estimate project value and potential feasibility. The
probability distribution of three scenarios are shown
in Figure 9.
Figure 9: Comparison of three scenarios.
Technology planning is significant for technology-
based firms to enhance their competitive advantages
in today's rapidly changing and highly competitive
industry environment. This study developed a real-
option framework integrating with risk management
that helps R&D managers consider managerial
flexibility in their technology planning to maximize
project profitability, while enhancing project success
rate. The first stage used technology roadmapping
linking market requirements, product features, and
technology capabilities. The second and third stage
identified the risks and corresponding risk response
actions, respectively. The final stage evaluated and
constructed optional flexible technology plans. The
case of power module ASIC R&D project was used
to illustrate the developed methodology. The
obtained results show that the developed
methodology can not only mitigate the risks but also
enhance the profitability of technology investment.
This paper only consider two key performance
indicators: operating voltage and temperature for
illustrative purposes. Since the power module ASIC
is complex and has more than two critical
performance indicators, future research will take full
ASIC technology complexity into account for more
practical validation.
This research is partially supported by grant nos.
MOST 103-2221-E-005 -049 -MY2 from the
National Science Council of the Republic of China.
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