by an angle when it tails another drone.
In the literature there are two design methods to
develop collective behaviours in swarm systems:
behaviour-based design and automatic design
(Brambilla, 2013). The former implies the
developers to implement, study, and improve the
behaviour of each single individual until the desired
collective behaviour is achieved. This is the
approach adopted in (Cimino, 2015b). The latter is
usually used to reduce the effort of the developers.
Automatic design methods can be furtherly divided
in two categories: reinforcement learning and
evolutionary robotics (Brambilla, 2013). The first
implies a definition at the individual level of positive
and repulsive reinforce to give reward to the
individual. In general, it is usually hard for the
developer to decompose the collective output of the
swarm in individual rewards. Evolutionary robotics
implies evolutionary techniques inspired by the
Darwinian principle of selection and evolution.
Generally in these methods each swarm consists of
individuals with the same behaviour. A population
of swarms is then computed, where each population
member has a particular behaviour. A simulation is
made for each member and a fitness function is
computed. Then through a mutation and crossover
procedure a new generation is computed. This
process iteratively repeats improving the
performance of the swarm population.
DE has been used in several domains for
optimization and parameterization tasks (Das, 2011).
As an example, in (Nikolos, 2005) the authors used a
classical DE variant, namely DE/1/rand/bin, to
coordinate multiple drones navigating from a known
initial position to a predetermined target location.
Here, DE is set up with N=50, F=1.05 and CR=0.85.
The algorithm was defined to terminate in 200
generations, but it usually converges in 30 iterations.
Our problem sensibly differs, because the target
position is unknown, and our approach is
independent of the initial position.
In (Chakraborty, 2008) the authors confront DE
and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) for co-
operative distributed multi-robot path planning
problem. As for (Nikolos and Brintaki, 2005) initial
position of the robots and final position are known.
Here, both centralized and decentralized
formulations are proposed. In the centralized
approach, DE minimizes the distance for the next
step of each robot. In this case all information of the
position of each robot, the next position, and the
possible collision are provided to DE. In the
decentralized formulation, each robot runs DE for
itself considering the information of neighbour
robots. Authors conclude that the decentralized
approach needs less time in comparison to the
centralized one; moreover the performance is
comparable to PSO. In our approach, we consider to
use DE offline to find a proper and general purpose
parameter tuning for the swarms. Moreover, in our
formulation drones have a limited computing
capability, and then an online execution of DE is not
In (Cruz-Alvarez, 2013) DE/1/rand/bin is used
with F=0.7, CR=1.0, N=120 for 250 generations, and
another variant called DE/1/best/bin is used with
F=0.8, CR=1.0, N=150 for 200 generations to tune
the behaviour of a robot in wall-following task. Here
it seems that DE/1/best/bin is able to find a slightly
better solution than DE/1/rand/bin. However,
authors used different parameters settings (F, N and
number of generations) for each variant, thus a
comparative analysis is difficult. In our approach we
focus on DE/1/rand/bin variant and evaluate several
combinations of CR and F.
In this section we improve the swarm algorithm of
(Cimino, 2015b). We refer to the time unit as a tick,
i.e., an update cycle of both the environment and the
drones. Each drone is equipped with: (a) wireless
communication device for sending and receiving
information from a ground station; (b) self-location
capability, e.g. based on global position system
(GPS); (c) a sensor to detect a target in proximity of
the drone; (d) processor with limited computing
capability; (e) a sensor to detect obstacles.
The environment and the pheromone dynamics
We consider a predefined area that contains a set
of targets to be identified. The environment is
modelled by a digital grid corresponding to the
physical area. The grid has C
cells, each identified
by (x, y) coordinates with x, y ∈ {1,…,C}. The
actual size of the area and the granulation of the grid
depend on the domain application. Figure 1 shows
Pheromone dynamics in an urban scenario. Here, the
intensity of the pheromone is represented as a dark
colour, and each target is represented by an “X”. A
darker gradation means higher pheromone intensity.
At the beginning, the pheromone is in one cell at its
maximum intensity, and then it diffuses to