The impact of programming languages on REST-
performance should not be underestimated. Al-
though Go is meant to be a very performant language
for network I/O, ppbench turned out that Go is only
the best choice for messages smaller than half of a
TCP standard receive window. In all other cases we
identified better performances with other languages.
SDN increases flexibility at the cost of decreased per-
formance in microservice architectures. SDN on low
core machine types can even half the performance!
Nevertheless, on high core virtual machine types
SDN impacts can be neglected compared with pro-
gramming language impact.
Three of four analyzed programming languages
showed significant non-continous network behavior
which seem to be aligned to TCP standard receive
window sizes on systems under test. We did not fig-
ured out whether this was on client or server (or both)
sides. However, this insight (subject to ongoing inves-
tigations) could be used to tune some services simply
by changing the TCP window size on the host system.
Finally, our contribution can be used as reference by
other researchers to show how new approaches in mi-
croservice design can improve performance.
This study was funded by German Federal Ministry of Edu-
cation and Research (03FH021PX4). We thank René Peinl
for his valuable feedback. We used research grants by cour-
tesy of Amazon Web Services. We thank Lübeck University
(ITM) and fat IT solution GmbH for their general support.
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