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curacy and efficiency, in the context of robotic cloth
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wrinkles we obtained depth map ground-truths for
our evaluation. Using this simulated dataset, we
found that foveated matching is effective in trading
off accuracy for efficiency for stereo matching perfor-
mance. In addition, by assuming the robotic behav-
ior described in prior work, we found that the use of
foveation can allow high accuracy for robotic cloth
flattening and grasping tasks with a two to three fold
speed gain.
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we assume that there is only one wrinkle on the cloth.
Secondly, we assume a certain stereo matching accu-
racy is required to achieve the robotic manipulation
tasks. This might vary according to different cloth
materials, wrinkle properties, etc. We leave the work
of dealing with more real cloth wrinkles with real
robotic manipulations (various tasks) as future work.
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