Dynamic Multi-trip Vehicle Routing with Unusual Time-windows for the
Pick-up of Blood Samples and Delivery of Medical Material
Nicolas Zufferey
, Byung Yun Cho
and R´emy Glardon
Geneva School of Economics and Management, GSEM - University of Geneva, Uni-Mail, 1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland
Ecole Polytechnique F´ed´erale Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
Dynamic Vehicle Routing, Diversion, Time-window, Heuristics.
Given a fleet of identical vehicles and a set of n clients to be served from a single depot, the well-known
vehicle routing problem (VRP) consists in serving each client (with a deterministic demand) once with a unique
vehicle, with the aim of minimizing the total traveled distance. In this work, the basic VRP is extended within
a medical environment, leading to MVRP (for medical VRP). Indeed, the depot is typically a laboratory for
blood analysis, and a client is assumed to be a medical location at which blood samples should be picked up by
a vehicle. In order to have efficient tests at the laboratory, at most 90 minutes should elapse between the release
time of the blood sample and the delivery time at the laboratory. In addition, only a proportion of the demand
is known in advance and the travel times depend on the traffic conditions. A fleet of non-identical vehicle is
considered (with different speeds and capacities), and each location has to be visited anytime a blood sample
is available. Finally, medical items should be daily delivered from the laboratory to some medical locations.
A transportation cost function with three components has to be minimized. Solution methods are proposed,
which are able to account for all the specific features of the problem. The experiments highlight the benefit of
considering diversion opportunities (which consists in diverting a vehicle away from its planned destinations).
This study is motivated by a real situation encoun-
tered in the city of Geneva (Switzerland). When the
analysis of blood samples is required at the consid-
ered hospital, the samples are sent to an external lab-
oratory (denoted LABO, which cannot be named be-
cause of a non-disclosure agreement). In order to pre-
serve the quality of the samples, it is very important
to deliver them to LABO as soon as possible. More
precisely, no more than 90 minutes should elapse be-
tween the availability of a sample and its delivery to
LABO. The pick-up of the samples at different loca-
tions is ensured by the vehicles managed by LABO.
These vehicles are continuously turning around the
city in order to collect and deliver all blood samples
(Grasas et al., 2014). In contrast with the broad exist-
ing literature on the vehicle routing problem (VRP),
the combination of the following features makes the
considered problem new. It is denoted MVRP (for
medical VRP), for which the planning horizon is a day
(from 8am to 6pm).
Time-windows: the deliveries (blood sample and
medical items) have to be performed before their
associated deadlines (Ciavotta et al., 2009).
Non-identical vehicles: two fleet of vehicles are
available, namely cars and scooters. In the con-
sidered city, a scooter is on average slightly faster
than a car, but its capacity is lower.
Stochastic demand: even if the static requests can
be considered before the beginning of the day,
there are stochastic requests all along the day.
Dynamic planning: the travel times depend on the
traffic conditions, and diversion (i.e., diverting a
vehicle away from its planned route) is allowed.
Multi-trip with pick-up/delivery: a location has
to be visited when a blood sample is available.
This leads to the situation where each vehicle is
allowed to come back to depot as many times as
The objective function f to minimize contains
three types of costs (denoted f
, f
and f
), consid-
ered in a lexicographic order (i.e., a higher level ob-
jective is infinitely more important than a lower level
one). Note that a lexicographic optimization is often
Zufferey, N., Cho, B. and Glardon, R.
Dynamic Multi-trip Vehicle Routing with Unusual Time-windows for the Pick-up of Blood Samples and Delivery of Medical Material.
DOI: 10.5220/0005733303660372
In Proceedings of 5th the International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES 2016), pages 366-372
ISBN: 978-989-758-171-7
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
used in practice (Respen et al., pted; Solnon et al.,
2008; Thevenin et al., 2015; Zufferey et al., 2006).
1. Taxi cost (f
): each request which cannot be
served on-time by LABO is treated by a taxi (or
a courier service) at a high cost (involving a fixed
cost as well as a variable component depending
on the traveled time).
2. Car cost (f
), formulated as the number of used
cars. Obviously, if a request is served with a
scooter, the cost is lower than if it is served by
a car.
3. Travel cost (f
), computed as the total travel time
of all the vehicles. This cost is proportional to the
fuel consumption.
Because of the difficulty of the problem, heuris-
tic or metaheuristic approaches have to be used (see
(Gendreau and Potvin, 2010; Zufferey, 2012a) for
general references on such solution methods). A main
contribution of this work is the design of efficient so-
lutions methods able to account for all the specific
components of the MVRP. Relying on (Cho, 2015),
this study is organized as follows. The VRP and some
of its extensions, with the associated literature review,
are discussed in Section 2. The employed method-
ology is presented in Section 3. Experiments are
discussed in 4. They showed the benefit of allow-
ing diversion opportunities in the proposed solution
method. Finally, a conclusion ends up the paper in
Section 5.
As depicted in (Zufferey,2012a), modern methods for
solving complex optimization problems are often di-
vided into exact methods and metaheuristic methods.
An exact method guarantees that an optimal solution
will be obtained in a finite amount of time. Among
the exact methods are branch-and-bound, dynamic
programming, Lagrangian relaxation based methods,
and linear and integer programming based methods
(Nemhauser and Wolsey, 1988). However, for a large
number of applications and most real-life optimiza-
tion problems, which are typically NP-hard (Garey
and Johnson, 1979), such methods need a prohibitive
amount of time to find an optimal solution. For these
difficult problems, it is preferable to quickly find a
satisfying solution. If solution quality is not a dom-
inant concern, then a simple heuristic can be em-
ployed, while if quality occupies a more critical role,
then a more advanced metaheuristic procedure is war-
ranted. There are mainly two classes of metaheuris-
tics: local search and population based methods. The
former type of algorithm works on a single solution
(e.g., descent local search, simulated annealing, tabu
search, and variable neighborhood search), while the
latter makes a population of solutions evolve (e.g., ge-
netic algorithms, scatter search, ant colonies, adap-
tive memory algorithms). At each iteration of a lo-
cal search, a neighbor solution is generated from the
current solution by performing a modification on the
current solution, called a move. The reader interested
in a recent book on metaheuristics is referred to (Gen-
dreau and Potvin, 2010).
As exposed in (Zufferey et al., 2015), the VRP
is one of the most popular problems in combinato-
rial optimization because of its obvious applications
in transportation. It consists in designing the route
of each of the k identical vehicles with the aim of
minimizing the total traveled distance f (or the to-
tal cost or the total travel time). All vehicles are ini-
tially in a depot, where each route starts and ends.
Each client v (with a known demand) has to be vis-
ited once by the collection of routes. The problem
is defined in an undirected graph G = (V, E), where
V = {v
} is the vertex set and E = {(v
) |
V,i < j} is the edge set. Note that v
is the de-
pot and the other vertices are clients. The following
lexicographical approach is generally used: minimize
k, then the total distance f . The two most well-known
constraints associated with the VRP are: (1) capacity:
each vehicle has a limited capacity Q, thus the de-
mand of each route cannot exceed Q; (2) autonomy:
each vehicle has a limited autonomy A, thus the total
duration of each route cannot exceed A.
For survey papers on the VRP, the reader is re-
ferred to (Cordeau et al., 2005; Cordeau et al., 2002;
Cordeau and Laporte, 2004; Gendreau et al., 2002;
Golden et al., 1998; Laporte and Semet, 2002). Many
algorithms have been developed for the VRP. Among
them, there are some successful classical heuristics
such as Clarke & Wright, Two-matching, Sweep, 1-
Petal and 2-Petal, as tested in (Cordeau et al., 2002).
However, the best performance is achieved by meta-
heuristics (e.g. (Cordeau et al., 2001; Mester and
Braysy, 2007; Nagata and Braysy, 2009; Rochat and
Taillard, 1995; Toth and Vigo, 2003; Vidal et al.,
2014)). Relying on (Zufferey et al., 2015), such com-
petitive metaheuristics are discussed below.
Adaptive Memory (AM). AM (Rochat and Tail-
lard, 1995) has been proved to be a good algo-
rithm for the VRP and introduces a very innova-
tive approach. At each generation of AM, an off-
spring solution s is built route by route from a cen-
tral memory M (which contains routes), then s is
improved with a local search, and the resulting so-
Dynamic Multi-trip Vehicle Routing with Unusual Time-windows for the Pick-up of Blood Samples and Delivery of Medical Material
lution is used to update M (i.e. routes of M are
replaced with routes of s).
Unified Tabu Search (UTS). UTS (Cordeau et al.,
2001) has been proved to be a very flexible al-
gorithm (easily adapted to variations of the VRP)
with competitive quality and speed. UTS relies on
a tabu search using an objective function which
dynamically penalizes the constraint violations
(the penalty component is likely to be increased
if the last iterations violate the constraints).
Granular Tabu Search (GTS). GTS (Toth and Vigo,
2003) has proved to be a very balanced algorithm
in terms of speed and quality. It uses a tabu
search framework and relies on the use of granu-
lar neighborhoods to discard the edges that rarely
would belong to a competitive solution. GTS uses
a granularity threshold which is dynamically ad-
Active Guided Evolution Strategies (AGES).
AGES (Mester and Braysy, 2007) has been proved
to be very efficient (it is one of the best VRP
method), with a reasonable speed. AGES is a
combination of several procedures (including lo-
cal search techniques), but an important drawback
is its significant number of parameters.
Edge Assembly-based Memetic Algorithm
(EAMA). EAMA (Nagata and Braysy, 2009)
combines an edge-assembly crossover with
well-known local search procedures.
Unified Solution Framework for Multi-Attribute
VRP (USFMA). USFMA (Vidal et al., 2014) is
able to tackle a wide range of VRP variants. Us-
ing a diversity management process, the proposed
method is a hybrid genetic algorithm relying on
problem-independent local search and genetic op-
Several extensions of the VRP can be found in the
literature (e.g., time-windows, pick-up and delivery,
multi-trips). As indicated in (Lorini et al., 2011; Re-
spen et al., 2014), the recent developments observed
in communication facilities have led to the consid-
eration of dynamic vehicle routing problems where
new customer requests must be inserted in the cur-
rently planned routes as soon as they occur (Gen-
dreau and Potvin, 1998; Psaraftis, 1995). A good sur-
vey about methodologies for solving different types
of dynamic vehicle routing problems can be found
in (Ichoua et al., 2000). The travel times can also
be time-dependent to account for rush hours (Fleis-
chmann et al., 2004; Horn, 2000; Ichoua et al., 2003;
Kaufman and Smith, 1993).
As detailed in (Respen et al., 2014), dynamic ve-
hicle routing, where a part of the information about
the customers to be visited is not known in advance,
is attracting a growing attention from transportation
companies (see, for example, (Gendreau and Potvin,
1998; Psaraftis, 1995)). An interesting survey on
this topic can be found in (Pillac et al., 2013), where
the problem is first discussed, applications are re-
viewed, and solution methods are presented. In par-
ticular, tabu search led to impressive results on dif-
ferent dynamic vehicle routing problems. Nowadays,
new possibilities offered by localization devices such
as global positioning systems (GPS) can be exploited
to improve vehicle routing management. In (Potvin
et al., 2006), the authors are interested in a vehi-
cle routing problem with time windows and dynamic
travel times. The travel times include three differ-
ent components: long-term forecasts, such as those
based on long-term trends (time-dependency), short-
term forecasts, where the travel time on a link is mod-
ified with a random uniform value to account for any
new information available when a vehicle is ready to
depart from its current location, and dynamic pertur-
bations, which represent any unforeseen events that
might occur while traveling on a link (e.g., accident
causing sudden congestion). A modification to a
planned route is only possible when the vehicle is at a
customer location. That is, a planned route cannot be
reconsidered while a vehicle is traveling on a link. An
extension of this model is proposed in (Lorini et al.,
2011), where the position of each vehicle can be ob-
tained when a vehicle reaches some lateness tolerance
limit or when a new customer request occurs. Based
on this information, the planned route of each vehicle
is reconsidered, including the possibility of diversion
(i.e., redirecting a vehicle en route to its current desti-
nation). The results show that the setting of an appro-
priate lateness tolerance limit can provide substantial
improvements. In line with (Respen et al., 2014), in
the second proposed heuristic of this study, we present
a further extension by assuming that the position of
each vehicle is known at all time, thanks to accurate
GPS devices. This assumption allows the system to
react appropriately.
In this section, additional information is first given,
and the proposed heuristics are then presented. Be-
cause the planning horizonis a day (from 8am to 6pm)
and the concerned territory is a rather small city, the
autonomy constraint (i.e., the refueling of vehicles)
can be ignored, because fuel can be provided to the
vehicles before or after the planning horizon.
ICORES 2016 - 5th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
3.1 Additional Assumptions
The graph G is built based on the Geneva network,
which allows to deduce the distance matrix D. Two
types S (for scooters) and C (for cars) of vehicles are
considered. Each vehicle has its own speed coeffi-
cient ρ (in km/h), and it is assumed that ρ
= 1.1· ρ
where ρ
(resp. ρ
) is the speed coefficient for scoot-
ers (resp. cars). Indeed, a scooter generally moves
faster than a car within a city environment. The stan-
dard travel time
between two locations i and j is
computed as D
/ρ (where ρ {ρ
}). A coeffi-
cient T is used to model the traffic situation: T = 1 in
standard conditions, T > 1 if there is traffic conges-
tion (e.g., beginning and end of the day), and T < 1
if we have low traffic conditions (e.g., second part of
the morning, first part of the afternoon). The actual
travel time t
between locations i and j is computed
· T. Based on the situation of the city of Geneva,
two coefficients are considered: low traffic condition
between 10am and 3pm (with T = 0.5) and high traf-
fic condition for the remaining part of the planning
horizon (with T = 1.25).
Two types of request are considered: (1) the blood
samples represent 80% of the demand; (2) freight
(i.e., the delivery of medical material from the depot)
constitutes 20% of the demand. The previous requests
are all static (i.e., their release times are known before
the planning horizon), whereas 40% of the blood re-
quests are dynamic (i.e., they appear randomly during
the day). Each request j is associated with: a unique
location, a volume q
, a release time r
(at the cus-
tomer location), and a deadline d
(at the LABO de-
pot). In other words, a time window [r
] is asso-
ciated with each request j, where in contrast with the
classical VRP literature, d
is not a due date (or time)
at location j, but a deadline at the depot. Note that
formally, a due date can be exceeded but penalized,
whereas a deadline cannot be exceeded. For each re-
quest j, its release time r
is generated based on a
uniform distribution during the whole day (but not
within the 90 last minutes of the day for the blood
request). The deadline d
of any blood sample is as-
sumed to be 90 minutes after its release time (i.e.,
= r
+ 90), whereas the deadline for the freight is
randomly generated with a uniform distribution in in-
terval min(r
+ 60;d
), where d
is the closing time
of LABO (i.e., 6pm).
3.2 Heuristics
Because of the dynamic nature of MVRP, quick
reactions have to be taken during the day. For
this reason, sophisticated metaheuristics cannot be
employed, thus a straightforward but fast solution
method is designed.
The proposed heuristic relies on a fixed fleet F =
(S,C), where S is the set of scooters and C the set
of cars. In a first phase, before the beginning of the
planning horizon, a static solution is generated with a
greedy insertion procedure GR, followed by a descent
local search method DLS based on the well-known
CROSS-exchanges (as in (Lorini et al., 2011)). GR
starts from scratch and at each step, it inserts a re-
quest j to a route R (of a scooter or a car) in order
to minimize the augmentation of f
(ties are broken
with f
, and then it tries to balance the request load
over all the vehicles), while satisfying the capacity
and the deadline constraints. If it is not possible to
find a feasible insertion, a taxi is used for request j
(i.e., the value of f
augments). Because the static
solution will be significantly modified with the occur-
rence of random events (e.g., dynamic travel times,
stochastic requests), there is no need to use more ad-
vanced methods to generate it.
In order to obtain a full solution, a discrete event
simulator (e.g., (Silver and Zufferey, 2005)) is needed
to generate the random events occurring all along the
day. The used time bucket is a minute. Anytime a
request appears, it is greedily assigned to a route (as
in GR), and DLS is then directly performed. There is
no need to discuss the computing time of the proposed
overall method, because the insertion of a new request
only requires a small fraction of a second.
In the basic version H1 of the heuristic, each in-
sertion can only be performed after the current desti-
nation of each vehicle, whereas in the enhanced ver-
sion H2 of the heuristic, it is allowed to divert a vehi-
cle away from its current destination. Of course, H2
is only possible if there is an information system al-
lowing an efficient communication between the vehi-
cles and the dispatching office, as described in (Lorini
et al., 2011). Giving an opportunity to divert a vehi-
cle away from its initially planned route is a signifi-
cant advantage: it gives more flexibility to the plan-
ner. Note that the insertion procedure (involving GR
and DLS) works with expected travel times, which are
different from the actual (i.e., simulated) travel times.
In such a context, the use of diversion actions is more
than relevant.
Let s
be the best solution encountered during the
search process, and let f
= ( f
, f
, f
) be its asso-
ciated simulated values. We have now all the ingre-
dients to formulate a generalizable approach in Al-
gorithm 1, where the stopping condition can be the
non-reduction of f
at the end of the main loop.
Dynamic Multi-trip Vehicle Routing with Unusual Time-windows for the Pick-up of Blood Samples and Delivery of Medical Material
Algorithm 1: General solution method for MVRP.
1. Choose an initial fleet F = (S,C) of vehicles (e.g.,
the one associated with the involved company).
2. Set f
= ( f
, f
, f
) = (+,+, +).
While a stopping condition is not met, do
1. Set s
as the empty solution (i.e., it does not con-
tain any request).
2. Before the planning horizon, generate a static so-
lution s
while considering only the known static
requests. For this purpose, GR and DLS are se-
quentially used to insert the requests one by one.
3. Use the discrete event simulator to extend s
as a
full solution. Anytime a request appears, insert it
greedily to the current solution s
(i.e., to a route)
with GR, followed by DLS. In the variant H1 of
the method, each insertion can only be performed
after the current destination of a vehicle, whereas
in the variant H2, diversion is allowed.
4. Update s
: if f (s
) < f
(under the lexicographic
approach), set s
= s
and f
= f(s
5. Modify the fleet F = (S,C) by augmenting or re-
ducing S or C (but not both) by one unit (it is for-
bidden to consider again an already investigated
Return s
with value f
= ( f
, f
, f
In addition to the above provided information, the fol-
lowing data is also assumed to be given.
Instance size: 300 static requests, 200 dynamic
requests, 25 material requests, n = 20 locations.
The distances (in km) between the medical loca-
tions belong to [5,30].
LABO fleet: 15 cars and 10 scooters, car capacity
= 900 (liters), scooter capacity = 60 (liters).
Volume q
(integer) of a blood sample request:
uniformly generated in interval [1,10] (liters).
Volume q
of a medical material request: uni-
formly generated in set {10,20,30,40,50, 60}
For each location, a blood request j is generated
every t minutes, where t is an integer uniformly
generated in interval [23, 33] (if j is static)
or in interval [40,50] (if j is dynamic).
The car base speed (i.e., ρ
) is fixed to 17km/h
(based on the provided practical information).
An important issue is to determine the fleet F =
(S,C) of vehicles. One can deduce that if F is too
small (resp. C too large, S too large), f
will be too
high (resp. f
too high, f
too high). Initially, F is
defined as the current situation encountered by LABO
(i.e., 15 cars and 10 scooters). For each fleet F, 10
runs of the heuristic (either H1 or H2) on 10 scenarios
are performed, and average costs (i.e., over 100 exper-
iments) are computed for each component ( f
, f
). Then, other fleets are tested by adding a single
vehicle (either a scooter or a car), until bad results
(i.e., solutions with high costs) are obtained. It was
first observed that the initial fleet is significantly un-
derstaffed. As a goal of LABO consists in assigning at
most 10% of the total number of requests to the taxis,
then a fleet of 18 scooters and 12 cars was found to be
the most efficient. We have performed various sensi-
tivity analysis, which are summarized as follows.
With the initial fleet of vehicles, if ρ
from 17km/h to 27km/h, the number of taxi re-
quests averagely decreases from 19.5% to 7.3%.
The most sensitive interval for ρ
is [19,22], cor-
responding to taxi requests in [18.8%, 11.2%].
With 15 cars, the average number of requests as-
signed to taxis decreases from 84 to 62 if the num-
ber of scooters increases from 10 to 24. The most
sensitive interval for the number of scooters is
[10,15], corresponding to taxi requests in [84, 66].
With 18 scooters, the average number of requests
assigned to taxis decreases from 79 to 62 if the
number of cars increases from 8 to 18. The most
sensitive interval for the number of cars is [8, 12],
corresponding to taxi requests in [79, 64].
We have observed the benefit of the proposed in-
gredients introduced in the heuristics. Firstly, the use
of the CROSS-exchanges (Taillard et al., 1997) leads
to a reduction of the total travel time (i.e., f
) by
roughly 15%. More precisely, the total travel time
averagely decreases from 114.8 hours to 101.9 hours.
Secondly, considering T {0.5, 1.25} for two distinct
time periods (versus T = 1 for the whole day) leads
to an augmentation of 22% on the number of assigned
requests to F. It means that no attention should be
paid to standard traffic conditions (i.e., with T = 1)
when designing and tuning a solution method, be-
cause standard traffic conditions are far away from
real conditions. Thirdly, the use of diversion oppor-
tunities has an important impact, as H2 is able to
ICORES 2016 - 5th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
roughly assign the double of dynamic requests when
compared to H1.
In this paper, we have introduced MVRP, a new prob-
lem relying on the well-known vehicle routing prob-
lem. In MVRP, blood samples have to be picked-up
(when available) at some medical locations and then
delivered on-time (in order to preserve the quality of
the blood samples) to the depot, which is a labora-
tory denoted LABO. The planning horizon is a day.
Two fleets of vehicles are managed by LABO: cars
and scooters. If LABO is not able to assign a request
to one of its vehicle, it can call an external taxi to
treat the request (but at a higher cost). For LABO, the
involved transportation functions to minimize are the
taxi costs, the number of employed cars, and the total
traveled distance of its vehicles. Because of the dy-
namic nature of the problem (indeed, the demand is
stochastic and the travel times depend on the traffic),
a quick solution method has to be employed.
The performanceof a solution method can be eval-
uated according to several criteria (Zufferey, 2012a).
The most relevant criteria are presented below.
Quality: value of the obtained results, according
to a given objective function.
Speed: time needed to get good results.
Robustness: sensitivity to variations in problem
characteristics and data quality.
Ease of adaptation of the method to a problem,
because, as mentioned in (Woolsey and Swanson,
1975), ”people would rather live with a problem
they cannot solve than accept a solution they can-
not understand”.
Possibility to incorporate properties of the prob-
lem. It is admitted that an efficient metaheuris-
tic should incorporate knowledge from the con-
sidered problem (Grefenstette, 1987).
The second heuristic, able to divert away a vehicle
from its current destination, seems to perform well
according to all the above criteria. Future works
might include: the consideration of maintenance con-
straints with an extended planning horizon (Hertz
et al., 2009), the use of other constructive algorithms
with a learning process (Zufferey, 2012b), and the de-
velopment of exact methods (e.g., based on linear pro-
gramming) to benchmark the heuristics on determin-
istic cases.
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