cast for the next 4 hours, a person geographical loca-
tion, her/his preferences/profile/activities and the list
of public swimming pools in the area. Having these
multiple information in a single place makes it easy
to reason upon and for instance to produce person-
nalized recommendation such as enjoying a dip in the
nearest swimming pool if the person is available and
enclined to do so.
Some work has been conducted in analyzing the
benefit of semantic modeling in the domain of per-
vasive computing ((Ramparany et al., 2007), (Sorici
et al., 2015), (Ye et al., 2015)), but to our knowledge
none have pushed to the point of implementing and
evaluating it on real life data.
The value of semantic technologies has been rec-
ognized for sometimes now for integrating database
schema, data modeling and processing.
2.1 Semantic Data Integration
Data integration research has been focused in
database schema integration approaches and the
use of ontologies and related semantic technologies
to provide data consistency among heterogeneous
database schemas. The theoretical foundations of
this Ontology-Based Data Access (OBDA) (Lenz-
erini, 2011) have been thoroughly investigated. Pro-
totypical implementations have been also conducted
such as Quest (Rodriguez-Muro et al., 2012) or MAS-
TRO (Calvanese et al., 2011). As a matter of fact,
internally, ontologies will be based on DL-Lite logic
which essentially captures standard conceptual mod-
elling formalisms, such as UML Class Diagrams and
Entity-Relationship Schemas, and are at the basis of
OWL 2, the current W3C standard language for on-
tologies (W3C, ).
The Web since its origins has been a vehicle of
data interchange. However, automatic discovery and
integration of Web data has been impractical until
the availability of the RDF framework and RDF data
sources. The flagship initiative on this area, Linked-
Data (Berners-Lee, 2006) has fostered both the size
of the structured Web data and its exploitation (Bizer
et al., 2009). One of the pillars of this idea is the
possibility of retrieving specific data in the web of
data; this task is performed by SPARQL (Hartig et al.,
2009), a SQL-like language that enables querying a
RDF store. Also, the Web currently explores other
approaches based on embedded JSON information or
microformats, using the tag facilities for HTML. In
particular, a specific syntax for using JSON called
JSON-LD has ben recently introduced to serialize
LinkedData with the motivation to reduce the size
of RDF documents compared to the size yielded by
XML serialization.
2.2 Semantic Data Modeling
One major benefit of expressing data representation
with semantic langage relates to its ability to provide
high level and expressive abstractions. For instance,
in the IoT, data abstraction is concerned with the ways
that the physical world is perceived and managed.
In this domain, a Semantic Sensor Network ontol-
ogy (Compton et al., 2012) has been developped and
proposed at the W3C for standardization.
This vision of introducing abstraction based on a
semantic approach, i.e. on ontologies shared by the
IoT community is being pushed forward within sev-
eral Standard Defining Organisations such as ETSI
M2M and OneM2M. One motivation of semantic
abstraction resides in interacting with higher level
entities rather than with sensors and actuators and
thus making it possible to understand data without
prior knowledge about their sources (device, web ser-
2.3 Semantic Data Processing
Semantic web technologies allow logical reasoning so
that new information or knowledge can be inferred
from existing assertions and rules. IoT applications
will require reasoning for various purposes such as
resource discovery, data abstraction and knowledge
extraction. To this purpose, specific algorithms are
usually implemented within dedicated reasoners (e.g.
Pellet, FACT++ and Jena) so developers do not need
to be concerned with the complexities of the reason-
ing process itself. Examples of IoT resource discov-
ery in the linked data can be found in (Pschorr et al.,
We aim at applying this approach to integrating
IoT Data and to experiment this approach in a real
operational setting.
As we have set high the ambition of assessing our ap-
proach in today’s home, we have based our experi-
mental platform on an off the shelf home automation
solution called Homelive (hom, ). Homelive allows
people to manage their home appliances remotely.
The Homelive pack offers a range of intelligent sen-
sors and connected devices, broughtby Orange’s part-
ners: weather monitors, thermostats, light switches,
sound and movement detectors, water leak and smoke
detectors, to name a few. We have thus instrumented