This paper presented a low-cost solution for human
detection in large infrastructures while preserving
people identity. Real time performance is achieved by
using a small set of simple features. It was presented
a real scenario in which multiple depth cameras are
simultaneously used to monitor the environment. The
method uses the merged data from the cameras and
finds candidates by segmenting the resulting 3D point
cloud. For each candidate, a set of features is ex-
tracted. Several subsets of features were tested to as-
sess their performance when used as input to a classi-
fier. The proposed classifier lies on features with low
computational cost and achieves good performance in
a real time scenario.
As future work, it would be interesting to explore the
creation of confidence regions on the FOV of each
camera to account for the accuracy degradation with
the distance.
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Portugal S.A. and ANA Aeroportos de Portugal for
enabling the data acquisition within the SMART-er
project and Susana Brand
ao by providing the ESF
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Detecting People in Large Crowded Spaces using 3D Data from Multiple Cameras