reference arm and to the sample. Light returning
from the sample interferes with light returning from
the reference arm, and interference fringes are
observed provided that the reference and sample
path lengths are matched to within the coherence
length of the source. Scanning the reference path
length results in a series of interference fringes that
correspond to different depths in the sample. The
photo-detector signal is demodulated to reconstruct
each A-scan (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Schematic of a fiber optic TDOCT system. Light
blue lines represent fiber optic paths, red lines represent
free space optical paths, and thin black lines represent
electronic signal paths.
Further, prior work (Figure 2) has shown that using
lasers for art conservation offer advantages over
conventional methods with solvents and scalpels
(Asmus, 1986); Maravelaki et al., 1997); Georgious
et al., 1998); Kalaitzaki et al., 1999); Scholten et al.,
2000); (Klein et al., 2000); (De Cruz et al., 2000);
(Branco et al., 2003); (Pouli et al., 2008). Some
contaminants and encrustations require very strong
solvents or cannot be removed with a solvent
without removing some of the paint itself. Moreover,
solvent may saturate the substrate, causing it to
swell, materials (from the substrate) may leach into
the solvent, and the conservator may be exposed to
toxic fumes from the solvent. A brief explanation of
the laser cleaning mechanism follows.
The Er:YAG laser, with a wavelength of 2.94
coincides with a strong absorption peak in the
infrared spectra of OH- or NH-containing organic
molecules. The energy of photons at this wavelength
excites a bond vibrational stretching mode. Any
substance containing a high concentration of OH
bonds at its surface has a strong affinity for photons
at 2.94
m, and confines the absorption of these
photons to a surface depth of no more than a few
microns. A painting 's organic contaminant, which
either contains the OH bonds or has been treated
with a thin liquid film (water, alcohol, NH
, OH
immediately before lasing, acts as a stain of
relatively high concentration and very high
absorption, providing a natural barrier to energy
penetration into underlying layers.
The energy per photon of the Er:YAG radiation
is not sufficient to break bonds. The energy required
for OH bond dissociation in most organic molecules
ranges from 3.4 to 4.5 eV/molecule, while photons
of 2.94
m wavelength have an energy of only 0.4
eV. Furthermore, the irradiance of the laser is below
the level required to generate multi-photon effects,
which might provide the necessary dissociation
energy. The temperature rise due to cleaning with
the Er:YAG is principally limited to the affected
contaminant volume and reaches its vaporization
maximum of under a 100 °C for a few milliseconds
at most. The bulk of the laser energy goes into the
ejection of the heated contaminant from the paint
surface. The temperature rise in the underlying paint
layer is therefore small, and not sufficient to cause
thermal decomposition of most materials. As a
comparison, surface consolidation or the lining
processes often involve heating of the paint layer too
much higher temperatures for much longer time
The process as used (with adjustable moderate
pulse energies at a 15 Hz repetition rate) volatilizes
greases with high vapor pressure and can thus be
pictured as a type of steam distillation. Because of
the strong absorption, the photon energy is deposited
in a layer that is only a couple of microns thick on
the targeted surface. This energy goes into near-
instantaneous heating of the absorbing contaminant
through the vaporization of water or grease. The
rapid attendant rise in local pressure causes the
affected volume to be ejected forcefully from the
surface, taking much of the heat with it. As a result,
the underlying non-absorbent film does not undergo
significant heating, as estimated in a previous paper
(De Cruz et al., 2000); (DeCruz et al., 2014).
Figure 2: Micro-photo of the signature from an oil
painting, The Turkish Noble, by Charles Bargue (1825-
1883), date: 1859, showing part of the painter's signature
before and after laser treatment.