromised, it is still a
potential threat to user privacy.
The major challenge in the biometric template
protection schemes is to design an approach to
template protection, which meets all four
requirements (diversity, revocability, security and
performance) without compromising either of them,
or the accuracy of the system. The need for trusted
biometric systems that protect against security and
privacy vulnerabilities while maintaining high
performance and accuracy is absolute.
Table 1 depicts the relationship between
biometric template protection schemes and properties
defining an ideal secure biometric template system.
The measurement criteria are high, medium and low
for each of the schemes, where high indicates that a
requirement is met fully, medium indicates that a
requirement is met partially and low indicates that a
requirement is least met or not met at all. These
schemes are described briefly below.
Biohashing is a biometric template protection
approach in which features from a biometric template
are transformed, using a transformation function
defined by a password or a key known only to the user
(Mwele and Kiman, 2015). This key or password
needs to be securely stored and remembered by the
user for authentication. The major drawback of
biohashing, when compared to cancellable
biometrics, is its reduced performance when a
ICISSP 2016 - 2nd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
legitimate token is retrieved and presented by an
adversary purporting to be a legitimate user.
In a salting based scheme, biometric features are
transformed using an invertible function defined by a
user-specific key or password, which must be kept
secret. The introduction of a secret key ensures
revocability. In fact, in case a template is
compromised, it is easy to revoke and replace it with
a new template generated by a different user-specific
If the user-specific key is compromised, the
template is no longer secure, because the
transformation is invertible (Das et al., 2012).
A hybrid scheme (Malhotra and Verma, 2013) is
a multimodal biometric system that utilizes more than
one physiological or behavioural characteristic for
enrolment, verification, or identification. In this
work, they combined one physical and one
behavioural approach for identification or
verification to uniquely identify a person. The
approach takes two different biometric traits. One
being a fingerprint as a physiological, and the other is
an online signature (as behavioural biometric trait).
Both are sensed by a sensor, features are extracted
by feature extractor modules, matcher modules match
the traits with stored templates, and each decision
module decides the perfect matches. Finally,
decisions are combined in a fusion unit using a simple
“AND” operator and the decision is taken whether the
individual is an intruder or not.
Biometric cryptosystems can be classified into
two main categories: key binding schemes, and key
generation schemes (Maltoni et al., 2009). In the key
binding approach, a cryptographic and an unprotected
fingerprint template are bonded together within a
cryptographic framework, to generate the helper data.
It is computationally difficult to decode the key or the
template from the helper data without the knowledge
of the user’s fingerprint data. The helper data is
obtained by combining the enrolment template with
cipher-text obtained from an error correcting code
using the key as the message. A cipher-text recovered
from a feature set (that is similar but not identical to
the template) is affected by a certain amount of error
correction code. The exact key is recovered from the
cipher-text that contains some error. If the correct key
is recovered, it means that the feature set and the
protected template resulted in a match. In the key
generation approach, a key is derived directly from
the biometric signal. The advantage of this approach
is that there is no need for user-specific keys or tokens
as required by a biometric salting approach. A
problem with this approach is that is very hard to
generate a key with high stability and entropy.
Modern cryptography systems have emerged in
recent years, and a number of papers have been
published on biometric systems in which biometrics
and homomorphic encryption work together, for
either authentication or identification purposes. These
systems have cryptographic protocols based on
secure multiparty computation and most of them use
the superior properties of homomorphic encryption
schemes to overcome security and privacy threats.
Cancellable biometrics offer several advantages over
generic biometric systems (Rathgeb and Busch,
Privacy: within biometric cryptosystems and
cancellable biometrics the original biometric
template is obscured such that a reconstruction is
Secure key release: biometric cryptosystems
provide keys release mechanisms based on
Pseudonymous authentication: authentication is
performed in the encrypted domain and thus the
biometrics reference is a pseudonymous
Revocability and renewable of templates: several
instances of secured templates can be generated.
Increased security: biometric cryptosystems and
cancellable biometrics are prevented from several
traditional attacks against biometric systems.
With respect to the design goals, biometric
cryptosystems and cancellable biometrics offer
significant advantages to enhance the privacy and
security of biometric systems, providing reliable
biometric authentication at a high-security level.
Several new issues and challenges arise by deploying
these technologies (Cavoukian and Stoianov, 2009).
One challenging aspect regarding biometric template
protection is the issue of alignment, since template
protection technologies tend to obscure original
Review Analysis of Properties for an Ideal Secure Biometric Template Scheme
biometric signals in an irreversible manner. The
majority of published approaches to template
protection schemes indicated a significant decrease in
recognition accuracy (Rathgeb and Uhl, 2011).
When considering biometric template protection
technologies, it is not actually clear which biometric
characteristics to apply in which type of application.
In fact, it has been shown that even the iris may not
exhibit enough reliable information to bind or extract
sufficiently long keys, to providing acceptable trade-
offs between accuracy and security. Stability of
biometric features is required to limit information
leakage of stored helper data. In addition, feature
adaption schemes that preserve accuracy must be
utilized in order to obtain common representations of
arbitrary biometric characteristics. Several
approaches to address such impediments in biometric
template protection schemes have been developed.
Extracting fixed-length binary fingerprint templates
(Bringer and Despiegel, 2010) and (Xu and Veldhuis,
2010) are an example.
In this paper we have reviewed the properties for a
generic biometric system and biometric template
protection schemes. These requirements were
analysed and measured against different approaches
proposed in the literature to define an ideal biometric
template protection schemes, which provides high
performance vs. accuracy and security vs. privacy. In
the future we would like to develop a more secure
hybrid scheme that will use password hardening
technique with one or more of the well-known
schemes such as surface folding and fuzzy vault
without compromising performance to improve the
revocability aspect of the scheme.
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Review Analysis of Properties for an Ideal Secure Biometric Template Scheme